Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
I love when you try to do this. You keep twisting shit... not necessarily to make your point seem valid. More because you try to make the other's point invalid.

The entire process of the election has created TONS of participation. Whether it suits your personal needs is completely irrelevant... kind of like most of your arguments. Participation is participation, no matter how you slice it and the proof is right in front of you.

What if my only point was that your point is invalid? Often it is.

This entire popularity contest has created a fair amount of participation. You are the one suggesting the process is flawed. Not me. My point was if you rule out various ways of going about things as you seem to be advocating then there would obviously be less participation. Sure, you would get your way but it would be at the expense of the lost benefit to the site. You are amusingly self-absorbed because you actually have deluded yourself into believing you are doing this for the greater good or some other malarkey like that.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3623573 said:
I thought you died.

...Anyway, most of us want to skip the process of Dagger fucking it all up then getting de-modded.

No I'm very much alive, I'm an advocate of reason and believe everyone deserves a chance, alot of people didn't believe in Doc and he was ridiculed for his position but he made it work, So could Dagger, have faith, see if he can do it, if not, there is always another option..

SSC is another fine example of a mod that came out of nowhere and made it work for himself.

a case can be made for IDR also (barely but it can):p
What if my only point was that your point is invalid? Often it is.

Oh, I see... using the "I know you are but what am I" approach? Brilliant as always.

This entire popularity contest has created a fair amount of participation. You are the one suggesting the process is flawed. Not me. My point was if you rule out various ways of going about things as you seem to be advocating then there would obviously be less participation. Sure, you would get your way but it would be at the expense of the lost benefit to the site. You are amusingly self-absorbed because you actually have deluded yourself into believing you are doing this for the greater good or some other malarkey like that.

I love how you make it seem like I was the one who created this idea. Newsflash: It was the brainchild of KB and Slyfox. Truth be told, I've been against it since day one. But you can imagine how my disagreement went.

It's no secret and it was stated CLEARLY for everyone to see: The election goes by votes but the staff gets final say on who gets a mod spot or not. Stop acting like this is new news... it's very OLD news. So you can call me delusional (which is now proven to be untrue) but I can most definitely call you ignorant.
I agree completely, which is why I'm so sure Dagger is the next mod. Because as divisive and confrontational I can be, I'm not as sleazy as Dagger or anyone in the ABC Party. And that's a shame given all the big talk you guys have had about doing what's right for WrestleZone. If you think getting uninformed votes for an inferior candidate is the best thing for the site, you're wrong. But it seems what you're really about is winning at all costs. You guys have managed to do nothing but put your party above the good of the board since day one.

You guys are sleazier than used car salesmen.

Well, you might not be wrong, but I can hardly take credit for any of this. I joined the party because I was recruited, I supported someone that wasn't Dagger in the primaries, and now I'm not sure what I'm going to do as far as the general election is concerned. I haven't campaigned at all, and at this point, I wouldn't.

I actually don't disagree with you fully, but at the same time, new people are joining all the time and we should support that I'd think. All I'm saying is that whether or not it's fair, or whether or not it makes sense, those newbs having the same voting power as those who have been around forever. This was called a popularity contest from the beginning and being popular with newbs is part of it I guess.

Whatever, I'm just looking forward to the ridiculous debate answers. That'll at least be good fun.
Well, you might not be wrong, but I can hardly take credit for any of this. I joined the party because I was recruited, I supported someone that wasn't Dagger in the primaries, and now I'm not sure what I'm going to do as far as the general election is concerned. I haven't campaigned at all, and at this point, I wouldn't.

I actually don't disagree with you fully, but at the same time, new people are joining all the time and we should support that I'd think. All I'm saying is that whether or not it's fair, or whether or not it makes sense, those newbs having the same voting power as those who have been around forever. This was called a popularity contest from the beginning and being popular with newbs is part of it I guess.

Whatever, I'm just looking forward to the ridiculous debate answers. That'll at least be good fun.
I think newbs and unknowns are entitled to their opinion just like everybody else. If one happens to organically wander down to this section of the forum, read the arguments, and generate an informed opinion, I'll be overjoyed. I was down here on day one back in 2009, so it's not unheard of. But we both know that for the most part, this isn't what's happening.

Anyhow, I find your honesty refreshing. Nice to see that the ABC mind-control apparatus is losing power with a handful of veterans.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3623573 said:
I thought ...Anyway, most of us want to skip the process of Dagger fucking it all up then getting de-modded.

The speculation and prognosis of this scenario makes me want to reconsider my vote.
I find it interesting that the suggestion was once made that the ABC Party were a bunch of elitists. Specifically the accusation was levied at me because I formed the original core of the party, by PM'ing those I wanted on our team. Because I chose who to contact and who to not contact, I was called elitist.

