Rise Above Stupid with "The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz

The Big Gunnzbowski

Damas y Caballeros...
RiseAboveStupid is also my Twitter tag... but I think it applies here more than anywhere else, because let's face it... There is more stupid lurking around The Bar Room than most people face in a month. Of course, we all have our own interpretations of the word "Stupid", but I'm sure we can all agree on certain things.

This thread is meant for everybody to come and vent about the stupid shit that they come across on a daily basis. I invite you all to share, so that somebody may learn a thing or two about what is considered stupid, and potentially avoid the same pitfalls as others.

Strangely, I'd like to thank Mr Ferguson for being the inspiration for this thread, but there were a few other people along the way that contributed to the decision of actually starting this thread. If you don't know who you are, I imagine that by the contributions of others, you will be made aware of your sheer fucking stupidity.

Thank you.
I just became a new Gunnz follower.

Also don't remind me about the lottery. I was sad. Not because I didn't win, but because other people did.

When it's all said and done, I didn't win either... but I'd rather lose than get struck by lightning. Fuck. That. Especially when the probability is that unlikely and you still manage to get hit? God hates you.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3805041]When it's all said and done, I didn't win either... but I'd rather lose than get struck by lightning. Fuck. That. Especially when the probability is that unlikely and you still manage to get hit? God hates you.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't there something that you were more likely to get hit by lightning once, then later in the day a second time, then get eaten by a shark, than you were to win the lotter.
Lose a lottery or get struck by lighting? Hard choice my friend. Hard choice.

But wasn't there like 3 winners of the Mega Millions?
If I knew I was gonna get struck by lightning and survive if I won the lottery, fuck yeah... Strike me where I stand... but that's just too uncertain to make a decision on.
What Mega Millions? I don't remember anything about a jackpot reaching over half a billion dollars. It's stayed steadily at 12 Mill for a few months now.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3805212]Yup. Had nobody won it last night, it would have gone up to 900+ million dollars...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was going for the whole "Say it loudly enough, often enough, it becomes truth" approach.

I will be playing Powerball this week, though. Jackpot is 60 Mill.
Stupid things I come across daily

-Shampoo Bottle not being closed
-Toothpaste cap left off
-Untied bread
-Little Siblings
-Moaning Neighbors
-Breeding Gerbils
-Misspelling of the word feud
-Gas Prices
-Internet "Marks"
-Cena Jokes
-NCAA Tournament Upsets
-People Who Argue Kobe is better then LaBron
-Disney Channel
-"Wrestling is fake"
-Gas Prices
-Ellen DeGeneres
-Porn Advertisements

Damn, life is full of stupid things. But as we all know. . .
You Can't Fix Stupid.
Stupid people need more concentration.

Wise people should teach them how to.

There should be a seminar or camp of sorts...

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