What the fuck is wrong with our posters?

I just know that better thought-out topics generate more hits and discussion as copied and pasted headlines a lot of the time, that's all.
Not really. The majority of people here would rather discuss hot current events, hands down. That's why generic Nexus thread X was the hot ticket last year and generic Punk thread X is the hot ticket this year. You might want your mind bent. I enjoy that from time to time myself. But that's not going to get the juices of the masses going more than a chance to spout of in the simplest way possible about whatever is fresh.
It is very obvious that you are interested in people that agree with your opinion agreeing and calling everyone that disagrees a troll.

I swear, you're the most ignorant fucking person I've met in my entire life. You read one post and dictate someone's entire personality based on it. You're like a mentally-challenged psychiatrist.

I called YOU a troll because instead of discussing my topic you said I was back on the rag. Go ahead, talk your way out of that being anything but trolling, you twat.

This is what I am talking about. Coco presented a point as to why he disagrees. You ignored him and attempted to insult him. That is crappy posting in a civilized discussion. I see nothing wrong with using the type of posting you described in thread starting on occasion.

I ignored Coco? From what I saw, he said I accused him of trolling when it as pointed toward you. The only crappy posting here is everything you type on your keyboard and put in this thread for everyone to see. You're completely worthless.

Keep reading and you'll see a civilized discussion with everyone except for you. So stop being such a fucking hypocrite, join the discussion, or get the fuck out. Otherwise I WILL infract you for trolling. This isn't the Bar Room anymore and this is your final warning.
I'm not sure I understand Coco's position. Are you saying that just because IC25 created threads with little posting in the opening post, all the new threads citing a news story with the words "discuss" at the end are now quality opening posts?
I don't need IC's shitty thread to validate my opinion. I'd think the same thing regardless.

Pick as many poor opening posts as you want from "respected" forum members, and it won't change D-Man's point.
And it won't change that his point is dead wrong and that this is just being picky for no particularly compelling reason.

My opinion won't change your rules and standards, but that doesn't make me wrong.
Not really. The majority of people here would rather discuss hot current events, hands down. That's why generic Nexus thread X was the hot ticket last year and generic Punk thread X is the hot ticket this year. You might want your mind bent. I enjoy that from time to time myself. But that's not going to get the juices of the masses going more than a chance to spout of in the simplest way possible about whatever is fresh.

Agreed. But all I'm saying is that I wish headlines could be discussed in more ways than just stating the current event.

For example, CM Punk returned to Raw on Monday night. It was a headline on the main page. So, instead of posting "CM Punk returned to Raw this past Monday. Discuss." Why can't someone at least ask us a few questions that trigger us to post more than just "I saw!! It was awesome! CM Punk FTW WWWYKI!!!"
And it won't change that his point is dead wrong and that this is just being picky for no particularly compelling reason.

Not really. If our rules state people who reply to the thread need to contribute to the discussion of the thread, then the opening post needs to as well, beyond just cut and pasting what they've read.

If the opening poster cannot be bothered to put a modicum of work into an opening post, then don't make the thread. Someone else willing to put in the work will.
Agreed. But all I'm saying is that I wish headlines could be discussed in more ways than just stating the current event.

