What will WWE do if Randy Orton's arm is broken?

Well, I think that they'd have both participated in the championship Fatal 4 Way match anyway, so they'll just need to find a replacement for him for that match - Triple H, Jericho or even a good oppertunity for a mid carder.

As for the feud, depends on how long Orton is out. Assuming its in the 10-12 weeks margin (and that's an educated guess), he should be able to recommence the feud after Summerslam.

Shame, but it might just throw Edge into the title picture over the next few months - which cannot be a bad thing at all.
I just watched the match again and you can clearly hear the ref tell Edge "he's hurt" and then he makes an X with his arms which I'm assuming is to signal they have an injury.

Then when Orton goes to outside to attack Edge the ref walks right in front of the camera and says "he's out" to someone at ringside.

I even uploaded a video of it to youtube although I'm sure it will be pulled down for copyright infringement or some such by tomorrow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSVwvf27B-c
Well if its just a dislocated shoulder recovery time aint to bad 6-8weeks average and being orton could even be 4-5weeks he could do a few run ins and make edge lose matchs etc why it heals.

Lets hope its nothing to serious cos we dont want the ginger ablino vs super cena being the main feud on RAW might end up shooting myself
Hmm. I've always wondered what would happen if I reply a second time after totally burying someone. Lets see if you can do better this time. I'll answer every concern and prove your 1) Slow as shit and 2) Full of shit(while proving the same about others)

You aren't harassed by the ignorant ones. You are responded to by the ones that are tired of hearing your useless dribble throughout the forums.

I'd love an example of not being ignorant as my useless dribble(open for everyone to see) is me correcting each and every single one of your 13 year old asses. Not once have I lost an argument and I've always justified everything(even the shittiest comments) I've ever wrote.

I've commented on oh, I'd say 5 or 6 of your comments and every time I always get positive responses from everyone except you of course.

Oh that's great. I have a stalker who can't STFU. What a wonderful quality for people to praise you on. That says a lot about both them and you. And says a lot about myself as well. I won't explain as that will be useless dribble.

Seems like your useless dribble is bothering not just me, but others as well. And the only joke here is your dribble that you continue to spew across the forums.

I'm glad. Wisdom better piss of the unwise otherwise it wouldn't be wisdom. I always give out well thought out answers to even the most ridiculous threads which is why most "others" consider me to either be one of two things: 1) ******ed 2) Not understanding the subject.
You've proven that you fulfill both. You neither understand that I'm not arguing with you but rather the argument you proposed and both "won" and justified myself. The problem is there's no one around to see it. No one who's not an ignorant "looking for a fight" wrestling fan.

As far as the injury goes even with a broken arm Orton wouldn't be off of TV.

Your ******ed. I'm j/k but when you watch Raw tomorrow you might think that about yourself.

Cast it up, and boom he's be ready to do promos and interfere in Edge's matches (not necessarily getting physical but perhaps jumping onto the apron to distract the ref and Edge. All this is going to do is increase the build up for Orton/Edge's feud.

WOW! You should tell this to Creative. I'm sure they'd love to...Oh wait. This is a wrestling forum. Where no one gives a shit. And where people with opinions are despised and abused for their well thought out answers. But don't worry because that's ridiculous and not even Smackdown! Creative would give it a chance.

This could finally turn into a decent long standing feud between 2 of the best WWE has to offer. FINALLY something good comes to the WWE again. Now all we need is for Edge & Orton to secure decent valets and let them cat fight during matches!

That would be great. I don't see the problem and this is basically the only post I'd say I agree with. You deserve some props. I'll give you a rep. I can ignore the rest of the BS that fills your post if you at least try to give an intelligence response every now and then.
I'd love an example of not being ignorant as my useless dribble(open for everyone to see) is me correcting each and every single one of your 13 year old asses. Not once have I lost an argument and I've always justified everything(even the shittiest comments) I've ever wrote.

A-hah! We have found Sidious' new alt.

