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i think 2 wrestlers tna would never pick up would be cena and orton
both are the most boring wrestlers i have ever seen

I think they would Opt to have orton if given the chance, he can perform when he puts his mind to it, he has a natural talent in the ring. Wether its WWE holding him back or his much publicised personal problems and lack of interest in the buissness, i dont know.
TNA is gonna get way overcrowded if they don't get a 2 hour time slot or at least two shows a week. TNA used to be innovative now it's just a place for guys WWE dosen't want

I'm sure they will get 2 hours before the end of the summer. If not, then the end of the year should be realistic. If not, move to another channel or broadcasting company who understand wrestling.
To further update the situation between RVD and his contract with WWE, look for him to be taken off television around June, as his contract with the company expires in August.

The reason why WWE is doing this is because they don’t want him to pull a “Christian Cage” and show up on TNA programming right after being on WWE television if in fact he does go to TNA.

he wants to work a lighter schedule so tna will be god for him
he loves to wrestle jerry lynn so tna is good for him
he hates what hey have done with ecw
and he turned down wwe latest contract offer

Think of RVD going to TNA good lord you have aj styles and him as a tag team doggs the game is done plus the high flyin x division TNA is going to get alot better maybe go 2 hours of so many stars on the roster man RVD will Top TNA
Rvd and sabu in TNA will be good for competition maybe wwe will get better storylines and maybe cena will learn how to wrestle i mean come on him vs great kali aint gonna be a huge buy in rate for the wwe.

TNA just needs time to grow and Jeff Jarrett needs to quit controlling it and stop winning fucking titles and start doin tours it would be good comp for wwe.
In a year, like everyone says; TNA will become huge... With all these guys jumping ship, TNA will want to make more money.. more money means doing more house shows.. more dates on the road. So all these guys who are jumping ship for a lighter work load may be in for a surprise when TNA says hey you have to work 4-5 nights a week now... and what then? all these guys will want to jump again becuase their work load is too heavy again?
In a year, like everyone says; TNA will become huge... With all these guys jumping ship, TNA will want to make more money.. more money means doing more house shows.. more dates on the road. So all these guys who are jumping ship for a lighter work load may be in for a surprise when TNA says hey you have to work 4-5 nights a week now... and what then? all these guys will want to jump again becuase their work load is too heavy again?

thats an extremely good point esp with someone like RVD..one of his main reasons for leaving is because he was not granted a lighter schedule and time off...perhaps having the rest of the summer off will change his outlook and allow him to work more days once again but it is a question still up in there once TNA gains its 2 hours theres no doubt it will grow to something better...with becoming better comes more work..only time will tell what will happen with a situation such as this...future looks good tho
If TNA is smart after signing RVD they should keep him in the X-div. and make him multiple time champ...
Lets face it.. as good as these guys are (senshi, dutt, sharkboy..ect) having RVD as champ would make some great matches... I think Joe should stay in X-D too.
Hey, I'm the first to post that RVD just got released by the WWE!

I also read that....he has a no compete in his contract though so he wont be able to show up in TNA until late june early july and TNA will probably save him for a Fall debut at Bound for glory or (fingers crossed) there 2 hour slot in spikes fall line up.

Also i was thinking if RVD does jump i hope TNA license Pantera - walk to use as his entrance theme.
I don't think people realize what they are going to be in for when RVD shows up. It looks like the two hour Deal is going to happen on Spike and for all the people that say RVD sux, or I hate RVD, tune in and watch, you'll be in for a treat.

People think that RVD sux, I get it. They like to call him spot monkey, or an acrobat, yet the same people that blast RVD for having no talent, go on and on and how great the Hardy Boyz are. When RVD gets to TNA and on those six sided rings, people that have only been watching for the last 5 years are going to be blown away.

I will personally be tuning in, because we are going to hear something we haven't heard in a long time, a good old Fashioned RVD shoot. People only remember RVD from his, that's cool, persona. Wait until RVD gets on the mic and unloads on an ungrateful company up north. If you haven't seen an RVD ECW style shoot, you'll be in for a treat, that is worth the price of admission aloen.
If RVD plans on going to TNA is there a way that he can show up on TNA before his 90 day no compete clause is up on his contract. How would it affect him and TNA if they broke the rules? I don't remember this happening recently so I'm wondering if it's just a risk TNA runs of getting sued or if it's just RVD losing part of his final pay from the WWE. If this is the case couldn't TNA just work that pay into his new contract?

