Would You Like To See RVD Return To The WWE?


The Cerebral Assassin
Since the beginning of 2012, rumors have been circulating that Rob Van Dam's TNA contract was set to expire early on in the year, with some reports saying March. RVD has expressed his distaste for the direction of TNA and his relative interest in rejoining the WWE. With Lesnar's exciting return the other night, it got me thinking... is it time to also to try to bring RVD back to the WWE? If his contract is truly up, then this could be the time for him to jump ship, if he were to do it all, since he's now 41...

I think it'd be great to have RVD back. Sure, WWE's had a bit of a resurgence lately, as ratings have been good and the product has been pretty exciting. But I don't think you can have too much of a good thing, and I think they should continue to strike while the iron is hot. I think it'd be great if they could work out a part-time contract with RVD and bring him in at some point over the next few months after Lesnar's return dies down a bit. They could involve him in a multitude of ways- the WWE Championship picture, the World Heavyweight Championship picture, the IC Championship picture, not to mention the fact that he could help put over a few rising stars as well. He's extremely versatile, he'd put on some nice matches, and he would certainly be able to garner a lot of interest and attention if were to return to the WWE.

If rumors about his "free agency" are true, I think it'd be a great coup for the WWE to bring him in and have him return. What do you think?

I would personally love to see RVD back in WWE. I have always been a fan of RVD since his days with ECW and a return to WWE would be nice to see. I'm starting to think that TNA's roster is getting a bit big but the same could be said of WWE.

O'd like to see one more run of RVD in WWE at some point.
I've always been a huge RVD fan, I'd love a return from him. I think he could be a real asset to SmackDown at the moment, not necessarily the main event picture, but he'd make a great upper-mid card guy, and even IC champ should it happen, but hell, I'd just love to see the guy again! (I'm not a TNA guy). I'd love for a heel IC champ to make an open challenge to 'anyone who has the guts to face them' only to recieve this for a response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bO5BAujCbk

He's a talented guy, and the crowd's always loved him, but he's gotta watch those 'habits' of his if he wants to come back to the WWE. I wouldn't be suprised if he returned this year, but at the same time, I can see it not happening. Only time will tell on this one.
no... it wouldn't have the same impact that the recent returns have had... Rock Lesnar etc are on one level.... RVD is more the "random royal rumble return guy" category (as shown recently)... He never was the true "guy" in WWE, and i doubt his return would do anything but hurt the mid level WWE scene (that's already going to be shortly cluttered with the returns they've had..) Just think.. Where are Miz Christian "Lord Tensai" Mark Henry Zack Ryder Cody Rhodes Jack Swagger Dolph Ziggler Kofi Kingston Santino Big Show going to feud???

You have the surefire main eventers (I only listed christian Mark Henry and Big show and to a lessar extent miz above because they arent actively in any feuds or hold the mid card titles currently) Randy Orton, Del Rio (With his new WHC match coming up on smackdown...) Kane (Cause he's a jobber to the stars and if someone needs a match thats main event he can fill in) Cena Lesnar Rock (albeit probably not anytime soon) Punk Daniel Bryan (who'll get his rematch at some point) Jericho, Sheamus..

You don't need any help in the World title department, You don't need any help in the mid card department.. So why clutter it more with RVD who sure will get a pop or two, maybe an ECW chant, but that's about it...
I wouldn't mind it. As someone said, i think he could contribute a lot to Smackdown. I wouldn't even mind him main eventing. As long as it had it's pay off. I think he could help put over a lot of guys as well as have some decent matches. Now i'm not saying he's the guy who should be leading the Smackdown brand but one last title run could be entertaining.
RVD remains an exciting wrestling name and somewhat similar to CM Punk has a huge cult following.

But for me, I don't crave to see him return to the 'Big Time' for one last run. I'm not a massive follower of TNA/Impact, but do watch irregularly as I simply love all things wrestling.

Now, I don't know if it's the difference in quality of the production between Impact and WWE, but RVD's in ring performances have been somewhat lacklustre, sloppy almost. I wouldn't go so far as to say he doesn't care, but from the outside looking in, to me it just looks like he's going through the motions.

