Match Types You Want To See Return

Inferno Match. It was SO damn brutal & yet, I think the one MVP vs Kane was the last one. That sucks, but with WWE's PG era, i just don't think it'll come back anytime soon. :(
Never seen a match like this before but I thought about this for a title match or a way of uping the rumble or picking a king of the Ring.

Start with a 30 man battle royal.
When down to the final 4, it becomes a fatal 4 way, elimination match.
When there are only 2 competitors left, the cage is lowered and it becomes a 1 on 1
Steel Cage match.

This would be my version of a 3 Stages of Hell Match for a title, or King of the Ring, or possibly a replacement for the Rumble Match. Just a thought.

I see Vince Russo found his own way to the forums. Awful idea.

Anyway, what match types do I want to see return? none a possible option? Of all the match types that have been listed, most of them are used only for the purpose of ending a personnal fued. We haven't seen Three Stages of Hell since Triple H vs Orton in 09, and eventhough it sucked hard, you could understand why it was used. Kane/Undertaker's legendary on/off fued finally ended with Undertaker's signature Buried Alive match. And again, it may have sucked, but it was certainly necessary. Unless a fued has reached that point where there is no other option other than a match where they can tear each other apart, a gimmick match isn't needed to return. If so, it would feel worn out quickly.

Look at the simple Hardcore Match, in The Attitude Era, you saw them almost every fucking week. Eventually it became a bare bones "hit each other with random moves until someone gets a pin" every single week. It was fun at times, but overall was repetitive as fuck.

Look at The Hell In a Cell PPV, it isn't about putting guys in there that want to maime each other anymore. It's about "Oh, it's October. Let's put Fued A and Fued B that have only lasted a month or two each in The Cell." Meanwhile, this year at WrestleMania, the grandest stage of them all, it'll be Triple H vs Undertaker, two of the all time greats in the business, going at it and giving their all in a match that they could both say is their specialty for violance and destruction: Hell In a Cell.

Sorry for the small rant. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
A lot of people are saying Iron Man Match, but didn't we get one pretty recently (in the last few years) with Cena/Orton? I don't think it's gone, it's just very rare to have 2 guys who can go 60 minutes in the ring and keep the crowd engaged.

With that said, I'm surprised we haven't seen another "Ultimate Submission Match." I thought it was a cool spin on the Iron Man concept (albeit 30 Minutes), and I think we've only gotten it once.

"Bra and Panties" would also be a welcome return even though I understand that's not plausible (same boat as "First Blood").
2 out of 3 falls matches. Simple but effective. One of the great underrated matches of all-time is when Demolition lost the WWF Tag-Team Championship to the Hart Foundation at SummerSlam 1990 in a great 2 out of 3 falls match. I'm not sure why they don't do them ever anymore. It's a simple way to make a match seem more special.
I really enjoyed the short lived championship scramble match.

It had alot of suspense during the match and I think it also gave all the superstars involved a good rub as everyone could gain a pinfall victory at some time during.
The Triple Cage match.

When WWE bought WCW, this was the first thing I thought of. I was so excited that we may actually see a Triple Cage match with some of the WWE superstars. but it never happened. I would still love for them to do it, but I don't see it happening
I'd like to see Halftime Heat get another shot. Two dudes wrestling a falls count anywhere match in an empty arena was pretty kick ass. They could go in different directions with it, too. Maybe hell in a cell one year, a straight up match another, maybe a ladder match occasionally.

Besides, I'd rather watch wrasslin' during halftime of the Super Bowl than whatever fossil the NFL thinks we want to see.
I'd like to see Halftime Heat get another shot. Two dudes wrestling a falls count anywhere match in an empty arena was pretty kick ass. They could go in different directions with it, too. Maybe hell in a cell one year, a straight up match another, maybe a ladder match occasionally.

Besides, I'd rather watch wrasslin' during halftime of the Super Bowl than whatever fossil the NFL thinks we want to see.

