What the fuck is wrong with our posters?

Very little gets discussed as it is. I made a cute little Rob Van Dam post this very morning. Better than most of the tripe in that particular thread, but I was still just saying stuff in hollow hope of being heard. Nothing was discussed. No interaction was hand. No back and forth banter. So really, if discussion is the goal, how good is current system?

Link? I'd like to see it.
So, the point of the trolling issue is this...


Let's move past it then because I'm confused as fuck.
I'm not trying to insult anyone here. If I was, I'd speculate that the "insult" part is a result of thin skin. But I already know about the swift kick in the ass that'll get me.

Trust me, I'm not out to get you or ruin fun projects. I just feel that your contributions to thread starting are in no way better than anyone else's and that this is a myth that needs debunking.

That's cool, and I'm fine with that. I'm really not too engulfed in this whole ordeal anyway. Just that I know you've brought the music tournament up a few times in the last month, figured I'd respond.

Anyway, for the threads you're probably referring to - the one that was referenced in the CL, for example, I'm not expecting to win an award with that one. It was on my mind, I posted it, and gave an opinion. I'll add to that thread with a new story eventually, and maybe it'll become a good thread, and maybe it'll die. Either way, I will lose no sleep.

But again, I'm not too fervent either way here.
You all skipped over a perfectly good I Robot joke.

That's cool, and I'm fine with that. I'm really not too engulfed in this whole ordeal anyway. Just that I know you've brought the music tournament up a few times in the last month, figured I'd respond.

Anyway, for the threads you're probably referring to - the one that was referenced in the CL, for example, I'm not expecting to win an award with that one. It was on my mind, I posted it, and gave an opinion. I'll add to that thread with a new story eventually, and maybe it'll become a good thread, and maybe it'll die. Either way, I will lose no sleep.

But again, I'm not too fervent either way here.
So we have no reason to argue. Cool beans.
Nor are you continuing the discussion. I think your admittance of defeat is clear.

Off-topic a tad, but how do you guys do this? The way you both have the ability to twist each others' words in order to condescendingly shut down the others point is really impressive and something I just don't have the ability to do. I guess that's why I always lose at these types of debates. It's commendable, actually. I'm legit impressed.

Ok, I'm done. Continue.
Link? I'd like to see it.
I guess as WrestleZone's number one RVD fan, I should weigh in here. So here it goes: RVD is right. Did he win the world title in impressive fashion and get a semi-lengthy reign with the belt? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean he was utilized to his fullest. Compare this to the situation with CM Punk in the WWE right now. The man had won the big gold belt three times and MITB two years in a row. He's gotten to feud with Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Randy Orton, and Rey Mysterio. And even after all that, before this recent feud with John Cena there was still a reasonable argument that could be had about him being under-utilized. So if you can't reconcile kayfabe accomplishments with a lack of utilization, you're pretty thick skulled.

How has Van Dam been under-utilized? Well after Sacrifice last year, his title reign was put on the back burner in favor of increased focus on Sting, Abyss, Anderson, Hardy, and so forth. He was barely a factor in the build to his Slammiversary and Victory Road title defenses and he was even marginalized in the road to Hardcore Justice of all things. Recently, there was a PPV Rob wasn't even on at all. Now Rob doesn't have to be a prominent world champion constantly, but he has more to offer than what he's being given now. If people are going let their silly notion that Rob has no charisma blind them to that fact, then (once again) they're thick skulled. My take on what to do with him? Put Rob in prominent midcard feuds on a regular basis and give him television time to do what he can to make those issues important. Anything less than that is under-utilizing him.

That said, does he have a huge ego? Of course. Anyone who points to himself for a living must. He's certainly not the only person who can move like RVD anymore. It's 2011 after all. But that doesn't mean he's wrong about having more to offer.
That's me. Just another voice, saying things and not discussing anything with anyone in particular. A result you'll get no matter what the OP is.
Accusing me of saying nothing while at the same time saying nothing proves a grand total of nothing. Moving on...
Once again, you realize you're not correct, so you're trying to re-frame the discussion.

Why not just say "I disagree, but you make valid points"? No matter how you look at it, when your position is that cutting and pasting is contributing to discussion, your position just doesn't hold water, in relation to the effort other posters have to put in to be considered contributing to the discussion.

