Shelton Benjamin Returning to WWE?

"Well, all he does is flippies and be black, and Kofi does that, so no"

Oh, let me be the 57th person in this thread to post the exact same blanket opinion. so fucking introspective and observant of you guys, thanks for the fucking insight.

Much to the shock of many it would seem, he was actually quite improved and competent towards the end of his last WWE run, which I always lamented....It seemed thay released him just as he had finally begun to "get it" and properly harness all of that athleticism. Hopefully some years of seasoning and learning in different parts of the world have added to his game, and if so, he could be perfectly serviceable upper-mid carder. Any time someone has competed in one of the best RAW matches of all time, they have quite a bit of ability. Perhaps a reformation of WWGT alongside Jack Swagger?

As far as mic work / personality goes, all of you know that has much more to do with what WWE gives him than anything. Stop acting so dense and negative.
Do I think Shelton Benjamin will return to the WWE?
Crazier things have happened. Never say never.

What are my thoughts about Shelton Benjamin returning?
Guys like that are always needed. Talented in-ring-hands that can teach and iron out the flaws of the youngsters of tomorrow. Tito Santana was one of them in the late 80s, early 90s. Hardcore Holly was one of them for a long time. Even Curt Hennig was one of them for a short while when he returned in 2002. The club of the Jobbers-to-the-stars. Sounds derogatory, but they are essential and beneficial to the whole product.

That's what I think is in store for Benjamin if he returns. I'm all for it.
Great athlete, lousy showman. Awful promo and interview skills, but he can certainly get it done in the ring and has had some spectacular moments in the ring. I'll never forget that Raw match with Shawn Michaels with THAT kick.
If Kofi Kingston was not on the roster then I would say yes. But considering that Shelton and Kofi perform the same sort of roll on the roster then there really is no need at this point. Even though a match bettween the two could be very good.
Shelton Benjamin in the ring is pretty damn good. In the ring, he's better than Batista, John Cena, and Khali and those guys were champions. I do agree his mike skills need work, but he has improved. I think if you put him with a mouthpiece like Heyman, AJ or even Vickie, he could challenge for the world title headline a few ppvs, if not in a one on one match, or possibly a triple threat or multiple challenger vs champion type of match.

The reason you have to take the risk is the new guys have a ways to go before they are ready, the main event roster is just too damn thin in terms of performers who are capable in the ring. They lose John Cena they're in trouble, they lose Punk, they have a problem. This problem is the reason why the WWE, had to go out and pay out some big time dollars to get the Rock and Brock back. They have failed in creating stars big enough to move the company forward. At one time they had Benjamin, Morrison, MVP, Miz, Haas, Carlito, Kennedy on the roster. These guys, if WWE kept them happy and used them prorperly, could have been the next wave of main eventers to carry the company forward along with the current guys they have. Instead they created a few stars who clearly aren't doing very well, have some stars that fans are tired of and need to call in old stars to help make up the difference. The WWE did this to themselves. They didn't prepare well enough to make sure they had the talent (who could be in the main event) to carry them forwardFor those reasons, they had to make some move, if this is true.
I think that it's good news to hear about Shelton Benjamin returning to the WWE! I always liked him. Except for the fact that he had no mic skills to save his life. Benjamin won nearly all the championships in the WWE, except of course a world title. But after a few years around the block in the world of wrestling in other promotions. Shelton has picked up alot from his early years in the E. So I hope that this time around in the WWE if the rumors are true. That we can see the Shelton Benjamin that we know can succeed as a major world champion in the future.

It's all about the Benjamin baby!
He's terrible. He has the personality of a sieve. He's had push after push after push and has dropped the ball several times. His best two matches were with Trips and HBK. He was racist as fuck to Yoshi Tatsu on ECW. The most over he ever was was with his momma. He's a midcarder at best and that division is stacked.

Are people this dense? Am i the only one that remembers he never wanted to be a main-eventer in the first place.He has said it on numerous occasions that he never wanted to be a ''top guy'' yes the guy is athletic and his mic skills were very limited,but that doesn't remove the fact that he was talented.

