Who Would You Like To See Return?

The Rock, Chris Jericho, Stone Cold (permamently), Lesnar, Xpac, Jennety, Ultimo Dragon .. I could go on but I'll give the reasons for the above.

The Rock - I'd love to see another Stone Cold/Rock feud plus who doesn't wanna see the jabroni beating, pie eating, death defying, electrifying, can star in a movie, catch a pass, and still have the ability to layth the smackdown on your candy ass peoples champion
Stone Cold - As stated above about the feud and just to see him raise hell like he did back in the Attitude days
Y2J - Love to see Jericho compete for the WWE Title against HBK, plus this guy is Canadian ... and RAW IS JERICHO
Lesner - I don't think this guy got the run he desirved with the WWE he is in great physical condition and can do alot of things in the ring
Xpac - Just cuz I'd enjoy seeing this member of DX back in the ring
Jennety - Wasn't the greatest singles competeter but if he teamed with someone then it'd be nice to see him back
Ultimo Dragon - THE single best crusier weight in history this guy held about 6 belts at one time if I'm not mistaken.

Those are the guys I'd like to see back in the ring. Have a good day this had been KOTR saying Know your role and shut your mouth! And I'll see you guys later. Peace
I would like to see a Bret Hart return because he is such a good wrestler.
I personally think Trish Stratus... I mean C'MON tehr;s no reason to hate her AT ALL i think she's more charasmatic then any other diva had been... i miss her dearly and she's not some tramp like torrie or candice..
Please Trish had minimal charisma. She was only above average on the mic when she was heel. Other than that she was just a bland babyface. She was the Matt Hardy of female wrestler's in the charisma department. Only decent when a heel, but cant manage a single memorable promo as a face. And she was'nt that special as a wrestler that she cant easily be replaced. And she was'nt that beautifull that she could'nt be replaced as eye candy.
The parts about Tris h made little to no logical sense to me in the way it was worded. As to Matt HArdy having no Charisma, look at his promo that he worked on in the Angelic Diablo gimmick he had, its on youtube somewhere, it shows Charisma.

As to who I would love to see return it would have to be Y2J if you can make a new Wrestling fan watch in interest for over half a year in terms of promos then he is good, Trying to remember back to the feud with Johnny-boy I think he made Cena Look fairly decent in the Ring. I personnally loved that Promo in Canada where he says that hes from a different part of Canada and then rips whatever region of Canada RAWs in. That was at the time when I was just starting to watch Wrestling the Funniest Promo I had ever seen. But as to his ring work I have seen one of his old Japanese matches against Chris Benoit, he had a similar speed, slightly slower but that would be due to age factor, as he had at the end of His WWE career ending in that youre fired match against John Cena.
Please Trish had minimal charisma. She was only above average on the mic when she was heel. Other than that she was just a bland babyface. She was the Matt Hardy of female wrestler's in the charisma department. Only decent when a heel, but cant manage a single memorable promo as a face. And she was'nt that special as a wrestler that she cant easily be replaced. And she was'nt that beautifull that she could'nt be replaced as eye candy.
Agreed. I think because the Women's division has been such a joke for so long, the standards of what makes a credible ladies wrestler have dropped through the floor and down to the basement. Hell, in terms of cohesiveness in their work she is outgunned by a plethora of other ladies who've been through the WWE/F. Madusa, Luna, Jazz, Jacqueline, Sherry Martel and a handful of other ladies that have been stalwarts of the ladies division were way more complete in the ring and didn't always wrestle an "everyone get up and take a piss" quality match.
I would like to see the return of Muhammad Hassan. I realize he isn't a legend but I was disappointed in the way he left the company after being built up in a decent manner. He could come back with a similar gimmick but this time around the writers shouldn't push it as far as they did last time. I think things have cooled off since his departure and a return on his part would be a good addition to the roster.
This Would Make The WWE A hell Of a lot better: Austin,The Rock,Mcfoley,and maybe, just maybe GOLDBERG

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