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But you have to believe that TNA is heading in the direction of Touring maybe not quite as badly as the WWE, but surely getting there. While they are not at that point right now, its reasonable to assume they will probably be getting there in the future and I think its something that RVD will be considering. The bigger the brand TNA gets the worse off people who want to do less shows are which means the less people like RVD, Christian and Kurt Angle will want to work there. Its sad, but its true.

I agree in the up comming years they are going to start traveling more and doing more tours but I don't think people like RVD, Christian and Kurt Angle would leave because they would still be getting pushed in the main event by then and plus right now currently they are having a lot of resting time and as long as they are getting rest now when its time to tour they won't get beaten up by the road as much as they would if they were in WWE. Even so they could go to ROH for the right money.
well lets remember that while RVD has a chance of going to TNA he can still take some time off right after his contract with wwe is over..i think that would be a more comfortable thing to do so once he and if he shows his face into TNA we will see a refreshed and rejuvinated RVD...regardless if he does consider going to TNA i look foward as to what he will do for the company....
I'm sure that if RVD goes to TNA, he'll be able to put on some fun matches with AJ, and Daniels, and everyone else who people have already mentioned. And that will be good for TNA in the short term. But thinking long term.. while RVD might not be a "WWE guy" because he became a big name in ECW, he's certainly never going to be seen as a "TNA guy". And I think its a problem for TNA that so many of its big names aren't really seen as "TNA guys"...Angle, Sting, Christian, Team 3D, James Gang (or VKM or whatever they are going by these days), Jarrett, Steiner, Tomko, Nash..the X-Division is pure TNA, but now some of TNA's best future talent (Dutt and Lethal) are being given gimmicks by a guy who is not a TNA guy (Nash) that makes them easier to associate with WWE than TNA.. My point is that TNA doesn't really have an identity of its own, and won't as long as they keep taking stars leaving WWE and pushing them to the top of the company. I guess it kind of presents a Catch 22 for them since the best thing to do would be to use ex-WWE talent to put over their home-grown stars...but who is going to want to leave WWE to go to TNA just to be a glorified jobber?
I think its a problem for TNA that so many of its big names aren't really seen as "TNA guys"...Angle, Sting, Christian, Team 3D, James Gang (or VKM or whatever they are going by these days), Jarrett, Steiner, Tomko, Nash..the X-Division is pure TNA, but now some of TNA's best future talent (Dutt and Lethal) are being given gimmicks by a guy who is not a TNA guy (Nash) that makes them easier to associate with WWE than TNA.. My point is that TNA doesn't really have an identity of its own, and won't as long as they keep taking stars leaving WWE and pushing them to the top of the company. I guess it kind of presents a Catch 22 for them since the best thing to do would be to use ex-WWE talent to put over their home-grown stars...but who is going to want to leave WWE to go to TNA just to be a glorified jobber?

The problem with TNA is they have come along after what was essentially a collapse of the industry, anyone who has had an ounce of success in the last 15 years of so will have been associated with WWE at some point especially after the collapse of WCW and ECW, i still see people like The Dudleys, RVD, Sabu, Taz etc as ECW guys because that is where they grew and became who they are.

Kevin nash, Steiner, Booker T, Chris Benoit etc i see all of them as WCW guys.

WWE guys are people like Batista, Rock, Cena, Austin , taker.

What i am getting at is, TNA has to hire these ex-wwe guys for name sake and bacause they dont have 3 big feds to get transfers from, they have one. its all well and good building your own stars, but you also need names. to help build those stars. there identity will come with time.

As for the touring...i think the main aim with TNA this year is to get all the PPV's on the road, and do a few house show tours every few months. But i think they are very happy filming in Orlando, as it keeps costs down, it is a system Bischoff used when pushing WCW.

I got a feeling although it annoys me that TNA will remain Taped for a while aswell.

Anyway back to rob van dam...love him.
WWE is made up of WCW and E.C.W stars as well. Sandman, RVD, Sabu, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko(Road Agent I think), Chavo Guerrero, Big Show(was in WWE), Gregory Helms, Akio(Jimmy Wang Yang) and etc. My list can go on forever but I rather save time since you basically get my point. The only difference is TNA only sign WWE talent that actually have talent. You'll never see them sign John Cena or someone with the in ring ability of John Cena. A company not picking up a wrestling because he was in another company first is stupid imo.
In light of all this, how's this for a dream match for RVD to have in TNA.

Senshi vs AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn vs RVD in an Ultimate X match.

That's just one of several ideas that RVD could be involved in at TNA. This must happen cause I'm fed up of the WWE holding him back. We need the RVD that we know that can produce awesome matches.
My dream match for RVD in TNA, would be:

RVD vs Christopher daniels Vs AJ Styles.


