Who Does[n't] Deserve It?

In response to the original question, JKO doesn't deserve his rep bars.

Or membership on this or any forum.

Or our respect.

And I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff.
You would know, Coco.
Know what? Know how to cook with gas? Know how to fish with a Frost/Nixon DVD case? Know how to pick out a shit poster who's trying too hard to get over?

If it's the latter (being smart enough to know what an unfunny, over-exposed cunt you are), then I take pride in that. Are you trying to insult me by accusing me of "knowing" something?
What's wrong with bumping?

Its fucking annoying to see a thread and realize it was dated in 2007.

And if you don't want me to bump, then don't let the forums get slow.

Or you could show everyone you're funny and original by posting threads that weren't

A) Made by others

B) Made fucking 2 years ago
I'm unfunny, yet faking sexual dialougue with each other makes you die of laughter?


And Coco, the word cunt is so last month.

This thread wasn't made two fucking years ago. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do? There's alot of shit that's annoying here, but I keep my mouth shut because it's not worth complaining about. If this was really bothering you that much, you wouldn't have wasted your time posting here in the first fucking place.

Maybe you should try ignoring. It works great for me.
This thread wasn't made two fucking years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry. A month ago. Still. It's fucking annoying. Come up with some damn topics yourself, instead of trying to piggy back off of what funnier people before you said.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do?

People are going on about being pissy that the vets don't like them, and here's a prime example of why. Bumping old threads is annoying when you fucking bump 5 a day.

Oh, and I told you to stop bumping threads because it's annoying. You know, like when someone is tapping you on the shoulder incessantly and you tell them to stop. Same difference.

There's alot of shit that's annoying here, but I keep my mouth shut because it's not worth complaining about.

Why don't you keep it closed a little more often? Not only when there's annoying shit, but when you have any thought at all?

If this was really bothering you that much, you wouldn't have wasted your time posting here in the first fucking place.

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?!?!?! See? I can yell incredibly asinine comments as well.

Maybe you should try ignoring.

Or you could stop being a old-thread bumping asshole and a new, funny thread starter. Though that would mean you'd have to actually be funny....

It works great for me.

And so starts Razor's flu fueled Heel Turn. Fuck you.
The solution is to require 1000 points for a dark green bar, and 2000 for a bright green. When you can supply two bright greens by yourself if the chips fall into place X, you know we need to increase the amount needed. My way, you'd need 17,000 points for a full bar.

I suggested that about 4 months ago, but it wouldn't have worked at the time, because of the hyperinflation, now Slyfox has changed everyone's rep score, it would. It would be better if it were exponential, and you get a bar at 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600. That way, it wouldn't take forever for a decent new poster to get a few bars, but not the world and his wife wouldn't have the maximum score.
I suggested that about 4 months ago, but it wouldn't have worked at the time, because of the hyperinflation, now Slyfox has changed everyone's rep score, it would. It would be better if it were exponential, and you get a bar at 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600. That way, it wouldn't take forever for a decent new poster to get a few bars, but not the world and his wife wouldn't have the maximum score.

It should be a Fibonacci sequence, where you need 100 for the first bar, 100 more for the next, then 200, 300, 500, 800, 1300, 2100, 3400, 5500, 8900.

Fibonacci is, of course, the answer to everything.
But too many people are already over 8900. Also Fibonacci is rubbish, but y'know, Dan Brown uses it,so lets all have a wank.

Oh, I'm sorry. A month ago. Still. It's fucking annoying. Come up with some damn topics yourself, instead of trying to piggy back off of what funnier people before you said.

So by that logic we should never reply to any thread because we'd be piggy backing?

Razor said:
People are going on about being pissy that the vets don't like them, and here's a prime example of why. Bumping old threads is annoying when you fucking bump 5 a day.

Well damn me to hell for having fun on a forum.

And I don't give a purple monkey ass whether or not these "vets" like me. At the end of the day, it's just the internet. And even moreso than that, we're in a section of the forums that gets filled with pointless shit every few minutes. So if Coco can make a thread about Dexter, or Jane can make a thread about an encounter with a cricket, then I'm sure that it wouldn't kill anybody to bump a thread.

Razor said:
Oh, and I told you to stop bumping threads because it's annoying. You know, like when someone is tapping you on the shoulder incessantly and you tell them to stop. Same difference.

Oh no! You think it's annoying? Yeah, well grow a fucking pair. I think it's annoying when fuckers like you come in here and act like you run the fucking world.

You see, when someone is tapping you on the shoulder, they are physically bothering you. When someone taps you on the shoulder, there are alot of possibilities that you think about, like:

Did this person just get finished jerking off?

Does this person wash their hands?

Do they stick their hands up their ass for fun?

You see, when someone taps you on the shoulder, there's a reason why people get pissed off. But when a simple thread is made or bumped that you don't like, you can just ignore it. Instead of being immature and unfunny. X or 487 would've done a much better job of telling me I suck. Maybe I should bump another thread to remind you.

