WWE Elimination Chamber: General Discussion & Aftermath

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when i review the matches i take to consideration four things:
moveset: the moves have logic, relevance, intensity
pace of the match: there is a good transition from move to another move
psicology: there is a story in the match
crowd work: the wrestlers make the people invest in the match

I have a scale
10: a piece of art
9: classic
8: excelent
7: very good
6: good
5: average
4: below average
3: bad
2: mediocre
1: auwful

i use the most objective format that i can. I do this because with this i can be more neutral. If it wasn't for this format i would value the matches for my favorites wrestlers higher than the other and i don't want that, i want to be objective.
My favorite wrestler is Triple H and when i didn't use this format i thougth that his matches were the best, but i was wrong. Even matches that i didn't enjoy like triple h matches sometimes get a higher score because there were better. I still love triple h matches but sometimes i have to admit that there wasn't that spectacular. Now i am staring to enjoy the work of all superstar even if i don't like their characters.
I invite you to do this and you will, like me, enjoy more the matches. Sometime i think that the match was awesome but when i review the match seriously i realized that it was an average match.
My rating for the Elimination Chamber 2013:
1. Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show: 5
2. Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz: 6.5
3. Elimination Chamber match: 9.5
4. The Shield vs Sheamus, Ryback & Cena: 5
5. Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston: 3
6. Tamina Snuka vs Kaitlyn: 1.5
7. The Rock vs Cm Punk: 5.25

I would like to receive your opinion. I will appreciate your help.
I thought the show was solid, I don't see the point in Cesaro not just wiping the floor with Miz given his injury gimmick, but the match was ok.

Del Rio vs Show was solid but you could have heard someone crack one off the crowd were so quiet.

The Divas title match was a case of blink and you'll miss it.

Ziggler getting to cut a promo and AJ looking smokin' hot were reason enough for that filler segment, and the quick spotfest also set up Langston's first feud with his post match whooping of Kofi.

The EC match was pretty good with Bryan and Henry the stand outs, I thought it was all put together really well until Swagger won, he's a solid wrestler but barely over and with a new gimmick that needs a testing phase.

The Shield vs The Superfriends was easily the MOTN, I admit I didn't trust WWE to book this right but they did, not only did The Shield dominate but they also got the win, an important one for a trio who are built around the gimmick of being a unit. Everyone in the match got their moment, Reigns looked like a beast, Rollins is the flier and Ambrose insane, and Cena sold them all, then Rollins and Ambrose made Roidback look a million bucks. The finish was perfect and did I get a whiff of a Roidback heel turn?

Rock vs Punk was better than their Rumble match, Rock was sucking and blowing like a porn chick in a ******** after a couple of minutes just prancing like a peacock, but Punk built his offense on the DQ stip which was smart. and he kept the match slow with rest holds and fed Rock his spots, while Rock showed he can at least bump still, even if Punk went light on the strikes. The ending was obvious but Punk kicked out of both of Rock's finishers and had him beat with the GTS (Crowd loudly counting 3 was funny), so you can't ask much more than that as sadly Rock vs Cena at Mania has been an inevitability from the moment Punk turned heel last year.
Pretty solid show. The chamber match was great, as I dont think that anybody guessed Swaggers upset win,I just hope that Swaggers feud with ADR doesnt turn into some big racism-fest. Rock/Punk II was good, but really just felt like a rehashed version of their Rumble match except with a pointless stipulation. The six-man was the second surprise of the night, especially since The Shield not only won, but won clean and because the ending gave us a glimpse of a possible Ryback heel turn. Once again, Cesaro did what he does best and put on a clinic against The Miz, proving why he is one of the best pure wrestlers in the company, and my new favorite wrestler. My only two disappointments in this show were the world title match and the divas match, neither of them catched my attention. Even the Ziggler/Kingston match was pretty good, and finally showed some character development for Big E. So to restate what I said earlier, it was a pretty solid show. And this leaves us with so many interesting match possibilities on the road to Wrestlemania 29.
I really hated this show, IMO the only good part was the EC match. I'm happy with the swagger win since I feel like it's a fresh new direction. I'm happy with a change.

Rock Punk was ok. The first half of the match was really slow and boring but later on I was happy that punk was kicking out of Rock's finishers. Punk technically would have won if both referees hadn't fallen over. I expect him to complain about it tonight on raw.

Everything else though was unremarkable and just not very entertaining.

EDIT: I did think ADR's botch when he missed kicking the bucket into Show's head was hilarious. Big show just stood there with the bucket next to his head while ADR got up and did it again like nothing had happened.
Overall, Elimination Chamber 2013 was a pretty "meh" pay per view.

I really enjoyed Rock VS Punk, and I guess I'm a one of the few people, who didn't have a problem with their match at Royal Rumble. BUT everyone knew Rock was walking out of there with the WWE Championship. Of course, WWE tried to make things interesting with the referee calamity and Heyman at the end. Still, Rock walking out of EC with the strap was a forgone conclusion.

I was SHOCKED when Show tapped out to Del Rio. It was the perfect ending to this feud, and Del Rio continues to look strong as WHC.

I really, REALLY couldn't get into Ryback, Sheamus, and Cena VS The Shield. Quality wise, it felt like a match I could see on Raw. Ryback walking away with disgust and anger at the end of the match, and not saying anything to Cena or Sheamus was a nice cliffhanger, but the match was nothing special.

The Elimination Chamber match was fun as usual. Orton and Henry CLEARLY received the strongest reactions from the crowd, and Swagger's win was a nice shock. But of course, Swagger flushed any sort of momentum down the toilet with the arrest.

I'd give the show a 6/10. It wasn't terrible, and EC 2013 helped set up some Wrestlemania storylines, but the majority of the show just seemed to go through the motions. And they could've saved Tamina VS Kaitlyn for Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Saturday Morning Slam, or Superstars.
I thought it was a good PPV overall

I actually enjoyed the elimination chamber and I was kinda suprised swagger won, I had my money on Jericho to win. It still showed that Mark Henry is a good heel with his Hall of Pain and the jericho and bryan match up at the beginning of match was a good watch.

The Shield and The all star team was a decent match, It showed most of the ability that The shield has to offer and they are establishing themselves on the main roster with that match and the spear that Roman Reigns hit Ryback was mental, kinda reminded me of Goldbergs spear.

And the Main event match in my opinion was a good match but nothing special, was predictable so it set up the match between The Rock and John Cena at Wrestlemania

So I give this show a B grade

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