Why are you all so fucking stupid?!

nd to top it all off we have stupid fucking ***** like Uncle Chester complaining about shit they know nothing about, and that's how the damn staff works. Listen up you lily-livered, feces-encrusted, soggy son of a bitchcake: I hate giving infractions. They're so ugly and inevitably the people you infract will complain about how I'm a nazi and how their post on whether or not Cody Rhodes eats pasta salad for dinner was on-topic. You should see how many posts I just delete in a day, with no infractions given. I'm also lenient as hell when it comes to the rules. If something can even be remotely construed as a reason I don't even delete, even though some people would have. There's a strict set of rules that WE have to follow in addition to the forum-wide rules. But oh, no, you're so misunderstood, standing up for the common man like a good citizen, and one day there will be a Wrestlezone-Revolution, right? Yeah, fuck you and fuck your stupid misguided ideas of how you think this place should be run. If you don't like it, you can get the fuck out because as open to suggestion as everyone is, you go beyond that. You're sticking up for a cause that doesn't need to be stuck up for, because the rules are fair and enforced equally across the board.

Fuck you, you disgusting piece of piss covered shit, you can't fucking tell me that people like you do not use your fucking personal thoughts on a poster as a measuring tool to whether they deserve an infraction. No, much of the rules are up to YOUR judgement on whether a post meets the criteria to be considered worthy. And you do justify giving people you don't like infractions on posts and then deciding that the exact same post written by a poster you happen to enjoy,gets the all clear to be allowed to remain. I only advocate the use of some common fucking sense instead of doing the type of rigid regulation your kind seem to oh-so appreciate.

You people are fucking IDIOTS and you're just too fucking placed up high in your chair of godliness allowing your personal opinion too sway you're power. You are a collosall waste cunt juice and cunt blood.

Go fuck yourself and I hope you get hit by a car and break a small bone in your body, fuckbag.
No, you fucking dingbat. You're wrong. No matter what you say, no matter how many times you try to justify yourself, you're wrong.
Fuck you, you disgusting piece of piss covered shit, you can't fucking tell me that people like you do not use your fucking personal thoughts on a poster as a measuring tool to whether they deserve an infraction. No, much of the rules are up to YOUR judgement on whether a post meets the criteria to be considered worthy. And you do justify giving people you don't like infractions on posts and then deciding that the exact same post written by a poster you happen to enjoy,gets the all clear to be allowed to remain. I only advocate the use of some common fucking sense instead of doing the type of rigid regulation your kind seem to oh-so appreciate.

You people are fucking IDIOTS and you're just too fucking placed up high in your chair of godliness allowing your personal opinion too sway you're power. You are a collosall waste cunt juice and cunt blood.

Go fuck yourself and I hope you get hit by a car and break a small bone in your body, fuckbag.

Waaaah! The mods are all against me!

Heres an idea, stick to the rules and they can't infract you.
Fuck you, you disgusting piece of piss covered shit, you can't fucking tell me that people like you do not use your fucking personal thoughts on a poster as a measuring tool to whether they deserve an infraction. No, much of the rules are up to YOUR judgement on whether a post meets the criteria to be considered worthy. And you do justify giving people you don't like infractions on posts and then deciding that the exact same post written by a poster you happen to enjoy,gets the all clear to be allowed to remain. I only advocate the use of some common fucking sense instead of doing the type of rigid regulation your kind seem to oh-so appreciate.

You people are fucking IDIOTS and you're just too fucking placed up high in your chair of godliness allowing your personal opinion too sway you're power. You are a collosall waste cunt juice and cunt blood.

Go fuck yourself and I hope you get hit by a car and break a small bone in your body, fuckbag.

Cool Story Bro

but in serious tone lets play that song that goes Why Cant We Be Friends?
Fuck you bitchboy. You're the one who'se being a oblivious cocksmear.

Well I've been infracted by D-Man, Norcal, Lee, and Slyfox. I've also been repped by said posters multiple times. Hell, D-Man infracted me for a sig that was 100 pixels too big.

So yeah, from personal experience I think I can say that they don't show any favoritism. You're just a moron who can't follow the rules but of course, it can't be your fault. It's everyone around you that doesn't know what they're talking about. Keep fighting the good fight! I'm sure it will bring you heaps of praise and admiration.
IrishCanadian and that ****** Lee infracted looked for a post back like 3 months earlier than infracted me because I pissed him of.
They don't like you enough dumbass and it's not all of them.

Or you know, it could be because I broke the rules and was dealt with accordingly. You know how I've managed to avoid getting more infractions? I stopped breaking the rules. If this is too hard of a change to make, then this is not the place for you. End of story.
Maybe you shouldn't fuck with the mods? Don't be a fucking twat around them and they wont Infract you? Maybe... Just maybe.
IrishCanadian and that ****** Lee infracted looked for a post back like 3 months earlier than infracted me because I pissed him of.

So your whole "The mods have favorites" argument is invalid then because theres no way you could know whos being infracted for what.

You're pissed off because you were being a fuck wit and got infracted (rightly) for a previous post.
I got an infraction for saying 'some stupidity in this thread' for one of the tournament thread yet IC gets a warning for calling ONEBIGWILL an imbecile, moron, idiot and host of otehr names. I think that's quite bullshit.
I got an infraction for saying 'some stupidity in this thread' for one of the tournament thread yet IC gets a warning for calling ONEBIGWILL an imbecile, moron, idiot and host of otehr names. I think that's quite bullshit.

Its OneBigWill btw and knowing Will he probally didnt have a warning whereas you probally did so got infracted.You dont get 10000000 warnings you know.

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