**MERGED**Randy Orton Out of Elimination Chamber- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Well it does suck that Orton is taken out of the EC Match but I love how some people are assuming (cough GreatAzzurri cough) he will be inserted into the WM 28 World Title Match. This sounds pretty legit and again I hope he isn't out long because despite some people hating on the guy,he is the Face of Smackdown right now and has done a great job carrying the Show.
I don't know how legit the injury is as it may as well be a ploy to give Orton some rest but I would have to say that this could be a blessing in disguise. Christian should be the guy to replace Orton in the EC match in order to rekindle their feud heading into WrestleMania. Having Orton in a title match at Mania just makes no sense whatsoever, be it Orton vs Sheamus or Orton vs Sheamus vs Bryan. With the amount of time left in hand, Christian has got to be the best possible opponent for the apex predator as they already have the history together.

The best way for the WWE to approach this feud would be for Christian to mention that he had not fully recuperated from his injury when he walked into the chamber match but did so anyway because the company needed him. He could then talk about how Randy has made life hell for him by firstly taking his dream away from him back in the summer and now by getting injured at this moment which put Christian's career at risk.
Sucks man, concussions are one of those injuries that once you get one, more follow, and more easily than the others. Isnt this Orton's second in about six months or so?

Anyways, thats semi hilarious. As if it wasnt shitty enough putting Khali in there, now this. If only we didnt have Sin Cara AND Rey Mysterio on the IR list....They should do a one night tournament at SD to fill the last spot, at least make it seem semi cool and put someone over...

OR, as has been mentioned, bring back Christian, which would be fucking awesome. Shame thing is, if he is replaced by Christian, the only two faces in the match are Khali and Show...both of whom dont exactly set the world on fire. They are in a very tough spot, seeing as how none of the other faces they have given limp dick pushes too are even CLOSE to being over enough to warrant a spot...Sooo go with either Booker T, or put over a young guy in a triple threat or tournament on SD.

Justin Gabriel does some crazy shit in his matches. Fuck it, throw him in there, he isnt over, but can still provide a lot of flash during the match, which will get heat regardless.

Yep, concussions do add up, I have had 3 major ones in my life and they are pretty much disabling...

I think they missed a trick here by not putting Drew McIntyre in there, he could have begun his redemption by pinning someone in the match.

I really hope they don't put Orton into the WM main event, Sheamus was good enough to face HHH a couple of years back, so why not D. Bryan?
I'm confused, one Top Star get's hurt last minute, instead of letting a young up and comer try and prove themself or bring back a guy that might be actually healed, they replace him with another injured guy that is nowhere near his star power anyways?!?! WTF?!?!?!?!

I would love to see Christian return, but I don't see it happening. I think adding in Goldust and starting a feud to build towards mania w/Cody would by far be the smartest idea! I wouldn't mind Brodus Clay in the Chamber.
Drew McIntyre, Hunico, Alex Riley, Justin Gabriel, Big Zeke, Tyler Rex, Tyaon Kidd, heck even a Toshi Tatsu or Trent Barretta would make more sense to me. DRAFT SOMEONE FROM RAW FOR GOD SAKE! Just don't replace an injured star like Randy Orton with a d-list main eventer(even if he had is best year ever) who is about equally injured!
This indeed sucks damnit bobby Randy was my pick to win this weekend!! i heard that Mark Henry is coming in to replace him due to the lack of depth on the smackdown roster! Where the hell is captain charisma when you need him? Christian would be perfect to take the vipers spot!! Poor Randy looks like the injury bug is catching up to him rather fast!! I guess at this point mark henry makes the most sense! Sorry for not making sense its late and im tired
I don't mind Show and Henry as much as Khali. At least Show can move around pretty well and Henry can throw people through walls. Though I've got to say, with Orton out of the Chamber, it feels like Bryan's chances of retaining are going way up. Depending on the injury, if they had been considering moving Bryan out of the title picture going into WrestleMania, it might be necessary to keep the title on him.
Whoever said put Golddust in there is spot on. That would be an epic way to start Rhodes vs Golddust for WM which is exactly what Cody and the IC title need.

But, I hear Mark Henry's coming back, which means 3 giants, and the only faces are Khali, who nobody cares about and Big Show, who's fought Bryan countless times on SD already. It looks like they were building to have Orton/Bryan as the last two but now we'll be forced into Show/Bryan for the hundredth time...
I can't believe people are taking this seriously? This is an obvious work IMO!

It gives Orton an excuse to ask for a Title shot. Sheamus has his title shot from winning the Rumble, Orton has now missed out on EC due to Daniel Bryan and he has weight in his argument to be in the main event at WM28 now. In the interest of fairness, Sheamus will probably agree.

I wouldnt be surprised to see some like Barrett get screwed at EC and him have a justified argument to be thrown into the mix. Maybe Khali or Show puts him through the glass door and he is unable to compete.
When I first heard about this, I was thinking that maybe it was some sort of work that'd play out with Orton being "injured" and unable to compete due to the concussion. As a result, he'd show up this Sunday and somehow manage to sneak into the cage and cost Bryan the match, thereby leading to a possible match between them at WM.

