WWE Elimination Chamber

Well I voted for No Way Out and I hope everyone else in this forum did (although Heavy Metal sounded quite good). it will just be the same as No way Out which is already chamber themed if no one noticed. I liked No way Out this year and i am expecting it to be the same next year but just with a stupid name.

By the way, apart from the big four there are only two PPV's which have not been renamed in the last year or themed- Backlash and Judgement Day. So expect surveys for those and if you really dont want them to turn to themed PPV's simply dont choose another name and tell all your friends
I don`t get why wwe are focusing about changing stuff that don`t even need change and are overlooking the real problems. No way out was fine and elimination chamber is not really an attractive name for a ppv. Seriously PPVS do not need change, good storylines with good players vs will always deliver good ppvs, cliche ppv concepts will always fail.

I know it is a shit name, but really, it could be called the 'Get pissed and smash your best friends head in' show and the booking would stay exactly the same, they were always going to have the chambers.

I am not a fan of the themes anyway but there are enough threads complaining. The matches are still solid, sure we dont get to see any of the old school beatings but the wrestling itself is still solid and enjoyable.

Stop complaining about what isnt there and enjoy what is FFS!!

Just My Opinion
I didn't hear anyone complaining when there were no more PPV's called "In Your House", "Fully Loaded" or "King-Of-The-Ring".

Secondly, they have had two Elimination Chambers at "No Way Out", and it never seemed to bother people then. Look, the name change wasn't necessary, but it is a way of marketing a PPV, since fans who like the Elimination Chamber, will definitely buy that one.

I don't like seeing the same gimmick used more than once at a PPV on the same night. But they usually have more than one 5 v 5 Elimination Match at "Survivor Series" each year, and don't use them any other time, and no-one complained. So, what's the difference between confining the Royal Rumble, Survivor Series matches and MITB to a specific PPV, but not HIAC, Elimination Chamber or TLC?

The problem with you wrestling fans is, you can't move with the times. You want everything like it was ten years ago. You bitch and moan about "The Attitude Era" and want WWE in 2009 to still be like that. New stars like Batista and John Cena are created, and you shit on them. The company tries something different, with themed PPV's, to "test if it will work" and you raz on them.

The ICW are generally bloodthirsty morons, who can't enjoy a match if someone doesn't bleed. I bet someone didn't enjoy the epic Undertaker-HBK match from WM25, because no-one bled. No, but because "Stone Cold" Steve Austin bled, then it's cool. You aren't satisfied unless someone falls off a HIAC, or crashes through a table off a ladder, not caring that people like Jeff Hardy may be in a wheelchair in later life, just as long as you get your jollies.

Look, I like blood, I like high-dives and a fall off HIAC, but these can be overdone too. You also raz on the company for going PG, when (a) it is because we unfortunately live in a politically-correct society, and Vince could lose sponsors if he doesn't toe the line, thus losing money etc, and (b) you were kids once too, and I don't hear any of you complaining about Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant at WM3 not juicing. I didn't see blood in Steamboat and Savage's match at WM3. Does that not make it a great match? No, you sucked down your WWF ice-cream bars, and wore your Hulk Hogan pyjamas. So, why deny the kids of today the same simple pleasures. Why corrupt them, just because you worshipped a beer-swilling, finger-flipping miscreant like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to such an extent, that he is still considered a hero even when he beats up on women (like Debra)? Just because you are cynical and negative, why expect the next generation to be the same?

I mean, most of the old fans (like you guys) will abandon wrestling soon enough anyway. Once you get married, have families, work hard and have other interests, you won't watch it anymore anyway, no matter how good it is, because you won't have the time or interest anymore. So, since you will no longer show the WWE loyalty, why should they show you any? If you guys don't like how WWE is going, stop watching, buying PPV's etc. Go totally cold turkey. If you don't buy PPV's anymore, someone else will take your place instead. It's a cycle. Since you will eventually stop watching anyway because you will "grow out of it", then why not start now? Then I don't have to hear your complaining all the time.
The name change is stupid and even with the pg rating it's quite annoying. I'm a fan of the elimination chamber but I agree when Mike Knox is in the match, yeah WWE doesn't care anymore. I don't know what they are thinking. I really don't want to know either. Unless the quality of these PPV's gets better, that 39.99 isn't going to look pretty anytime soon.
I agree with pretty much agree all of you in that these themed ppvs are a real drag and are really hard to watch. They are taking away the principles that made most of us love these gimmick matches in the first place!
My problem isn't the PPV's it's their names now. Everyone knows that at No Way Out you'll see two Chamber matches. The name fits it because there's NO WAY OUT!!!

Hell in a Cell - They're not all cell matches s why name the PPV that.

