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WWE Elimination Chamber 2014: WWE WHC Elimination Chamber Match


After tonight's episode of SmackDown!, the field is set for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match. Randy Orton defends against John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Antonio Cesaro and Christian. Cesaro & Christian both had qualifying matches against Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger.

It's an interesting mix for this match. Cesaro & Christian are definitely the odd ducks in this bout, but it works when you consider that the field is comprised of all former WWE and/or World Heavyweight Champions. Even though they have zero chance of coming out with a win, they're both two really good in-ring guys who can bring a lot of fun to the match.
Kind of surprised they didn't throw Brock in here with EC being in Minneapolis. So many possibilities with a rabid crowd going apeshit for Brock, and The Beast wreaking havoc inside a cage.

Nice to see Christian back, but he has no shot in hell at wining this. You can say the same thing with Cesaro. Sheamus needs more time to build up some momentum. Cena's on the path for a match with Bray, so he doesn't need the WWE WHC.

I'm so tempted to pick Bryan, but I'm not sold on WWE pulling the trigger so close to Wrestlemania. I have faith in Batista VS Bryan over Batista VS Orton. It's a more intriguing match up, because I remember Batista VS Orton encounters from the past, and I'm sure they'll bore us to tears at Mania. So yeah, Orton retains the WWE WHC to go into a match with Batista at Wrestlemania.

Still, I love Chamber matches, so I'm looking forward to this one. Hopefully we'll get a Cesaro Swing through the plexiglass, followed by more carnage and destruction.
RKO wins and goes on to face Batista at WM.

That is way too obvious of a main event. They will throw a curve ball. I want them to somehow make the main event a glorious Fatal Four way for the belt.

And the competitors would be:

The only WWE World Heavyweight Champion in existence,The youngest ever Heavywieght champion of the world, The Viper, The Apex Predator, and The Legend Killer himself: Sir Randy K. Orton

The Number one Contender, The Animal, The Purple belted Behemoth: David Batista

The King of Kings, The Cerebral Assassin, The Game, The 13x World heavyweight Champion: Triple H!!!!!

The Yes Man! The Goat from hell, Mr. Tap or Snap himself!!! YES! YES! YES! : DANIEL BRYAN!!!

Daniel Bryan goes over making Orton or HHH Tap out and has the best WM moment of all time.

I'd also like it if somehow Ric Flair and HBK were envolved as special enforcers or something.

Somebody top my WM XXX main event. I dare you.
Orton will win. As much as the fans want Bryan in that spot I don't see it happen. As mAny agree batista is better as a heel and in all honesty him vs bryan can work. The guy is nothing compared to how jacked up he looked 4 years ago.
I was hoping to see Brock in his first ever Chamber match, I know the general feeling is that Brock has to be in singles matches to keep up his special attraction appeal, but I think the Chamber is an exception. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of him taking out Christian on a Raw and taking his spot.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Cesaro get his chance in a main event, that is the biggest draw for me in this match, it's a huge opportunity to showcase him on a much higher level than he's been so far.

I can't see anything other than an Orton win, I think it will come down to him and Bryan with some sort of screwy finish involving either Kane or Triple H. I'm curious to see what they do with Cena, to lose 3 title matches in 3 PPV's would be a first for him I think, so how he's eliminated will be interesting to see.
I have to admit I was absolutely shocked when I saw Antonio Cesaro beat Dolph Ziggler. It was so surprising, but so awesome. He's never had a match even a fraction as big as this, and he is legitimately the pound for pound strongest man on the roster. This guy is a fitness freak of nature. I've seen work out video's where is is Cleaning and jerking 135 lbs with one arm. This dude is not only strong, but skilled as well. He is extremely underutilized because Vince doesn't really like him. He better not Job this match and not get a good 10-13 minutes to showcase how good he is. This can put him over big time.

What if Bryan wins the belt, and orton uses his rematch clause for a Triple Threat at WMXXX?
I don't know why you'd waste Brock Lesnar inside a Chamber.

Cesaro is a good addition. They usually throw in Kofi Kingston, John Morrison or R-Truth for no particular reason, so I'm glad it's somebody I approve of this time. I look forward to seeing the Big Swing on the metal grating.

Orton should retain. Him vs. Batista needs to happen. The Mania crowd will shit on it and it will be magnificent. Have Bryan eliminated first to rub salt in the wounds. And have The Wyatt Familly enter the structure to cost Cena. Make is the most overbooked Chamber in history.
Is WWE really going for Orton vs Batista @ WM? They have to know people are going to boo them out of the building. The Goldberg/Lesnar match would me nothing compared to this one. I hope Bryan wins so we can at least get a triple threat.