The reason I'm asking is because the time couldn't be better for TNA to debut RVD and hopefully steal some ratings. Raw/Smackdown/ECW are all in dire straights at the moment with all the injuries accumulating, most importantly the loss of HBK. If they could go ahead and debut RVD as soon as possible it could be huge for TNA and it's ratings if they handle it the right way. I'd like to know what everyone knows about these no compete clauses and what the ramifications are.
WWE would sue TNA's ass if he appeared before the clause ran out. I dont think TNA are stupid enough to risk it. The McMahon's have far more money than Panda Energy, and they would also be in the right. TNA wouldn't stand a chance.

I wonder what would happen if WWE released RVD a few day's before his contract expired. Would the no compete clause take effect for 90 day's after his release or just for the few days he had left on his contract?
WWE would sue TNA's ass if he appeared before the clause ran out. I dont think TNA are stupid enough to risk it. The McMahon's have far more money than Panda Energy, and they would also be in the right. TNA wouldn't stand a chance.

I wonder what would happen if WWE released RVD a few day's before his contract expired. Would the no compete clause take effect for 90 day's after his release or just for the few days he had left on his contract?

Good response and good question. Again I didn't remember this happening recently so that's why I was asking. I thought that it would probably end in a lawsuit but wanted to bring up the issue. I hope that TNA has a plan in place to make a run at the ratings right now with WWE's product being as miserable as it has. I would throw a very big amount of money at a very big name just to get them to show up and start a career in TNA just to get the casual fans to tune in. Then hopefully sell them on the product. I'm not sure who the big name to bring in would have this effect, possibly Jericho, possibly Hogan. I would just hope it was a quick way to get ratings and to not let them take over the show.

Sorry but I am very excited about this. I haven't seen the WWE product this bad in many many years. Hopefully TNA can strike, get the casual fans to tune in and then add RVD to the roster when they legally can do so.
WWE would sue TNA's ass if he appeared before the clause ran out. I dont think TNA are stupid enough to risk it. The McMahon's have far more money than Panda Energy, and they would also be in the right. TNA wouldn't stand a chance.

I wonder what would happen if WWE released RVD a few day's before his contract expired. Would the no compete clause take effect for 90 day's after his release or just for the few days he had left on his contract?

As an almost off topic reply, you are wrong on one thing. Panda Energy has much more money than the McMahons do. McMahon's net worth was right around $750 million this past fiscal year...Panda Energy is around the $7 billion mark...just to let you know...
Kurt Angles jump to TNA was a impact because no one saw it coming. When I first heard about Kurt joining i knew the impact wouldnt last because he had already accomplished so much in WWE. So what could he possibly accomplish in TNA? Win the title? Big deal! Not trying to down the TNA title But it really isn't a big deal for Kurt Angle. As for RVD, when he or if he arrives, it will be a impact, in less than a year it wont. Title or not! This hurts me to type this but he isn't the RVD we saw in ECW 10 years ago, and before anyone replies that Vince didnt give him a chance, remember he held the ECW/WWE title and he let it Go Up IN Smoke!
If RVD jumps to TNA before the 90 day clause is up, then ya, WWE wins a huge lawsuit against Panda Energy, don't risk doing anything like that. The no compete clause is for wrestlers fired by the WWE, but are still under contract, if that makes sense. If the contract runs out, like Christian, he can show up the next day. If RVD's contract runs up on July 31st, and the WWE lets him go on July 24th, RVD would only have to sit out a week, not 90 days, because the contract expires. Now if they let him go now, then obviously he has to wait until August 1st to show up anywhere.

The Kurt Angle thing was he tricked WWE into letting him out of his contract, so he can get medical help. The WWE ended his contract so he could go to rehab, but the no compete clause was also lifted too.
I'm excited for the possibility of RVD and Sabu in TNA, but I think it's going to be a long time before they make a dent in the WWE. People said they would take over when Kurt Angle got there and I'm not sure there was any difference in the ratings. Plus, you know Vince will pull out all the stops the week TNA gets a two-hour slot. If this all happens around late August, I think we all know what week HHH will return, or Stone Cold will show up, or Jericho will re-debut, or all three. He will not let RVD and TNA go unchallenged.
No problem with him going to TnA. Just whatever happened to TnA pushing the guys that got them there? I remember them saying that they weren't going to take every WWE reject and bring them to TnA to take a spot away from a guy that started with TnA. What about that? TnA is turning into the WWE's trash can:
Brother Ray
Brother Runt
Bg James
Kip James
Gail Kim
Christy Hemme
The Bashams
The Heart throbs (even if it was a time time thing)

