I am running for a Wrestling section mod spot. While it may come as a shock to some that I didn't pick the Video Games section, that section still comes into play within my vision, I will get back to that in a moment.
The vast majority of my posts have come from the WWE section and I am in there on a daily basis. Since I am already in there daily as it is, I would be an asset to the section as a mod by forming a team with Jack-Hammer to tackle the task of generating discussion. It would make his workload lighter, especially during the busiest time of the wrestling year, Wrestlemania season. I would also be available to assist Nick and Nate as needed with maintaining the section.
Yes, a team is already in place with Jack-Hammer starting threads while Nick and Nate maintain, but something is missing. Somebody needs to be actively involved with the posters by debating with them and helping guide the discussion so that it stays on topic. That is where I come in. It is no secret that I love to post and generate discussion whether it be by debating or starting threads. Plus, with the addition of a 4th member to the WWE stable in myself that could open up the opportunity for me to take over the tasks of anyone currently a mod in there who might wish to change sections in the future.
Everyone knows I spend time on our forum each day. I would therefore be available to moderate every single day. I would also be readily available to provide answers or advice to any poster who needs it both in the "ask a staff member" thread and in PM's. My section would take priority over things like posting or repping, which brings me to my next point.
The non-wrestling non-spam sections are currently the weakest link of the forum, with a grand total of 3 sections that are without a mod. I have kept the video games section alive during its time without a mod on multiple occassions. I promised to keep it active until it receives the attention it deserves. Dave, Doc, and Lee all stepped down. Most of the current staff members do not ever post in there. Since I, on the other hand, DO post there frequently, I would be more than willing to look after it as best I can alongside my mod duties. I plan to keep an eye on it and still post new threads there alongside my mod duties. Lee did that when he was G-Mod and I plan to do the same as WWE mod. If I had further time on my hands I would help out in the Movies & TV section too. The staff is a team and if I get elected to join the team then I will volunteer to help out where needed. I can even check the forum during my breaks at work to do a little extra modding.
Basically, in non-word fort form, I am running for WWE mod and will be available to not only help posters who need it but also volunteer my services to other sections such as Video Games, Movies, or wherever I might be needed on that particular day.