With that being said, I'm honestly growing concerned with the general health of the WWE performers. The "curse of SmackDown" seems to have creeped into the entire WWE locker room, what with several guys being banged up and/or out indefinitely.

This is where discussions of a wrestlers' union, an easier schedule and the responsibility of the company to keep it's employees healthy and safe needs to be made.
im hoping punk stays where he is and leads the smackdown lockerroom, and with orton he is so hot right now that the wwe cant afford to not have em on tv maybe have em off a week or 2 but do the same thing that they did a few yeaers ago when he was hurt they just had him do promos and maybe he will go back to the punting of the head to keep things interesting
The funny thing about the whole thing with Randy Orton, is he didn't get injured by something that Edge did to him, he got injured by doing his stupid turn around and fall on the ground and pound my fists on the ground ******ed thing he always does. Now I make fun of Cena all the time because he tore his pec hiptossing Mr. Kennedy, but at least he was actually doing something to someone, not just being a giant douche. This would be like if HBK was setting up for the sweet chin music and injured his leg stomping on the ground. Or Undertaker hurts his arm doing the thumb across the throat signal for the tombstone. Ha Ha
Sucks if he really is hurt though. I love where they were taking his character. Kinda crappy Twitter comments from Miiiiiiiiister AFTERTHOUGHT....afterthought. What kind of person wishes injury or applaudes injury on another person? I mean really...Karma? Guess that's why they are trying to make Anderson into TNA's tweener (ORTON!!)

And there you have it.

Well man, you can't really blame the guy for having a laugh at Orton's expense, being one of the facts of his demise admitted by Orton himself.

I mean, it does not mean Kenne... I mean Anderson wish him to get injured of wish him any harm, but you have to see the irony in the whole thing.

They let him go for being careless and injury prone (And who wouldn't, sorry but the guy couldn't stay healthy here for 2 months in a row and also legitimately injured the Undertaker on a House shown in Europe and was part of the Pec injury of Cena, even if it was a Hiptoss) and then Orton poped his shoulder up just by pounding the mat.

Hope the injury is not bad and Orton can comeback soon enough.
Monkey...first u said it was a broken arm now ur saying it might be a dislocated shoulder. You bashed the Posters use of a question mark at the end of the topic. Gimmie a break it was totally a dislocated shoulder as far as the eye could see. If the arm was BROKEN with the PG rating the WWE wouldn't have allowed the match to continue IMO. Can't imagine them allowing someone with a broken arm to continue in the WWE PG era.

As far as what WWE will do. SIMPLE. They'll let Edge run big time with this "look what I did to the "legend killer". Now because of me he's been put out of the business. Blah blah blah. Orton returns after a few weeks/months of Edge bashing him. Setting up a redemption match between Edge & Randy Orton.

I think you've got it spot on with regards to what will probably happen and its so obvious that i'm amazed by some of the alternatives. With a PPV coming up called Fatal Fourway, WWE can manage without Orton for a month or two because Edge can be in the title picture for a while, which as another poster has said is not the worst thing in the world.

As for all the talk of CM Punk drafting over, i've never heard anything so non-sensical in a long while on these forums. You want to take SD!'s hottest heel off an already depleted SD!, and have him replace the main tweener on RAW that since Wrestlemania, has been playing a prodominently face character i.e. Orton. Why? Surely a face is needed to replace Orton for a month or two? Although not ideal as it appears quite rushed, but maybe Morrison being thrown into the 4-way via winning a battle royal or a qualifier. I am not entirely impressed with this as Morrison is hardly ever on RAW, so it would seem strange him suddenly occupying a ME spot.

In my opinion, the apocaplyse is not coming. Orton will return to continue the feud with Edge around-about Summerslam. RAW will not explode and mass suicides at WWE headquarters will be staved off. I can not guarantee he will return in this time slot but RAW will do ok without him and they'll manage. As Orton wasn't even in the title picture, and hasn't been since EC, Sheamus/Cena will head the RAW brand for a good month or two. Edge can be inserted into the 4-way at the next PPV and Punk can continue doing his good work on SD!.
Well at first I read the results of the Pay Per View and it sounded as if this was just a storyline to further the Edge - Orton story. However, after watching the pay per view replay just now, I could see that Orton legitimately injured himself. It almost seemed as if his arm was bothering him for half the match and the thing that pushed it over the limit, sorry for the pun, but the pounding of that mat is what did him in.

