What Is Holding Shelton Benjamin Down??

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CM Punk and Shelton that would be something interested to watch; I missed ECW Didnt see Shelton debut; what does his new finisher look like?

As For Charlie Hass.. I feel bad I really think he is going to have to pick it up a notch going solo.. they were a great tag team but being solo might be hard for him.
CM Punk and Shelton that would be something interested to watch; I missed ECW Didnt see Shelton debut; what does his new finisher look like?

As For Charlie Hass.. I feel bad I really think he is going to have to pick it up a notch going solo.. they were a great tag team but being solo might be hard for him.

Shelton really needs this, he was going nowhere on raw and was jobbing to nearly everyone on the roster, and i think ecw will be a perfect fit as the brand is crying out for more technical style of wrestling since the departure of kurt angle and the death of benoit (god rest his soul), I feel that benjamin will be the biggest asset to the brand that it has seen in awhile.

He has a huge amount of feuds and talent he can feud with so all i see is sheltons career going up from now on
CM Punk and Shelton that would be something interested to watch; I missed ECW Didnt see Shelton debut; what does his new finisher look like?

As For Charlie Hass.. I feel bad I really think he is going to have to pick it up a notch going solo.. they were a great tag team but being solo might be hard for him.

Its like an elevated bulldog, like Judas Messias' depths of hell thing he does...
as far as Haas goes, i think he could be a good competitor for MVP until Hardy comes back...
If Elijah Burke stays in as Shelton's mouthpiece, I think there's honestly no end to what he can do. The IWC has always said that the only thing holding Shelton back is his mic skills and the Paragon of Virtue has just filled that void...although the perfect mouthpiece would be Larry Sweeney...
ECW has struck gold. Shelton is an amazing athlete and ECW gives him the opportunity to show it as well as perfect his mic skills before he can be a huge draw on the "A" and "B" shows. I was really nervous with him getting the mic last night figuring it was a make-or-break moment for him, but he did ok IMO. Practice makes perfect and eventually he'll be on top of ECW.
This guy is such a talent I don't know who is pissed off to do the Mama Angle or the I'm Bling Angle or whatever, can we please go back to seeing what an athelete he is. And now they bump him down to ECW, bring him over to Smackdown where they can push young good talent, ECW is a graveyard for guys who can't get an angle or aren't good enough yet.....BENJAMIN IS GOOD ENOUGH AND CAN CARRY AN ANGLE THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A MORON!
I think its great that sb is going to ecw. i just hope that he gets the push he deserves.he was great as the ic champion and a tage champ. ecw i mean wwe should let him fight for the ecw championship...
I love Shelton...but the problem is, is that he's been a high level jobber for so long that it's gonna take a long time before fans take him seriously! I mean, IMO, it'll take at least 6 months to build him up as a serious threat to Punk or the ECW Belt in general. But we all know, like ALL ECW storylines, it's going to be rushed!!
Benjamin is the man, i would love to see how the whole elijah thing is going, as i see something compltly dangerous about there aliance, just dont put him in the title chase yet as it wont give punk or the belt any credibility
well, who else in in The ECW title picture right now? maybe Burke, but thats it... i think Shelton will face Punk for the title soon...
well, who else in in The ECW title picture right now? maybe Burke, but thats it... i think Shelton will face Punk for the title soon...

I hope so, those two can tear the house down if the WWe gives them the chance to.

Maybe move Carltio over to ECW to get some action, he could have decent matches with newish opponents.

ECW needs one or two established workers, guys who can actually wrestle and are over with the crowd. Val Venis is just one name that springs to mind
It doesn't matter who goes to ECW, because the brand is horrible. It used to be someone watchable with all of the young guys in it, but now all the fat slow monsters from ECW show up every week and ruin what it was becoming.

The WWE is very clever. They've told people and fans that it's not the C show, but in truth, it's Velocity using the ECW name to gain fans. Most real ECW fans don't watch the show. The new WWECW is unwatchable, and it really needs to just go away.

If Shelton Benjamin wins the ECW title or anything, it's not a legit world title reign, as much as the WWE will tell you otherwise. That belt ranks somewhere now between the old European or WCW TV titles. It's sad, because that title had a legit claim to being the third most prestigious belt in the United States just ten years ago.
Does anyone else think that ECW could be as good for Shelton, as Haas's return was bad for him?

I couldn't help but notice that his promo on ECW last week showed a side to Benjamin that we haven't seen yet. As daft as this sounds he let his mouth do the talking rather than his actions in the ring, the end when he did the line from his entrance song, was like a breath of fresh air. I can't imagine him having the confidence to do something like that on Raw. So hopefully, ECW will transform him from an undercard athlete with potential, into a good quality WRESTLER complete with a true wrestler personality and character.
Now I know a lot of you will probably say Vince McMahon but I don't know whether it is. The guys is a class act when it comes to technical wrestling.

He puts on entertaining matches all the time and is so light footed. Anybody who watched the first ever Money In The Bank Ladder match can understand what I'm saying. The only reason I can think of why Shelton is not currently wrestling for the world title is purely based on his gimmick (or lack of). Its a damn shame!