RVD vs Samoa Joe

Senshi vs AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn vs RVD in an Ultimate X match.

I am disheartened with Jerry Lynn's performance as of late he seems to be struggling a little since returning to the ring. so i would maybe place someone like Homicide or Alex shelley or Austin Aries in his place for In ring value. But your right on the target for historic value and in ring chemistry, RVD vs Lynn were the best matches ECW produced Bar none.


RVD + Ultimate X = Epic
I realy like the idea of RVD going to TNa rvd has to be in my top 3 favorite wrestler of all time i thing he can do a whole lot of things in TNA that he couldnt do in WWE and if he goes to TNA then get ready to Some crazy stuff just like the ECW original days oh and plus we all know he hates what WWE is Doing to the name of ECW i mean comon everybody does like realy Vince is the Champ i mean come on thats jus a disgrace to the name of ECW and another thing im ready to see another rivalry with Jerry Lynn them two always had good matches..
I'm sorry to have to say this, but I don't think RVD is actually going to leave. I think that one side of the deal is going to give before his contract is finally up, and he'll probably be a future ECW champ again, but I can't see WWE letting him go to TNA, as well I also can't see RVD walking away from all the money. One side will give, I garentee it!
I think RVD is really overrated. I watch his current matches and he botches so many moves. I really don't think he's a good wrestler at all. I'm not sure what he was like in ECW though so maybe he was good there. But I think in TNA in the X Divison he might do better in matches because I think he'll work well with alot of guys in there.
If one side does give up, it won't be RVD. He wants that lighter schedule and WWE has always been bad when it's come to giving guys that. So the way I see it, he'll leave. If the WWE was really wanting to make sure RVD wouldn't leave, they would have provided him a new deal by now
I think if RVD goes to TNA then it is more than likely we will see an Aj Styles vs RVD feud and imo that is a real dream match that I would love to see.
I think RVD is really overrated. I watch his current matches and he botches so many moves. I really don't think he's a good wrestler at all. I'm not sure what he was like in ECW though so maybe he was good there. But I think in TNA in the X Divison he might do better in matches because I think he'll work well with alot of guys in there.

Aha right RvD Overrated thats like saying that matt Hardy is a good singles wrestler RvD is one of the few wwe superstars that will do crazy stuff him jeff hardy and the crappy cruiserweights and WWE is holding RVD down he's one of their best wrestlers they have and he aint any kinda champion hes stuck wrestling no name like matt sriker and Kevin Thorn atleast in TNA he can show his real talent like he did in the original ECW
Rob Van Dam will be be MR. TNA
I just spoke with Dixie Carter and that is the gimmick she has approached him with; to still be RVD, but revive the Mr. PPV, Mr. Monday Night, etc. gimmick and now be Mr. T-N-A!
well with the current situation that is occuring within the wwe with so many high profiled stars injured i would not be suprised if mcmahon comes out with a better contract for RVD jus for the fact that they need more star power..i believe wwe will give rvd a contract that he can work with....or they could jus phase him out and by the time rvd gets to TNA his name would not be highly appreciated as it should be...i would not mind seeing rvd in tna but his pay would not be what he wants and his schedule COULD b light but once TNA gets 2 hours u have to consider he would be doing much more...
I think that this would be a good move for RVD. rvd wasn't really a wwe type guy, i always thought that it would be cool for RVD to come to TNA, i don't think that they will bring him to TNA tv right away, b/c they would want to pull another sort of suprise. I think that they need to fire some of the roster. i think that they should fire Scott Steiner. he can't wrestle anymore b/c of his knee and he is sucking a lot of money out of TNA. And some more jobbers that they don't use. This would lighten the TNA roster a little bit and make some room for RVD b/c they can only cram so much into one hour of TNA tv. maybe rvd coming to TNA will be just like ANgle coming to TNA. When Angle came, they made an announcement that tna was going primetime and maybe they will make an announcement that tna will extend to two hours.
WWE is made up of WCW and E.C.W stars as well. Sandman, RVD, Sabu, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko(Road Agent I think), Chavo Guerrero, Big Show(was in WWE), Gregory Helms, Akio(Jimmy Wang Yang) and etc. My list can go on forever but I rather save time since you basically get my point. The only difference is TNA only sign WWE talent that actually have talent. You'll never see them sign John Cena or someone with the in ring ability of John Cena. A company not picking up a wrestling because he was in another company first is stupid imo.

You're stupid if you think TNA wouldn't sign the most marketable man in the wrestling business right now. TNA is looking for names like this so they can make more money and become a bigger organization.

