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What wrestler do you want to return to WWE?

I say id like to see RVD back in the ring because the guy was just so exciting to watch in the ring. His move set was really amazing and ontop of being a highflyer he had some power that he could use.
I would like to see Macho Man Randy Savage back, when he was in his prime.

He could have some great feuds with HBK and HHH. Plus I also think that him vs Edge or Orton would be great viewing. Even him vs Jericho.

There are so many ppl he could have thought now-a-days that could make classic storylines or matches.
Even though it won't happen, at least not for awhile. I would love to see Kurt Angle back in the WWE. He could put on some great programs with some stars that still need to be built up (like Swagger for instance).

Angle going back to the WWE would be epic for me, since i've always been a fan of the guy, and since he left I haven't watched much of him, since TNA isn't something I watch on a consistent basis at all.

I thought he had many memorable matches, feuds, and moments in WWE. And the main reasons I want to see him back, is so I can follow his career better once more, and see all the great programs he can put on with WWE's fresh crop of talent.
RVD is the obvious choice since he left at the top of his game and we can't see him wrestle anymore, but I'll try and go with somebody different. I'm going with Psycho Sid. As somebody mentioned I think he'd be a great bodyguard/enforcer to a wrestler. Maybe somebody like John Morrison or the Miz. The WWE tried doing it with Kendrick and Ezekiel, but failed because of Kendrick. I don't think Morrison or Miz would drop the ball. Or maybe he could be an enforcer to the Straight Edge Society.
SpoodBeest™;1794106 said:
Even though it won't happen, at least not for awhile. I would love to see Kurt Angle back in the WWE. He could put on some great programs with some stars that still need to be built up (like Swagger for instance).

Angle going back to the WWE would be epic for me, since i've always been a fan of the guy, and since he left I haven't watched much of him, since TNA isn't something I watch on a consistent basis at all.

I thought he had many memorable matches, feuds, and moments in WWE. And the main reasons I want to see him back, is so I can follow his career better once more, and see all the great programs he can put on with WWE's fresh crop of talent.

Angle for me too. He puts on epic matches, him and Swagger would have quality PPV matches which could really get Swagger over.
I'd love if RVD came back, but there's no chance of that happening. He made it clear he couldn't wait to get away from WWE the first time; plus he's not the type to kiss ass so it's not like he'd be main eventing. But it'd be good to see one of my old favorites back, even if it was in the midcard.

Another wrestler by the name of Kurt Angle comes to mind. He could have a fresh start and feud with the new boys to test them out. Swagger could finally be put through a test to see if he has the "Skills" to make it to main event status one day, and hell he could even improve his mic skills working with Kurt. It'd also be a good thing to see him work Punk, what with him refusing to go to rehab being the reason for his release.

(P.S. with Bryan Danielson coming in also, imagine the match Angle and he would have. 5 star match all the way.)
I would love to see Goldberg come back to wwe. But I can't see him as a host. He didn't talk very much when he was there before, besides he has already said he wouldn't come back for Vince, he would go to TNA though! When he was wrestling,he only got on the mike to yell at however he was mad at.
My first thoughts are RVD, Jeff and Kurt but they've been mentioned enough in the thread so I'll go with someone else:

Brock Lesnar

The guy has great ability in the ring and is a huge dude that always fitted into the WWE 'main guy' role. He was over and had everything going for him and I'd guarantee he'd be just as over if he was ever to return. I'd love to see some matches between him and Cena or Orton now that they are the main men on the shows.

But, RVD, Jeff and Angle would be my top picks by far. Love those guys.
For me i would like to see Jonathan coachman back again. He was a great GM. He had the right character and persona to be called as GM of raw. He was so entertaining back then. After he left wwe is still lacking a good on air GM at raw.

My second pick would be Muhammad Hussan. He was pure gold. He had everything that a wrestler should have. He got punished for the creative's fault. Creative team put that angle on the tv and he was the one who got punished. If vince had to let him go then he should have fired every member of creative who came with that idea. He just did his job.
I would love to see Brian Kendrick return as The Brian Kendrick and get the push he deserved for the world title. I also really like Paul London he also should retur and get pushed equal to Kendrick

Chuck Palumbo was awesome i couldn't think why WWE had no creative plans for him on RAW.

My second pick would be Muhammad Hussan. He was pure gold. He had everything that a wrestler should have. He got punished for the creative's fault. Creative team put that angle on the tv and he was the one who got punished. If vince had to let him go then he should have fired every member of creative who came with that idea. He just did his job.

A-fricking-men! The guy was the best heel in WWE at the time and he got punished due to creative which was just wrong
There had been for a little over a year to where I hear that the "Alpha Male" himself, Monty Brown was coming back to the WWE. But no action has been put into action yet as far as that rumor (or true) has been concern?

I love Monty Brown! He's the best thing to come along in a longtime as far as the wrestling "new breed" goes. His whole wrestling style is just one of a kind! He was trained by MMA/UFC legend Dan "The Beast" Severn.