I wouldn't be dissapointed if he was brought back. But there are other names I would love to see come back before him.
hell yes id love to see the whole f'n show back in wwe! RVD is the man but i dont think he will come back last i heard he hates vince granted that could be lies but its just what i heard from a interview of his awhile back and things could have changed the question is IF he came back....who would he fued with? :shrug:
No. I honestly think that the HHH/Taker match at Mania proved a very solid point. It is time for the old dogs to leave the yard and let the new dogs have their day. RVD has had a solid career... I love RVD like most fans, but sorry... stay away!

Tensai? Really? Prince Albert was irrelevant when he was here last time... what makes them think we care now? Is Vince on some sort of nostalgia trip?
Yes. RVD can be a great addition to WWE roster of now . WWE doesn't have good enough "young" talent for main-event leaving Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett

RVD can improve the Main-Event scene either on RAW or Smackdown. Maybe give him one or two World Title runs.
No. RVD never sold more than 5 or 6 seconds, which made however he took the move look phoney. His doofy ass undercut, lame ass trailer trash yin yangs, skulls, and dragons (airbrushed no less) and outdated moveset make him an old act. I usually don't care about a guy's moveset. For example, The Rock can basically have the same dozen or so moves and it doesn't bother me. Why? Rock is based on character and story, his moves are just his tools. With RVD, his moves are basically his whole selling point.

Watching RVD now is like watching one of those shows in Vegas with the 65 year old guy who used to be famous and is now doing the same exact act only kinda half assed for a bunch of tourists.

O, and his matches vs Lynn are the most overrated thing in the world. When you blow a rolling powerbomb through a table spot, and then reset it, and do the exact same spot, that's not pro wrestling, that's gymnastics. I believe one of their matches even had like 5 rolling powerbomb spots. They were nothing more than martial arts/headdrop spotfests that people who like WURKRATEZ AND MOVEZ love. No substance.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3818266]No. I honestly think that the HHH/Taker match at Mania proved a very solid point. It is time for the old dogs to leave the yard and let the new dogs have their day. RVD has had a solid career... I love RVD like most fans, but sorry... stay away!

Tensai? Really? Prince Albert was irrelevant when he was here last time... what makes them think we care now? Is Vince on some sort of nostalgia trip?[/QUOTE]

Well he's not the same character so it really doesn't apply. That'd by like saying "why did WCW sign nash in 1996? Vinny Vegas wasn't relevant last time around".

Tensai is a great worker.

That said, RVD would NOT be a different character because he hasn't changed anything since 1999. RVD is good for TNA because TNA at times is an Attitude Era nostalgia show. Not for WWE. WWE doesn't play limb bizkit anymore, they don't look like a Jerry Springer show anymore. Sure a lot of times they are a little bit behind or go overboard when they find out about something (Twitter) but they still get referenced on ESPN, they are getting more and more respect as an entertainment company. This is because they are family friendly and they try to "keep up with the Jonses". It's the sad truth about live entertainment.
The problem is with the Wellness Policy in full flow, RVD would not want to comply... you might get him for a 6 month deal, and have him suspended for a portion as he is very pro-choice when it comes to use of MJ.

I can't see the guy giving it up for the time needed to make the money, that's clearly not how he rolls or he'd have done it last time... So, Rumble shot to Mania is the best you'd get from RVD... and by the time December rolls around it looks like D.Bryan and Barrett are going to be so over that he wouldn't be needed.
I would love for Rob Van Dam to return to the WWE. Not only would I have him in the WWE / World Title picture, but I would also continue his WrestleMania Undefeated Streak. His next WM victory will make him 5-0. That’s the closest record to the Undertaker’s 20-0. I think RVD has 15 years left in him. HAHA!!
It might come down to this: How valuable is RVD to TNA? If WWE thinks it would hurt TNA to lose him, they might offer him a chance to come back.....but if they believe RVD is having a negligible effect on TNA's ratings, they might decide to just let him rot there.

After all, Van Dam isn't what he used to be. At 41, he has a nice gut that causes him to "waddle" when he moves.....and his flying maneuvers aren't what they once were. Without that, what's special about him?