And what does WWE made up of WCW and ECW stars have to do with anything? WWE have their own identity and while they did sign WCW stars and it did help, I don't think it's a main point that you needed to make because it doesn't make any sense.
Its seems that the WWE has pretty much given up on RVD he got buried on ECW and there are no plans for him at the next PPV meaning he has gone 2 without a match. In addtion they have for all intents of purpose have removed him from the credits without about a 2 second dive that could easily be removed without redoing the credits. I mean Ariel has more screen time that he does in the credits (not that I mind that )
Its seems that the WWE has pretty much given up on RVD he got buried on ECW and there are no plans for him at the next PPV meaning he has gone 2 without a match. In addtion they have for all intents of purpose have removed him from the credits without about a 2 second dive that could easily be removed without redoing the credits. I mean Ariel has more screen time that he does in the credits (not that I mind that )

This brings the point I made about RVD. If the WWE was going to offer another contract to RVD, they would have done it by now. You'd think with so many guys injured and Angle jumping ship when he did, that the WWE would give more of an effort to keep the talent they have but they haven't. If they gave a rat's ass enough to keep RVD, they wouldn't have buried him tonight. Let me tell you something, RVD took on guys tougher than Umaga in ECW in it's purity and that Umaga should not be a problem for him. Just as Umaga shouldn't have been trouble for Jeff Hardy who had wars with Abyss. But that's another topic.

It ain't about the money for RVD. That's just a bonus. But RVD likes to put on a good show to the best of his ability and the WWE is not letting him do that. He needs to get out of there and go to TNA. And what was said about RVD and TNA and bringing back the titles of Mr PPV and Mr Monday Night and even going as far as to call him Mr TNA. I like that. It WILL work. Without question.
Rob Van Dam will be be MR. TNA
I just spoke with Dixie Carter and that is the gimmick she has approached him with; to still be RVD, but revive the Mr. PPV, Mr. Monday Night, etc. gimmick and now be Mr. T-N-A!

Don't bullshit. until it is announced that RVD is leaving WWE then don't make up shit, RVD is not allowed to talk with Dixie Carter due to contract obligations and restrictions, he is still a member of the WWE staff and it is unethical to be doing this while under contract.
after what happened on ecw with shano umaga and vince kicking the hell out of rvd im pretty sure that he will be leaving
and vince is way to arrogant to meet rvd's needs
he will think wwe is bigger than rvd and rvd will get what vince offers take it or leave it
rvd left it
im sure he will probaly take the rest of the year off after august
then he will become mr tna and hopefully by the new year tna will have a 2 hour timeslot
someone else said they need to get rif of someone first to fit him in
how bout sacking tomko what does he have to offer
i wonder if jericho will get an offer 2 big to refuse from vince now all his stars are injured
Back then, I would agree about sacking Tomko. However, he's got some skill that I think could be useful. Steiner however, now he needs to be cut. I'm sorry but he's slow, he's heavy and he's sloppy in the ring. Angle couldn't even put him over. But yeah, RVD will leave the WWE. And it will haunt the WWE for letting him go. Angle jumped ship and others will follow.
You're stupid if you think TNA wouldn't sign the most marketable man in the wrestling business right now. TNA is looking for names like this so they can make more money and become a bigger organization.

And what does WWE made up of WCW and ECW stars have to do with anything? WWE have their own identity and while they did sign WCW stars and it did help, I don't think it's a main point that you needed to make because it doesn't make any sense.

My point was saying to a guy that said TNA was made up of rejects first of all and the thing that gives TNA its own identity is the ability to put up amazing matches. Maybe not on free tv but on ppv you can never go wrong with ordering a TNA PPV. Are you refering to John Cena as the most markatable man in the wrestling buisness right now? You see, if WWE released John Cena I would bet anything TNA wouldn't sign him because he has no talent and overall the TNA crowd will reject him over more worse than the WWE fans do because the TNA crowd is actually more interactive but let's not turn this into a WWE vs. TNA thread.
Rob Van Dam will be be MR. TNA
I just spoke with Dixie Carter and that is the gimmick she has approached him with; to still be RVD, but revive the Mr. PPV, Mr. Monday Night, etc. gimmick and now be Mr. T-N-A!

Ok that would be a good idea have him play the Mr T.N.A gimmick, but .... (and i cant believe you said it)...You spoke to Dixie carter....what you just called her up casually for a chat...bravo if you did, but i do seriously doubt it...and trust me if that was the case and someone had approached Rob about it especially if dixie approached rob about it, then someone would have posted it on many a wrestling news site out there.

And as there has been no announcements about it ....dont bullshit. Please .

Or on second thoughts do .... cos i got a good 10 minutes of laughs out of it...
i think 2 wrestlers tna would never pick up would be cena and orton
both are the most boring wrestlers i have ever seen
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