Not read any of this bar the first 5 posts, but I can tell you the answer to the question. In all the time I've been on these forums I have bad mouthed two posters in any capacity. I do not take the forum home with me. I am not bothered about the TM scandals, Sidious being self-important or the fact that I've basically been totally ignored by the new crop of posters. Seriously my rep goes back to October! I generally just get on with it and don't really get affected by the people on here. The first person I badmouthed was Monkey, because he epitomised the cliquey nature of the forums when I got here. I called him a cunt for specifically that, once, possibly in the board room, and that was that. I have said all this so that you know that I don't speak down of people for no reason.
The second is Dagger Dias, in this post.
Dagger Dias does not deserve to be a mod for the following practical reasons, in this order:
1) None of the mods like him
2) Very few posters like him
3) He is a terrible poster. Quantity over quality is an understatement. There isn't enough megabytes in the world to store the amount of Dagger Dias posts you'd need to find the insight in 1 paragraph of a Gelgarin post.
But these things are all overcomable. Ferbian was guilty of 3, Sidious of 2, and TM of 1, and all did a reasonable job.
So why no to Dagger?
Because he is a snivelling cunt who will do anything to get the mod spot. He has reported posts of people supporting him. He has constantly bothered fellow mods with PMs begging for tips. When Lee posted an obvious joke about "how to become moderator", he followed it verbatim. He made a shit game, then got offended when he asked for criticism and got it. If everyone thinks you're a tool, it's because you're a tool.
These are reasons not to vote for him, but it's not my reason. My reason is when he sent a PM to a moderator, behind the backs of myself, the admins and everyone else asking for my spot, while I was still doing it, because he didn't feel I was doing the job. Regardless of the fact I was moving house at the time. Regardless of the fact that I had obviously informed the admins of this. Regardless of the fact that he is dog shit at posting.
My question to you is how could you work alongside someone who has deliberately gone behind your back? I am not going to resign if he wins, I shouldn't have to, but I can't see how it will make for a pleasant board room. And when you get an unpleasant board room, you end up with trigger happy mods trying to make an impression. I've been here and seen it all before.
If you vote for Dagger Dias, you might end up banned. Both because he will stab the people who voted for him in the back, and because it will create unrest in the board room, which leads to more bannings.
If it was a choice between Dagger Dias and DEADMANSNUMBA1FAN, then you still shouldn't vote for him, but it isn't, it's a choice between some people who have earned their chance, and someone who will step on anyone to get theirs.