But I don't really who who to blame if anyone. Anyone wish to comment?
the thing that is holding benjamin back is mic skills, when he was braught up he let heyman and angle do the talking for him and that was the problem, shelton was braught over to raw and put on impressive matches with triple h and got the ic gold, but because of his lack of improvement on the mic it all went down hill and IMO he needs ECW and is the perfect fit for it regardless of the brand being the C show, i love it because guys who we all wanted to get a world title shot have, punk,burke, chavo, the list is endless and i dont care if raw and smackdown have more legit world champs, the brand is fastly becoming on of the best wrestling shows with dusty rhodes booking, the feud with kane on smackdown is giving shelton the rub and i hope to see him elevate his game because of it!

Thats not just an opinion, It's MR.SCOTT
I laughed when people were saying that Shelton was going to get an ECW title match at WM24, look what happened at the Rumble, Shawn superkicked him out in less than a second, that right there shows how far Shelton is going in the WWE. Face it people, he is not going anywhere, as sad as that sounds it's true. For one, he has terrible mic skills almost to the point where you can't understand what he is saying and he doesn't have the "look" of a champion that WWE loves. I always thought the WWE made a big mistake by making him an heel, he was a good face IMO. As a face, the fans would cheer him for his excellent wrestling skills and athleticism, not mic skills or his look, as an heel the fans won't cheer for that anymore because he is a "bad guy" and he doesn't get much of a reaction from the crowd anymore.

I think SmackDown would have been the best Brand for Shelton, a nice long run as U.S. Champion would serve him well IMO because on SD he would get more time to showcase his talent unlike on RAW where matches rarely last more than 5 minutes and ECW is only an hour.
Skullz makes a great point.

Shelton is a classic face IMO, he has shown he can go with the best, the ability to both finish a match quickly and effectively and has the "so-called" tap of unlimited potential at his disposal. I can only believe that because he is held down because he aint 300 plus pounds and cannot go on the mic that Vince cannot see him consistently leadin the company in the future.

It is a real shame. The ladder move at the first MITB and the springboard into SweetChinMusic are two the best athletic moves i have ever seen in a match.

And i think he would be very good in the role of chasing for a title as a face. But saying that, as a wrestler, benjamin vs punk could be a technical feast. Maybe as good as you are likely to in WWE if built properly.
What's holding him down? Well let's see, he botches a lot, has zero character and zero charisma, that's what's holding him down.

In the WWE it doesn't matter how innovative or how many "5 star matches" you have, what matters is how many fans you draw and how loud the ovation is, Shelton just doesn't connect with people.

"Maybe as good as you are likely to in WWE if built properly." Please, explain what "properly" is, because you just saying doesn't say squat, I could say "hornswaggle vs a broom would be epic if booked right" but when they actually do it, I shit all over it and simply say "it wasn't done right" without explaining anything. Explaining after you say that adds to your credibility.
What's holding him down? Well let's see, he botches a lot, has zero character and zero charisma, that's what's holding him down.

In the WWE it doesn't matter how innovative or how many "5 star matches" you have, what matters is how many fans you draw and how loud the ovation is, Shelton just doesn't connect with people.

"Maybe as good as you are likely to in WWE if built properly." Please, explain what "properly" is, because you just saying doesn't say squat, I could say "hornswaggle vs a broom would be epic if booked right" but when they actually do it, I shit all over it and simply say "it wasn't done right" without explaining anything. Explaining after you say that adds to your credibility.

I don't know how you can say he botches a lot, that is complete and utter crap. I have seen him botch maybe a couple of moves in the last 3 months, how does that constitute a reason for him not been pushed, it doesnt. Even if he was botching moves regualarly his pure wrestling ability, and ability to excute well thought out athletic spots means he more than makes up for it. Look at Rey Mysterio he botches in nearly every match he is in. Yet he is main eventing on the smackdown side of things.

Shelton has certainly always lacked a natural ability on the mic, and certainly in todays wrestling enviroment that is a problem. I don't see why they don't just give Shelton a mouthpiece of though in the form of a manager or something, because while he needs to develop his mic skills, telling him to shout "aint no stopping me" aint gonna develop those skills at all.

Shelton has more than enough natural ability to be a sucess though even considering his mic skills. Look at Jericho he has tha package yet he's in no man's land since comming back. Is this Jerichos fault? no. The main problem despite Sheltons flaws regarding mic skills is the fact that the WWE writers have nothing for him.

Simply put Shelton needs a gimmick, look at TNA now people can diss TNA's ability to produce decent storylines, and there poor booking but one thing they do well is gimmick wrestlers. A wrestler who does not have great mic skills needs a good gimmick to help them develop there mic skills if they do not have a manager. Look at Abyss, Eric Young, Gail Kim, Awsome Kong, Tomko, Black Machismo. They all have gimmicks, or something which makes them stand out despite the fact they have no, or poor mic skills. So the alternative to giving shelton a manager would be a gimmick of some sort.

