What is it with the biasts???

He didnt come storming in here. this was a wrestling thread which I mocked, then closed. then i moved it to the bar room, and re opened it.
He didnt come storming in here. this was a wrestling thread which I mocked, then closed. then i moved it to the bar room, and re opened it.

Oh fuck. He posted this garbage in the WWE Section? Seriously?

What a dumb ass. I'm with Harthan on this rare occasion, and say we should imprison his ass for our amusement.
Some Dumbass said:
TRUTH- This forum is mainly made up of people who disagree with the statements above...people will mock me by saying 'TRUTH-blah blah blah' while defending Cena or Orton or the whole WWE...when they've probably only been watching for 2 years and think they know what they're talking about.

I take offense to this as well. I have been watching since about November 2007 but never got truly into it until January 2008. You see, just because I've only been watching for a year and a bit doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I've done research. Hours of research, reading, watching old videos and new DVDs, and generally smartening myself up so I didn't come across as a flaming idiot.

Guess what? I like John Cena! Oh no, I said it! When I go to a show, I'm going to boo the heels nd cheer the faces, because that's what you're supposed to do. Do I love The Miz, Edge, and Abraham Washington? You bet your ass I do, but I'm going to boo them because that's what you're supposed to do. When Cena or Rey comes out, I'll be marking with the kids, because I like them and it's what you're supposed to do. Sure, I have my own favorites that I'll be Cenapopping to. Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Goldust, Yoshi Tatsu.

Anyway, even if someone's only been watching for two years and hasn't done the amount of research I have, does that give me a reason to look down on them? Does that make their opinion any less valid?

Hint: No.

The casual fan is still a fan. The fans who haven't been watching for very long are still fans. They have their favorites, and their own opinions, and no opinion should be looked down upon (Except yours, because you presented it like this and insulted and flamed my friends and peers, many of whom are either extremely well-respected, hold a position of power, or are on their way to becoming good posters). I disagree with people being elitist ***** and saying that just because they've been watching for a few years or have a low post count or are young, they know nothing. My friend Nathon is 14. He's an extremely casual fan and is only into it because I am. His brother used to watch it and he has some action figures, but he didn't know the names of any of them. He sometimes doesn't get around to watching the recorded shows at all. But he still has his favorites, and I still listen to his opinion on a segment or a match, because
A) He's my friend
B) His opinion is just as valid as yours. Actually, I would say it was more valid.
Guess who his favorites are? John Cena, and Triple H. He also really likes Zack Ryder. No way, dude!

People like you piss me off. At least use proper punctuation and spelling. I'm not too worried about grammar, but seriously!?

And as for last ECW's segment being boring and horrible...I don't know what was up with that crowd. I found the segment fucking hilarious, as did many in the LD. In that LD were people I respect, whose posts I always take the time to read because they are recognizable and always have something good to say.

You, however, don't. You come in here (Actually, you go into a non-spam section, which is just plain fucktarded), claiming that everything you say is fact and truth, when it is all opinion. You rant and rant and call us idiots. Your post sounds like a lot of the same shit I've heard in the WWE forum, and is one of the reasons I rarely go there anymore. Only thing is, you said it a trillion times dumber than anything in there, and that takes a lot.

You call this a PG forum? Read through this topic and tell me how many swear words you've counted. Look at the bar room. We have a thread called the "Spank Thread". I'll give you three guesses as to what that means, and the first two don't count. At least do some goddamn research before coming in here and making yourself look like an idiot.

Also, when will people realize that TV-PG does NOT mean PG as in movies? If we had to link them up, I'd put it closer to PG-13. Jesus FUCK, people!

I know you'll never read this, but damn does it feel good. Kindly eject yourself from the premises, you moron. You are not welcome here.
I don't know guys (or girls)- maybe its just me- but I found Tena's post a bit way overboard. I felt something similar to a post Norcal made last night in a cigar room thread as well. I know maybe that issue was personal but it doesn't really send out a good message when posters get this angry and threatening. As far as I can see it was a mass overreaction in this case- he basically just said that people here sucked- he didn't get personal with anyone and then he got hit with that diatribe of hate.

I am new to all this though and maybe the guys had a history but personally I think both responces should be removed. I know the bar is a place where spam is allowed, but particuarly Tenta's responce had so much hate and bile- it made me uncomfortable reading it. As I say anyway I am new, and I wouldn't dream of telling you guys how to run the site- its just my personal opinion on it. (I am not really criticising Tenta either- from what I read elsewhere he is going through a tough time and we all need to blow off steam)

(And for the record I am not defending that guy- his post was horrendous and rude- I just think the responce he got was a bit of an overexaggeration)
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I don't know guys (or girls)- maybe its just me- but I found Tena's post a bit way overboard. I felt something similar to a post Norcal made last night in a cigar room thread as well. I know maybe that issue was personal but it doesn't really send out a good message when posters get this angry and threatening. As far as I can see it was a mass overreaction in this case- he basically just said that people here sucked- he didn't get personal with anyone and then he got hit with that diatribe of hate.

