What the fuck is wrong with our posters?

But really, you and I both know most of what goes on now up north is headache inducing nonsense as it is.
Only for the positions taken, not for the effort put into the posts themselves.

At the very least, that puts both systems are on equal footing. And considering that most truly entertaining discussion takes place in the spam section, I'd argue that the garbage you just posted doesn't negate those discussions which make spam friendly discussion better.
The reason you get the more entertaining discussion is because the main site doesn't RSS feed the Wrestling Spam Zone, just the non-spam wrestling sections. If we were to change the rules, that would change, and you would see a MUCH different tone of quality between the Wrestling Spam Zone and the main forums.
Only for the positions taken, not for the effort put into the posts themselves.
I still don't give points for effort. If I did, guys like Sign Guy and Ferbian wouldn't be on my shit list.

The reason you get the more entertaining discussion is because the main site doesn't RSS feed the Wrestling Spam Zone, just the non-spam wrestling sections. If we were to change the rules, that would change, and you would see a MUCH different tone of quality between the Wrestling Spam Zone and the main forums.
I'm giving Nick the points for reaching this conclusion.

Sure, but you both reached the same conclusion -- that making everything spam friendly would ruin what this area gives me.

Don't worry, Sly. You were that close to beating him to the finish line. No shame in that.
You guys are hilarious. You're like the two guys in Oceans Eleven that argued in the van about one not touching the other.

Sure, but you both reached the same conclusion -- that making everything spam friendly would ruin what this area gives me.

Don't worry, Sly. You were that close to beating him to the finish line. No shame in that.

I'm not saying the Wrestling Spam Zone would go down in quality. I think it would stay the same. What I'm saying is that you would not have the same level of quality in the main sections as you do in the Wrestling Spam Zone, which means your evidence of a strong Wrestling Spam Zone will not transfer to a strong main forums with no spam rules.

If that's what Nick said, then so be it. But I wasn't under that impression.
I'm not saying the Wrestling Spam Zone would go down in quality. I think it would stay the same. What I'm saying is that you would not have the same level of quality in the main sections as you do in the Wrestling Spam Zone, which means your evidence of a strong Wrestling Spam Zone will not transfer to a strong main forums with no spam rules.

You know what would be great? If a compromise of a forum existed where posters can post both spam and non-spam, separated into different sections. Thus giving posters the best of both worlds. All they would have to do is follow those rules.

Oh, wait...
I'm not saying the Wrestling Spam Zone would go down in quality. I think it would stay the same. What I'm saying is that you would not have the same level of quality in the main sections as you do in the Wrestling Spam Zone, which means your evidence of a strong Wrestling Spam Zone will not transfer to a strong main forums with no spam rules.
I was thinking that if the main sections were the same as the WSZ, there'd be no reason for a WSZ. And that makes me a sad puppy.

Hold me, son. Come give your pa a hug.
On the forum Coco and I used to post, that was known as the CM Punk. He'll understand. And if not, I just explained it to him. Everyone wins.

I hope the implication isn't that you'd drink a glass of Phil Brooks' semen just to appease Coco. Actually, I kind of do.
Didn't say it was, just that it was a much more difficult thing than we have now.

It doesn't really seem difficult as it does more time consuming. Stricter rules = more spam (If people can't comprehend how incredibly lax the rules are now, I'm sure the spam would increase threefold) = more moderating = moderators needing to spend more time infracting/cleaning and less time posting.

Then again, there could just have been a hardcoded text limit or something, but when anything above 2 paragraphs is "tl;dr" for some people, maybe the forum is better off like this.
I believe I remember Sly campaigning for more lenient spam rules. Through the fog of memory I suspect if you held both discussions up against one another you would discover an amusing inconsistency somewhere.

I sometimes used to make non-spam threads. I used to put loads of effort into the opening post, we're talking mini essays here. I don't think one of them ever made it beyond its second page, and some of these threads weren't even about Lou Thesz.
A big picture of CM Punk's face will ultimately draw roughly the same amount of debate as a crafted 300 word introduction, and oftentimes will draw considerably better than a mega-essay on the subject.

The only real reason to draw a distinction is intellectual snobbery. Then again, as an intellectual snob I'm 100% in favor of this. Make the spam rules harsher.

These days I post in the spam sections in order to avoid spam.
Pfft. I could read Tenta's shit all day and be thoroughly intrigued the whole time.

A long post doesn't bother met at all, but you have to break it up into paragraphs. If you have everything in one big block of words, I'm skipping past it.
I believe I remember Sly campaigning for more lenient spam rules. Through the fog of memory I suspect if you held both discussions up against one another you would discover an amusing inconsistency somewhere.
Not inconsistent, I used to want the same thing Coco wants now. When I was campaigning for such a thing, there were others who wanted to leave things the way they were. We eventually pitched it to Shocky and IC25, and they went for a more lenient spam rule. Over time, we've refined the spam rule to what I now think is the perfect compromise between the old way and the way I used to want and Coco now wants.

You're talking about YEARS of time. During these years of time, I think we've come up with just about the perfect system possible, one where everyone can find something to post about, in the manner they want to post.

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