2011 Elimination Chamber - Raw Chamber Match

They've done all they can to foreshadow Cena and Miz at Wrestlemania, have they not? Where here's how they get there, folks.

Cena has been in 3 EC matches in his career, and won two of them. His only loss was the shocker where Edge jumped Kofi from behind before he could enter the pod, and a codebreaker, 619, and spear took Cena out in the span of like 3 minutes. He had barely been in the Chamber. The other two he had been fairly dominant in and even made a face HHH tap out. How often do face main eventers tap out? They don't.

My point is, along with LMS matches, the EC is Cena's MATCH. None of the other matchups at Mania would be intriguing or fresh. Orton is a been there, done that situation, and he's going to feud with CM Punk anyway, im guessing over a certain punt to the skull in 2008. Morrison and Miz would be fun and was fun last time, but it's not a marquee matchup. Sheamus is a heel and that wouldn't work in any scenario. R-truth? I see buyrates crashing everywhere if they go that route. Can Truth even compete in Atlanta? Dont get me started.

So that leaves Cena. You know they were going to get there, and this is how. Miz even stepped in to the Cena/Punk feud on multiple occasions during promo time, and Miz eliminated Cena from the Rumble. Cena cost Miz his match the night after against his old nemesis, Edge, so you know they're going with Cena/Miz at Wrestlemania. Its the only matchup that would work that hasn't been done to death or feature a heel, or a face noone would care about. This is Cena's match, and he'll win it for a third time.
Cena Will win to face Miz, orton and punks feud will grow, jomo and r-truth might reunite there tag team eaither just for one night or maybe again for mania but will prob be in the mitb(if they have it), think it might come down to Cena and Sheamus and HHH might screw sheamus setting up for mania.
They could do what they did in 09 with Edge smashing the shit out of Kingston and taking his spot, but with a returning someone replacing Edge and (hopefully for the match qualitie's sake) R-Truth replacing Kofi Kingston.

BTW Sheamus looks like a FUCKING ****** in the pic from D-Man!
I think this chamber has some great potential. Beside R-Truth, the other 5 men have great chemistry/history amongst them, JoMo/Sheamus, Orton/Cena, Cena/Punk, JoMo/Punk, Punk/Orton, Cena/Sheamus, Orton/Sheamus etc...

As far the winner is concern, let's take a look.

R-Truth: I don't know why or what the fuck this guy is doing on the elimination chamber. He doesn't stand a chance against anyone who isn't called Ted Dibiase. He is just a filler.

John Morrison: He has been on fire for the last couple of months, delivering great matches/spots (vs Bryan and Miz or vs Seamus for example). However, I think the E is trying to build him like they did with Hardy. Always being right about to win the big one, so when he actually wins the big one, everyone will mtfo. Plus, while it may be appealing Miz vs Morrison III (or IV?), Morrison isn't ready at all to maint event Mania.

Sheamus: A solid pick indeed, however do you imagine Miz vs Sheamus at Mania? In the best case, Jerry Lawler vs Sheamus for the WWE championship doesn't sound as the maint event of the biggest PPV the E has to offer. Beyond his possible feud (or not) with Triple H, there's no way that Sheamus is going to maint event Mania.

CM Punk: My personal pick. I'm not saying he is going to win, but man it would be so cool to see Punk above Orton and Cena saying "it's MY Wrestlemania". Obviously it wouldn't make sense Punk vs Miz.

Randy Orton: My second favorite pick. It would done tons for the career of Randy Orton say that he at least won ONE elimination chamber and going to the ME of Mania as a face. But then again, Orton vs Miz... not going to happen at Mania.

Unfortunely, last but not least, John Cena: The obvious winner. The E has been giving us peaks at how could be the fued between Cena and Miz. The storyline between this two is almost written already. Cena will win this.

While it may have a predictable winner, the RAW chamber is going to be interesting full of bad blood.
I can see 2 guys winning this.. Cena and JoMo! But Cena will take it... JoMo I said because of the history between him and Miz but there is no way WWE will let Jomo and Miz headline Mania.. Thats why it has to be Cena..