I would absolutely prefer to watch halftime heat (which was awful and literally nobody watched it) than Madonna, he'll I would rather insert a super heated ice-pick into my urethra than watch Madonna but maybe that's just me (her arms freak me out - they're skinny yet she has bingo wings I mean WTF!?!?)

Anyhow, I would love to see an Iron Man or Last Man Standing match, they seem to do both at house shows fairly often but shy away from them on PPV. I mean Punk v Jericho in a 30 min Iron Man Match at Mania would guarantee a buy from me even if Rock v Cena became a horrific train wreck of an angle where both men get buried and get legitimate heat from either the crowd or the locker room... Oh wait...
How about elimination style Triple Threat matches? Very simple adaptation to the current version, only this way both losers of the match actually have to lose.

Also, a return of the World War 3 concept. 60 wrestlers, 2 or 3 rings, Royal Rumble style, with staggered entrances instead of everyone being in the ring to start out. (obviously, you would have to shorten the length in between entrances, say 1 minute). It would be a Super-Rumble.
War Games- They were always good. That match would be great at Servivor Series since they dont really do the tradtional 10-man-tag anymore.

Amageddon Hell In The Cell- just the carnage of what they would do to eachother and the cage was crazy. Of course there will have to be blood.

TLC- I know some of you are like they still do them infact they have the PPV. But are they really the same as when it was Edge and Christan, Hardy, and the Dudleys. They took it another level that has yet to be seen this day and age.

Iron Man Match- I wouldnt mind seeing another one of them as long as they got the right 2 people together or even a triple threat maybe.

Barb Wire Match- with real barbwire. just would want to see who in the WWE now of day would have balls to compete in this match. ( i know wwe really didnt have a match like this b4, i was just wondering)
You have to have a certain number of posts first. I think you have to have 10? Something like that.
As for what kind of match I would like to see return: War Games for one, but it would have to be done right and the PG thing would have to go away. And they don't necessarily have to have two rings, they could just use the "Cell" around one ring. It's big enough.
There was a cage that WCW used back in the day that I would like to see returned. I can't remember what they called it back then, but it was the same cage they used in the Chamber of Horrors match. Pretty much it was a lot like the cell in that it surrounded the ring with room on the floor, but there was no roof on it, instead the top was angled so that nobody could climb in. I just thought it looked really cool. I'll have to see if I can find a picture now.

I thought the Chamber of Horrors was the one like a cell but only covered the ring and you had to shackle your opponent to the side of the cage to win. I'd like to see that concept back.

Upon further research, you are correct.
3 stages of hell without a doubt.
War Games, definetly wargames, one of the best ideas to ever come out of nwa/wcw, the atmosphere and the uniqueness of having to submit the other team was golden, maybe when wwe comes out of this pg era then we can see the war games make its brutal return to wrestling
I would like to see the 3 Stages Of Hell match, but with 3 different Extreme Rules matches. I think this match should be brought back at the TLC PPV, where the 3 Stages are a Chairs Match first, then a Tables match, and finally a Ladder Match. John Cena vs. Randy Orton for the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a TLC Stages Of Hell…in a Cell match!! Is 4 too much?? WOOOO!!

Other matches I would like to see return are:

War Games: The Match Beyond. Imagine a Raw ring and a Smackdown ring side by side with a giant ring-encompassing cage that covered both rings, but not the ringside area.

Armageddon Hell In A Cell. This could make the Hell In A Cell PPV too identical to the Elimination Chamber PPV, but I would be completely okay with this.

Championship Scramble. I liked this special stipulation, and hoped it would have been used for the IC and US Titles, as well as the Tag Titles.

World War 3. 3-Ring, 60-Man Battle Royal. 30 Raw SuperStars. 30 Smackdown SuperStars. Add / subtract whatever stipulation(s) you want, Vince. Do it WWE!!

Unification matches. I’m not saying once unified, retire one of the Titles. I’m saying let’s have a Dual Champion.

