2011 Elimination Chamber - Smackdown Chamber Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

At WWE Elimination Chamber, six SmackDown Superstars will step into the career-altering abyss that is the Elimination Chamber Match. Will Edge walk out with the World Heavyweight Championship still in his grasp? Or will another Superstar rise from the metal mayhem as the new World Champion and face No. 1 contender Alberto Del Rio in the main event at WrestleMania?

The Elimination Chamber is such a sinister instrument of destruction that it has only been contested 11 times since its inception. The mangled configuration of torture is comprised of two miles of chain, 10 tons of steel, measuring 16-feet in height and 36-feet in diameter. Two Superstars will begin the match, with the others being released one-at-a-time into the insanity thereafter. A Superstar wins when his five adversaries have been eliminated by pinfall or submission. There is no disqualification; no order; no place to hide.

In addition to Edge, the match will include Rey Mysterio, Kane, Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre – all of whom claimed their opportunity in a series of Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches on the Feb. 4 edition of SmackDown. “Acting” SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero used her authority to automatically insert her boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler, into the fray.

Although the odds are stacked against The Rated-R Superstar retaining his World Heavyweight Championship, The Master Manipulator has triumphed in the Elimination Chamber before, forging his legacy in a total of three battles inside the dreaded structure.

Kane also has been in three Elimination Chamber Matches, including its inaugural match in the 2002 Survivor Series. The Devil’s Favorite Demon is not only tailor-made for the hellish structure, but he would like nothing better than to use it to reclaim the title that The Ultimate Opportunist took from him at WWE TLC.

Rey Mysterio has experienced the madness of Elimination Chamber on two separate occasions. His athletic prowess, extreme heart and aerial superiority allow him to thrive on all levels of the cage-like environment and could make the difference for the two-time World Champion.

Although this is the first Elimination Chamber Match for Ziggler, McIntyre and Barrett, each has demonstrated the type of ruthless aggression needed to reign supreme amidst the masochistic steel.

This should be another interesting Chamber match.

I like McIntyre and Ziggler, but I don't think they're going to walk away with the gold here. Wrestlemania is rapidly approaching, and I just can't see either of these guys wearing Championship gold right now. Mysterio and Kane are two established veteran wrestlers, but I don't think they'll wear Championship gold again here. Barrett could be looked at as a wild card in this match. He's feuded with John Cena and Randy Orton. Although, I don't think Barrett is going to become champion here. He's on the "not ready" list.

I'm picking Edge to win this one. I do believe the World Heavyweight Championship match with Del Rio will take place at Mania. Edge has been having a solid reign as World Champion so far, and I don't think any of the other men in this Chamber would be a good choice to head into Wrestlemania as the World Heavyweight Champion.

Who's your pick to win?
I agree with you on this one. The most reasonable winner seems to be Edge. Dolph may have a chance, but I don't think he will end up winning it. Kane and Rey have some star power, but I don't see any of those at the main event for Smack Down in mania. Barret could win it. He seems like a good opponent right now. As for Mcyntire, I don't see any chances of him winning and main eventing at mania. I can see a return from Cristian to set up Edge vs Cristian vs Del Rio at mania.
With rey's noted shoulder injury i could easily see him eliminated and some other guy could come in and win other than that edge for sure.
It has to go to Edge or Rey. Whoever wins it is going on to face Del Rio at Wrestlemania, and unless someone can make a drastic face turn and develop a non existent feud with Del Rio in the month prior to the big show, it has to go to the 2 people who have a beef with Del Rio. Personally, I'm pulling for Edge. We've seen enough of Rey vs Del Rio and I think they've milked everything they could out of that one. Edge and Del Rio is still a relatively fresh feud for which the seeds have been planted. That'll likely be your Wrestlemania match up.
I agree with Nate. It's gotta be either Edge or Mysterio. WWE might decide to go with Mysterio given that he already has some history with ADR unlike Edge. But then they have already had their feud ending match on the first Smackdown of this year while Edge vs ADR is a fresh feud despite the obvious lack of a storyline here. If they add Christian to the Mania match, that could add a bit to the story but somehow I feel that that is unlikely to happen.
I think Edge retains here. Some people are saying they can see Rey go over to set up Rey vs. Del Rio at Wrestlemania, but they've already started investing time in Del Rio vs. Edge, and Rey vs. Del Rio has been done already.