Hopefully this injury doesn't last too long, as it would suck for Orton to lose all of this momentum. However, what they will do next month is just insert someone else into the Fatal Fourway match aside from Sheamus and Edge, possibly a different face. Maybe they'll use this opportunity to give someone a chance at main eventing. Either way, it won't change much, the WWE will go on just fine with Orton gone for a few months.
The WWE's a machine and they'll live without Orton. However, this still hurts WWE. He is by far the most over face on that roster and he certainly is incredibly popular. However, that being said, Orton is probably going to be hurt more by this himself than the company. Orton has built momentum for about a year now and if he's out for an extended period of time (3 months +) then he's going to lose a whole load of that. That's not good for Randy. He'll have to re-build from scratch and although he could do it, it would take a while. That being said, he could serve a purpose as the storyline GM while recovering from injury, however I doubt that.
He'll have to re-build from scratch and although he could do it, it would take a while.

Not necessarily, in case you remember, Triple H got injured in 2001, as a heel, returning as by far the most over face of the whole company, same goes with Edge, although Jericho turned him heel during his absence, but still.

Randy could very well return being just as popular, if not more, or only having lost a very small part of his popularity.

Personally I think Randy may very well return just as, if not more popular, if he's even gonna be gone for very long, he could very well be kept "alive" through promos etc. just like he was during the time where he got injured for the first time in, 2002 I believe it was.
If Orton is truly injured and requires significant time off then instead of dragging CM Punk from SmackDown! and potentially ruining a fairly decent SES angle (we still need the identity of the masked SES member, yeah I too figure its Joey Mercury..but I would like confirmation) We have guys like JoMo who is doing nothing but is worthy of a main event type push and working a angle with Edge might be what he needs to propel him to the next level. We need a face to replace Orton not another Heel. Shamus is about to go back into an angle with Cena so who else on RAW is left for Edge?
The fact is it depends on the length of time he's out. If he's out for weeks then he's not going to lose the fan base, but if he's out for a good 8 months then that's another story entirely. He could well be forgotten especially if they don't boom him properly. Triple H and Jericho both had vignettes leading to their returns.
The fact is it depends on the length of time he's out. If he's out for weeks then he's not going to lose the fan base, but if he's out for a good 8 months then that's another story entirely. He could well be forgotten especially if they don't boom him properly. Triple H and Jericho both had vignettes leading to their returns.

Edge was out as well for about 6 months time as far as I know, returning as one of the most over people in the whole company.

But I do agree, they need to keep Orton updated, no matter how long he's out (well all depending whether it's 2 weeks, then I couldn't give a damn what they do with him, but if it's 3 months, I demand to see something reminding me of this guy like once a month, or whatever can be considered appropriate)

Especially up to his return, WWE should really promote his return, like they did with Batista for example with the whole "next week, Batista will make a career changing decision"

I have to admit because Edge didn't have all that, around October / November, I had slightly forgotten about him, I knew he was on the roster, but I didn't care for him the same way that I did before, although when we were reminded of him through Jericho, I slowly remembered him, but was still not as excited for him as I was saddened to have to live without him being the awesome heel he was before he left.

Orton shouldn't have that, that's all I'm saying.
The fact is it depends on the length of time he's out. If he's out for weeks then he's not going to lose the fan base, but if he's out for a good 8 months then that's another story entirely. He could well be forgotten especially if they don't boom him properly. Triple H and Jericho both had vignettes leading to their returns.

He won't be out for 8 months unless it's something more serious than a broken arm or dislocated shoulder. My guess is that he'll be back for summerslam. They'll probably keep him on TV for the time being or have him be gone for a few weeks and build towards a match with Edge there.