After thinking about it for a few moments, however, it's unlikely that'll go down as there isn't anyone else currently in the chamber match that's really got the heat that Bryan has at the moment. At the same time, however, part of me does still think it's a work. I might be wrong, but I thought I saw Bryan connect with Orton in the upper back/neck area with the title rather than in the head. If it's 100% legit, it might be bad for Bryan as this could lead to a big money player being taken out of the WrestleMania picture altogether. There's certainly no money for Sheamus vs. Khali. We saw Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes, which was a pretty good match, but putting the title on Rhodes goes against everything WWE has been doing with Rhodes for the past two years. Plus, we've already seen Sheamus beat him. Wade Barrett does offer a possibility and we've seen some very good matches between him & Sheamus in the past. However, he's lost a little bit of heat over the past few weeks, due in part to his losses in these tag matches he's been in. Show's almost certainly not going to win as it's all but written in the stars that he'll be facing Shaquille O'Neal for WM.

I could see WWE going for a twist on things by putting Sheamus in the EC, having him come out with the win and facing Bryan in a rematch for the title at WM. Probably not too likely as Sheamus already has his guaranteed title match, but it's a thought. I don't see Mark Henry being part of it, given his injuries. If he'd been medically cleared to return to the ring, it'd most likely already been all over the internet by now. A returning Christian is also a possibility as WWE does need a body to add to the match in order to replace Orton. Christian wouldn't win also, but he'd be a quality replacement for Orton.

It'll be interesting to see who gets in. I just hope that WWE doesn't go and do something foolish by putting someone in there that really doesn't belong on the match. As I said, we know that they need a body to replace Orton but I hope that they just don't throw someone in there that might come across as a name that was pulled out of a hat.
I think this is an easy way to get Orton into the title picture at Wrestlemania. I buy the injury as legit as concussions are not something to mess around with. Orton is obviously thought highly off and even though I'm not a fan he had a hell of a year and deserves a WHC at Mania. A triple threat with him D-Bry and Sheamus has been what I've been thinking was gonna go down for awhile now. This also allows Orton to rest that back of his for a little while longer as I'm not sure he was completely healed in the first place. Hopefully it isn't a lingering concussion that keeps him out for some time as SD is really lacking star power at the moment.

As for who replaces Orton that is definitely up in the air. Who on SD is worthy of competing in the chamber? SD is pretty depleted in the midcard as after Cody Rhodes it is a pretty big dive as we fall to Hunico, Dibiase, Gabriel, and Mahal. A returning Christian would be nice or even have ADR jump ship from Raw and participate. I'd love to see Ziggler "show off" and pull double duty but that would be highly unlikely. Interested to see how this will be handled.
This is terrible news because now this greedy fuckbag is going to get another WHC match at Wrestlemania and once again bury another up and coming star in Sheamus just like he did to Kofi Kingston and Mr. Anderson. How am I supposed to believe that Orton really suffered a concussion? They set this up to get Orton in the title picture. If he was really injured by Bryan, I guarantee Bryan would have been fired by now. I fucking guarantee you that Orton will magically be put into the upcoming Sheamus/Bryan feud and he will walk out WM28 the WHC. He is a douchebag and I really can not stand this guy anymore. Take your Age of Orton and shove it up your ass Orton. And you have 20 minutes I urge you to watch this brilliant video made by Offtheropesshow exposing Orton for the fuckup he really is. You guys think Jeff Hardy is a screwup, well I think Orton is a way bigger screwup than Hardy. Here is the video:

So let's see. I watched that entire video. There was no exposing of anything. The dude just ranted about Randy doing this and that and everything in between. He clearly has a personal issue with Orton. The video is ridiculous and has no proof of anything. At all. First of all, Randy is a dick. Randy is made of glass. Randy can be a bit stiff on the mic and he did take a few moves from other wrestlers. REGARDLESS, the man is a good worker (when he's not hurt) and there's a fan base. Like Cena, he worked to get to his spot in the company. He might have been given a push because of his father, but still. Also, ORTON DID NOT BURY THOSE WRESTLERS. Does anyone realize anymore that it's WWE Creative that writes everything? Orton might have a say here and there, but its the writers that bury wrestlers, management and creative help too. The fact is, people keep bashing Orton for no real reason. The fans love him and he still puts on good matches. He draws insane heat when he needs to and turned babyface incredibly well. The blatant attacks and at least 5 reasons being burying people make the video irrelevant. It's just an opinion, granted, but a one-sided, narrow one when he says that he will delete all Pro-Orton comments.

Back to the actual issue in the forum.

Orton is hurt, and there will be a good replacement. It was spoiled, and I'm rather confused about it, but I didn't feel that Orton would regain the title anyway. He's in his feud with Khali and the strap was bound to stay with Brian or go to Show. Orton not being in the EC doesn't change the plans they originally layed out for him.
I'm confused WWE announced Mark Henry. I'm not going to spoil anything BUT according to the Smackdown results for Friday, someone else won a battle royal to claim Randy's spot and it wasn't Mark Henry.