This could also set other matches e.g. Punk vs Orton.. And to be completely honest.. Why is R-Truth in this match???
There is only 2 possibilities here, John Morrison and John Cena. Miz won't face a heel at Mania and Orton can't possibly face Miz again. Morrison has an outside chance but its a long shot, longer than Alberto Del Rio winning the Rumble. Cena will win this, they have invested in Miz vs Cena already and I doubt they will abort the plan unless its a 180 degrees turn and WWE have some other fued planned for Cena. However, this match is as predictable as it is. Its inconceivable that Cena will not win this. I think that it will come down to Cena vs Orton and Cena will win either via Punk interference or a clean one. Either way, its not wise to bet against Cena.
Until Raw on V-Day, I was certain Cena would win this. Ortin/Punk is already set for Mania. Neither of them will win. With the Rock coming back and calling out Cena, something great has happened.

If they have Rock vs Cena at Mania, they can have Miz vs Morrison. The Rock match as well as Taker vs HHH gives enough star power in the main event that WWE can take a chance on a Miz/Morrison WWE title match.

Therefore, I now think Morrison will win, but more importantly, this chamber match is a lot less predictable than I previously thought.
In my opinion, I would like to see The Rock interfere and cost Cena the match. I know this would make The Rock look like a heel, but it would set up a Rock vs Cena match at WM and probably be a battle of Epic proportions.

Not just because I would love to see a Rock/Cena match, especially at the grandest stage of them all, but also want to see someone like Morrison win and main event WM.
This will probably close the show. We have a very good group of contenders in this match. I'd be happy no matter who won honestly. What it comes down to is who will be the champion that they face at Wrestlemania. I am hoping that it will NOT be Miz. Lawler CAN beat him, which could then lead to a title change at Raw the next night, to whoever is meant to feud with the winner of this match. It can still happen. Everyone seems to think Cena will win and feud with Miz. We don't know 100% for sure that's what will happen. He could win and feud with Punk or even The Rock. Now then, let's take a look at each contender, just as I did with the Smackdown match.

John Cena
The likely winner. I like his odds. He could feud with Miz, Punk, The Rock.... So many options for Cena main eventing another Wrestlemania. We won't see Cena VS Lawler though.

Could have been a potential winner, especially with the Triple H feud that was planned. Sheamus needs something to do at Wrestlemania so putting him in a title match is a possibility but NOT with Miz. Lawler VS Sheamus? Not gonna happen. Sheamus VS (insert some random face who gets the title after defeating Lawler) could happen, but still NOT likely.

Randy Orton
He would have the same odds as Cena but it looks like he will be feuding with Punk instead. I think he will be the last elimination though.

CM Punk
A great choice for a heel contender. He would be a much better heel champion going into Wrestlemania than Miz. However this match is for a contendership not the title. If a face (could be Cena or Orton) somehow got the title then Punk could feud with them and it'd be epic. In order for that to happen Punk would win this match, Lawler defeats Miz, vacates the title, and Cena/Orton/etc wins it and goes on to defend against Punk. Would it be awesone? Sure! Will it happen? Doubt it.

Why is he even in this match? Shouldn't he have gotten the future endeavoured treatment after his verbal typo about Green Bay? Daniel Bryan should be in the match in his place.

The best candidate to win other than Cena. Morrison VS Miz would work great (MORRISON BETTER WIN THOUGH!!!!!!) and I really like his odds due to the great match those two could put on after the history they have. The guy who SHOULD be WWE Champion right now and deserves a Wrestlemania main event more than anyone. Miz VS Morrison would also free up Cena for a dream match against The Rock which COULD still happen.

It's between Cena or Morrison. I might not get this one right but I think Morrison will win because then they can do Miz VS Morrison (with Morrison finally getting the big win) and it frees up the other top guys to feud (Taker VS Trips, Cena VS The Rock, Orton VS Punk, etc) it would make sense to me. Then again, I don't work for WWE's creative team and we might get stuck with Cena VS Miz but I'm going with Morrison on this one.

