This thought crossed my mind soon after Benjamin was released. Morrison will be a guy that a lot of people think should get a main event shot (which looked to be the case when he was moved to SD, but it never happened). Morrison is flashy in the ring and half decent on the stick, but he just isn't that over with the fans. Morrison will always be a guy they can place in the mid card and have solid matches with the mid card guys and if need be have some matches with the main event guys. And if the need a new champ (US or IC) he is a guy they can slap the belt on and not doing any damage by doing so (much like Shelton Benjamin).
Morrison isn't at the point where you can give up on him as a main eventer (which is where Shelton was and that is coming from a Shelton mark). There is still hope JoMo can succeed, but it won't be right away. It will take some time to build him up to main event level and a heel turn and a potential gimmick change might have to take place for that to happen.
Morrison isn't at the point where you can give up on him as a main eventer (which is where Shelton was and that is coming from a Shelton mark). There is still hope JoMo can succeed, but it won't be right away. It will take some time to build him up to main event level and a heel turn and a potential gimmick change might have to take place for that to happen.