Randy Orton's backstage influences

While I do agree with you on the mic skills, Kofi Kingston's mic skills has never really caught me on, but Kofi Kingston is an over the average good wrestler if you ask me, he's able to put on some good performances whenever he gets into the ring, he may certainly not be as good as Randy or Jack Swagger, but he's able to put on some good matches.
And if you determine "jumping around" and bouncing off ropes as "bad wrestling" then I guess John Morrison and Rey Mysterio are bad wrestlers too?

The only exception that both Morrison and Mysterio have the ability to wrestle technical matches, while Kofi doesn't at all. Save for a few of Morrison's springboard attacks and Starship pain, he doesn't bounce around nearly as much as Kofi. Mysterio often faces opponents bigger than him, so it's part of his style and gimmick to use aerial maneuvers to win.

And btw, the only good matches Kofi has ever had is when he's faced someone like Orton, who can elevate him to another level. By himself, he's mediocre
The only exception that both Morrison and Mysterio have the ability to wrestle technical matches, while Kofi doesn't at all. Save for a few of Morrison's springboard attacks and Starship pain, he doesn't bounce around nearly as much as Kofi. Mysterio often faces opponents bigger than him, so it's part of his style and gimmick to use aerial maneuvers to win.

And btw, the only good matches Kofi has ever had is when he's faced someone like Orton, who can elevate him to another level. By himself, he's mediocre

I would have to completely disagree with you, while I may agree partially with you that Kofi doesn't come off as a technical wrestler, I must admit that's not the key word to being a good wrestler, one of the major things in being a good wrestler is to hold a good round of different moves, while you could therefore argue that John Cena isn't a good wrestler, I would also have to disagree there seeing as John Cena certainly has a limited moveset but he's not one to screw up a move neither, which to me is also another thing to make you a good wrestler, the ability to put on a match and still keep it safe.

And Kofi Kingston only having had good matches with Orton is your opinion, but I'm gonna call that bullshit, seeing as he's had some tremendous defenses of the United States championship, the Triple Threats, the Fatal Four Ways, and a Six Pack challenge, while these matches might not have been technical mastermind matches or a Shawn Michaels performance, they certainly did well, and they certainly build Kofi Kingston as a strong competitor seeing the amount of times he had to put that belt on the line.
Kofi's push was derailing before that little punt/RKO incident. The crowd was dead for their match at TLC, mostly cheering Orton. Kofi's just not that good, and the fans got tired of his push quickly.
Orton signed a 10 yr deal recently.. That tell's you how much the WWE loves him..

Are you implying that he's abusing it? Because if I remember right he wasn't the only one to complain about Kennedy, he was just the cherry on top. We have no proof on Kofi so I'm not going to reply on that until a valid source comments on it.

I find it funny that you have a comment about Shawn Michaels commenting to work well with Orton to sheamus. If you remember right, Michaels was the worse guy to screw up with in the late 1990's. Listen to some of Cornette's shoots on Michaels and listen to some of the crap he pulled off. He threatened guys with there jobs numerous times.
Are you implying that he's abusing it?

Not necessarily, I'm asking whether you think he could go on to abuse the power that he obviously has backstage, not that he is already.

We have no proof on Kofi so I'm not going to reply on that until a valid source comments on it.

I know, but I've speculated if Orton could have a finger on it.

I find it funny that you have a comment about Shawn Michaels commenting to work well with Orton to sheamus. If you remember right, Michaels was the worse guy to screw up with in the late 1990's. Listen to some of Cornette's shoots on Michaels and listen to some of the crap he pulled off. He threatened guys with there jobs numerous times.

The reason why I mentioned Shawn is because he literally told Sheamus to watch his steps around Randy Orton, and not screw up around him, because we all know it's not a good idea to be messing up when involved with one of the top stars and future cornerstones of WWE (yes I've said it before, I'll say it again, Orton will be a cornerstone.. he's already been with WWE since 2002, and he has at least 10 years to go, unless he gets injured, that means he's been around for about the time Triple H has been around now + some years)

We shouldn't be putting Shawn into this thread in any other forms than the fact that he told Sheamus to step it up, and told him to watch his steps around Randy Orton, I'm not one to leave out the facts that Shawn was a major heat magnet and one to be involved in a lot of backstage politics, but that's of the past, Randy Orton's case could very well be right now, or in the future.

But ultimately, I'm not saying Randy is even doing any of this now, ever has, or ever will, I'm just speculating, and to be quite bold, the speculations obviously turned into quite a discussing, I say that's a good speculation.

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