Razor said:
Why don't you keep it closed a little more often? Not only when there's annoying shit, but when you have any thought at all?

I will when you do the same.

Razor said:
WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?!?!?! See? I can yell incredibly asinine comments as well.

We all can. But it takes a special type of dumbass (like yourself) to turn a simple question into an idiotic and incredibly fuckminded statement.

Razor said:
Or you could stop being a old-thread bumping asshole and a new, funny thread starter. Though that would mean you'd have to actually be funny....

I think I'm funny.

Oh wait, you made Bonerjam. That's gives you some kind of life points, right?


Razor said:
And so starts Razor's flu fueled Heel Turn. Fuck you.


Try rubbing oil on yourself and punting people in the head. It couldn't make you anymore of a bigger douchebag than which of what you have shown me in the quoted grey boxes.


So by that logic we should never reply to any thread because we'd be piggy backing?

Not at all. Bumping a thread from weeks or months or even years ago is just drudging up old funny stuff because you can't think of a worthwhile idea. Replying to a thread that was created recently isn't the same thing, and to argue such isn't getting the point.

Well damn me to hell for having fun on a forum.

No, damn you to hell for being an unfunny jackass. Being unfunny is a much more horrible sin than having fun.

And I don't give a purple monkey ass whether or not these "vets" like me. At the end of the day, it's just the internet. And even moreso than that, we're in a section of the forums that gets filled with pointless shit every few minutes. So if Coco can make a thread about Dexter, or Jane can make a thread about an encounter with a cricket, then I'm sure that it wouldn't kill anybody to bump a thread.

You see, there's a difference. They actually came up with those ideas themselves and thought people would like to comment with them on said topics. You're going around the old threads, trolling for funny shit that you could never think of, and bumping it. It's a roundabout way of getting people to think you're funny. "Oh that JKO, always bumping old threads that were pretty funny. "

Oh no! You think it's annoying? Yeah, well grow a fucking pair. I think it's annoying when fuckers like you come in here and act like you run the fucking world.

I don't think I can run the fucking world. I don't think I can run the forum, either. I think I have the right to tell you you're acting annoying though.

You see, when someone is tapping you on the shoulder, they are physically bothering you. When someone taps you on the shoulder, there are alot of possibilities that you think about, like:

Did this person just get finished jerking off?

Does this person wash their hands?

Do they stick their hands up their ass for fun?

You see, when someone taps you on the shoulder, there's a reason why people get pissed off. But when a simple thread is made or bumped that you don't like, you can just ignore it

Or you could just ignore the person tapping on your shoulder. Fact is, you don't. Because it's an immediate annoyance, and you want it to stop. You're an immediate annoyance, and I want you to stop. No different.

Instead of being immature and unfunny.


ME?!?! I'm immature and unfunny?!?! And you're funny?


X or 487 would've done a much better job of telling me I suck. Maybe I should bump another thread to remind you.

You'll just be proving my point, that instead of actually coming up with something half-decent you have to go to Xfear and 487 for something half-decent.

I will when you do the same.

I hazard a guess that more people read my posts than when you bump an old thread with a single, ":lmao:" smiley that serves no real purpose.

We all can. But it takes a special type of dumbass (like yourself) to turn a simple question into an idiotic and incredibly fuckminded statement.

You're the first one to say it. You were fucking pissed off because I told you to come up with something creative. You said the exact same thing as I tauntingly yelled at you. Sorry, I know I was being uncreative. But I was being sarcastic, so it's allowed. Uncreative little fuck.

I think I'm funny.

And you make up the entire Bar Room now? Fuck you.

Oh wait, you made Bonerjam. That's gives you some kind of life points, right?


1) I also introduced "I'd pee in her butt."

2) I have seen way more people say "Razor is hilarious. Bonerjam is awesome" than people say "JKO and his bumping of old threads that no longer serve a purpose is awesome!!! Make him MOD!!!"


It was more meant to explain why I'm jumping on your ass. But now I can't use the flu as an excuse. You're just an annoying prick.

Try rubbing oil on yourself and punting people in the head. It couldn't make you anymore of a bigger douchebag than which of what you have shown me in the quoted grey boxes.

You sooo sad, it's hilarious. Please, keep bumping old threads and showing everyone just how unfunny you are. People already think it, and you're just giving everyone more ammo. If you want to become a self-defeatist who just goes around taunting his horrible posting, you can take Falkon's spot. She's realized that it doesn't help anything.
I suggested that about 4 months ago, but it wouldn't have worked at the time, because of the hyperinflation, now Slyfox has changed everyone's rep score, it would. It would be better if it were exponential, and you get a bar at 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600. That way, it wouldn't take forever for a decent new poster to get a few bars, but not the world and his wife wouldn't have the maximum score.

I think with this case, only X, myself, and maybe KB would have full rep.

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