The best bet here is to have a majority of melee weapons. Swords, bats, things of reach, because they don't run out of ammo. If you've read either of Max Brooks' zombie books, they give some amazing information on what to do incase of a zombiepocolyse.
Military members, other than snipers, would be damn near useless in this situation because you would have to completely retrain them to aim for the head as we're all trained from day one to aim for center mass.
Also, unless you base your camping around a place where you can constantly obtain gasoline most vechiles will be rendered useless as well other than for cover. A great weapon would be like in World War Z by Max Brooks called the Lobo which is a shovel and ax hybrid. Dogs would also be an amazing asset as they could smell or sense the infection in other people and be an early warning alert for the camp, also you could train dogs to lead zombies into a fire line incase you got bored of waiting for them to make their way to you on their own.
Just a few thoughts.
^ Hes coming along.