I can't wait for him to join TnA. I can watch him perform the same match every week. Sure it might be against different guys, but he never seems to "wing it" His matches are more choereographed than Hulk Hogans. And, it will allow me to watch him injure an entire new roster of guys because of his carelesssness.
Seriously I'm tired of WWE fan boys coming into these forums. If you're not a fan of TNA that's fine but WWE's trash can?!? Lets see WWE, since releasing these guys have tried to re-hire The Dudleys, Rhyno, and Tomko. Christian was in the world title picture before he left for TNA to be one of the main guys in the company. WWE would have Angle back in a heartbeat if he wasn't signed by TNA. The WWE is rumored in wanting to bring back N.A.O. when they're contracts expire with TNA. The Heart Throbs were on TV how many times after they're release by the WWE. The Bashams have had how much TV time since their WWE release. Gail Kim and Christy Hemme are dime a dozen divas but there has to be some quality T&A in TNA. At least they are not having matches leading into the main events on Impact. Well Scott Steiner....I'll give you that one. I don't want the bum in TNA either. But that is a pretty bold statement about being the WWE's trash can.

So RVD is injuring people left and right. Hmmm, who has he injured in the last six months....Hardcore Holly....in a freak accident. Who else am I missing?

First of all DipNuts, I Am a FAN of wrestling, all wrestling. I'll say that again for the slow people here, I am a fan of ALL wrestling. I don't have a favorite, and I'm certainly not a "fan boy" of WWE. Most of the time they suck it up more than anybody else I'll watch every bit I can on Tv, order whatever PPV that interests me, and go to any and every live event that is anywhere within 2-3 hours driving distance.
Now, whether or not WWE wants half of these guys back makes no difference. The fact is they were all "thrown away" by WWE, hence my WWE's trash can statement. How long have YOU been a wrestling fan? Or have you always been a TnA fan? If you've been a wrestling fan you would remember WcW did the same thing and where are they now? All I'm saying is when TnA got a cable show, not the weekly PPV they used to do, they said they wanted to push the guys that got them there, and not sign a bunch of WWE's rejects. Those were TnA's words, not mine, so please get your facts straight before coming at me.
Second, when I say RVD "injures" too many people, I'm not talking specifically about "needing surgury" injuries, but overall being injured. A bloody nose or a busted lip or hyperextended knee counts as being injured.

Look past TnA and you'll see what i'm talking about "FanBoy"!
First of all DipNuts, I Am a FAN of wrestling, all wrestling. I'll say that again for the slow people here, I am a fan of ALL wrestling. I don't have a favorite, and I'm certainly not a "fan boy" of WWE. Most of the time they suck it up more than anybody else I'll watch every bit I can on Tv, order whatever PPV that interests me, and go to any and every live event that is anywhere within 2-3 hours driving distance.
Now, whether or not WWE wants half of these guys back makes no difference. The fact is they were all "thrown away" by WWE, hence my WWE's trash can statement. How long have YOU been a wrestling fan? Or have you always been a TnA fan? If you've been a wrestling fan you would remember WcW did the same thing and where are they now? All I'm saying is when TnA got a cable show, not the weekly PPV they used to do, they said they wanted to push the guys that got them there, and not sign a bunch of WWE's rejects. Those were TnA's words, not mine, so please get your facts straight before coming at me.
Second, when I say RVD "injures" too many people, I'm not talking specifically about "needing surgury" injuries, but overall being injured. A bloody nose or a busted lip or hyperextended knee counts as being injured.

Look past TnA and you'll see what i'm talking about "FanBoy"!

So calling people what this guy called me doesn't get you banned.....hmmmm, fantastic.

Now to answer your question I have been a fan of wrestling since I was young. My dad took me to my first WWE event when I was six or seven. I'm 25 now....do the math. I am not only a fan of TNA, I've been a fan of WWE probably since you were in diapers so don't attack my knowledge and intelligence when it comes to this sport.

What I am sick and tired of is WWE fanboys, which I never specifically said you, but I guess I should have mentioned that phrase after quoting you, so for that I apologize. As far as the rest of my statement, I looked at each and every person you mentioned and analyzed it. If your previous statement is all you have as a response....well done I guess.

