Should a Elimination Chamber main event Wrestlemania one day?

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
If they ever get rid of the EC PPV that is. They've had a Hell in a Cell match at the PPV even though it was a disaster & was not the main event but the Elimination Chamber is pretty much bigger than the Hell in a Cell.

Or do you believe Mania main events should just be kept one on one between who the company consider the two best at the time?
I wouldn't mind it, but only if it is done if/when WWE goes back to TV-14 so that we could get the full effect (blood and maybe weapons). I'm not against PG or anything but an Elimination Chamber main event at 'Mania would be too limited in PG format.
Elimination Chamber is good as a PPV itself, you'd need some f***ed up scenario for 6 men to be locked up in that at WM as a main event -.- *With 2 men it would just be a bit too big and get tedious to watch so(?)*

I say leave it as a PPV it's doing ok and the last EC was pretty good when you consider that it's almost always branded as inferior to the "Big 4" (if you wish).
No, no, no, a thousand times NO. Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year, and doesn't need to be sold to everyone with a big gimmick main event match. It just doesn't need to be done. Wrestlemania World title matches are about two (or in recent years, three) guys competing over the top prize in the business. Having six guys compete over the belt at the biggest show of the year would get too cluttered, and wouldn't generate the same buzz.

Now, could it be used in another capacity? Sure. Maybe a number one contender's match. Or maybe change things up and do something new. They could try a triple threat tag team chamber match. Keep the format the same. Two guys start, then one person is released every five minutes. It could work elimination tag style.

So yeah, as a main event, I would have a huge problem with it. But if it were used in another way, I wouldn't mind so much.
ok no EC had its life and its better to use to make a suprise champ before mania !!

never be main event

best would be make the money in the bank cash in after there match and after the world title match in a ladder match

WrestleMania should be gimmick free since it's meant to be the best of the best for that year

If any gimmick matches, leave them at Ladder Matches, TLC, Hardcore, IronMan, I Quit Matches. match stipulations are fine but not gimmick matches as such

and i think MITB needs to go to since they have a MITB PPV, and definately not have the guy cash in on the same night if they didn't. Let's face it MITB is just a spot fest match like TLC's are.
depends on how the build up was,who was in it and how it was used but it really isnt needed...i think a 3 team tag title chamber match would b fun to watch for wrestlemania but i couldnt c wwe ever doing that :disappointed: MAYBE for a midcard title but idk

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