what ex wwe superstar would you like to see return to wwe

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I'll probably go with lesnar.I think he's a loser&idiot personally,but financially he would be good to have back.Fueds with Batista,HHH,Cena etc would make alot of money, or he could go to ECW
I'd probably pick Chris Jericho because I thought he was really funny always making fun of people. The Rock should not have left because he is 10 times the wrestler he is an actor. Jericho would be the 1 guy I would bring back though.
Ok if there having videos on tna the show on spike tv of rhino talking shit about WWE and Vince MCmahon why in the hell would you think hes comming back.....Also Id like Prolly chris jericho or goldberg....
I'd like to see Billy Kidman, Brock Lesnar, Lex Lugar, Mark Jindrak, Aaron ''Jesus'' Aguliera, Molly Holly, and Luther Reigns all return to the WWE.
I'm throwing in my vote for Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly).

(I hope this thread isn't too old. The last post was only a few days ago.)
Hmm I'm not sure if Brock lesnar counts since he's coming back in 2010 (supposedly). Umm Christian, and umm Goldberg
X-PAC!, ROAD DOGG, BILLY GUNN Join up with DX and start that angle again...all the shit they did was priceless...The best was when they made fun of the Nation! hahha
Chris Jericho should return wit a big entrance like the one he did in 2000 when he first came to RAW and told the Rock that Raw Is Jericho!
I would also like to see The Rock, X-Pac, Jeff Hardy and Christian to come back. And of course GoldBerg and Brock Lesnar would be great but nobody really thinks they'll come back.
Stone Cold has a Neck injury and I think a Knee injury so he won't be returning to wreslte maybe 1 or 2 more times but that's the most.
I would say jericho he could wrestle a good match with anyone
alright dude jericho is a good wrestler i'll give u that, but nobody can forget the night he was a special referee and wore those white sweatsocks and botched a chairshot and a suplex on cena, what was he doing?
1. Jeff Hardy-They have to reform the Hardy boys, the tag division is so weak
2. X-Pac-I dont care what anyone says, he was a favorite, totally represented the DX attitude, plus Kane and X-Pac...that was awesome
3. The Rock-I will be cliche and say him, he was an amazing entertainer
I can't say just one person, i'm going to say the entire tag team division. Wrestling companies are always their strongest when they have a strong tag team division. WCW's greatest days were when they had The Outsiders, The Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, among others, and the WWE's strongest period was when they had Edge & Christian, The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz, APA, New Age Outlaws, and others. Tag Teams bring so much to these companies, why do they keep doing away with them?
atknsn_04 said:
I can't say just one person, i'm going to say the entire tag team division. Wrestling companies are always their strongest when they have a strong tag team division. WCW's greatest days were when they had The Outsiders, The Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, among others, and the WWE's strongest period was when they had Edge & Christian, The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz, APA, New Age Outlaws, and others. Tag Teams bring so much to these companies, why do they keep doing away with them?

I couldnt agree more :suckit:
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