Who replaces Ziggler in the Chamber?

The thread I'm surprised by not seeing isn't this one, it's the "So where do you think Dolph Ziggler would fit in with TNA" thread that pops up every time the WWE does a firing/retirement angle. Maybe the WWE has done this angle so much this year (and by no means are they alone in the fire/retire party) that even the most gullible of board marks aren't falling for it.

I'm confused with Ziggler's booking, though. He was made to look better then he ever has before in his career, and it seems that in just one week, all that momentum is completely shot. There's the possibility of him being finagled into a WHC triple threat match, but more likely it would seem he's MitB fodder for this year. I hope they have a plan for him, because right now the plan seems to be "let's abort this Edge/Ziggler thing so we can move on to Del Rio."
I'm wondering why they would even do this replacement at all. Ziggler's "firing" could have led to him sneaking back into the match. Big Show certainly didn't need this match, and other than maybe Rhodes there isn't a midcarder on Smackdown who could benefit from being in the match. Even in Rhodes' case he is (kayfabe) unable to wrestle right now. Ziggler should not have been replaced at all. If I had to pick I would have put Christian in, just because this would then have given the fans a cool moment. Christian or Big Show? Pretty easy choice. Granted, Christian did return but he could have returned for the match itself. Ziggler not being replaced at all remains the better option, but oh well life goes on.

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