I just hope if Monty does come back to the WWE he's on one of the top two brands instead of wrestling on Tuesday nights on what will be WWE NXT? Monty Brown is the NEW GENERATION NOT NEXT!

I wouldn't mind seeing the alpha male pound the hell out of Triple H on RAW. Or rough up Chris Jericho on Smackdown. As long as he's back I don't care!
Bill Goldberg

He was never a great in-ring performer, but his intensity more than made up for it, and I'll let him slide because of that. Unfortunately, Bill Goldberg did not stick around because I always wanted to see Goldberg and The Undertaker face-off in the ring.

Just imagine it: Undertaker just finished as the victor in a tough match against The Big Show, and out of nowhere Bill Goldberg shows up and spears him, letting The Deadman know that he's next at Wrestlemania.
i'm going to try and avoid the obvious (rvd, kurt, brock, SCSA, the rock) and go for someone else. my ideal people to return would be Mr perfect and the british bulldog, but, since they can't happen (for obvious, and very unfortunate reasons) my pick would be Ted Dibiase. Great gimmick, still in good shape, no real injuries, and younger than some others who have been active in wwe over the last few years *Ahem*Flair*
I'd like to see

RVD - Because he was always entertaining in the ring and I enjoyed his matches, and though he wasn't great on the mic he wasn't terrible either.

Kurt Angle - One of the best in ring technical wrestlers and has been involved in some extremely good fueds and matches over the years, he needs to come back and show soem of the guys how its done.

X-Pac - I don't know why but X-pac I found to be interesting in the ring as well whether as part of DX or as 6 on WCW I thought his wrestling ability was decent as well, so it'd be good to see him again.

Jeff Hardy - Obviously because he was getting an enormous push as a champion and competitor before he left and he's extremely good in the ring.

Kane - At the time of his mask, and fire and mostly non-talking Kane was awesome and a force to be reckoned with since he lost the mask he's gone down in appeal and seems to be there for young guys to kick around before they pin him.

Brian Kendrick - Because he was an interesting character as 'The Brian Kendrick' and good in the ring as well so he should still be in the wwe.
Kurt Angle: I will honestly like WWE to steal Kurt from TNA and bring him back to the E. Kurt was very amazing when he was in WWE, he used to cut some very good promos and he also made me laugh. Kurt will help alot of young star, and he will also be a top face or heel in any show that he goes to. I really miss kurt, I know its been along time sice Kurt left WWE, but as of right now no one has skill in WWE like kurt has. I also think that WWE need Kurt back in there roster.
for non-wrestlers i'd like to see paul heyman back, he is just a creative genius, i mean he helped develop the mr. kennedy character in ovw and brock lesnar,

for wrestlers i'd like to see Albert, brock lesnar, kurt angle, and booker t for one last go round
Realistically, no one. There's too many people on the roster. If there were two people that LEFT, then I'd say Lance Storm or Hassan. But, with their characters (Lance being more of a Benoit type; Wrestling, with little talk, and Hassan being a monster heel who uses racism) I honestly think they'd fit better in TNA.

Neidhart should show up for the Wrestlemania match, however.
A couple of guys that I would love to see return to the 'E, though I'm positive it won't happen with the first, are Elijah Burke {DeAngelo Dinero} and The ROCK jk, that one was ruled out. The second one would be Manu because with Umaga gone {Rest in Peace}, they need someone from the Anoi Family Tree to be in the 'E. The only thing keeping Manu back is his attitude and the only thing stopping Burke is his massive push and popularity in TNA.
RVD - This guy is just an awesome wrestler full stop. Sure he besides his shoot bit on One Night Stand 2005, his promos are hard to remember.. but he was able to keep a promo rolling.. Also the guy was loved by everyone, getting some of the biggest pops out of most wrestlers, even when he was supposed to be a heel during the Invasion storyline, everyone couldn't stop chanting his initials.. If it weren't for that weed arrest him and Sabu got into he would be a multi time WWE Champ if he were still in the company today.. I'm at least glad he got to hold it at least once.

Kurt Angle - Man I was disappointed when he left WWE, I was disappointed even more when he showed up on TNA.. If he were still in WWE he'd be a definite Hall of Famer in the making. His wrestling skills are top notch, he has some very memorable promos and is just a naturally funny guy (I recently watched the one from 2003 where he made fun of Cena for not knowing of 'Hug-a-nomics' bloody crack up haha). If there were a wrestler I could choose from TNA to go back to WWE he's definately the first pick.

Tajiri - Man.. I miss this guy too much. Great unique wrestling skills, Best kicks in WWE in my opinion, he had the poison mist which was always fun to watch.. and even for a foreign guy, he was quite good on the mic.. always had me cracking up, his promos were quite memorable aswell. Never really enjoyed him as a heel though, he suited the babyface role much better.. It absolutely crushed me when I found out this guy left WWE, specially since about a month before he signed a 3 year deal on his contract. Also, if you've never seen that Diva search segment with The Rock and Tajiri, watch it.. those 2 were quite hilarious together... "POONTUNG!"