The Chamber itself looks good. Great addition with Cesaro, looking forward to what he brings. Also, I believe it's the 1st time Christian is in a Chamber match? If so, I'm surprised it took so long!
So I say either Randy Orton or John Cena wins mostly because Daniel Bryan is not apart of the WWE's breakfast club therefore doesn't stand a chance of taking the WWE World title away from Randy Orton or even Sheamus at EC. I will go with Orton because I feel that he would make the most sense and DESPITE my lack of interest in the feud, I am sure WWE will still do it anyway. Daniel Bryan will face Triple H at WrestleMania XXX this match will solve the complaints that Bryan is not getting the spotlight etc...HHH MUST put him over.

My WrestleMania XXX card:
Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan
WWE World title:
Randy Orton (c) vs Batista
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust
Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins 2 on 1 handicap match
Mark Henry (if he returns) vs Big E Langston for the IC title
The NAO vs The Real Americans for the tag team titles
Sheamus vs Kane (I believe this has been talked about backstage because the CM Punk walking out caper, Bryan now gets to face HHH, so that leaves Kane to face Sheamus.
I've been critical of the recent Elimination Chambers because I've felt too many undeserving people have been participants but that's to be expected when they've been having 2 at the same PPV.

This time however, I can't complain. Everyone in this match has a reasonable expectation to win the belt (in kayfabe) and I'm really looking forward to this. Might be the best since 2010.
After the reactions Batista has been getting, Daniel Bryan has to win this one. Like other people have pointed out, if Orton retains and goes one-on-one with Batista at Wrestlemania, the crowd will completely shit all over the title match. Surely WWE don't want that especially on their 30th anniversary. Even if WWE are wasting the big moment of Bryan winning the title on a B-PPV, Bryan going into Mania champion, retaining the strap, and overcoming the odds in a Triple Threat against Batista, Orton and, The Authority should be just as satisfying as Bryan winning the belt at the Elimination Chamber. It's Bryan finally beating the machine and winning the war.

I love the addition of Cesaro in the match. He should have some good exchanges with Bryan, Orton & Sheamus in the Chamber, and I can see an awesome spot where he Big Swings someone through the plexiglass like Mitch mentioned.

I like Christian in the match too. I think he & Orton will start off the match as the first two entrants, reviving their classic rivalry.

The Wyatts are guaranteed to interfere and cost Cena the match. I see it happening during the match - Cena has Orton up for the FU, lights go out then come back on, and The Family appear inside the Chamber, attacking Cena.

With Punk now gone from the WWE, Sheamus would be a good replacement for the match against Kane at Wrestlemania. Could start with Kane interfering in the Chamber, trying to cost Bryan the match under orders from The Authority, Sheamus makes the save for Bryan, but then ends up receiving a Chokeslam that causes him to get eliminated.

Brock probably would've made this Chamber match better, but even so I'm excited and looking forward to this. Should be a great match.
After the reactions Batista has been getting, Daniel Bryan has to win this one. Like other people have pointed out, if Orton retains and goes one-on-one with Batista at Wrestlemania, the crowd will completely shit all over the title match. Surely WWE don't want that especially on their 30th anniversary. Even if WWE are wasting the big moment of Bryan winning the title on a B-PPV, Bryan going into Mania champion, retaining the strap, and overcoming the odds in a Triple Threat against Batista, Orton and, The Authority should be just as satisfying as Bryan winning the belt at the Elimination Chamber. It's Bryan finally beating the machine and winning the war.

I love the addition of Cesaro in the match. He should have some good exchanges with Bryan, Orton & Sheamus in the Chamber, and I can see an awesome spot where he Big Swings someone through the plexiglass like Mitch mentioned.

I like Christian in the match too. I think he & Orton will start off the match as the first two entrants, reviving their classic rivalry.

The Wyatts are guaranteed to interfere and cost Cena the match. I see it happening during the match - Cena has Orton up for the FU, lights go out then come back on, and The Family appear inside the Chamber, attacking Cena.

With Punk now gone from the WWE, Sheamus would be a good replacement for the match against Kane at Wrestlemania. Could start with Kane interfering in the Chamber, trying to cost Bryan the match under orders from The Authority, Sheamus makes the save for Bryan, but then ends up receiving a Chokeslam that causes him to get eliminated.

Brock probably would've made this Chamber match better, but even so I'm excited and looking forward to this. Should be a great match.
Why does Bryan have to win this? He can get screwed, the crowd can get pissed. It'd be so underwhelming if he wins at EC. He needs a much bigger stage. Especially considering you have WM and ER in his hometown coming up.
People tend to think that if DB doesn't win the title here in EC, then he's totally screwed. The unexplained line of thought is that Batista's spot in the WM Title match, won in the Rumble, is untouchable.