To be quite frank, I'm not very impressed with this match. I think Swagger should have gone into the Chamber instead of McIntyre. Drew came out to crickets on Smackdown while Swagger got a great pop. Furthermore, Swagger is a former champion and a strong wrestler while Drew is a mediocre wrestler with nothing but a weak IC title reign to his name. I think Drew is going to slow the whole match down and kill the audience during situations where he is involved.

I also have mixed feelings about Kane being part of this. Kane is always fun to watch in these type of matches because he can be so dominant. However, after he delivers some chokeslams, he's going to be teamed up on and brought down by the rest of the guys who will all hit their finishers on him. Additionally, he hasn't displayed good chemistry with any of the guys in this match.

If I had my druthers, the Smackdown Elimination Chamber would be Edge, Dolph, Kofi, Swagger, Barrett, and Big Show. All three men have history with each other (seriously, Edge has feuded with all three heels, Kofi with two of the three, and Show with two of the three), and all are extremely entertaining right now. That said, I still anticipate a good match out of these 6.
now this is what id like to see happen, now bare with me....dolph wins world title next week on smackdown.....drew mcintyre wins elimination chamber....Edge wins MIB and vows to cash it in later that night to take back HIS world title?
While the result of the Raw EC match is more or less set in stone, the SD match could have two possible routes it could go..either Edge or Rey Mysterio..
What i'd like to see is Edge retain, and during the match Del Rio coming out and distracting Rey Rey for some other heel to eliminate him...theres someting about the way their match on the first SD ended that leaves me thinking that the feud would continue... then in the coming weeks rey finds a way to insert himself in the match making it a triple threat...
what this would do is pit two veterans against the newcomer at Mania, which i think could be better for the buys than Edge vs Del Rio..this also promises to be a good match as Del Rio and mysterio showed great chemistry IMO..and it could lead to a nice storyline going into mania as they already have history together...
Edge or Rey have to win as they are the only faces in the match.

Del Rio is facing the winner at Mania so logically being a heel he will vs a face for the strap.

Either option will work as he has put the wheels in motion for a feud with Edge, and we all know of the history between Rey and Del Rio.
edge is clearly goingto win unless they want to really shake things up..i mean kane wont be getting his title back, ziggler is terrible he just gets title shot after title shot which is ridiculous, mcintyre is garbage and just a filler, rey is a 1 % chance but weve already seen it to many times. barret is also 1% but barret vs del rio doesnt really work.

edge vs del rio at mania
Edge to win this somehow, They wouldn't have del rio win, and waste him winning it at wrestlemania just for him to win it here, I'm guessing Rey eliminates Del, Rio Macintre turns face somehow and the last two people standing is Wade and Edge only to have the undertaker come out and "help" Edge retain.

I'm looking forward to seeing Ziggler prove once again he can be in the ME scene though. I think Kane is in it just as a filler and to make everybody think he will win it.
Im surprised nobody has mentioned the possibility of Edge losing the title and the mania match becoming a triple threat as Del Rio has his rumble clause and Edge could revoke his rematch clause.

I could see Cody Rhodes taking out Mysterio at the Elimination Chamber due to their storyline/feud that being pieced together so maybe we could see a returning Christian taking Reys spot in the EC match.
If there is a winner other than Edge at EC, could ADR change his mind and challenge for the WWE championship instead, since he declared he would challenge Edge at Mania, and if Edge wasn't the champion, could it be feasible that he could chose again?
rey vs adr will not happen at WM 27 Rey is gonna face cody rhodes as he hand picked him to have a program with through WM 27
where are people getting Cody in the match and Del Rio in the match what the hell??????? Edge will win but i like the Idea of him losing and getting a rematch
Being a wild card suggestion, WWE had a supershow awhile ago and had Triple H vs Alberto Del Rio.. I would like to see Triple H return to Smackdown take the spot from an arrogant over confident Drew McIntyre and WIN. Also, Christian vs Edge can happen without everyone expecting Christian job to Edge in a world title match at WrestleMania since WWE will take longer to push Christian further. I'd like this to happen, but it doesn't mean it will happen... unfortunetly
We could always just make the safe bet and expect William Regal to win both World titles at 'Mania.
This match as a whole makes me more confident that WWE wants Miz to retain at Elimination Chamber, due to the fact that Edge is set to defend in the chamber, but Miz isn't.

