What is it with the biasts???


^ Biast....

Any Final Fantasy fans in the house?
I guess in a way I started this all by being the first one to point out his pointless thread... wow I can't believe how stupid the little fucktard is... but man some of the retorts I have read have brought tears of laughter to my eyes. I love you guys, you all rock.
We got an asshole licking insult. I defy anyone to direct me to a post that was half as amazing as that one. Dexter and FTS had me laughing too. Tenta... Oh my Tenta. That was epic. First time I have ever used that word.
TRUTH: You're a moron
QUESTION: Do you think we're on the WWE booking committee?
TRUTH: Your opinions are ridiculous and wrong
QUESTION: Are you aware of the concept of grammar?
QUESTION: Dis he just get fecking owned?
TRUTH: Absolutely.
Observational Question: Is this reminding anyone of HK-47 from the Knights of the Old Republic?
Statement: Those games rocked. Even the second one, if you could overlook the bugs.
Hahaha, I've never been to a forum with so much biast, its crazy, god forbid you give an opinion and right away, you little 'cliks' want to gang up on someone. I tell truth....
TRUTH- Randy Orton sucks, he's BORING, there's nothing great about him....god forbid someone say that before they get repped down
TRUTH- John Cena SUCKS, he's also boring, and there's nothing great about him....YES he was great when he had the rapper gimmick, but that's long gone...YES he was a good decent wrestler in UPW and OVW....but you know what...he's not a good decent wrestler in WWE...so him being GOOD in THOSE promotions, doesn't make him desireable to watch on TV because he sure as hell isn't showing it
TRUTH-Triple H...is BORING TO WATCH....seriously people...wtf? same shit
TRUTH-Rey Mysterio, is now a puppet, a merch seller...ever since EDDIE DIED..yes I said it...he got the championship because EDDIE DIED, 1. boost ratings 2. boost eddie AND rey sales 3. he's now old and fat and not as athletic and exciting as he USED to be
TRUTH- Yes Vince is that evil
TRUTH-BATISTA doesn't deserve a DVD or to be employed by WWE right now
QUESTION- How the fuck is HORNWOBBLE entertainment?
QUESTION-Jeff Hardy is main eventing? what the fuck? the guy hardly SPEAKS....and dont even try to give me shit on his 'promo' he did on smackdown, the guy hardly has any in ring ability....he has no memorable one on one match....just the memorable LADDER TAG TEAM MATCHES
TRUTH-WWE BEING PG IS A METHOD OF SELF DESTRUCTION...dont give me shit about ratings and sales going up...they're not, and you can clearly see that on the WWE corporate page...WWE sucks, and people don't want to admit it, its pretty ignorant, but its okay to say it sucks, it DOES, guests hosts??? a fucking midget oops I mean "Little Person" beating CHAVO for 5 weeks straight? again...WHAT THE FUCK???
TRUTH-WWE edited those chants out.
TRUTH- This forum is mainly made up of people who disagree with the statements above...people will mock me by saying 'TRUTH-blah blah blah' while defending Cena or Orton or the whole WWE...when they've probably only been watching for 2 years and think they know what they're talking about. If someone gets repped down for speaking their mind about something that's FACTUAL...then maybe this is the PG kiddie forum...people want to TRY and dispute things I say and are repped green a million times but its ridiculous, because their points are moronic, for instance the dumbass who tried to defend Cena on being a good wrestler cause he supposedly wrestled great in ovw or upw or w/e....i dont need to repeat what I said above...or the idiots who defend Orton...seriously? really? he's BORING!....there are only a few people on here who will speak the truth, and I've noticed something, they all get repped down....this place is a clear WWE only biast kiddie place, keep dreaming of blowing Triple H and John Cena, you people suck.

Wow.. that looks like a lot of ranting.

Pretty sure if could've been summed up to.. Nazi Mods.
Thanks for bumping this. I've been wanting to reread Tenta's amazing flame attack.
I killed that guy when this thread was still in the wrestling section. If only it would have been in here when I got to it.
Question: Would Razor pee in his butt?