It's actually not the case, and there are in fact at least two precedents;

1999: Stone Cold Steve Austin wins the Title shot at Wrestlemania because Vince McMahon openly declined to face The Rock (he took the win just to keep Austin from having the shot), but offered to put up his spot in a Steel Cage match against Mr. McMahon in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre show.

2013: John Cena wins the Royal Rumble to face the newly crowned champion, The Rock, but puts up his spot in a match against CM Punk on the Februrary 25 Raw.

Of course, BOTH of these matches were instigated by 'Babyfaces' and both spots were successfully defended, but what's that mean in the grand scheme of things?

Even the idea that Batista would NEVER EVER put his spot up for grabs because 'he's a self-entitled douche working for the Authority' hasn't much ground to stand on, because you can in fact work your way around it. (This is assuming Batista isn't an equal douche backstage)

The only question is, can Creative willingly make such monumental changes on a Raw show?
This needs to have a screwjob ending between Batista, Orton, and Bryan, setting up a Triple Threat at WM30 that Bryan wins. Bryan cannot win at EC, primarily because if he does win at EC, then his moment at WM30 will be garbage. However, something has to happen to get him involved with the title match at WM30.
I think up until Punk walking out, we might have seen the final 3 being Bryan, Orton & Sheamus.

Bryan eliminates Sheamus, has a quick exchange with Orton, Bryan hits the running knee, only for Sheamus to turn heel & cost him the match, thus setting up their WM30 match.
I don't see Daniel Bryan in the WWE World Title Match at WrestleMania 30, so get over it already...I'd have Brock Lesnar take out Christian, replaces him in the Chamber, wins the title, and goes on to defend it in a Triple Threat Match against Batista AND Randy Orton (Orton gets in because of his rematch clause)

then they should book Triple H vs Daniel Bryan (this should be the payoff to the awful few months Bryan has had and have Bryan win) and go with Cena vs Taker as well and we got an awesome triple main event for WM 30.
If creative are doing what is being rumoured, Daniel Bryan is essentially picking up Punk's storyline. As such, a match at EC vs Kane might well be on the cards, meaning he gets screwed out of his spot in the EC Match in some way. This would then set up the HHH match at Mania, potentially.

If a spot does become available (Christian's spot has also been subject to change), I'd like to see Dolph Ziggler and The Miz slug it out for the spot and Dolph get a chance. He's still really over with the crowd and would make a good addition to the match, in my opinion
I hope that the stuff with Punk is a work and its being used to set up a Punk/Bryan match at Mania. Imagine Punk costing Bryan the title at EC, not showing up at the Raw the next night, and then making his Raw comeback in Chicago the following week to thunderous ovations explaining that he did what he did because all everyone talks about is Bryan and Punk wants to shut them up and prove he's the best.
I hope that the stuff with Punk is a work and its being used to set up a Punk/Bryan match at Mania. Imagine Punk costing Bryan the title at EC, not showing up at the Raw the next night, and then making his Raw comeback in Chicago the following week to thunderous ovations explaining that he did what he did because all everyone talks about is Bryan and Punk wants to shut them up and prove he's the best.

Seeing how there have been rumours that Punk wanted to turn heel and feud with Daniel Bryan, something like that would be pretty cool. It won't save the main event at WM30, but it might take 'some' heat off it, if the E really see Orton V Batista as the way forward.

All signs seem to point to DB V HHH now though.

Sorry if this is off-topic seeing as it's CM Punk related, but IF he is going to return, I'm pretty sure he'd wait until post-WM30, get healthy, and then come back when DB eventually becomes champion and has a run with it. The fans get their wish for DB to be WWE WC champion, and Punk gets his wish to turn heel again.

I'm with you though, I do hope it's a work. ;)
People tend to think that if DB doesn't win the title here in EC, then he's totally screwed. The unexplained line of thought is that Batista's spot in the WM Title match, won in the Rumble, is untouchable.

It's actually not the case, and there are in fact at least two precedents;

1999: Stone Cold Steve Austin wins the Title shot at Wrestlemania because Vince McMahon openly declined to face The Rock (he took the win just to keep Austin from having the shot), but offered to put up his spot in a Steel Cage match against Mr. McMahon in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre show.

2013: John Cena wins the Royal Rumble to face the newly crowned champion, The Rock, but puts up his spot in a match against CM Punk on the Februrary 25 Raw.

