When the zombie outbreak happens

The final battle. The army of Wrestlezone vs. Deadman and his army of the undead. Fucking epic.
See, Rich Hall knows. If someone won't cook your dinner, or you don't want/need them to. George Foreman will.
Zombies and any related topics make for some of my favorite discussions. I already designed a mausoleum that would allow me to be a zombie with near full brain usage and minimal body decay.

Anyways I'm a boyscout and former lifeguard so I only really need guns, ass, and someone to converse/make esoteric literary references.

Obviously my choices are Norcs, Haily Rose(or insert other attractive female to enter the forums), and tdigs.

Norc/tdig confrontations would also keep me entertained.
I think me and Digs would get along fine in person, actually.

and if it were just the three of us, you two would condescend to only me, forcing me to throw you to the zombies, and then I would be alone. That sucks.

no, I would keep you. that boy scout shit is immensely usefull.
You forget Hailey Rose, whom you wouldn't be able to touch. At least you wouldn't be allowed to under NJ laws. I'm less sure about romeo-juliet laws in a zombieocracy.
Nah, I wouldnt. Id be doing plenty of zombie shagging (have you even READ this thread young man?) you can have that lliving girl shit. Its just a status ideaology anyhow

are you shitting me?

I was with you in the original thread talking about how if she ain't rotten I don't see any dilemma.

I miss Blaze...:(

That's not the point...

...can zombies make informed consent???
you know something. I was thinking about that, honestly, like if it would be rape or not.

I mean. I dont know dude. they could really say "no" either. Do zombies have rights? No clue.

If the chick was trying to rip my head off, and eat my brains, i guess its a situation were rape is justifiable. I dont even think it would be considered rape though. its a complex situation.
I'll have to brood about that for a few weeks.

Imagine the conversations you could have if someone asked you what you were thinking about as you solemnly contemplated the issue in a park(or other zombie inappropriate setting).
Norcal, I think we should consider getting IC within our group. Not only is he a big motherfucker, but he has management skills.
Norcal, I think we should consider getting IC within our group. Not only is he a big motherfucker, but he has management skills.

THAT is one hell of an idea. remember guys, this is very much in the preliminary logistics stage, so the roster is nowere near complete.

IC's clear, kind mind would stop me from killing people quite often. great idea.

Ty, will you be engaging in Zombie sex with Me, Marquis, Murfish, HDJ, and the others? Its obviously not THAT taboo.
Might as well throw Slyfox in. If we run into any other groups of survivors, Slyfox can convince them of handing all their supplies over free of charge.
THAT is one hell of an idea. remember guys, this is very much in the preliminary logistics stage, so the roster is nowere near complete.

IC's clear, kind mind would stop me from killing people quite often. great idea.

Ty, will you be engaging in Zombie sex with Me, Marquis, Murfish, HDJ, and the others? Its obviously not THAT taboo.

Of course, obviously if I got no other options besides *********ing (and in a place full of guys...I'd rather not), then fuck it, might as well get my rocks off on the undead then putting up with the frustration of lack of sex.

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