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What wrestler do you want to return to WWE?

im going away from Lesnar, RVD (Nice Pick), and Goldberg. We should all accept the fact that Lesnar will never come back to professional wrestling. RVD is contemplating a return. And Goldberg, well we will have to wait and see.

My picks, some of you all might not agree but its how I feel who should come back.

Lance Cade: Great tag team wrestler with Trevor Murdoch, really thought I was going to see a huge push when he teamed with Jericho. However he has a seizure and drug problem so that never happened.

A-Train: This dude is huge and to me was a good wrestler. I dont think he plans on leaving Japan, but I personally would like to see him back in the WWE. He could really use his size to move up.

Tatanka: he might be old but he showed in his match on TNA that he cam still wrestler, and with me down in college in his hometown, you know that I ahve to throw his name in there.

Trish Stratus: The Best Divas wrestler ever.

Chyna: I would like to see her fued with Beth Phoenix over her comments she made about Chyna.

Lita: Fued with Trish, Beth, Chyna, Mickie, Maryse, and others

Victoria aka Tara: Good Divas/Knockout wrestler.

Muhammed Hassan: Great heel, and his mic skill and in-ring ablilities were great. Awesome heel though

Davari/Sheik Abdul Bashir: Good Technical wrestler, have him team with Hassan in the tag division and see if they can get a stable with Rajin Singh and The Great Khali.

Jim Ross as Raw GM: I dont think he should go back to Smackdown as the annoucer cause the team they have now is working and when the guest host gimmick dies out JR should become the new and permanent Raw GM. He is the voice of RAW and he would have such a huge following.
Well, there are a couple of obvious answers like Jeff Hardy and RVD, and I would definately like to see them back, but I'm going to choose someone that I don't think anyone else has mentioned and that is Brian Kendrick. Maybe more specifically, The Brian Kendrick. I thought Kendrick was very underated. He was athletic, quick, he had some charisma and had a great range of kicks and high flying moves. I think his tag team title reign with Paul London was one of the best of the past decade.

However, I preferred him as The Brian Kendrick. It was a great character and teaming him with a huge bodyguard to hide behind made the character even better. Kendrick played the role really well and got some decent heat. I heard his release may be linked to his marijuana usage and it seems a shame to lose him from our screens over something like that. I'd definately mark out a little if The Brian Kendrick returned.
JBL. They say, "You don't know what you got till it's gone" and JBL is a shining example of that. It wasn't until he quit that I realized how awesome of a heel he was. Despite his D-Cups, he was a great brawler and someone I definitely wouldn't want to be squaring off against in or out of a ring, unless of course I was Joey Styles. He could talk up a storm too and runs circles around 3/4 of the WWE roster. Not to mention the unbelievable heel heat he recieved week in and week out. My pick is JBL.
I would pick Jeff Hardy for my #1 because he, Matt, Edge and Christian got me into wrestling and i'd love to see a program between the four of them. Rob Van Dam because the guy is great in the ring and would have great matches with pretty much anyone. Lita and Trish becuase I still think their the hottest Divas ever and they could also show the current Divas how to actually have a match and make me give a damn about the Divas.
Lots of people saying RVD, which I find quite surprising. I thought most would rather have him go to TNA where we could see RVD vs Angle, vs Styles, vs Daniels, vs Sting and so on and so on, all of which spells gold to me.

I'd love to see Scott Hall return to WWE. Not as a wrestler but as a commentator. Hall has expressed interest in the past of doing that, and I think it would be awesome. Hearing the crash and having his old Razor Ramone music start up and have him walk right out and cut a promo (which he can still do quite well). They even just go back to calling him Razor, I wouldn't mind one bit.

Whether he would be a good colour announcer or not I have no idea as I've never heard him before and before any jumps down my throat about all his booze issues let's just pretend for a moment that doesn't factor into it. I would be all for it. Maybe even having a one off match against someone like Lawler could be good.
I'd like to see the Kane that was more than fodder return. The Big Red Machine has become a faded pink tinker toy at times. Kane is one of my Faves and i'd love to see him regain the aura.

On a serious note i'd love to see Kurt back, he is still brilliant in-ring, can talk it up and the facial expressions are great.

Seeing as edge is back we cant choose him :)
It really doesn't matter who it is they just have to have had previous work in the WWE. I know i'm going to get people who say the rock and stone cold so i'm going to say right now i'm going to eliminate those two. So other than the rock and stone cold what superstar do you want to return to WWE and it could be more than 1 superstar. So heres who I would like to return. I would want RVD to return to WWE because he was my favorite I guess you can say mid card wrestler back when he was in WWE and I want to see him back in the WWE. I would also like to see GOLDBERG come back even though that I think this would most likely never happen because I don't think he would even fit in WWE's current PG era but it would be great if we could here the GOLDBERG chant 1 more time. So anyway what superstar(s) do you want to return to WWE.

1) Mr. Kennedy (Mr. Anderson now in TNA). I really liked him in WWE. I always thought he was destined for greatness.

