What the fuck is wrong with our posters?

Then Dave Meltzer is contributing to the discussion, or whomever originally reported the news item the opening poster cut and pasted.

Fair enough but like Coco I believe that bring the item to attention constitutes a contribution. Also, as I alluded to earlier I think you can make a case that creating a neutral OP lends itself to a better discussion. How do you feel on that topic?
On the other hand, I'm not surprised that the moderators are going to circle the wagons and defend the rules. All things being equal, that right there pretty much tells me all I need to know about how much this discussion is worth having.

Carry on, gents.
On the other hand, I'm not surprised that the moderators are going to circle the wagons and defend the rules. All things being equal, that right there pretty much tells me all I need to know about how much this discussion is worth having.

Carry on, gents.

You've been allowed to troll several mods, for months, without being bothered. If this place were as strict as you're making it out to be, you'd be gone, a long time ago.
The three rules are flawless and definitely do not leave the possibility open for a robot rebellion at all. I'm like, 99% sure.
You've been allowed to troll several mods, for months, without being bothered. If this place were as strict as you're making it out to be, you'd be gone, a long time ago.
Once again, people need to stop confusing honesty with trolling.

Besides, those weren't the parts of the rules I was bitching about.
Fair enough but like Coco I believe that bring the item to attention constitutes a contribution.
But it's not their contribution. Anyone can cut and paste an article, we want to know what YOU think, not what Dave Meltzer thinks. We can all go visit Meltzer's site if we want to know what he thinks.

LSN in the Cigar Lounge does a great job of finding a relevant story and then creating discussion from that. Obviously, we don't ask everyone put that much effort into it, but that's a great example.

Also, as I alluded to earlier I think you can make a case that creating a neutral OP lends itself to a better discussion. How do you feel on that topic?
Umm, I don't really think the argument in the OP matters as much as the topic itself. I think sometimes being neutral is better, sometimes having a point is better. My true opinion on Punk thread got several responses, and I didn't even really have a tone other than how I see things.

On the other hand, I'm not surprised that the moderators are going to circle the wagons and defend the rules. All things being equal, that right there pretty much tells me all I need to know about how much this discussion is worth having.

Carry on, gents.
We're not defending the rules, the rules are defined by our thoughts. The rules exist because we mostly agree it's the best way to run the forum.

Now, I realize you were just trying to use this as your out, to remove yourself from the discussion you were really starting to lose your grasp on, but I would much rather you stick with the "I disagree, but you make valid points" option.
Looks like Nick has been fully converted to the light side. This is a dark day.
Complete with nonsense logic and everything.

"We haven't banned you for trolling. Thus, your criticisms of our harsh spam rules are invalid."

Wait.. what?!
Now, I realize you were just trying to use this as your out, to remove yourself from the discussion you were really starting to lose your grasp on, but I would much rather you stick with the "I disagree, but you make valid points" option.
As soon as you give me a point that's actually valid, dear.

And just to make sure that I put this in a language you actually understand:

I love Nick's mod work but I have one suggestion. You need to disparage people more when you close their threads. Look at how Norcal ends a shit thread, so much more fun than just saying why you closed it. Make them feel bad about making a stupid thread.
Complete with nonsense logic and everything.

"We haven't banned you for trolling. Thus, your criticisms of our harsh spam rules are invalid."

Wait.. what?!

Are you kidding me? That's not even close to what I said. Your criticisms are as valid as the next guy. I'm using you as an example. If this place were as strict as you're telling us it, do you think you'd still be around?

It's not that bad around here.
I love Nick's mod work but I have one suggestion. You need to disparage people more when you close their threads. Look at how Norcal ends a shit thread, so much more fun than just saying why you closed it. Make them feel bad about making a stupid thread.

No, don't do that.
Are you kidding me? That's not even close to what I said. Your criticisms are as valid as the next guy. I'm using you as an example. If this place were as strict as you're telling us it, do you think you'd still be around?

It's not that bad around here.
This place is definitely pretty easy going, especially now that Lee's been demodded. Doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.
Other people may, Justin Labar may, but the opening poster did not.

Which, in turn, causes others to follow in stride. It just makes a mess and, quite frankly, nothing gets "discussed." It just gets "commented on."
Which, in turn, causes others to follow in stride. It just makes a mess and, quite frankly, nothing gets "discussed." It just gets "commented on."
Very little gets discussed as it is. I made a cute little Rob Van Dam post this very morning. Better than most of the tripe in that particular thread, but I was still just saying stuff in hollow hope of being heard. Nothing was discussed. No interaction was hand. No back and forth banter. So really, if discussion is the goal, how good is current system?
Considering you're trying to make the point plagiarizing another's work and adding the word "discuss" is a valid contribution to a topic, I daresay you're probably not the leading authority on valid points in this thread.
Yeah, I'm still conceding nothing. Nice try though.
Considering you're trying to make the point plagiarizing another's work and adding the word "discuss" is a valid contribution to a topic, I daresay you're probably not the leading authority on valid points in this thread.

Plagiarism suggests passing off someone else's work as your own.
So, the point of the trolling issue is this...


Let's move past it then because I'm confused as fuck.

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