John Morrison will win the Raw Elimination Chamber.
Morrison VS Miz would work great (MORRISON BETTER WIN THOUGH!!!!!!) and I really like his odds due to the great match those two could put on after the history they have. The guy who SHOULD be WWE Champion right now and deserves a Wrestlemania main event more than anyone. Miz VS Morrison would also free up Cena for a dream match against The Rock which COULD still happen.

Given Rock's return and him calling out Cena, I'm starting to think that Rock is really reconsidering what he said years ago about never wrestling again (although chances are, I'm horribly wrong). However, should Cena lose I do agree that Morrison is the next best choice to main event Wrestlemania IF Miz can get to the big event as champion. As noted many times before, Miz and Morrison have the long history and the seeds for a good feud were planted the moment the two split as a tag team. The two of them have good chemistry, both as a tag team and as opponents so we can rest assured that a potential match between the two could very well steal the show. Also, you would have (in my view) two faces of the youth movement headlining the biggest show of the year which would truly cement both their main event statuses. Well, that's what I think anyway. I'd like to see this scenario but I still think Cena/Miz seems the most likely Mania match after Elimination Chamber.
first time posting so apologies if this ends up in the wrong place!

I find it odd to have 4 faces and 2 heels in a chamber match, so for this reason i think R-Truth is in this match so he can turn heel for a mid-card Morrison-Truth match at wrestlemania (which would be a shame given morrison's performances lately, he should be ready for a title shoot soon)this'd go down with something like the two of them double teaming Sheamus or Punk then truth nails him with the lie detector (or hopefully he'll debut a new finisher)

alternatively Truth will be attacked on his way out allowing for some heel to take his place, either from nexus or a new/returning superstar.

personally I'd much prefer to see Morrison-Miz at WM, i think that after his fued with sheamus, the FCA with miz and the 2 rumbles (raw and royal) Morrison has shown he's ready for a bigger push and you can hear that the fans are really behind him as opposed to other faces who fans don't care about. (Truth for example)
I'd have Cena get eliminated first of everyone by R-Truth, then have him go mental on R-Truth so he in turn can be eliminated seconds later. That sets him up for the heel turn which comes when he collaborates with Cody Rhodes to take out Mysterio in the SD EC (alternatively, Cena goes in there to replace Dolph Ziggler).

This sets up Edge vs (heel) Cena vs Del Rio and The Miz vs John Morrison at Mania.

But, hell, I don't book this, so Cena'll probably win :p
Oh how I would love a CM Punk win here. The lads got so much momentum and would run with a Wrestlemania chance but its going to Cena. And then Cena vs Miz and Punk vs Orton.

R-Truth and JoMo are the obvious underdogs but I'd be very surprised to see an Orton win here too
This match is full of great contenders and pretty much anyone (besides R-Truth) has a chance to win the match. I'm looking forward to this chamber more than the B show's chamber match. I'm interested to see if this match will come before or after the title match, probably after.

John Cena
Basically the same for anything else, John Cena has a big chance of winning this match. He currently doesn't have a feud and isn't relevant for 'Mania yet. He's either winning the chamber or going to feud with Punk for WM. I'm not convinced he's going to win the chamber though as it seems too obvious.

John Morrison
Morrison is an underdog without a doubt but he has proved himself in previous PPV matches (like the #1 contender's match with Sheamus) and I think he can carry the title. We haven't seen him in a major title match so it will be something new and without a doubt, he will be able to carry the title. I think he has a major chance in this match.

Let's be honest, he doesn't have a chance. Period.

Randy Orton
He will look good in this match like he always does but he doesn't really have a chance at winning it. Orton has had the title recently and has been in the title picture for a while. Quite simply, it has been completely boring. Unless a random heel happens to capture the title, Orton isn't winning this match.