The same people who made that suggestion are now stating that the opinions and votes of the mods, former mods, and established posters are more significant and should have more value than the opinions and votes of the new guys. Kettle meet pot.

I find it interesting as well that the suggestion is out there that the ABC party is made up of all new guys. That's simply not true. A significant chunk of our party are established posters if you ask me.

Pains me to say it, but shattered has been right on the money in this thread. And it will be an injustice if whichever of the three remaining guys wins is nor granted a position as mod.
I like new guys and unknown guys. I like informed opinions more. I'd wager to say that your average Dagger voter is not informed.

Way to sell that snake-oil, Habs. ;)
I just have trouble really understanding why anyone would vote for Dagger, given his track record.

Put aside the election politics, everything, no parties, no bullshit.

Have you ever read anything he's ever written?
Oh, I see... using the "I know you are but what am I" approach? Brilliant as always.

Apparently you don't see ...

Also, your interpretation of the final say is convoluted at best:

Sly said:
1. The Administrators of the WrestleZone Forums reserve the right to refuse Moderator status, or even candidate status, if we feel the Election is made a joke of. As long as the parties are making a real effort to elect a quality candidate, this should not be a problem.

This is the only thing officially posted on the subject. Unless you got a promotion you have no "final say" at all. In fact, the rule seems to indicate that if the election is taken seriously, which it seems to be, no one has a final say at all.

I never said you wanted the election. I was saying you didn't because you don't want others having a say if they disagree with you. You would prefer to get your way instead of increasing participation and traffic. The old guard thinks they know it all but all they really do is get caught up in their silly biases like everyone else.

I just have trouble really understanding why anyone would vote for Dagger

Sounds like a personal problem.
Not read any of this bar the first 5 posts, but I can tell you the answer to the question. In all the time I've been on these forums I have bad mouthed two posters in any capacity. I do not take the forum home with me. I am not bothered about the TM scandals, Sidious being self-important or the fact that I've basically been totally ignored by the new crop of posters. Seriously my rep goes back to October! I generally just get on with it and don't really get affected by the people on here. The first person I badmouthed was Monkey, because he epitomised the cliquey nature of the forums when I got here. I called him a cunt for specifically that, once, possibly in the board room, and that was that. I have said all this so that you know that I don't speak down of people for no reason.

The second is Dagger Dias, in this post.

Dagger Dias does not deserve to be a mod for the following practical reasons, in this order:

1) None of the mods like him

2) Very few posters like him

3) He is a terrible poster. Quantity over quality is an understatement. There isn't enough megabytes in the world to store the amount of Dagger Dias posts you'd need to find the insight in 1 paragraph of a Gelgarin post.

But these things are all overcomable. Ferbian was guilty of 3, Sidious of 2, and TM of 1, and all did a reasonable job.

So why no to Dagger?

Because he is a snivelling cunt who will do anything to get the mod spot. He has reported posts of people supporting him. He has constantly bothered fellow mods with PMs begging for tips. When Lee posted an obvious joke about "how to become moderator", he followed it verbatim. He made a shit game, then got offended when he asked for criticism and got it. If everyone thinks you're a tool, it's because you're a tool.

These are reasons not to vote for him, but it's not my reason. My reason is when he sent a PM to a moderator, behind the backs of myself, the admins and everyone else asking for my spot, while I was still doing it, because he didn't feel I was doing the job. Regardless of the fact I was moving house at the time. Regardless of the fact that I had obviously informed the admins of this. Regardless of the fact that he is dog shit at posting.

My question to you is how could you work alongside someone who has deliberately gone behind your back? I am not going to resign if he wins, I shouldn't have to, but I can't see how it will make for a pleasant board room. And when you get an unpleasant board room, you end up with trigger happy mods trying to make an impression. I've been here and seen it all before.

If you vote for Dagger Dias, you might end up banned. Both because he will stab the people who voted for him in the back, and because it will create unrest in the board room, which leads to more bannings.

If it was a choice between Dagger Dias and DEADMANSNUMBA1FAN, then you still shouldn't vote for him, but it isn't, it's a choice between some people who have earned their chance, and someone who will step on anyone to get theirs.

Have you been ignored by the new posters or have you ignored the new posters? Nice to see that I was completely off base when I said it comes down to personal biases ...
Have you been ignored by the new posters or have you ignored the new posters? Nice to see that I was completely off base when I said it comes down to personal biases ...

I don't ignore anyone. It's not about personal biases. Like I said, there's a whole host of legitimate, non personal reasons not to vote for him, it has nothing to do with the fact it was me he tried to sell out, and everything to do with the fact he'd try and sell anyone on the mod team out.