I'll be waiting for the answer...

Whom? Tenta or this twat?

Tenta: Of course.

Twat: Never. I'd kick him in the balls though. And that's saying something, seeing as though kicking a man in the balls is a blatant violation of Man Law.
Hahaha, I've never been to a forum with so much biast, its crazy, god forbid you give an opinion and right away, you little 'cliks' want to gang up on someone. I tell truth....

Your tone is not really all that appealing which makes you pretty unlikable, but I know that isn't your goal. Nonetheless I believe that fair is fair, and one should always tell it like it is, without showing bias.

So with that being said, let's go through some of your statements:

TRUTH- Randy Orton sucks, he's BORING, there's nothing great about him....god forbid someone say that before they get repped down

Problem is a couple things.

1) He is highly over-exposed by WWE, as they rely on him way too much. Blame Vince for falling asleep at the wheel of developing new talent.

2) Ever since they ditched the IED character, his intrigue and interest on the part of fans has went down. Once again, Vince's fault.

TRUTH- John Cena SUCKS, he's also boring, and there's nothing great about him....YES he was great when he had the rapper gimmick, but that's long gone...YES he was a good decent wrestler in UPW and OVW....but you know what...he's not a good decent wrestler in WWE...so him being GOOD in THOSE promotions, doesn't make him desireable to watch on TV because he sure as hell isn't showing it

John Cena was outstanding as the rapper character, and if I had my way, he would be on Raw right now as that character once again, with Raw being an edgy show so he could actually go back to doing what he used to do. I firmly believe that he would have successfully became the next Rock/Austin IF they allowed him to maintain this character and didn't push him too fast, and ultimately gave that character the same push he was receiving today. I also would have seen him becoming a pop culture icon if they would have kept him in that character. Definitely would have been an extremely hip and interesting character to develop if they only would have kept this.

Nevertheless, he is the staple of WWE programming and instead of having him appeal to older teens/adults ... they opted to target him to kids. It is what it is.

I can see where people get bored with him, but I have no qualm with his wrestling abilities (like a lot of fans do), and nor do I have an issue with his push. He is a tremendous worker, has a great attitude, and a second to none work ethic. He truly is an example to follow behind the scenes, for other workers.

TRUTH-Triple H...is BORING TO WATCH....seriously people...wtf? same shit

Agreed. He needs to be turned Heel ... like ... NOW.

TRUTH-Rey Mysterio, is now a puppet, a merch seller...ever since EDDIE DIED..yes I said it...he got the championship because EDDIE DIED, 1. boost ratings 2. boost eddie AND rey sales 3. he's now old and fat and not as athletic and exciting as he USED to be

Rey absolutely got the title because Eddie died. I don't know who is going to deny that. And he is a merchandise pusher, no doubt about it. He's old and fat? No. He's just on the juice. And he gets injured frequently.

TRUTH- Yes Vince is that evil

Probably. Out of touch and definitely lost his creativity some time ago. Very stubborn. Ego-Driven-- pains himself to admit when someone else is right and he's wrong. Thinks he is right 100% of the time. Prides himself in not listening to the fans, but rather dictating to them what they will see ... and they will do it, too ... because of brand loyalty.

TRUTH-BATISTA doesn't deserve a DVD or to be employed by WWE right now

Can't agree with this one. He is not a huge main event draw, but he is a draw nonetheless. He's another guy who is very same 'ol, same 'ol ... never anything new with.

Average in the ring, but absolutely sucks on the mic.

QUESTION- How the fuck is HORNSWOGGLE entertainment?

He isn't. Although Vince obviously thinks he is.

If anyone over 7 finds Hornswoggle entertaining, there is something wrong with them. Consider them to be an adult, with the mentality of a small child.

QUESTION-Jeff Hardy is main eventing? what the fuck? the guy hardly SPEAKS....and dont even try to give me shit on his 'promo' he did on smackdown, the guy hardly has any in ring ability....he has no memorable one on one match....just the memorable LADDER TAG TEAM MATCHES

I kind of scratch my head at this, too. But today's Main Eventers just aren't the same as the Main Eventers of yesterday. And case and point, why an unreliable worker like Hardy was given so many second chances. That would have never happened years ago ... but the fact is that Vince is desperate for Main Eventers these days.