I'm glad no Randy. My disgust for stale/boring Cena is NOTHING compared to Orton. Randy makes Cena look like Chris Daniels in the ring. Cena at LEAST has 5 moves to Randy's what 3. And Cena has mic skills which Randy doesn't. But they both are still BORING!
I think they missed a trick here by not putting Drew McIntyre in there, he could have begun his redemption by pinning someone in the match.

Much as I'd love to see Drew in there, not including him is probably a better idea for the long run. The fact he didn't show up on the last Smackdown despite having made five straight appearances hopefully means his new angle is ready to launch.....and shooting him into the EC match just to get eliminated would dull the edges of his new program.


Of course, it's pretty much understood that whomever gets the call at EC isn't going to come out the winner, right? A replacement inclusion (like Khali) isn't likely to be around for the end of the match.

That said, it would be great if Christian made a surprise appearance. Don't announce it in the days before EC, just tell the crowd that Orton is out and a replacement will be named at the start of the contest. Christian has been gone a hell of a long time and it would be great to see him strutting down the ramp.
As unlikely as this scenario is i see this as a perfect way to crown an undisputed champion at Wrestlemania.

Stick Sheamus in as replacement he wins the chamber match and challenges Ziggler* to unify the titles at Wrestlemania - cashing in his Royal Rumble win.

I know this will not happen, but for me it would be perfect.

We could still have Jericho vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania, albeit not for the title, in a "best in the world" match.

*Ziggler wins the Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title
I've been having sneeky suspicions that Orton was maybe the one who was supposed to win the match. Kali wont win, big show is rumoured to be in the match with shaq at mania so wont have the championship, I cant see another dual champion any time soon so he is out, and hopefully he is in a program with goldust. That leaves Barrett who just doesnt have enough stock to go into a Mania with a title and Daniel Bryan who is far more suited to a chasing role as apposed to a holding role.

So with Orton out I can imagine WWE creative ripping their hair out...
Triple Threat at Wrestlemania: Sheamus vs Barrett vs Orton

Barrett wins this Sunday. But due to Orton's "injury" causing him to lose his spot at the Chamber, he'll be given a non-title match against Barrett on a future Smackdown where if he wins he gets to join the world title match at Mania.

They could even turn it into a Fatal 4 Way by having Bryan use his rematch clause.

Either way, Sheamus will walk out as champion at Mania.
Hey, spoiler dicks, http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=106312

As far as Randy Orton goes, it sucks he's going to miss the Chamber but as has been said already, concussions aren't injuries you really want to take lightly. Laying the blame at Bryan's feet also feeds into the idea that Bryan is going to do anything he can to hold onto the title.
I do think Orton's absence will affect the quality of the match though. He's not a favourite of mine, but he can get a crowd pumped and bring out a good match out of just about anyone. It's up to the other guys to make us not dwell on the loss of Orton.
What this all means is that DB retains, Sheamus picks him then Orton comes back and says he didn't get a shot at the belt in the EC so he should get a shot at Wrestlemania.

DB vs. Sheamus vs. Orton for the belt at WM. It will still be the same match that most have predicted except DB will be Champion going into WM, not Orton.

That's a little surprising to me that they trust DB enough to be the champ going into WM. The real question becomes, does Sheamus win the belt or does Orton at WM?
What a rubbish elimination chamber anyways aside from bryan, barrett and rhodes it is filled with monsters who can't wrestle.
For me Orton's spot should go to drew mcintyre as he is the only guy that made any sort of impression last year.
if not mcintyre then who ?
Del rio?
it is all very exciting anyway.
That COULDN'T have happened. Bryan hit him kind of sloppy in the back of the neck and shoulders. It is definitely a WWE work!!

We were about 20 feet away and Bryan did it in direct view of us. Some guys around me and my kid were saying it looked kind of lame. So I wonder what the real reason is for not having Orton in the EC??
I would like them to put a guy like Drew McIntyre, Goldust, or Brodus Clay.
Like them or not, these guys can wrestle or entertain us in some way.

I was actually going to pick Randy to win this one. Its up in the air right now, but i just had that feeling that the title would change hands. Now, with Orton out, im second guessing it.
If he actually suffered a concussion it has to have been before that botched RKO. He looked completely disoriented, and not just a "oh, we botched that move, now what" disorientation. It looked like a "wait the second, where the heck am I?" disorientation.


Relax buddy you were definitely an orton fanboy in 07 so relax. Randys suffered over 8 concussions in is career and to think they're making this up to put him in the title picture is just stupid. I really don't remember orton burying talent though, last I check kennedy screwed up his push TWICE when he failed a wellness test TWICE. He never buried hardy, it makes no sense to give orton a 4 month reign and go down to hardy at the royal rumble. I guess you forgot him putting over henry cleanly or putting over the freaking miz
I think this sucks, and i have no idea whos replacing him. Well, i do since i read the spoilers, but i wont say. I also thinks that this gives him an excuse to be in the world title match at wrestlemania. I also think that now that ortons out, wade barrett will win the chamber match, and it will either be a triple threat or fatal four way match for the title at wrestlemania.

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