2) Kurt Angle - still world class.

3) Kane, but the old Kane (as someone else pointed out), mask, hellfire & brimstone and all.
How about Billy Gunn (Kip James)?

At this point I don't even know if he is still associated with TNA, but how he has been used by them lately is embarassing. Valet for The Beautiful People, Janitor, Handyman....really?

Bring him back to the WWE. He is always in great shape, he can work the mic, and he could be put into a program with practically anyone. I can just picture him vs Dolph Ziggler right now complaining about how Dolph stole his look. Have him work with some of the younger guys on Smackdown...give him a push, make him the WHC...why the hell not? The possibilities are endless.

Don't waste time dreaming about Brock, Angle, RVD, or Hogan. This can happen and could be something. Make it happen, do it...do it.

Besides Gunn, I wouldn't mind seeing Chris Kanyon back. He is out of the closet and proud of who he is. Bring him back and have some fun with it. Maybe bring back Rico Constantino to portray his love interest.
I would have to say i would love to see Muhhamd Hassan come back to the WWE. He was one of the best heels when he was around and could draw crowd hear anywhere and was a future World Champion if it wasnt for the media over reacting so i would love to see him come back
I can't believe this has gone on for four pages before Morpheus mentioned the man who i would most like to see make a WWE comeback...

Weighing in at Two-hundred and thirty five poundsuh!

He hails from...GREEN...BAY...WIS-CON-SIN!!!!!!


I would love to see Elijah Burke back as well, because- ...KENNEDY...- these two were the future of the company. When i saw Punk and Burke in ECW, i thought it was something i'd be seeing for years to come. In my mind, WWE really blew it with both of these guys...and i for one, would love to see them come back and get some recognition.

Also, i'd love to see RVD and Londrick make triumphant returns, though even if the latter were to make a return, i highly doubt it would be triumphant...:suspic:
I have to be honest my pick would be the "Wildcat" Chris Harris. I truly believe that he had and still has the potential to be huge in the WWE. He has the looks, the skills, the mic work... well everything they want for a good ME. Bring him back: start by putting him in the mid card, make him win the US or IC championships and then jumps to ME. He is better than Sheamus (and I like sheamus!). So I trully believe he would be awesome.
Priority: I would like Kurt Angle to return to RAW!! That would be awesome!!
Kevin Nash could help a little, working with HBK and Triple H as a stable perhaps... and Eric Bischoff as Raw GM. As a midcarder, A-Train was a good hell, he deserves another chance.
On Smackdown, Brock Lesnar and F5 to Batista! Orlando Jordan was a good wrestler and I liked the character of Chief of Staff siding with JBL.
Of all the wrestlers mentioned, the biggest name, and the man that should return is Kurt Angle. I know his career is winding down. Of course, judging by his wrestling you'd think he's in his prime, but in reality, he's got a lot of health issues that may cause him to leave sooner rather than later. And what better way to end your career than by appearing in the WWE one last time. To wrestle at a Wrestlemania. To win the championship. I was borderline heart broken when he showed up in TNA. To me, it was like he was taking a step down. Although, he had a lot of physical and personal issues he was dealing with, so perhaps I understand why he left. But he needs to come back. I don't care what anybody says he is a WWE guy. AJ Styles, Joe, Daniels, Jarrett, they're TNA guys. But Angle, much like Foley, is and will forever be a WWE guy. Come back Kurt. PLEASSSSEEEE!
Out of every past WWE employee, Jesse Ventura is probably the one I most want to return on a permanent basis. His commentary was second to none and infinitely more interesting than most of what we get to hear these days. I'd also quite like Road Dogg to return to do backstage interviews, as there needs to be someone with a bit of charisma back there.

As for actual in ring wrestlers, Angle probably has a year or two left in him, so I'd quite like him to come back. Other than that, I can't really think of anyone who is feasible. The Rock is probably the only one who isn't too old or too dead for me to be interested in.
Muhammad Hassan. He had good mic skills and drew just incredible amounts of heat. He'd never be a tweener or a face in the WWE. He'd just keep drawing heat and he could be a top heel just because of his culture and who he is. I know it sounds wrong and evil, but it would seriously work.

Another guy would have to be Kurt Angle. The guy could help develop Swagger into the main event talent he truly is! I rivalry or tag team of some sort. Kurt would be really good with developing a lot of these young superstars.
I'm not sure if I should say as many of those I'd love to see return can't for reason of being dead. Thus I'm not certain if this fits here, but I'll go ahead anyway. Who would I like to see return?

First, Eddie Guerrero. If he were not dead, his return would be awesome. Not only that, but it would give Chavo something to do either by team-up or feud.

Secondly, I'd like to see a return of Doink the Clown. Yes, you read right, I wanna see the clown return and begin wreaking havoc. One might argue that Hornswoggle has pretty much taken up his role, but there is a difference. In his prime, Doink was believable in getting victories over larger wrestlers. Hornswoggle, as amusing as he is in backstage segments, isn't. If not as a competitor, I'd like to see Doink return at least as a Raw guest host.