TLC - I can pretty much guarantee that we'll get one or two Ladder matches hardly enough to constitute naming the PPV that

The only one I like is Bragging Rights but it is flawed by having it as Raw vs Smackdown. If they aren't going to treat ECW like an equal brand than just scrap it

By preplanning Gimmick matches it takes away the suspense and from a creative stand point makes it hard for feuds when a feud is just starting and you throw them in a feud ending level match like Hell in a Cell or TLC
You obviously don't live in the 21st century where more families than most are single or absentee households. This was not about the "parenting" issue as you might have taken it. It's about gearing the product to minors who see these people as invincible. I did NOT say bleed all the time; just occasionally to help the story line, to show that this should not be tried at home, and to show that their "heroes" can occasionally be hurt through all of the violence-not just pop up like nothing happened.
I didn't hear anyone complaining when there were no more PPV's called "In Your House", "Fully Loaded" or "King-Of-The-Ring".

Secondly, they have had two Elimination Chambers at "No Way Out", and it never seemed to bother people then. Look, the name change wasn't necessary, but it is a way of marketing a PPV, since fans who like the Elimination Chamber, will definitely buy that one.

I don't like seeing the same gimmick used more than once at a PPV on the same night. But they usually have more than one 5 v 5 Elimination Match at "Survivor Series" each year, and don't use them any other time, and no-one complained. So, what's the difference between confining the Royal Rumble, Survivor Series matches and MITB to a specific PPV, but not HIAC, Elimination Chamber or TLC?

The problem with you wrestling fans is, you can't move with the times. You want everything like it was ten years ago. You bitch and moan about "The Attitude Era" and want WWE in 2009 to still be like that. New stars like Batista and John Cena are created, and you shit on them. The company tries something different, with themed PPV's, to "test if it will work" and you raz on them.

The ICW are generally bloodthirsty morons, who can't enjoy a match if someone doesn't bleed. I bet someone didn't enjoy the epic Undertaker-HBK match from WM25, because no-one bled. No, but because "Stone Cold" Steve Austin bled, then it's cool. You aren't satisfied unless someone falls off a HIAC, or crashes through a table off a ladder, not caring that people like Jeff Hardy may be in a wheelchair in later life, just as long as you get your jollies.

Look, I like blood, I like high-dives and a fall off HIAC, but these can be overdone too. You also raz on the company for going PG, when (a) it is because we unfortunately live in a politically-correct society, and Vince could lose sponsors if he doesn't toe the line, thus losing money etc, and (b) you were kids once too, and I don't hear any of you complaining about Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant at WM3 not juicing. I didn't see blood in Steamboat and Savage's match at WM3. Does that not make it a great match? No, you sucked down your WWF ice-cream bars, and wore your Hulk Hogan pyjamas. So, why deny the kids of today the same simple pleasures. Why corrupt them, just because you worshipped a beer-swilling, finger-flipping miscreant like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to such an extent, that he is still considered a hero even when he beats up on women (like Debra)? Just because you are cynical and negative, why expect the next generation to be the same?

I mean, most of the old fans (like you guys) will abandon wrestling soon enough anyway. Once you get married, have families, work hard and have other interests, you won't watch it anymore anyway, no matter how good it is, because you won't have the time or interest anymore. So, since you will no longer show the WWE loyalty, why should they show you any? If you guys don't like how WWE is going, stop watching, buying PPV's etc. Go totally cold turkey. If you don't buy PPV's anymore, someone else will take your place instead. It's a cycle. Since you will eventually stop watching anyway because you will "grow out of it", then why not start now? Then I don't have to hear your complaining all the time.

OK. First, real wrestling fans, like myself, don't stop watching wrestling. At least not me. Wrestling to me is like football to a football fan. I will ALWAYS watch it. Second, it's not that we can't "move on with the times", it's just the WWE is SHIT right now. The FACT is it's getting worse as it goes on. Than's no opinion. Ratings are in the 3's at the highest, that is SHIT. Really, the only reason I'm still watching the WWE is because I want to see if it will ever get better, and i'm a fan. But, I want to see if it'll change, and SD has shown signs of that, pushing younger stars.
I actually like this idea. I think it will be good and basically like the No Way Out event we had last year. The two main events will be inside the Elimination Chamber and maybe even a tag-team match, which could be pretty fun and interesting. I personally loved the No Way Out PPV, it had some of the most memorable matches that I have witnessed in my life, for example Triple H vs Cactus Jack inside the Hell In A Cell. Nevertheless, it is changed now and I definitely look forward to seeing what is on offer from next year's event.

I personally thought that this No Way Out was one of the finest PPV of the year. I liked the dual Elimination Chamber idea and I think that it will work out fine. I don't think that every match will be inside an Elimination Chamber and that that will be a good thing too as is won't take away from the actual match type, due to over-exposure.

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