You were a failed mod in the wrestling sections. I'm not trying to rile you up, just point out the facts. There was nothing wrong with your work in the graphics section but are we really suggesting that means much? You celebrated the glory of the wrestling sections even though you didn't like the section anymore and I called you out on that at the time. Shortly after you quit because I was right. There isn't anything wrong with it but you thought you could do it and you weren't cut out for it. You could just as easily be wrong here again about what it takes.
This is a fair assessment, though I actually did pretty well with the WWE section for a few months as cleanup mod and just lost interest in the end. I felt I wasn't pulling my weight and no matter what I did could not muster up the effort needed. I actually offered to step down completely, as my philosophy was always "Don't hog a spot if you aren't willing to put in the work". Sly, however, decided to only put me back in Graphics, and the rest of the story is known.
I say that I don't feel Dagger is cut out for it because of the reasons Coco stated. I see myself in him, the bad parts. Eagerness is a good trait to have, but in moderation. There is such a thing as being TOO eager, especially when someone like Dagger has no real idea of the expectations of someone on the mod team. All the mods had to start somewhere, and they all made mistakes with the rulebook when starting off. Dagger, however, has been making those mistakes for a very long time in his reported posts and no amount of redirection has changed him.
Again - I want to be wrong. But Dagger's done nothing to prove to me that I am.