Now, you brought up the subject, it's been answered. You disagree with the answer, but it doesn't change the fact it's the right one. Go ahead and "move on" now.
That's me. Just another voice, saying things and not discussing anything with anyone in particular. A result you'll get no matter what the OP is.

You're comparing that well-thought-out post to the other one-lined dribble that gets posted on this forum on a regular basis and saying there's little difference between the two? Seriously?

I must be missing the sarcasm.
Off-topic a tad, but how do you guys do this? The way you both have the ability to twist each others' words in order to condescendingly shut down the others point is really impressive and something I just don't have the ability to do. I guess that's why I always lose at these types of debates. It's commendable, actually. I'm legit impressed.

Ok, I'm done. Continue.

Years of arguing with my parents. My dad especially was quite tricky. Practice makes perfect and all that.

Don't get me wrong, I had a great childhood, I was just very argumentative.
Once again, you realize you're not correct, so you're trying to re-frame the discussion.

Why not just say "I disagree, but you make valid points"?
Because you still haven't made a valid point. If you like, I'll post even more smilies if that helps it get through your thick skull.

No matter how you look at it, when your position is that cutting and pasting is contributing to discussion, your position just doesn't hold water, in relation to the effort other posters have to put in.
Who cares how much effort anyone puts in? Most people are just posting in a vacuum and don't care what anyone else is saying. You can win as many E's for Effort as you'd like, but that still doesn't mean you're contributing.
You're comparing that well-thought-out post to the other one-lined dribble that gets posted on this forum on a regular basis and saying there's little difference between the two? Seriously?

I must be missing the sarcasm.
You're not because there is none. Why? Because I'm not arrogant enough to think my voice is more worthy of being heard than that of the mentally ******ed ten year old who doesn't understand the spam rules.
Years of arguing with my parents. My dad especially was quite tricky. Practice makes perfect and all that.

Don't get me wrong, I had a great childhood, I was just very argumentative.

Amazing... I wish I could be as big of a dickbag as you. ;)
Because you still haven't made a valid point.
Sure I have. You're refusing to recognize it, not because it's not valid, but because your recognition of it completely defeats your argument's platform, as I pointed out earlier. So, in order to remain relevant in this debate and not "lose", you have to deny it, even when it's completely valid.

Who cares how much effort anyone puts in?
Uhh, we do. And since you signed up to post on these forums, where the rules have been very similar, if not more lax, since you first signed up, I suppose you do, or at the very least, agree to the amount of caring which is required to start an opening post.

Most people are just posting in a vacuum and don't care what anyone else is saying. You can win as many E's for Effort as you'd like, but that still doesn't mean you're contributing.
You say that, but I have a Slyfox696 true opinion on CM Punk which says otherwise. Not only did I get many reps for the one post I made in the thread, there were also many others which referenced the opening post.

Perhaps if more people would put effort into an opening post, less people would post in a vacuum. I mean, seriously, how many different ways can you defeat your own position?

By the way, weren't you "moving on"?
You're not because there is none. Why? Because I'm not arrogant enough to think my voice is more worthy of being heard than that of the mentally ******ed ten year old who doesn't understand the spam rules.

Good thing. I wasn't say that, either.

I'm glad that it took me over 90 posts to realize that you missed my point completely.
Sure I have. You're refusing to recognize it, not because it's not valid, but because your recognition of it completely defeats your argument's platform, as I pointed out earlier. So, in order to remain relevant in this debate and not "lose", you have to deny it, even when it's completely valid.

Uhh, we do. And since you signed up to post on these forums, where the rules have been very similar, if not more lax, since you first signed up, I suppose you do, or at the very least, agree to the amount of caring which is required to start an opening post.

You say that, but I have a Slyfox696 true opinion on CM Punk which says otherwise. Not only did I get many reps for the one post I made in the thread, there were also many others which referenced the opening post.

Perhaps if more people would put effort into an opening post, less people would post in a vacuum. I mean, seriously, how many different ways can you defeat your own position?

By the way, weren't you "moving on"?

But Sly, don't you see? The point is... he has no point.

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