Should Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas get pushed?

It is a travesty the lack of respect they're being shown by the creative team i mean they weren't even in the tag team no.1 contenders match on Heat this past week, instead fighting two jobbers it's a joke. They've had one push this year and that was at one night stand when they had the best tag team match of the year so far!!

I don't like all this Haas bashing he's a mighty fine wrestler. I think if WGTT broke up they could try haas with a Benoit type gimmick ruthless aggression and all that malarky!
I think they need to be pushed and fast. They could really cary the tag team division and in all honesty probably bring it back to life with the some good feuds/matches with londrick and cade and murdoch. But first we have to actually believe in wwe creative to come up with something for the tag team divisions.
If something isn't done soon there will be no hope for them. They need to move to Smackdown where they'd fit in much better. Haas is very similar to Benoit, he just needs some time to actually show it. I mean how long does he actually get in the ring? Shelton would slot very nicely into the US Title scene along with Hardy/MVP/Rey etc.

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