The Angel Moroni told me that wrestling quality is subjective.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So I threw a fit.

Under a great deal of pressure and in a moment of weakness, I took WZ seriously.

Knowing that I'd sinned, I headed towards the woods and prayed for guidance. An answer. I wanted so desperately to have my confusion washed away. I asked God what the true measure of wrestling quality is. What is the true philosophy and who are misguided in their attempts to sway me with their "truth"?

In his eternal wisdom, He sent the Angel Moroni to guide me my answers. Luckily for me, the snow had melted in my area for the time being allowing to avoid toboggan enthusiasts on my quest for knowledge. Moroni led me to a hill in a town a few miles away and had me dig for the truth. I dug until I found a garbage bag with a print-out of a post from 1999 poking through it. It was a different age on the internet. A time when people used something called "dial-up." Using all of my wit and the 3D glasses I got when I went to see Avatar, I managed to discover the meaning hidden in this rellik (That's "killer" spelled backwards, GD).

The truth, as the post informed me, is that there is no objective way to determine match quality. It's all about enjoyment. What I feel in my heart and in my pants.

And so I come to you with this truth, hoping you accept it as your own. Another tired plea to get the people of WZ to think about what they "enjoy" rather than what they think is considered "good." Only this time, the message is coming from a higher being.

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Match quality, subjective, depends on your enjoyment.

Yep, inclined to agree. It's why I find the idea of rating matches with stars/marks out of 10/letters of the alphabet quite ******ed. One man's 5 star classic is another man's (usually mine) boring spotfest (I use the term spotfest loosely, I actually have no idea what one of those is).

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