The Brian Kendrick - This guy really deserved better, now before people start I know he was apparently quite difficult to work with, and yes I know he smokes weed.. But still, this guy was very talented.. It seemed WWE were right on the money when they moved him to Smackdown and gave him that very feint Shawn Michaels type of gimmick (good fit seeing how he was trained by Michaels himself) It worked for him, I loved every bit of it.. then suddenly the whole weed situation came about and then he was suddenly pushed down the ladder.. Then when he was drafted back to RAW things only got worse. He only won about 1 match while he was on there and then he was placed in a weak feud with Jerry 'The King' Lawler, then getting released in the middle of it. Drafting him to RAW was a huge mistake, he was doing so well on Smackdown.. Ah well, at least he's on TNA now.. I hope they use him right.

The Dudley Boyz - First of all, I absolutely hate calling them 'Team 3D'.. also I hate calling Bubba Ray Dudley 'Brother Ray' aswell as Spike as 'Brother Runt'.. my god that's just awful. I loved these guys back in WWE, The Hardyz, E&C, The Dudleyz.. they brought back tag team wrestling back in 2000, had some of the greatest matches I've ever seen (TLC WM 17, TLC WM 2000, TLC Raw Roulette 2002), I liked them as babyface, I liked them as heels.. they were entertaining either way. I also remember going to a Live Show in 2003, they faced La Resistance, I think they lost the match but in the end they put both Dupree and Granier through a table, then they celebrated for about 20 mins, It was D-Von's birthday so everyone sung Happy Bday to him, they got a chunk of wood from one of the tables, signed it and gave it to a little kid in the front row, then they jumped the rails and shook hands with people in the crowd (D-Von actually made his way pretty close to me but I wasn't close enough to shake his hand) They definately made that 180 bucks i spent worth it. Though I think WWE are quite content with them on TNA, Every smark pretty much knows that Bubba Ray has gotten a lot of criticism as he is quite difficult to work with, while on the other hand wrestlers say that D-Von is an absolute pleasure to work with.. But the 2 can't really work without each other as we saw back in 2002.
I'd do a top five here:

1. Paul London: very very unlikely, he bashed a lot of people upon his release but when London had his push, he was (and still is) a stellar performer. Bring back the cruiser weight division, possibly on NXT. That would rule. Oh and dont ban his SSP this time... feud with Bourne for the use of it on TV. Interesting feud it would be indeed.

The guy was supposed to get a push as big as Kendricks as WWE officials saw the two of them as "Great talent lost in the shuffle". The problem was when Mr. McMahon was going to his limo when it "exploded" and you could see London had a big smile on his face which WWE saw as massive disrespect. Also he would give out to fans very often that asked for autographs. London was very talneted and very underused but like Kendrick his attitude is what lost him his WWE career. Personally i would love to see him return and maybe start off with a US or IC title path and then maybe be elevated only if he ever changed his attitude.
Kenny Dykstra. That guy had it all: Youth, The look, Charisma and was deemed the "Golden Boy" and the future of WWE at one point.

WWE totally dropped the ball with him he could have gone far and if he returned then hopefully WWE will use him right otherwise I hope he ends up in TNA where he would go far no doubt.
Hands down it would have to be Kurt Angle. I would love to see him have another great run in the WWE. It would be awesome to see him face old rivals but also some of the new superstars that have come into the WWE since his departure.
The superstar I would like to see come back to the 'E would be Booker T. Before his 'King' gimmick he was a really enjoyable charater to watch and i really enjoyed his matches. If he came back today as a face he would have a whole new crop of superstars to work with. Booker T vs Orton, Sheamus, Jericho Miz they are all matches which could add some new spice to the upper mid card. If he debuted as a Heel I would love to see a long programme with him and Edge these two could work off each other well but I am relatively new to wrestling so they may have already worked a programme. (if so could somebody let me know cheers) MOT
My pick would have to go with Brock Lesnar. In my opinion when they lost him that was a very very very massive loss (not to mention they also lost Goldberg on the same night). He just had it all, the look, the power, the speed, the ability. He was just such a power house, and when he was a heel, he was actually scary, just think back to that time when he beat the absolute crap out of Zack Gowen then smeared his blood all over his own body. To see him back in the wwe would be awesome.

I would also like to see RVD come back to the wwe. I know he just signed to TNA but i still would have loved to see him back in the wwe. He was just an exciting wrestler to watch. People loved him and in my opinion he was very under rated. I could see him working some good story lines with the Miz and especially CM Punk.
Thinking of all the former WWE wrestlers that now work for TNA, the only one that I'd really care to see in a WWE ring again is Kurt Angle. I'm really digging that WWE has a ton of new up-and-coming young talent and unlike TNA, I'd like to see WWE give them the time necessary to let them develop and grow their wings. But Kurt can work, would showcase the young talent correctly, and I was a big Angle fan when he was in the WWE with the old entrance music and the "You Suck! What? You Suck! What?"

Of course, everybody wants Austin to come back, but it's just never going to happen. I still can't believe all these years later the crowd chants "What?". They're going to have a field day when Austin is the guest host.

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