The fact is though WWE have just not given Shelton a sustained push since 2004, I am not talking about beating some jobbers on ECW. I mean a decent push like when he beat HHH in that storyline Shelton was massively over due to HHH been such a heel. WWE messed it up though, they stopped pushing him too early in favour of pushing other talents that had better mic skills. Shelton needs another sustained push, and needs to beat one of the top say 10 stars in WWE to get him to the level he was a few years back. Or at least an intresting feud, because all his past feuds have been boring since the HHH one. But this isnt going to fix the mic skills. SO in my opinion he needs a gimmick,or a manager. I disagree with those who say he's just a spot monkey, but he needs something to liven him up and to give him a way to communicate with the fans. Once he has that given the right push he could still be a top star.
Not given him a push? They've tried, he just didn't get over, they can't continue to try and push a guy if he just doesn't get over.

Giving a guy like Shelton a mouthpiece doesn't work that well becaues he's not the kind of guy that should have one.

See, with Khali, he comes across as a big monster, same with Umaga, he NEEDS a mouthpiece because his personality isn't to be very talkative.

You see an athletic flashy black wrestler, you think he'd talk, if he gets a mouthpiece and just wrestles, then 1, his manager will get more over than him, and 2, you'll have to give him a completely different character.

Yes, he botches a lot, they're not always full botches, sometimes they're near botches, but the WWE pays a lot of attention to that. Hardy got pushed just because he was so damn over even though he botched a lot. Shelton botches a lot (by WWE standards) and isn't that over at all, that's why they don't continually push him, they tried and it didn't work, now it's someone else's turn.
The main thing holding Shelton down? Nowhere to fit.

--Would he be the arrogant black guy? Too late, MVP's solid on that and Elijah Burke takes second place.
--Would he be the cowardly funny heel? Nope, sorry, that goes to Santino.
--How about the bonafide a-hole everyone loves to hate? Try moving Edge from that position.
--Monster? Please. We have enough.
--Rich prick? JBL and McMahon

Etc etc etc.

Shelton doesn't have the mic skills to develop a personality and differentiate himself from others. He's very good in the ring, but that only gets you so far.

A few people are kicking up the concept that Shelton would be better suited as a face, and I have to agree. He could fill in the face position that Lashley left when he quit the company recently. We all know Lashley wasn't main event material yet, same goes for Shelton, so why not just give Shelton the task of being a face champ (US or ECW) that people grow to like after a while for being a stand-up guy? I think that would help him out a lot more than trying to push him as a heel that can't find his place in the roster.
I really like that idea NoFate. The problem Shelton has, is lack of personality, and acting and mic skills. So did lashley, but it takes less character to get a face over than a heel.

doesnt take much else than to have Shelton be a stand up guy, tell the truth, never cheat, and have is skills carry him. Have him ham it up with the fans, make his entrance through the crowd or celebrate in the crowd afterhis matches, or some shit, something to earn him cheap face love. All lashley did was be a stand up, intense dude, and it worked for him, becuase he was dominant as well. While Shelton cant be dominant in the same way, becuase he isnt as physically imposing as Lashley, they cqan make him look dominant through his technical skills and athleticism. If he is booked right for a while, he can be made to look dominant through those traits.
Everytime he's been a babyface he's managed to get some sort of shine to him. The whole "This guy jumps real high and is real athletic" is better suited to be a face rather than a heel. He doesn't really fit into the WWE on the whole, though.

Burke is muuuuch more deserving of the push he got. He has character, charisma, definitely has in ring skill and he can work the mic. I figure he's got the total package that it takes to be a superstar in WWE.

They really should turn him back to being a babyface, though. WWE is lacking on that side and Benjamin doesn't get much of a response in the role he has.
Speaking of which, maybe we could get a Burke-Benjamin feud??? Burke turns on Benjamin, turning Benjamin face, and a feud over who is "the real greatest pure athlete in the WWE"....amd it also brings up the age old contest of Boxer Vs Wrestler. I think this would get both guys over well, and provide for some great matches. AFter that split them up on seperate brands. Ive always seen Elijah as an IC contender on RAW anyway. A program with Hardy, were Burke eventually takes the belt off him would be very entertaining.
Speaking of which, maybe we could get a Burke-Benjamin feud??? Burke turns on Benjamin, turning Benjamin face, and a feud over who is "the real greatest pure athlete in the WWE"....amd it also brings up the age old contest of Boxer Vs Wrestler. I think this would get both guys over well, and provide for some great matches. AFter that split them up on seperate brands. Ive always seen Elijah as an IC contender on RAW anyway. A program with Hardy, were Burke eventually takes the belt off him would be very entertaining.

Ive actually wanted to see this feud for a while and although it will be carried mostly on the mic by Burke they would both carry their weight in the ring and would both be able to put their athleticism on display in a series of potentially tremendous matches. it would immediatly get both over more and would finally give Burke and Benjamin something to do seeing as how creative has had nothing for them and seems to be putting them on hold for a while which is a shame because theyre two really great talents

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