Of course, BOTH of these matches were instigated by 'Babyfaces' and both spots were successfully defended, but what's that mean in the grand scheme of things?

Even the idea that Batista would NEVER EVER put his spot up for grabs because 'he's a self-entitled douche working for the Authority' hasn't much ground to stand on, because you can in fact work your way around it. (This is assuming Batista isn't an equal douche backstage)

The only question is, can Creative willingly make such monumental changes on a Raw show?

It'd actually be quite easy to book this, at EC, Batista comes in and ensures Bryan is eliminated 2nd to last, you then have Lensar (he's gotta be in this somehow) & Orton as the final two in the chamber, when HHH comes in & screws Orton... crowning Lesnar the new WWE champion.

The following night on Raw, VKM returns realizing that this has gone too far & following Batista's actions at EC, forces him to defend his WM title shot against Bryan & Orton in a triple threat elimination match.

At the end of the bout, the ref is out & everybody is down, HHH comes in & attempts to interfere but Orton catches him unawares & a brawl ensues outside the ring. Batista, distracted by this turns around to a running knee. 1... 2... 3. Bryan is going to WM.

And we have:

Brock (c) vs Bryan

HHH vs Orton (make it fucking work this time guys, okay?)
My vote is on Christian to win the whole thing.

He comes in 1st and goes on a tear, clapping his hands in the corner and hitting devastating sunset flips and rollups on 4 other competitors to get the 3.

Finally it will come down to him and Orton, as he screams ONE. MORE. MATCH. before getting kicked in the dick and winning the WWE WHC Title in a 5 star classic.
I think Christian will be attacked by Brock Lesnar on Raw or Smackdown in the lead up to Elimination Chamber and will miss the ppv, and Lesnar will take his spot in the match. Brock Lesnar vs Batista at Wrestlemania 30 is more watchable than Orton vs Batista, mainly because Lesnar defeating Batista would be great and what most fans want, instead of seeing Batista get the title beating Orton. I think WWE had Christian in the spot whilst they figured out what CM Punk was doing, but now he isnt returning anytime soon, I think Lesnar enters and wins the WWE Title in the Chamber, after Wyatt somehow costs Cena the match. Bryan will be taken out after he pins Cesaro and maybe even Orton. Bryan turning around to find it is him vs Lesnar would be good television, with the Beast squashing Bryan and becoming champion. The night after, HHH can tell Bryan he had his chance at the title, he can reply saying I dont want the title, I WANT YOU HHH. Kane tries to take him out, Bryan fights him off and possibly at Mania we get a swerve where Kane helps Bryan pick up the victory over HHH, no way Helmsley loses clean to Bryan ever. Lesnar gets to fight Batista at Mania, Orton and Sheamus possibly paired up in a match or even fed to Roman Reigns.
Not sure where to make this prediction but here seems good - strong feeling D-Bry won't even be in the Chamber.

I think he gets kicked out for rebelling against the authority. booked against Kane instead. Obv everyone fuming about it, goes on to face HHH at Mania in some boring "if he loses, he never gets another WWE title shot. if he wins, he main events Extreme Rules in his hometown for the strap".

I actually think this is a decent route to go down, rather than some boring screwjob inside the chamber. Plus, Lesnar would be a pretty boss addition to the chamber. Really wouldn't be opposed to him winning it all and facing Batista with the authority backing, only for them to take Dave's side vs Bryan when he beats Lesnar at Mania. It'd certainly be better than dave/rko
Extreme Rules is NOT taking place in Bryan's hometown...it's now taking place at the IZOD Center in New Jersey...

I'd like to see Bryan taken out of the Chamber, face Kane instead, and have Lesnar replace him in the Chamber...Lesnar wins the title, goes on to defend it against Batista at WrestleMania, and then Bryan/HHH and Cena/Taker are the other main events...if not, I'll be pissed off...
I get the feeling either Bryan or Christian wont actually make it to the match, if it's Bryan that could see a hostile crowd for the Chamber but WWE launch the network the next night and Bryan could get his title shot on Raw and maybe even win to put fans in a good mood going straight into the ordering process.

If Christian is taken out I think it will actually be on the Raw before the PPV and it will be by Brock so they can advertise him for the PPV the rest of the week.

My vote is on Christian to win the whole thing.

He comes in 1st and goes on a tear, clapping his hands in the corner and hitting devastating sunset flips and rollups on 4 other competitors to get the 3.

Finally it will come down to him and Orton, as he screams ONE. MORE. MATCH. before getting kicked in the dick and winning the WWE WHC Title in a 5 star classic.

Best PPV ending ever! Instead of a giant YES! chant everyone can get the clap!

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