I understand that TNA is pushing the new guys they've brought in and forgot about the guys that got them there. I am bothered by that as much as anyone but to say that these guys are the WWE's rejects is a bold statement that makes no sense, with the exception of Kim, Hemme, and Steiner. The WWE would have given anything to have gotten some of these guys back on their roster, even before they were blindsided by all of the recent injuries. To be fair WWE would take half of TNA's roster right now if they could get their hands on it.

Also RVD is still one of the best wrestlers to ever step in a ring. If he was injuring people on a level that you are suggesting, he would not be one of the most heralded free agents coming out of the WWE. RVD wrestles a style that may get some guys minor nicks and cuts but I've never heard one wrestler complaining about his style, even after they left the fed that RVD was currently in. All I've read is how much most of the guys enjoy working with him and how well he puts the other guys over by selling their moves. A recent example of this was seeing RVD sell Dreamer's piledriver on ECW a few weeks back better than I've seen anyone sell a piledriver in years.

So again don't call me names, I won't do the same to you. And don't attack my knowledge of the sport because I have been a fan for going on 20 years. I have seen more shows in person in 20 years than most people will in a lifetime. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean you have more knowledge than me on these subjects. If I insulted you I apologize but your statement came off as what I hear from every single WWE smark who makes a post on the TNA boards.
I'm 33 years old, so I was the one watching wrestling before you were born much less while wearing diapers. I've forgot more about wrestling that you have seen probably. I went to my first ever wrestling show when I was in Kindergarden which was a looooong time ago, before the 80's.
Of course WWE would take half of TnA's roster, they would sign them all just to put TnA out of business. If WWE thought any of those guys/girls would bring in that almighty dollar, Vince would have kept them. The only guy they dropped the ball with, in my opinion is Christian, but everybody else.......have you stopped watching WWE because Rhyno, Dudleys, Tomko, or even Kurt Angle is on TnA? Or do you not follow RoH since Samoa Joe isn't there anymore? WWE is surviving without them. Yeah, Kurt would still be there, but WWE released him because he had/maybe still has a problem with prescription medicine. They were under assumption that he would enter rehab get cleaned up and return. God forbid, but if he were to leave us while in TnA, everybody will then turn on TnA saying they didn't give him time to clean himself up.
Everybody was saying this same exact thing when WWE released D-Lo Brown, that he was not used properly and away from WWE he will shine bigger than ever, and WWE will regret letting him go....but where is he now?
Careful, this is dangerously turning into a flaming war guys. You both are good posters and too old to be dishing out personal barbs at each other over the internet. You bring up good points, but try to do it without the personal insults.
I'm 33 years old, so I was the one watching wrestling before you were born much less while wearing diapers. I've forgot more about wrestling that you have seen probably. I went to my first ever wrestling show when I was in Kindergarden which was a looooong time ago, before the 80's.
Of course WWE would take half of TnA's roster, they would sign them all just to put TnA out of business. If WWE thought any of those guys/girls would bring in that almighty dollar, Vince would have kept them. The only guy they dropped the ball with, in my opinion is Christian, but everybody else.......have you stopped watching WWE because Rhyno, Dudleys, Tomko, or even Kurt Angle is on TnA? Or do you not follow RoH since Samoa Joe isn't there anymore? WWE is surviving without them. Yeah, Kurt would still be there, but WWE released him because he had/maybe still has a problem with prescription medicine. They were under assumption that he would enter rehab get cleaned up and return. God forbid, but if he were to leave us while in TnA, everybody will then turn on TnA saying they didn't give him time to clean himself up.
Everybody was saying this same exact thing when WWE released D-Lo Brown, that he was not used properly and away from WWE he will shine bigger than ever, and WWE will regret letting him go....but where is he now?

Agreed, Wrestlefan I apologize if I insulted you. You do seem very knowledgable about the sport and I can appreciate that even if we don't agree on this issue. If I insulted you again I do apologize. I would like to have further discussion on this if we can both stray away from anything personal and just stick to the subject matter. Agreed?
Sure bro agreed, but I promise, NO! I Vincent Kennedy McMahon Gauran-DAMN-Tee you that I will Never take anything personal in here. I will never be offended and never was with anything you or anybody else says. We didn't know anything about each other until a few days ago, so why would I get offended by what you said. It didn't bother me, if anything it shows how emotional somebody is.
Thanks man, appreciate the reply. I'm glad to know that I can have a conversation on the board in here without someone taking things personally. Anytime you're in Lexington, I'll buy you a beer, haha.
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