Btw I love the idea of Morrison being used as a top face for the time Orton is out. He's a great wrestler and has the charisma to go up against Edge and get into the title picture.
Hmm. I've always wondered what would happen if I reply a second time after totally burying someone. Lets see if you can do better this time. I'll answer every concern and prove your 1) Slow as shit and 2) Full of shit(while proving the same about others)

I'd love an example of not being ignorant as my useless dribble(open for everyone to see) is me correcting each and every single one of your 13 year old asses. Not once have I lost an argument and I've always justified everything(even the shittiest comments) I've ever wrote.

Oh that's great. I have a stalker who can't STFU. What a wonderful quality for people to praise you on. That says a lot about both them and you. And says a lot about myself as well. I won't explain as that will be useless dribble.

I'm glad. Wisdom better piss of the unwise otherwise it wouldn't be wisdom. I always give out well thought out answers to even the most ridiculous threads which is why most "others" consider me to either be one of two things: 1) ******ed 2) Not understanding the subject.
You've proven that you fulfill both. You neither understand that I'm not arguing with you but rather the argument you proposed and both "won" and justified myself. The problem is there's no one around to see it. No one who's not an ignorant "looking for a fight" wrestling fan.

Your ******ed. I'm j/k but when you watch Raw tomorrow you might think that about yourself.

WOW! You should tell this to Creative. I'm sure they'd love to...Oh wait. This is a wrestling forum. Where no one gives a shit. And where people with opinions are despised and abused for their well thought out answers. But don't worry because that's ridiculous and not even Smackdown! Creative would give it a chance.

That would be great. I don't see the problem and this is basically the only post I'd say I agree with. You deserve some props. I'll give you a rep. I can ignore the rest of the BS that fills your post if you at least try to give an intelligence response every now and then.

For the part i placed in bold:...I guess when you drink your own Kool-Aid for long enough you'll start to believe anything.

I won't even bother going back and forth with every single part of what you said. I just find it funny that you sit here and argue with "13 year olds". I'm confused. How does that make you smart if all you do all day is comb through the forums and respond to "13 year olds" and argue back and forth with "13 year olds". Mama must feel so proud. Her boy sits on the forums all day and constantly responds to "13 year olds". I do enjoy reading the garbage you continue to reproduce. At least if you are reproducing here..it stops you from doing so elsewhere...

Now back to Orton's separated shoulder. I'm sure its painful for Orton but he's clearly dealing with the pain. Orton & Edge could continue this feud for quite some time if its done right. Both Edge and Orton can go. And with the "Fatal 4 way" up and coming this could prove most interesting and beneficial for Orton. The full attention won't be on him so he won't have to take major bumps unless the plan calls for it, but they'll be able to continue on with Edge/Orton while he continues to make a full recovery.
The fact is it depends on the length of time he's out. If he's out for weeks then he's not going to lose the fan base, but if he's out for a good 8 months then that's another story entirely. He could well be forgotten especially if they don't boom him properly. Triple H and Jericho both had vignettes leading to their returns.

FORGOTTEN??? :lmao: What on fucking EARTH :lmao:

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Have you ever SEEN someone come back from injury? Triple H? Taker? Fuck, Edge, for that matter. Shit, Ortons face turn actually BEGAN when he was coming back from his collar bone injury two years ago.

If ANYTHING he will be by FAR and away the most over guy on the roster upon his return. I would say he already is the most over right now, but if he comes back from a long layoff? Fucking forget it, the reactions will be absolutely thunderous.

I would debate him being injured for a long period of time would actually be a positive. RAW is so utterly stacked, they wont miss him THAT much, and he will be fucking banana sandwhich over when he comes back.