For example, CM Punk returned to Raw on Monday night. It was a headline on the main page. So, instead of posting "CM Punk returned to Raw this past Monday. Discuss." Why can't someone at least ask us a few questions that trigger us to post more than just "I saw!! It was awesome! CM Punk FTW WWWYKI!!!"
Okay. How about "Where does it go from here?" as an example of such a question. The same shitty posters who would have made that hypothetical response you put at the end of your post are still going to ignore your OP and post their mindless garbage because they're borderline ******ed ten year olds. And as for the oness that are going to post their boring fantasy booking, or speculate about when Punk decided to sign, or wonder if Punk's a heel or a face, or if it's too soon to bring him back -- whatever the questions ask of them... 90% of that will be boring garbage too because there's only so many different ways to answer those questions. I'd prefer people just say what they're motivated to say rather than for someone as intelligent as you think you're coaxing something extra out of them that totally validates the existence of their post. You're not. Idiots are going to be idiots regardless. Why pretend otherwise?
Not really. If our rules state people who reply to the thread need to contribute to the discussion of the thread, then the opening post needs to as well, beyond just cut and pasting what they've read.
Starting the discussion in any way, shape, or form certainly satisfies the requirement of contributing to the discussion in my book. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this though as I know the rules won't be changing anytime soon.
The idea is to give your own opinion on the subject to start driving discussion, right?
Shouldn't be too hard to answer your own questions and let it roll from there, right?
No, in that case, Justin Labar contributes to the discussion, not the opening poster.
Credit to Justin Labar of CSR. Discuss.

:shrug: Big deal. People will still contribute what they want to regardless of how much work you put into an OP.
I swear, you're the most ignorant fucking person I've met in my entire life. You read one post and dictate someone's entire personality based on it. You're like a mentally-challenged psychiatrist.

Quit trolling me.

I called YOU a troll because instead of discussing my topic you said I was back on the rag. Go ahead, talk your way out of that being anything but trolling, you twat.

I made a joke in the bar room that expressed how I felt about the situation. That being that you were overreacting while yes there is poor news used in lazy posts from time to time. I guess I should be shot. If you can't handle the heat and only want to have civilized discussions (which I guess means you can swear at people and psychoanalyze them while they are not allowed to return the favor) then why do you keep putting threads in the bar room?

I ignored Coco? From what I saw, he said I accused him of trolling when it as pointed toward you. The only crappy posting here is everything you type on your keyboard and put in this thread for everyone to see. You're completely worthless.

Seems pretty obvious you dismissed his first post in the name of focusing on the supposed trolling speculation.

Keep reading and you'll see a civilized discussion with everyone except for you. So stop being such a fucking hypocrite, join the discussion, or get the fuck out. Otherwise I WILL infract you for trolling. This isn't the Bar Room anymore and this is your final warning.

What is civilized about this? Don't disagree with me or point out my flaws in the course of a discussion or I will infract you? This is the type of thing you would do all the time and it doesn't help the quality of posting at all. I have been discussing the topic during this spam thread as well. Put this in the cigar lounge and practice what you preach if you want a true civilized discussion.

The idea that people sit around only posting news topics is just ******ed. There is obviously a place for discussing news pieces, just like there is a place for more creative topics. I think offering too much of an opinion in the OP on news topics only serves to advance your own agenda or stifle true discussion. Maybe that is why you are so much of a fan of it.
The idea is to give your own opinion on the subject to start driving discussion, right?
Shouldn't be too hard to answer your own questions and let it roll from there, right?
My issue is if people are just going to do what they want anyway and discussion will sort itself out, are these sorts of lofty standards about OPs having to drive discussion and contribute original thought really worth having?

Really, we're just making this sound like more work than it needs to be.
Some are lazy. That's a fact. They get to ten posts so they can create garbage threads. Why do they do this? So they can feel important. If you dare merge a shitty thread with an existing thread, they go insane. Why'd you merge my thread! I wanted it all to myselfz! I want da Glory! They call you a nazi, and anything else they can think of.

Bottom line - I'm not being paid. This is volunteer work, and I put in a damn solid amount of time doing it. Some people are so fucking stupid they force me to burn holes through my keyboarddzzz!

Rant over. Fuck off.
My issue is if people are just going to do what they want anyway and discussion will sort itself out, are these sorts of lofty standards about OPs having to drive discussion and contribute original thought really worth having?

Really, we're just making this sound like more work than it needs to be.

I guess that's true. You give them something and they'll talk. But if you are gonna post some news or something at least say your own thoughts at once. Like with PPV matches. And yes, I am aware IDR does in fact not do that. I feel he should.

