Is Kofi Kingston another Shelton Benjamin waiting to happen?

He's not another Shelton Benjamin because fans are actually excited when he comes to the ring. Even though I've barely heard the guy utter a single word, he has a very energetic personality and style that shines through in both his matches and his entrances. He has great natural charisma without having to work the mic, although I think it's something that will have to come into play eventually. And, to top it off, he's fun to watch in the ring.

Shelton Benjamin may truly be one of the best pure athletes in WWE history. His ultimate problem is that he has the charisma of a jar of mayonaise that's been left out in the sun for about a week.
As much as I enjoy watching Kofi in his matches, I still can't say I ever see him being anything but a mid-carder. That's not a bad thing, however, and he does have alot of potential. One thing he has going for him is that he has a hell of alot more charisma than Shelton, and he's not just "smurfing" around. He's a very good athlete and could stick around for awhile as long as he isn't given some stupid gimmick down the line.
I can see kofi becoming the next shelton benjamin. Mainly because of his build. Hes not as big as triple h, batista, etc. Now a days, it seems that vince doesn't really want to push anybody into the main event because they're not roided up monsters. its really sad, because kofi is phenominal in the ring. so is evan bourne, but when i watch evan in the ring, all i can think is that he will never be world champ because of his size.

and it still pisses me off that shelton benjamin hasn't been world champion.
Yes. Shelton has got a hell of a lot better recently, but he would never have had to put this much effort in if he had worked on his mic skills in the first place. Kofi is putting on a fake Jamaican accent, which obviously hinders his mic ability, but by now he should be much better. Compared to The Miz, MVP or even Carlito, he is pretty piss poor.

In ring showmanship can only get you so far, and it is up to him whether he goes down the Shelton Benjamin route, feuding with ECW lowcarders or if he picks his game up and goes down the John Morrison route of pinning World Champions clean.
I'm afraid he'll end up lost in the shuffle or given a stupid gimmick. In an ideal situation, ECW would become a pure wrestling ROH-type program where guys like Kofi, Benjamin and even Chavo could shine w/out lame gimmicks or Hornswoggle.
kofi is really boring and his jumping just doesn't do it for me, shelton is a great in ring performer and if built correctly when he came in he could have been a force, i think he is still better then rey mysterio, but right now he is stuck in ecw and at the bottom of the heap, i would rather see him in tna, as for kofi well stick him somewhere i can't see him please.
It's no secret Shelton is my favorite wrestler in WWE today. Yeah he's a little shitty on the mic, but anyways to the point. Kofi is SOOOO over with the crowd, how can you not like the guy? He'll reach main event status just like Punk did. I can see Kofi facing Orton at a PPV. I'd love to see that match.

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