The WWE will be just fine, and this will likely be a positive. Recal that Austin broke his neck in like, 97 places, and everything ended up ok with that.
Now back to Orton's separated shoulder. I'm sure its painful for Orton but he's clearly dealing with the pain. Orton & Edge could continue this feud for quite some time if its done right. Both Edge and Orton can go. And with the "Fatal 4 way" up and coming this could prove most interesting and beneficial for Orton. The full attention won't be on him so he won't have to take major bumps unless the plan calls for it, but they'll be able to continue on with Edge/Orton while he continues to make a full recovery

this was my thinking as well. the fatal 4-way makes it a perfect scenario for orton to compete, but not have to do much. i think the wwe had to get orton's name in there regardless whether he can make it or not because they know if he isn't there, they will lose some buyrates.

i say have it "business as usual" and use orton like they normally would have in the storyline, but tweak it a bit so he doesn't take any bumps to the arm or shoulder, whichever it is.

and if a couple hours beforehand he isn't ready, have him get attacked in the back or have him come out and either get knocked out or do what he does best: let the other 3 guys beat each other up and take advantage of the situation.
Well WWE will suffer whit out orton since batista is gone now orton?? cmon now it would be boring BUT it will hype the crowd up when orton returns and prob edge becomes wwe champion and randy comes back and takes the wwe championship from edge maybe at summerslam maybe even at bragging rights you never know
Well WWE will suffer whit out orton since batista is gone now orton?? cmon now it would be boring BUT it will hype the crowd up when orton returns and prob edge becomes wwe champion and randy comes back and takes the wwe championship from edge maybe at summerslam maybe even at bragging rights you never know
The WWE has enough talent to last without Orton and Batista, though i will miss both. With Orton in the Fatal 4 Way, his separated shoulder shouldnt be too bad. It happened to my bro a while back and he couldnt work for a few months, but that was without any surgery or anything. So who knows how this will play out with Orton.
They wouldn't have thrown him in the main event if he had no chance, but clearly with the injury it's could be an issue.

How will they solve it - I reckon the NXT winner might get thrown into the mix if need be. Unorthodox, but it's why I like the Fatal 4 Way format - you can have sub plots going on. Maybe if Wade Barratt won, Jericho could mentor him about going into the main event.

Certainly they want Orton in (The strength of the main event is incredible), but I think they've risked him given that there are three other people in the main event - wouldn't work in a normal feud.
Reports coming from various sites are saying that Randy Orton has been told that he will need surgery at some point on his shoulder because the problem is reoccurring.

Now, I am not quite sure what type of surgery it would be but based on what we know about the injury so far (and what types of issues he has had in the past), does anyone know the possible time frame we could be looking at in terms of The Viper being off WWE television?

Obviously, this is going to be a huge blow for Orton's career, coming at the wrong time seeing as how he is so popular right now. I am sure WWE will do just fine without him and others will step up but I do hope he doesn't have to miss action for too many months.
I'm not sure how long Randy would be out in case it did happen that he had to go through a surgery, but if he really is gonna be gone, I'm hoping that WWE will be doing some kind of thing to keep people reminded of him, like promo video's, time on the microphone in sporadic appearances etc.

But then again, Randy could very well be in two other situations:

1. Randy won't be getting any surgery, although I think it's unlikely, it's still something that could happen, Rey Mysterio was told he needed surgery, I haven't seen him going anywhere thus far.

2. Randy won't be out for very long, while I think this is very unlikely as well if he's facing the same kind of surgery that he had to go through in 2007, but it is a possibility if it's just a minor surgery he has to go through.
Isn't there like 6 of these already?

I'm not really too worried about this injury. Orton's popularity will not diminish at all if he has to miss some time. In fact, do you remember all of HHH's injury returns? He came back more popular than ever every time. Hell one time he was the biggest heel in the company and came back to a MASSIVE pop. So hell, it could possibly be argued that this injury might help him in th long run. Say a couple months down the road, Sheamus and Edge are putting it down NWO style on Cena, and out of nowhere, completely a shock to the IWC and casual fans alike, Orton pops up to make the save. It would put him through the roof. One may be able to argue that this injury could prove to be more positive than negative for Orton.

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