Rise Above Stupid with "The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz

In the space of a week, two nerds have created threads about me. Good. It never takes me that long to be significant. Well i'm always significant. I have that presence. I am polarizing.

People can never stop talking about me. Everyone has something to say about me. People are interested in me. People love me.

Best Wishes, MR Ferguson. Oh and this thread is ironic. Drop the corn chips and salsa, then read between the lines.
Seeing how a lot of you deal with those you percieve as stupid is by accusing them of taking part in homosexual activities as though its something they should be offended by, or generally just crap insults I often tend to lean towards the "stupid" posters, which are mostly just gimmick posters anyway and some of them are amusing. There often isnt that much intelligence shown from the other side.

I mean, there are those that deserve it, dont get me wrong, but some people just jump on every single fucking bandwagon against every single fucking poster that tries to be a bit different from the crappy norm perpetuated on these forums. Bill Lesnar was funny as fuck, WWE Creative was pretty good, RCK was the funniest guy to come on these forums, all got attacked by the people that thought they were attacking someone stupid, and with RCK especially those that attacked were very much on the losing end of the "who can be funniest" wars.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3804994]RiseAboveStupid is also my Twitter tag... but I think it applies here more than anywhere else, because let's face it...[/QUOTE]

Red flag, not reading the rest.
I'm very concerned with your thirst to know the answer of asked question.

And by the bye, WATUP BITCH!
[quote="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3869632]I'm probably gonna regret asking this, but did Ferguson disappear around the same time as Talon or is Ferg-fuck still lurking?[/quote]

This stuff really works. But sadly it wears off, Ferg fuck is still posting.
I'd encourage you to go to the Non-Spam and destroy Mack_Swagger.

They'd induct you into the WZF Hall Of Fame for that.

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