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team matches. I’m not talking about one of these at the Survivor Series. I’m talking about the whole card full of these at the Survivor Series. I would like to see 5 of these, at least, on the card.
When I saw this thread two popped in my head before opening ...

Three Stages of Hell and War Games.

Both those matches lend themselves to be fantastic no matter who is in them. They are brutal, easy to tell a story in ... and a fantastic way to spice things up.

As others have mentioned though ... I would LOVE a good ole fashioned Iron Man Match. I am pretty sure we have had one since, but the last I remember is the one between The Rock and Triple H when Undertaker returned and debuted his American Badass gimmick. It was a FANTASTIC match and I would love to see a great Iron Man between the right guys now.

I am shocked we did not see one between Shawn Michaels and somebody before Shawn walked away.
like tons of other people said id love to see world war 3 and/or 3 stages of hell in wwe as it could be pretty badass but personally id like to see a submissions count anywhere match i rember when legacy faced dx in 1 and it was really cool and pretty badass then they had another one with the miz,john morrison and daniel bryan for the us title and that was good as well but i think down the road when cm punk and daniel bryan fued (i see it happening sometime down the road for real) they could end the fued with this match type both know a good amount of submissions and i think they would steal the show doing this.
It's been some time since we've seen an Iron Man match. I've always enjoyed matches like that between two great in-ring workers. In particular, I think I would love to see a three way iron man match between Orton, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan with them in their current characters (minus the fact that Bryan can't win without cheating). For some reason, that's the first thing that sticks out in my mind as a potentially fantastic match.
I'd like to see the Boiler Room Brawl come back.

I mean it's hard for the crowd at the arena to fully get into but for the viewers at home it was pretty brutal. Those were just part of a long stint of Mankind/Undertaker matches that were instant classics. I guess if you wanted to generalize the match for any wrestler, instead of Paul Bearer holding the urn in the ring, it would be a referee holding the title belt in question... provided it was a title match. It would have been one 10 years ago, that's for sure. Might be hit or miss though, there's not many wrestlers willing to take the kinds of bumps that Mick Foley would on a routine basis.

It's like the Hell In a Cell match from the King of the Ring '98 in Pittsburgh. I was there, live! After seeing Mick go off and through the damn thing, I knew it could never be topped and I maintain that opinion. I've yet to see one afterward as chaotic and dangerous.
I'd like to see the Boiler Room Brawl come back.

I mean it's hard for the crowd at the arena to fully get into but for the viewers at home it was pretty brutal. Those were just part of a long stint of Mankind/Undertaker matches that were instant classics. I guess if you wanted to generalize the match for any wrestler, instead of Paul Bearer holding the urn in the ring, it would be a referee holding the title belt in question... provided it was a title match. It would have been one 10 years ago, that's for sure. Might be hit or miss though, there's not many wrestlers willing to take the kinds of bumps that Mick Foley would on a routine basis.

It's like the Hell In a Cell match from the King of the Ring '98 in Pittsburgh. I was there, live! After seeing Mick go off and through the damn thing, I knew it could never be topped and I maintain that opinion. I've yet to see one afterward as chaotic and dangerous.

There is no way any Hell In A Cell match is ever gonna top that one. Watching it on DVD doesn't even come close to just how intense it was watching it in the ol' Igloo.
There is no way any Hell In A Cell match is ever gonna top that one. Watching it on DVD doesn't even come close to just how intense it was watching it in the ol' Igloo.

Oh, you know it! I remember how that place erupted when Taker threw him off the top through the Spanish announce table, I was sitting at the angle from which he was thrown. I remember my dad next to me saying "Oop... he's dead." It was just... awww, man. What a moment to be a part of.

There's a kind of sick fascination to it though because Foley really took some lasting damage to his body that night and so many older fans have a kind of longing for those kinds of moments to happen again... the thing is it has the potential to cost someone their livelihood and personal well-being.

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