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There is a difference between a "hardcore match" and "hardcore wrestling." A hardcore match is what you'd typically see on WWF or WCW and involved two guys hitting each other with miscellaneous $hit for ten minutes until someone got the boring pinfall and the crowd giving the obligatory "ooh" for cheap effect. "Hardcore Wrestling" is what ECW did and involved great storytelling in a match, but gearing it around wrestling and using the foreign objects to strengthen the wrestling. For an example, watch any Lynn vs. RVD match and you'll actually get this. NWO would've worked in any re-incarnation if it had a purpose other than to shift merchandise. It doesn't matter who is involved with the gimmick or stable if it has no serious purpose other than to fill in a gap or generate T-shirt revenue (See: DX).

Can I get an "Amen" and a "Hallelujah"! Anyone who doubts RVD needs to watch the Jerry Lynn matches. WWE wrestling will never look the same again.
Cool RVD was great 10 years go when he faced Lerry Lynn. What has Rvd done recently to make him so great? Has he added anything new to his moveset? I never said that Rvd wasnt good, I said he wasnt that great. And for you Cena haters that doubt he carried Rvd to a great match at ONS, Go back and look at the match again. Cena was Awesome. As he always does when the Big matches go down, He brought his A+++++ Game. Rvd was the same old Rvd. I cant wait till his contract is up and he jumps to TNA. Good for him. Then will get another I hate WWE speech. while he takes the spot of some more deserving TNA midcarder.
what is the diff between ecw as it is now and a tna hardcore division? hardcore is a 90's gimmick that caught on fire and got ratings.....just like nwo in 2006 wouldnt work neither will a "hardcore" division.what did people expect when ecw came back? please dont tell me that any of you thought it would be like the old days?

by the way, to who said rvd f*cked himself.....gold star to you my friend....

Actually hardcore is not just a gimmick, it is a style of wrestling. Are you telling me that the well structured styles of Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Justin Credible, Rhino, RVD, The Sandman, The Dudleys, Raven, Chris Benoit, the late great Eddie Guerrero and Mick Foley to name a few are just "gimmicks"?

These guys and many other hardcore wrestlers whether they be from ECW or elsewhere use hardcore wrestling as part of the way they wrestle. They don't just use a steal chair and smack it off their opponents head as so many wrestlers do in the cliche heel wrestling style, they find inventive ways to use foreign objects in an original wrestling style catered to them specifically.

Anybody who thinks that WWE's version of hardcore wrestling in the 90's is really hardcore needs to check out some vintage old style ECW. WCW had a reasonably good hardcore division in the 90's with "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigalow, Norman Smiley, Raven and Jeff Jarret to name a few of the wrestlers who helped WCW's hardcore scene to kick off. But even then it was no match for the intensity and hardcore style seen at ECW, though it was still better than the WWE equivelant.

RVD is and always has been a talented hardcore wrestler, so yes, I do feel that he and other ECW Originals should move to TNA, possibly in a new Hardcore Division under Paul Heyman's direction. Though such is RVD's versatility that he could work well in any of the current 3 divisions: X Division, Tag Team Division and Heavyweight Division. But I do think he'd be used at his best with hardcore wrestling, preferably with a Hardcore Division at TNA.
I would love it if RVD were to jump to TNA after his contract expires. He should see the writing on the wall, that WWE is treating the situation involving his possession of marijuana VERY seriously, more so than necessary IMO. For that reason, it is unlikely he will main event again, and he will just wind up getting buried like every other ECW Original, all of whom I'm sure are regretting the day they signed up with WWE.

I know the brand separation isn't a popular idea, but it's one that TNA should consider given their vast pool of talent and the fact that some of the people in charge don't necessarily get along. Either on the same night or a separate night, you could have TNA Impact (which features the heavyweights and the X Division) and a second show which would have the hardcore wrestlers (Rhino, Team 3-D, Raven, etc.) and some others to fill out the roster, and bring Paul Heyman in to supervise the project. That is one option that TNA can work with. Of course, I would be perfectly happy to see Impact get extended to two hours. There's just too much talent that it's inevitable that some wrestlers will be unhappy, feeling underutilized due to the paltry hour they have on TV.
Brand separation would be cool, but I think it's far more likely for Spike to give them a two-hour time slot. They don't have the ratings for two shows yet and haven't even gotten up to ECW (current) ratings. I know I've read Spike is happier with the ratings than TNA Corporate, so the two-hour time slot is less of a gamble. They might just have to give up an hour or two of ST:TNG!
Cool RVD was great 10 years go when he faced Lerry Lynn. What has Rvd done recently to make him so great? Has he added anything new to his moveset? I never said that Rvd wasnt good, I said he wasnt that great. And for you Cena haters that doubt he carried Rvd to a great match at ONS, Go back and look at the match again. Cena was Awesome. As he always does when the Big matches go down, He brought his A+++++ Game. Rvd was the same old Rvd. I cant wait till his contract is up and he jumps to TNA. Good for him. Then will get another I hate WWE speech. while he takes the spot of some more deserving TNA midcarder.
RVD can't add anything to his moveset as the WWE working style is built to cater to the mass ******s who have short attention spans and have trouble remembering the name of any move more difficult than a bodyslam. He wrestled his legit style upon entry into WWE and was admonished for it (along with Jerry Lynn) and forced to dumb down and in fact REMOVE some of his moves (especially the one Shane McMahon ripped off). RVD can chain wrestle and work solid into deep spots when he's able to as well as high-fly, use martial arts, grapple well, and creatively use weapons in a match. Cena couldn't chain wrestle if you threatened his life with a firearm. And as for deep spots in a Cena match? It's like looking for a needle in a stack of needles. Cena's A++++++ game isn't anything to brag about, seeing as his A grade equals most wrestlers F grade.
I know the brand separation isn't a popular idea, but it's one that TNA should consider given their vast pool of talent and the fact that some of the people in charge don't necessarily get along. Either on the same night or a separate night, you could have TNA Impact (which features the heavyweights and the X Division) and a second show which would have the hardcore wrestlers (Rhino, Team 3-D, Raven, etc.) and some others to fill out the roster, and bring Paul Heyman in to supervise the project. That is one option that TNA can work with. Of course, I would be perfectly happy to see Impact get extended to two hours. There's just too much talent that it's inevitable that some wrestlers will be unhappy, feeling underutilized due to the paltry hour they have on TV.
I share sentiments with you in regards to the lack of TV time. Russo has begun to focus on the storylines more and work toward developing characters (with mixed results in my opinion) but it's been at the cost of the wrestling element, which is why I loved TNA in the first place. They need that extra hour badly.
Exactly to me wrestling needs to be a good mixture of character and storyline devlopment, as well as great wrestling matches. The extra hour would help that balance to become more even than it is currently.

RVD will be able to implement his abilities fully at TNA, I could imagine the hardcore matches he could have, I could see a Team 3D and Serotonin feud starting up with some great hardcore matches as a result - RVD could be a part of either stable, sway between either stable or create a stable of his own.
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