Personally, I think the time he spent sitting at home during his prime wrestling years hurt him badly. That was the time to make the kind of money most people would never have the ability to earn; instead, he spent it smoking his damn dope. For a guy who relies on his body to earn a living, these were years he can never have back. Then, when he decided to return to wrestling, he chose to join a second rate company, even though he could have come back to the major leagues. Presumably, he joined TNA because of the easier travel schedule and "relaxed" drug standards.

Now, we read he's dissatisfied with TNA's creative direction? Too damn bad!

The point is, we don't really know if his name recognition would make it worthwhile for WWE to take him back. Surely, his wrestling ability alone won't be enough to make them jump to re-hire him. If they do bring him aboard, it won't be at the high salary he would have commanded a few years ago.

Hopefully, RVD has a lot of money saved for his retirement because I don't know how much more he can earn as a professional wrestler. He made his choices, now he can live with them.
I think RVD is way past his prime now, and his in-ring days are numbered. He is a shadow of his former self, and I say this having recently watched an RVD TNA match on YouTube and then watched a few of his matches from his WWE DVD, and the drop in speed, creativity and effort is huge. He is bound to slow up in age, but did seem to be phoning it in during the latter stages of his TNA run.

However, I think a motivated RVD could be useful in WWE for a short run, maybe a year or so. He still has name value, the fans would be happy to see him and I think a change of scenery and the chance to face different opponents in a bigger company would give him the incentive to work hard and put on some good matches.

He would be a useful addition to the mid-to-upper card scene and could put over some of the younger talent like Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler etc. So, I would be in support of a short RVD return.
I wouldn't lose sleep either way. It's hard for me to support a guy who would rather smoke pot than be employed. He's also sloppy in the ring and bad on the mic and is one of those guys that has me wondering "What does everybody else see in him?". Still, he remains somewhat popular so if he came back I wouldn't have a shit fit. I'd be happy for his fans, but the return would do nothing for me personally.
Absolutely NOT.

RVD is over the hill, out of shape, and is a shadow of his former self. The guy simply cannot move around and do things the way he always used to. The only thing he would be good for is a nostalgia act. Especially now because of the fact that the WWE has pretty much outlawed everything that revolves around RVD's style of wrestling, there really is no place for him in the WWE.
I have always been a huge RVD mark. I remember the first time I saw him on TV with ECW I thought he could be a huge star. For some reason I don't think he translated very well to the WWE. Part of the that is the WWE's fault. It seems they really watered down his style. He definitely wasn't putting on the fantastic matches he did in ECW. And I'm not talking about only the hardcore elements either.

Regardless, I would enjoy seeing him in WWE again.
RVD would be a cool addition to the line up. I know he will get a good pop and a lot of fans would be happy to see him. BUT.....if he comes back he has to practice his move sets. I saw him when he made his return to TNA and matches after that and he was just awful and sloppy and his moves had no energy. He was tripping over guys and the announcers did a horrible job covering it up. Watching him was painful. But if he can nail his move sets like he use to and not look sloppy doing it then it would be a great addition.
Not a knock on TNA, but I dont watch it. Therefore I cannot comment on RVD's current in ring standard. So I will take your word that he has lost a step or two in recent years.

But lets look at what RVD has to offer. RVD never had good mic skills. This is not a factor, his character doesnt require too much dialog. His usual sayings are enough to get the average fan interested.

What is RVD's biggest asset? Name value. He is a former WWE champ. The commentators can stress that he held both wwe & ecw titles at the same time. A lot of fans remember RVD still. It will draw interest.

Another advantage with bringing in RVD is that he will likely be a face. There is a lot of good heel's on the roster but only a few decent faces for them to fued with. RVD doesnt have to be fantastic in the ring, he just has to put some of these heel's over. Most fans will be interested in his return fued and will in turn help elevate who he fueds with.

As was stated RVD is 41. So i doubt he is looking for a long term deal.

I dont suggest having RVD to become a world champ again. Who knows he might blow us all away and become one (doubtful).

The pro's outweigh the cons with a RVD return so yes I am all for it.

Ice Tigers are go.

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