I am new to all this though and maybe the guys had a history but personally I think both responces should be removed. I know the bar is a place where spam is allowed, but particuarly Tenta's responce had so much hate and bile- it made me uncomfortable reading it. As I say anyway I am new, and I wouldn't dream of telling you guys how to run the site- its just my personal opinion on it. (I am not really criticising Tenta either- from what I read elsewhere he is going through a tough time and we all need to blow off steam)

(And for the record I am not defending that guy- his post was horrendous and rude- I just think the responce he got was a bit of an overexaggeration)

I guess you could say that it's just tradition around here that when someone makes an moronic post, we ridicule him/her so it won't happen again.
LOL looks like I missed a lot here.

I won't even both defending myself. Quite frankly, I don't get offended by morons like that guy. Let's face it, this is an OPEN FORUM. Anyone can place their opinions anywhere they want. Do I agree with him? Maybe on a few statements he made. But I think we should all read what he wrote and just do what I did... laugh at it, roll your eyes, and move on. Honestly, is he worth all the time and effort you put into a retort that probably took you about 20 minutes to write? Then that guy succeeded in wasting 20 mninutes of your life you'll never get back.

I say let the mods do their jobs and ban the morons while we all do what we do best... post on this forum about our vast wrestling knowledge.

WZ users FTW

Actually, some of this guys thoughts were actually valid, Randy Orton is rather boring at times. However, the way he posted his thoughts was completely moronic. I don't get why you are either labeled as a little kid who is brainwashed by the WWE and loves the PG rating or someone who hates everything the WWE does and thinks they should change everything. Why can't you like some parts and not like others?

Also, I'm with Hartran and Doc since I only started watching wrestling full time last year. I don't think that makes us any less than anyone here, especially not that guy.
Ah..... Here you are.... You know, I was set to retire peacefullt to heal my ailing mother... This brought me back. Not only are you are fucking moron, and have completely butchered The English language, but you've also attacked the Wrestlezone Regulars. I love these folks....

How fucking dare you attack my friends, who know far more than you ever will, and are way more intelligent than you'll ever be?

Think I'm wrong.... I'm pretty sure that the regulars of Wrestlezone.... the ones that don't get red repped...

A. Have fucking proper structure to their paragraphs.
B. Are willing to bet that they are not the end all, be all knowledge of wrestling. Meanwhile, you portray yourself as a little ball of puss on this site, claiming you only speak "fact". How about this, punk....

TRUTH-Everything you just fucking said was opinion, you AIDS covered Twat!

How's that work for ya, kid? You're not even good enough to lick the Asshole of half the posters on this fucking forum! And god forbid they allowed it, because I'm sure you'd give them incurable diseases in the process. I used to wonder how AIDs made it into the world.... I wondered "Tenta, who would be fucking stupid enough to fuck a monkey".... I've found the answer to my eternal question.... That fucking moron would be you.

C. Oh, and by the way, you simpleton... I'm pretty sure no one on this forum with half a brain is going to mess up the word, "biased".

Look, you've already been ripped apart on all of your "Truths", and I had a post to do it, but sadly it wasn't accepted. I will, however, call you out on this point you've made

Well, you little Cunt Nugget, you know what you can do, if you hate the people here?

Go on, guess.......

I know the answer's just bubling inside......

Are you really that fucking stupid? Fine, I'll answer it for you..... If you don't like the people here.... Then kindly.....

Get The Fuck Out Of My Sight, You Miserable Cyst Upon the World!

Was that so hard? If you don't like it, Get the fuck out! We'll be quite fine without you, and when you leave, we will mock you for just how much of an ignorant prick you've made yourself to be in these forums. Then, I knidly wish that you choke upon your tears of lonliness, as you gasp for Air, realizing you have no one, and that you are a complete and total loser!

Ahem.... that's about it.... Now kindly, fucking leave

I fucking love you more than ever.. You have no idea how hard I just laughed..
This guy's great I want more of posts in prison they should be hillarious.
Oh yeah putting truth before every statement doesn't make it the truth just annoying and how the fuck is the PG rating destroying WWE the are constantly teh most watched show ond cable and what not, don't read the 'Did you know that last week Rw was the most watched show among men age 18-24' so yes if by selfdestruction you mean insanely good ratings free publicity and more money tehn yes that opinion was right.
And how is Vince evil inconsiderate and egotistical sure but if he was evil would he send wrestlers to the make a wish foundation that is partially why John Cena is my favorite wrestler.
If you are that old how the hell do you mess up grammar like that, I'm 13 and I have better grammar then you.
You're not even good enough to lick the Asshole of half the posters on this fucking forum! And god forbid they allowed it, because I'm sure you'd give them incurable diseases in the process.

He's good enough to lick my asshole, Tenta. I'll pop some antibiotics, dim the lights, put on some Marvin Gaye, and prepare for some "just friends" salad tossing.
Because he thinks he is cool. X, Tenta, JKO, and others already ripped this guy good. He isn't even worth the time it would take now to rip him. I would just be repeating everyone else. All I need to say is Tenta made a hell of an exit with that post.

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