Lastly, I'd like to see Kizarny come back, provided he trains himself up a bit more and has a bit more of a chance to go over with the crowd, perhaps coming up with a few named signature moves for the crowd to latch onto.
has anyone else noticed that most of the posts on this thread are all wrestlers currently working for TNA. let's get real here. people like Angle, Brian kendrick, Mr. Kennedy and the others that are in TNA are there for good reasons and they want to be there. Angle likes the smaller work schedule. Kendrick actually did everything he could to get fired by Vince. Kennedy was fired. so just give up on them. but i do agree with a lot of the posters. I would love to see Davari and Mahammed Hassan(however the hell it's spelled) both return. they were both able to pull immense heal heat just by walking out to the ring all because of their heritage.
my picks would be:

Sean O'haire: i dont think that this amazingly athletic heavyweight really got the chance to get off the ground in WWE, had WCW stuck around, i dont think it wouldve been long before he wouldve been world champ, i wanna see the sean-ton bomb 1 more time...

JBL: i love a good heel, this guy was great...

Brock Lesnar: my absolute favorite wrestler who only lasted 2 years... what a monster...

Kronik: WWE PG would never allow a pothead gimmick, hell, they only alluded to RVDs usage by having him be indifferent to everything, which is what pot does to you, but as RVD would (be scripted to) say... whatever...
billy kidman: is he even available?
Without a doubt ... Sean O'Haire ... nobody else had the combined look, talent and micwork but still so little of an opportunity ...
Would also completely mark out for the New Age Outlaws, and I'm not sure if he ever worked for the WWE but I would kill to see an UNSCRIPTED Mark Madden sitting at the booth ...
I'd like to see Sid come back as a body guard. I know its been done (1995), but he always generates heat, is a draw, and has the physique. Scott Hall as a mouthpiece, maybe a manager could work as well. He's great on the mic and if he straightens up his act, why not? A lot of the young guys can't talk and he'd be perfect.

If Bret Hart's been back on RAW, then hell bring back Savage. He would be a great guest host, and he could drop an elbow on someone.
If I'm going to give a realistic answer there are three guys who I would like to see return.

1) Rob Van Dam - Obvious choice. He works better matches than almost anyone.

2) Yoshihiro Tajiri - Guy was totally underused in WWE. He got some work and the Cruiserweight belt a couple of times which was nice. I also liked them pairing him with Torrie Wilson but I wish they hadn't made him go heel at the end. Anyways, his classic ECW matches were awesome. He was just so innovative.

3) Little Spike Dudley - Loved watching him in classic ECW. He'd put on some of the best matches; the guy could really hang with the big guys (until WWE would no longer allow it). Loved his matches with Mike Awesome in ECW. Bring him back to the WWE and let the guy win some matches.
A wrestler I would love to see back is 2 cold scorpio. He was Booker T and Rey Mysterio combined. Furthermore I loved his move-set. He was a great high flyer and his technical ability wasn't that bad. Plus I loved his theme song.
I was watching some old PPV the other night and saw Mark Jindrak and thought what happened to this guy as he had the perfect look and could of become a real star. This inturn reminded me of Sean O'Haire as they tagged together. As a tag team they could have dominated the division.

Sean was even better primed for the big time as this guy could really wrestle and had all the tools to become a main eventer.
even tho it will most likely never happen. Brock Lesnar

He was a monster,built like a brick shit house.he had all the tools to be great. Could put on a decent show no matter who he was put up with. He was the destroyer of wrestlers. He had everything going for him and was destined to be the next big thing. All the possible feuds that come to mind.Cena, Batista, Orton, Edge, Jericho, More taker, HBK, and finally get that hhh feud that never happend. I think wwe would benefit a lot from a guy like lesnar. But it will most likely never happen. But it would of been cool if he made his return like he was going to a few years back. So many its possible in the future. Doubt it now that he signed on to the ufc. So oh well.
Not necessarily to wrestle, I'd like to see Macho Man come back. He could definitely deliver some incredible promos and it'd allow for a better chance into the Hall of Fame, which he deserves.

If he returned it'd be a nice chance to allow him to bring back a new side of his character and gather some wrestlers up to push a Madness Agenda, or what have you. He could be used as a mouthpiece who definitely could get involved effectively. It'd be a nice mix of an older character and idea, but one that doesn't get tired by any means.

The Madness aspect of his character that he acted out in his feud with DDP was wonderful, it'd be nice to see an updated version of that, while leading others down that avenue. They'd garner attention, experience and learn how to character wrestle, meaning using the character not just before and after the match, but during..

Also mentions..
Ultimo Dragon
Jim Cornette
Low Ki, if he was used properly.

I pick the first and second for obvious talent reasons and I want them on the big stage. Cornette is just a smart mind who can still be a great mouthpiece.

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