I think that's kinda strange to be honest. But I guess there's no sense in having an number 1 contender Elimination Chamber when the number 1 contender for the world title at Wrestlemania is already set.

Either way, this chamber looks pretty good. Even though it doesn't match up to the RAW elimination Chamber in terms of name value and top contenders, I still can't help but think that this is bound to be a pretty good chamber match. And I'm guessing Edge will walk out the champion once again, or regain the championship all depending on how next weeks Smackdown will turn out. But I don't see anyone but Edge really walking into Wrestlemania as champion. Especially considering WWE is most likely not gonna "Re-launch" the Rey Mysterio / Alberto Del Rio feud for Wrestlemania, also considering how many times they've already faced.

Either way, my money is on Edge.
Well, I do think Edge is the logical choice here, I don't think he's the only choice. Del Rio said he would challenge for the "world heavyweight championship" and not Edge by name, Ziggler could possibly win the title on Smackdown! or Elimination Chamber, and easily set up a Triple Threat with Edge and Del Rio at Wrestlemania.

I do not think the Undertaker will return to cost Barrett as many have stated, if they have someone come up through the floor like HBK did last year, I think that is just overkill. So the only logical choices are for Ziggler or Edge to go over clean.
it will be edge or rey walking champion but then again you never know i can see McIntyre turning face and going straight for ziggler after what happened with Kelly Kelly and in my opinion it would be and interesting feud and to be honest you can guarantee interference in that match
I really believe Rey Mysterio is winning this one.
Edge is too obvious, and so is Cena. I don't know if WWE will go along with "the Plan" if everyone knows whats going to happen. Vince loves to fool the internet marks. So assuming they have either Cena or Edge win, I'm guessing it will be Cena. Edge I believe will lose to Mysterio, making it Mysterio vs ADR at Mania. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!!! Edge will either use a rematch clause, or help from a returning Teddy Long, to get into the match, thus making it a Triple Threat. So...
Miz (c) Vs Cena
Mysterio (c) Vs ADR vs Edge (Remember, WWE LOVES their triple threat matches)

Otherwise, what does Mysterio do for Mania? Wrestle Cody Rhodes or MITB?
Edge is gonna win of course

umm...I think WWE has messed up this match. The WM World heavyweight championship match is already scheduled Edge Vs Del Rio for the championship, so we already know the outcome of this match.:wtf:
Question, have the WWE mentioned this year that the winner of the RR will get the main event spot b'cos last year, they put HBK/Taker in the main event spot & this year, they will do the same, the WHC match will not be the main event. Here's my reason why.

There isn't really much star power here compared to RAW with the likes of Orton and Cena who will be in the main event aganist The Miz.

With this EC match, Edge will pick up the victory. WWE don't do face/face & heel/heel fueds so as Alberto is heel, either Edge or Rey will win this.

But my prediction is Edge.
it wont be rey since rey is facing rhodes at mania, and i dont think people will mark to see rey vs adr when they seen it for over 2 months. kane i would like to win just because im a kane mark but he wont. wade no cause im sure corre will either be doing a corre vs nexus story at mania. macintire it would be cool if he turned face if they are going to keep calling him vkm's hand picked future world champ then they need to do something with it.

i know alot of people hope christian will return but i dont see it happening yet cause his injury but i can dream he will win money in the bank and cash it in on edge shortly after he beats abr in the main event. but i would love more edge vs abr vs christian.
Personally, i think that Edge is gonna lose. I think Del-Rio is going to screw Edge of the title somehow, only to have Rey-Rey win the title, so that way Del-Rio is facing Rey due to his Rumble win, but then Edge says he wants to "envoke" his rematch-clause at Wrestlemania, so then it becomes a Triple Threat match, involving Rey, Edge and Del-Rio.

I don't exactly WANT that to happen, but knowing WWE, i can totally see it.
As many before me have said, the winner will most likely be Edge or Rey Mysterio.


According to a post I read recently on the .com, Rey Mysterio hand-picked his opponent for Wrestlemania to be none other than the man whose "nose he broke," "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. As long as this stays true, then it would only make sense for Edge to retain and set up Edge vs. ADR @ Wrestlemania. I mean come on, would Rey vs. Cody vs. ADR vs. Edge make sense? (With Edge using his rematch clause) Or...it would be Rey vs. Cody vs. ADR and Edge vs. Christian, which I'm pretty sure won't be happening this year. So, overall, the only one who should really win here is Edge.

Just sayin.

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