He has enough of a post count.
What about when the source isn't even on wrestlezone Sly? I actually find that quite frequently the OP comes before Wrestlezone starts covering the news item. In that case the poster does essentially what you are giving Labar credit for.
And why is that such a problem?

The fact you asked this ruins your argument platform. It's a problem, because they are no longer contributing to the discussion, which was your original point. Now you're not denying they're not contributing to the discussion, so there is no reason to support their post. At that point, their post is no better than someone who just posts a smiley and nothing else.

If you cannot contribute to the discussion, then your post is of poor quality, and it is not desired in the non-spam sections.
If he didn't get quoted all the time, I'd never see all these little shots Coco seems to keep taking with the Music Tournament. For the record - oh well, dude, it didn't pan out. That was a huge project that we weren't ready for. Life got in the way and it fell through the cracks. It happens. We move on. Same thing happened with the 2nd half of the Wrestlezolympics. Great concept - hard execution. Guys like Coco wouldn't know that, though, because rather than try to run fun projects like that, it's more convenient for him to hang out and point fingers. We will try it again in the future when not so burdened, and hopefully it works out.
What about when the source isn't even on wrestlezone Sly? I actually find that quite frequently the OP comes before Wrestlezone starts covering the news item.

Then Dave Meltzer is contributing to the discussion, or whomever originally reported the news item the opening poster cut and pasted.
Okay. How about "Where does it go from here?" as an example of such a question. The same shitty posters who would have made that hypothetical response you put at the end of your post are still going to ignore your OP and post their mindless garbage because they're borderline ******ed ten year olds. And as for the oness that are going to post their boring fantasy booking, or speculate about when Punk decided to sign, or wonder if Punk's a heel or a face, or if it's too soon to bring him back -- whatever the questions ask of them... 90% of that will be boring garbage too because there's only so many different ways to answer those questions. I'd prefer people just say what they're motivated to say rather than for someone as intelligent as you think you're coaxing something extra out of them that totally validates the existence of their post. You're not. Idiots are going to be idiots regardless. Why pretend otherwise?

So basically what you're trying to say is that the same amount of discussion can be had from someone who does "lazy" posting to someone else that promotes "mind bending" posting and you could care less which way they do it, as long as you've got something to discuss. Yeah, I get it.

I personally prefer a topic that isn't right in my face. After all, I watched the show. I know the obvious. But I'd like to discuss something that makes me think a little bit more. Plus it eliminates spam if it asks a question that posters can discuss and not just post a short comment on.

We should just agree to disagree.
The fact you asked this ruins your argument platform. It's a problem, because they are no longer contributing to the discussion, which was your original point. Now you're not denying they're not contributing to the discussion, so there is no reason to support their post. At that point, their post is no better than someone who just posts a smiley and nothing else.

If you cannot contribute to the discussion, then your post is of poor quality, and it is not desired in the non-spam sections.
I maintain that posting whatever it is that starts the discussion, be it copy pasta or "original thought" (whatever the fuck that is), IS contributing to the discussion by getting the ball rolling.

Furthermore, I have no problem with people just posting smilies. Maybe they're happy about the story and they're not sure why. Are their thoughts less valuable than mine? Absolutely not and I refuse to hold any sort of prejudice against those with less than stellar emotional intelligence.

If he didn't get quoted all the time, I'd never see all these little shots Coco seems to keep taking with the Music Tournament. For the record - oh well, dude, it didn't pan out. That was a huge project that we weren't ready for. Life got in the way and it fell through the cracks. It happens. We move on. Same thing happened with the 2nd half of the Wrestlezolympics. Great concept - hard execution. Guys like Coco wouldn't know that, though, because rather than try to run fun projects like that, it's more convenient for him to hang out and point fingers. We will try it again in the future when not so burdened, and hopefully it works out.
Trust me, I'm not out to get you or ruin fun projects. I just feel that your contributions to thread starting are in no way better than anyone else's and that this is a myth that needs debunking.

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