"King" Sheamus
For being a "King", he hasn't been very relevant lately. He had a very odd feud with Mark Henry for 2 weeks but that isn't going anywhere. His feud with Triple H is old and never really had that much momentum, I think it would be a lost cause to try to live up that feud when he returns. But I don't see him winning this match, he doesn't have enough relevance currently and would be better elsewhere.

CM Punk
If the champion is hell then Morrison would be my pick for contender but if the champion becomes face somehow then I think Punk would be my pick. He is easily the best heel currently in WWE. He certainly can talk the talk and his wrestling ability is great unlike many WWE heels.
Cena will almost forsure win cause everyone is saying Rocky wont wrestle.

BUT, if i could pick, id go with JoMo. I know some people already stated this but if Rock could wreslte cena and give star power to mania, then put Morrsion vs Miz for the WWE championship. You build up two guys that will mostly likely be the future of this company and giving th win the JoMo could give him his big wrestlemania win against a long time rival and first WWE championship(HBK at mania 12 anyone?)
Perdiction: John Cena will win the Elimination Chamber. Second Choice: John Morrison

If by some chance that John Cena does not win the Elimination Chamber Match, John Morrison will. The chances of Cena winning are 80%, then John Morrison at 10%, CM Punk and Randy Orton combined at 7%, Sheamus at 2%, and R-Truth at 1%. Cena vs. Miz for the WWE Championship is pretty much a guaranteed Main Event at Wrestlemania 27 with the possible involvement of the Rock. If by some chance Rock decides to have one more match and against Cena, which is slim to none, then John Morrison will win it. CM Punk and Orton will feud at Wrestlemania, R-Truth and Sheamus will probably be in Money in the Bank or facing Danielson (sp) for the United States Title.
The winner's are either Morrison or Cena.

Reason is becuase if Cena loses, the only other person with a chance to win is Morrison.
Morrison has a history with The Miz and recently had a Fall Count's Anywhere match with Miz.

Cena is the obvious, but seeing as though The Rock has returned and people are wanting that match, it's possible Cena might not win tonight.

And seeing as there has not been any alteration from Cena for Miz costing him his Wrestlemania main event at the Royal Rumble, it is possible Cena/Rock may happen.

If Cena does not win tonight, he's facing The Rock in a epic dream match which will initially increase buyrates and ticket sale's. If he does win, well, all hope is lost and The Rock will be standing in the ring wearing a referee shirt at Wrestlemania which Cena's facing The Miz.
I think it's a safe bet to say John Cena will win the RAW Elimination Chamber. However, I do like John Morrison winning here. I'm tired of seeing Morrison in pointless, stupid matches at Wrestlemania, after all this building up, it would be a complete waste not to capitalize on his recent push. But yeah, I read the fucking dirt sheets. John Cena seems likely to win here. R-Truth has the least momentum at this point and I'll be suprised if he gets anything significant at Wrestlemania. Randy Orton could also win, but dammit I'm tired of Miz/Orton. Sheamus, well, I don't know. He's been a bit quiet as of late. I can't see him winning. Punk, i would absolutely love to see him win, however, heel vs. heel doesn't work. So the strongest candidates are John Morrison and John Cena. John Cena being the safest bet here.
I was disappointed with the results of this match. Yes, a Cena mark was not happy with Cena winning a match. I guess pigs will start flying now. Anyways, back to the topic of discussion. Now we are going to be stuck with Cena VS Miz. As big a fan as I am of Cena's, I just do NOT want to see that match. I have no desire to whatsoever. I really thought WWE might try to swerve us here because they can do much better than Cena VS Miz. Come on, EVERYONE would pay to see Cena VS Rock or even having Cena face Taker. Who should have won this match? JOHN MORRISON. They should give the contendership to the guy who deserves to have the belt in the first place. I just don't get why he didn't win here, Miz VS Morrison (with Morrison FINALLY winning) at Wrestlemania has all the history it needs to create a feud for the biggest show of the year and it would have been a better choice because it's something more people would actually want to see.

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