Oh and don't people remember his money in the bank matches? One more thing,of course his best matches were with hbk,it takes two to tango in the wwe and of course if someone wrestles a hall of famer like hbk he CAN make them look good as hell,just like shelton made shawn look good with that superkick.
Hoping the return happens at the Royal Rumble in January. Shelton is extremely talented and one of the best natural athletes to ever step in the wrestling ring. If he can improve his promo skills, the guy has all the tools to be an upper mid-card/main event star. This will be a great gain by WWE and if rumours are true that they are bringing in some former talent, why not try to get Charlie Haas in as well and those two can help push the fast-improving tag team division the company has at the moment. He has had some epic matches and spots as well during his first run. I thought his match with Christian at TLC 09 was fantastic and defines what Shelton was all about.
I'd love to see Shelton back... But he needs a gimmick overhaul... I'd pair Shelton with a manager and give him the the nickname Shelton "It's All About the" Benjamin and he'd be the WWE's version of Floyd Mayweather or the Black Ric Flair.

Have him pull up to a WWE event and park his Ferrari right next to Alberto Del Rios. Give him a white girl valet maybe Ashley "Charolette" Flair. Then have him destroy Flair and tell Ric he's the best Wrestler to come out of the Carolinas.

You can have Shelton steal Flairs robe, his daughter, and beat the crap out of Flair.
I'd love to see Haas back as well...

I'd bring Haas back doing the same schtick he did where he came out dressed like the other wrestlers. I'd have Haas undefeated and beating people with the move sets of the guys he was intimidating.

Then one day after a win... Paul Heyman would come down and run down Charlie for selling out and being another stooge. Paul promises Haas big money and Haas leaves with Heyman and gets reintroduced a few weeks later as Charlie "The Chameleon" Haas. His new gimick would be adapting to different style and beating Superstars with their own moves.
I don't have a problem with Benjamin returning to the WWE. Whoever said the midcard was stacked must not be watching because it is thin. Put him against someone like Cesaro or Barrett or stick him in the tag team division. I'll prefer him than someone like Kofi. At least I know Benjamin can have great matches with high talent. Haven't seen it from Kofi.
The WWE has the Main Event Talent if they want it Punk, Cena, Orton, Seamus, Big Show, Del Rio, Miz, Bryan, Kane, Mark Henry, and Christian can all main event.

With Ziggler, Barrett, Kofi, and Ryback on the verge of a ME status.

Plus there are a few FCW and Mason Ryan who could probably snag a ME spot if booked correctly.
As much as I would love to see Shelton back in the WWE, it's not going to happen. Truth and Kofi already have what his spot would be and even if MVP came back, that would make 4 guys to fill 1 role. Also with all these new young guys coming up, it would only hurt them to plug Shelton back in. Veteran names are good to have around, but it's a waste of time if they aren't going to be pushed to the moon or something.

Shelton is great in the ring, but I doubt his mic skills are to the level thought would help him to the main event.
Shelton was amazing, but he can't get that blonde hair again. He had some awesome spots while in WWE. One of them being that springboard of the ropes, only to meet the SCM from Shawn.

BTW, is ROH going under?
I would love for him to come back. He was one of my favorites. He had some great matches. He is one of the most talented in the ring. I think all he needed was better mic skills and not be black and he would have been there. I’m sorry couldn’t resist. There are people far worse than him that was able to become champion. Anyway can’t wait if it’s true.

Shelton; Aint no stopping me NOW!!!
Vice; you’re Black!!!

When you white the sky's the limit
When you’re black the limit is the sky
I'm glad to see that Benjamin may return to WWE. I always personally thought he was underrated as a performer and that WWE did their usual start/stop push and that killed his momentum. I was watching an old episode of ECW the other day on Hulu and seen a match in which Shelton took on Yoshi Tatsu[his debut I think] and Benjamin was hilarious with all the Japanese/Chinese references and pop culture slurs. The crowd was audibly laughing at each slur and reference and the whole time I'm thinking how WWE really missed opportunity with him. Sure he wasn't exactly The Rock on the mic, but then again, who is[even Dwayne isn't these days]. With WWE being massively low on actual stars, maybe Benjamin will get a better opportunity and well-deserved push this time around. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

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