Hardy isn't good on the mic, but then again, he has that special connection with the audience and can sell merchandise. If it were up to me, he would simply be an Upper Midcarder, but not Main Eventer.

But now that this whole thing transpired, I wouldn't want anything to do with him. Too much bad publicity. And if convicted, he would never be back in my company again.

TRUTH-WWE BEING PG IS A METHOD OF SELF DESTRUCTION...dont give me shit about ratings and sales going up...they're not, and you can clearly see that on the WWE corporate page...WWE sucks, and people don't want to admit it, its pretty ignorant, but its okay to say it sucks, it DOES, guests hosts??? a fucking midget oops I mean "Little Person" beating CHAVO for 5 weeks straight? again...WHAT THE FUCK???

I'm not going to deny it. WWE does suck. It isn't so much the PG rating that perturbs me, although if I had my way, the older teens and adults would have programming catered to them, while kids and families would also have programming catered to them, as well.

But, again, it isn't the rating that has me perturbed the most. Rather it is the total lack of Creativity and Effort that is missing from the shows. I absolutely hate the feeling that I am watching the same damn show every single week, and when I watch WWE programming, I feel that this is what I am seeing. Just very little effort put into the shows anymore, and there is an obvious lack of long-term planning anymore, also.

Hardly any effort put into character development. No storylines. And half-assed feuds that we have seen over and over and over again.

The product is shit right now, although they are doing much better on putting emphasis on each of their titles and developing the Mid-Card. That is about the only improvement I have seen out of the company for the past several months.


Probably. Although, if it was the Abraham Washington Show, I am going to have to disregard those people. That is one of the best additions to ECW that they have going ... and Atlas is priceless. He had me cracking up tonight.

TRUTH-WWE edited those chants out.

Not surprisingly. Wouldn't you, if you were in charge of Editing for WWE?

False. The WWF that I knew and loved is dead. But WWE is very much alive.

TRUTH- This forum is mainly made up of people who disagree with the statements above...people will mock me by saying 'TRUTH-blah blah blah' while defending Cena or Orton or the whole WWE...when they've probably only been watching for 2 years and think they know what they're talking about. If someone gets repped down for speaking their mind about something that's FACTUAL...then maybe this is the PG kiddie forum...people want to TRY and dispute things I say and are repped green a million times but its ridiculous, because their points are moronic, for instance the dumbass who tried to defend Cena on being a good wrestler cause he supposedly wrestled great in ovw or upw or w/e....i dont need to repeat what I said above...or the idiots who defend Orton...seriously? really? he's BORING!....there are only a few people on here who will speak the truth, and I've noticed something, they all get repped down....this place is a clear WWE only biast kiddie place, keep dreaming of blowing Triple H and John Cena, you people suck.

I wouldn't say this is a Kiddie Place. If you wanted to see a Kiddie Forum full of adults with the mentalities of little children, who find Hornswoggle entertaining (for instance) ... I could give you the name of a good forum. However, this forum is not a Kiddie Forum. There are some marks on here that are blinded by their love for WWE, that they absolutely can not be honest and tell it like it is. But most of the posters on here are pretty up front and impartial with their views, from what I've seen.

I respect people who can tell it like it is, without letting personal biases get in the way.

However, if you look around here, there are plenty of people who are not thrilled with the current direction of WWE at the moment.

With that being said, I felt like I was as up front and as impartial as possible in addressing your comments. In the future, I would work on trying to put a little more elegance into your posts ... as opposed to just outright bashing everyone.

You can take the opposing viewpoint that a lot of people may have on this forum, and get away with it. You simply have to back up your opinions with facts .... and choose your wording carefully.
Did you see what I did to him? I was so proud of that post. Then the thread got moved from WWE to the bar room and it became less cool.

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