What will WWE do if Randy Orton's arm is broken?

they'll keep him out of action until FFW ppv and see if he can compete...thats the reason he got attacked by edge and got replaced on Raw...they will keep him away from the ring...but i don't think it would matter because Raw has many back-ups incase he drops out...

As for the injury, i think it won't keep him til Summer Slam...he will defo compete at the summer party event..
if he's removed from TV until F4W with Edge cutting promos on how he took him out until the PPV. It should be okay. It's just a matter of how bad his shoulder is.

Didn't they say he "should be" ready to go?
They need to be careful. I know he is in the middle of a great face push, but it would do WWE better to have Edge take credit for shelving Orton, then it would for him to push himself and injure himself further to take longer off.
Orton is one of the best they have and a guy whos got ages left, if he stays healthy. WWE need to do the right thing by him and he needs to the right thing for himself. If he was recovering froma concussion they wouldnt be doing this really, so they shouldnt do it now. He needs to be allowed time to be 100%, otherwise it could be dangerous for him and those he is in the ring with.
what can they do they'll just push Jericho into the match or as someone else stated he nxt winner they have enough star power to get by without RKO.
Sure enough ortons a big part of Raw he will probably stay doing promos without actually wrestling until FFW where he shoud sit in he backround waiting to attack while being involved as little as possible.
Now I am probably the BIGGEST Orton mark on this planet but somethin strucc me as odd last night. I dont understand y Orton's shoulder was so hurt when it was just last week when he hit Edge with the RKO and was perfectly fine. Now i kno he got hit with that door baccstage and all but cme on, how much damage could that have reallly done to his shoulder compared to falling on it when delivering the RKO? Feedbacc anyone?
For me, I don't think that Orton's injury is that serious. Sure, he could be hurt but I doubt he even needs to be in a sling. I think that the WWE have done it to add some effect and show Edge as being an opportunist and taking advantage of Orton's situation. It's classic heel tactics, attack the guy with an injury and the crowd are likely to boo you. Naturally, Edge has been doing some work on that shoulder and it has been intriguing to see him carrying out the actions to back up his words last week when he stated that he would hurt Randy Orton. Personally, I just see these attacks on his shoulder as an extension of that and his injury will be resolved soon enough.
I think the fact that he got it in a sling was to sell the injury that Edge "made worse" last week.

But I have to point out that Orton didn't exactly strike me as "perfectly fine" as you so kindly put it after the RKO last week, you could see he held his arm, and while I don't think it's a very severe thing, I heard reports that it's just struggling to get back in place completely and could need surgery.

So with that in mind, if it is just struggling to get back in place, I don't see anything damaging behind it, so I simply see it as a way of furthering the "storyline" and make it seem legitimate, and that the backstage thing weren't as damaging to him as performing the RKO.
Unless Orton's shoulder actually is the container of hundreds of bone fragments, thousands of shredded tendons and millions of damaged nerves, I'm not sure what the point of this storyline is.

Is it excuse-making for Orton's apparent inability to output great matches? "Uh, yeah, the match had to be ended early because Randy separated his shoulder." Bet they wished they'd thought of that at WrestleMania 25. Surely that can be remedied by ending his "stalk, stalk, brood, brood, dribble, dribble" formula - the crowd seems to come alive when he actually does something other than sit there and twitch.

Or is it - more likely - just the WWE writers being too busy furiously *********ing to come up with an interesting storyline for what was, and may well still be, the fastest rising stock in the WWE?
I just don't get what's going on with his shoulder. If it's injured, why have him wrestle at all? If it's just hurt, and he's in no immediate danger, why even have the brace? If it's all fake, and he's fine, this is one horrible storyline.

Whatever this is, it needs to end. I swear to God, the WWE creative dept. is working it's ass off to turn the crowd off of Orton. They are giving him nothing. Same ol' shit, week in and week out with Edge.

When he's healthy (if he's not right now), turn the guy loose. Make him a loose cannon. Have him RKO and punt anyone and everyone, not just those who are against him. Have him talk more. Give him more emotion (anger and rage, preferably). I'm sick of them watering down his character.

If they want him to work as a true tweener, they need to turn him loose. Take the choke collar off, and let him run wild. Let him be entertaining. Give him good, hard-hitting storylines. If he keeps doing the same shit, not saying much, not doing much, the crowd will tire of him. I'm not sure how they do not see this.
I honestly just think they're over exaggerating the injury to write Orton out of the PPV, so there's no further risk, and he will be back on TV after Fatal 4 way.
I also agree that the door thing looked very very weak.

Oh and missing out letters and adding others in places is annoying, please stop.
Can't see him being pulled out of the ppv, but if he is they could go along with it being edge's attack with the steel chair this past week on raw? Triple H would be the most effective replacement, but that would take all face support off of cena. So if he is replaced I can see Morrison perhaps being elevated?

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