You're so off base with making out there's some sort of old boys club on the go, it's untrue. Sly's biggest achievement here is removing that. I think it's great when slightly left field mod selections are made, whatever the reason. Guys like Doc would never have been a mod here 3 years ago, and people like Jackhammer and NoFate certainly wouldn't have been.

I don't care who you vote for, as long as it isn't someone who will disrupt things and make it worse for everyone.
I don't ignore anyone. It's not about personal biases. Like I said, there's a whole host of legitimate, non personal reasons not to vote for him, it has nothing to do with the fact it was me he tried to sell out, and everything to do with the fact he'd try and sell anyone on the mod team out.

You're so off base with making out there's some sort of old boys club on the go, it's untrue. Sly's biggest achievement here is removing that. I think it's great when slightly left field mod selections are made, whatever the reason. Guys like Doc would never have been a mod here 3 years ago, and people like Jackhammer and NoFate certainly wouldn't have been.

I don't care who you vote for, as long as it isn't someone who will disrupt things and make it worse for everyone.

Actually you said there are a few other "legitimate" reasons not to vote for him even though those reasons weren't necessarily accurate predictors in the past. Then said the reason you were not voting for him was personal.

You can spin it how you want. Your idea is that the powers that be do not like him so that will cause problems if he is elected. What else am I supposed to call that?

I don't think you have intentionally ignored anyone. I am just commenting on your activity level. You have a lot of good posts to read but I just haven't seen them lately much and I miss them. When I looked at your post history the places you were posting didn't strike me as one that recently would expose the masses to your talents.
Apparently it seems I've been ignoring new posters for years. Guess Bolf was right in his conspiracy theory all along.
Actually you said there are a few other "legitimate" reasons not to vote for him even though those reasons weren't necessarily accurate predictors in the past. Then said the reason you were not voting for him was personal.

You can spin it how you want. Your idea is that the powers that be do not like him so that will cause problems if he is elected. What else am I supposed to call that?

I don't think you have intentionally ignored anyone. I am just commenting on your activity level. You have a lot of good posts to read but I just haven't seen them lately much and I miss them. When I looked at your post history the places you were posting didn't strike me as one that recently would expose the masses to your talents.
When Dagger wins, I'll be shocked if you're not the first to go.
Actually you said there are a few other "legitimate" reasons not to vote for him even though those reasons weren't necessarily accurate predictors in the past. Then said the reason you were not voting for him was personal.

Second section. They are his flaws, which I would deem legitimate reasons not to elect.

You can spin it how you want. Your idea is that the powers that be do not like him so that will cause problems if he is elected. What else am I supposed to call that?

It's not the fact they don't like him, it's the fact he has tried to undermine them. Lots of the staff don't like each other. Lots don't like Coco, lots didn't like previous mod choices, even Slyfox, I'm led to believe, though it was before my time. The difference is that the beef is all superficial or irrelevant. When TM got modded, it was fractious because he had previously tried to undermine Lee, Becca and maybe some others. This made the board room tense, the bar room tense, and it is no surprise that a lot of the weird meltdowns came within 6 months or so of this happening.

I don't think you have intentionally ignored anyone. I am just commenting on your activity level. You have a lot of good posts to read but I just haven't seen them lately much and I miss them. When I looked at your post history the places you were posting didn't strike me as one that recently would expose the masses to your talents.

Fair enough. Not sure why you didn't e-mail this to another mod behind my back rather than tell me out in the open though, like a real candidate. Seriously, you're the sort of person that should be standing and whom I would welcome. Not an idiot, but obviously against the grain of most mods.
When Dagger wins, I'll be shocked if you're not the first to go.

Then I will commend his good judgment and re-acclimate myself with that cruel mistress Sunshine.

Dagger isn't some terrible choice, that doesn't mean I have decided to vote for him. I just don't understand why his fervent desire to do the job is such a negative. I also don't understand why him doing the best job rounding up support by the methods Sly laid out in the rules is a mark against him. Ability to follow Sly's directions seems to be pretty high on the list of mod qualities.

Based on what Tasty has just laid out my guess is Jglass had a similar experience with Dagger and that is where this is coming from. While Dagger was ignorant of the circumstances in Tasty's case I think he likely would have been justified in questioning Jiggles merits. Then again merits don't seem to be as important as willingness to be a bitch. I am not sure if Dagger possess too much self-esteem for the job but I strongly suspect Coco does.
I think the desire is all you need. If Nate can do a passable job then anyone can. Dagger has the desire and you didn't. I'd be much more likely to peg Crock as having the desire for the wrong reasons.

Huge difference between myself and Dagger; I had demonstrated a complete knowledge of the rules before I ever became a mod. JGlass pointed out that Dagger has reported and awful lot of posts and hardly any of them were acted upon. Through my history, I had reported exactly 1 post that was left untouched.

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