Should Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas get pushed?

Shelton and Haas have in-ring wrestling talent, but that's not the only thing that can make a wrestler. And seeing as they're both heels, I doubt more people would buy into them than John Cena.

I don't think we can blame the WWE on this. Haas just doesn't really have "it" in my opinion. He's very dull. And Shelton- he's gotten monster pushes in the past. There has to be something missing for them to be not as successful as everyone wants them to be.

Flames Out

Yes they can. If the WWE makes them into believable heels or huge faces they could buy into them more than Cena.

Haas may not have it but he has the talent. Give him some mic skills and have him out in a lot more charisma into his matches and he can definetly have something.

Shelton has never been given a true monster push. The only thing he is missing is the mic skills. If he was given a huge monster push before I'm sure he would be somehwere as of now.

The WWE just needs to see their true talent and put it to use.
Yes they can. If the WWE makes them into believable heels or huge faces they could buy into them more than Cena.

Haas may not have it but he has the talent. Give him some mic skills and have him out in a lot more charisma into his matches and he can definetly have something.

Shelton has never been given a true monster push. The only thing he is missing is the mic skills. If he was given a huge monster push before I'm sure he would be somehwere as of now.

The WWE just needs to see their true talent and put it to use.

Well you can't really "give" a wrestler mic skills- that's just something they should have. And I basically don't think Haas has any charisma what so ever. I remember when he returned as a face in 2006, stale as bread, and just as hard to chew! :lol2:

Shelton is better to watch, even when it comes to mic skills. I think he could be some-what sucessful, but he needs to add something to his character for him to go above and beyond.

What is a true monster push? Anytime that happens fans in the IWC seem to complain that a wrestler is getting pushed "too much."

Flames Out
i see the shelton/haas combo the same way michaels/jannetty were back in the day, and i think they should build to a split between the two, and then give benjamin his push, he clearly is more gifted in the ring. now i'm not saying shelton benjamin is the next coming of shawn michaels, but you can coach mic skills, and you're born with your physical tools.

i think shelton could become a major player down the road, the only problem is WWE makes so many snap decisions that some of these wrestlers don't get the chace they need to develop.
I would love to see them have some good matches with Londrick.
Shelton is perhaps teh purest athlete on the roster and Hass doesn't get enough credit. He's kind of like William Regal, really talented in the technical department and not flashy enough for the short sighted wrestling fans.
why all the Hass bashing the guys got talent, he never speaks on Raw or does promos so how do we know if he sucks same goes for Benjamin, i like this team and equally.

IF they get split id send Hass to smackdown to feud with hardy and MVP he can develope a mic skill along the way, just dosnt suit Raw as singles he make a great team with Noble if they needed a team on Smckdown as Noble is great mat based wrestler.

Shelton makes a good heel but not a full on heel just have him screw over a face and kick ass in matches, if he loses have it so that he got pissed he lost and trys even harder to win. Not arrogant just knows he has talent and trys to prove this a lot like Kurt Angle did.

Both make a great tag team so have them win the straps and then after a while get Hass traded to Smackdown getting them split up and the belts vacated and have Shelton do a promo about not being defeated for the belts and wishes Hass good luck.

Hass could then go for US title win it then team with Noble make Noble be heel and then if Hass went back to Raw have Shelton feud saying Hass betrayed him by teaming with Noble!
At first I was for a WGTT push, but after looking at the Tag Division and Cade and Murdoch's reign, I'm against it.

As a huge fan of Shelton, I would like to see him get a meaningful push. The Tag Titles just don't fit that bill anymore. The Cade/Murdoch reign has devalued the belts to an all time low, so in my opinion a tag title reign means nothing.

The only push I would be for is in single competition. Shelton didn't get much of a reaction from the crowd in his "mini fued" with Jeff Hardy, but you can't blame him. Seeing as the WWE had given him a string of tag losses before throwing that together, why should the fans react to him?

As for Haas, I have to agree with everyone who says that a split would lead to his release. Its a shame that a guy with his wrestling ability gets less of a response than guys like Big V, Cody Rhodes, or even Batista, but the WWE will always pick who they want not the fans.

When the WGTT reunited it could have sparked the tag division back to something meaningful, but now its just too late.
thisiscrazy619 said:
As for Haas, I have to agree with everyone who says that a split would lead to his release. Its a shame that a guy with his wrestling ability gets less of a response than guys like Big V, Cody Rhodes, or even Batista, but the WWE will always pick who they want not the fans.

The fans do not want to see Haas... I mean do you listen to the crowd when he comes out? I think the majority of fans are indifferent towards him, which can't be said for Big Daddy V (as much as I dislike his attire), or Cody, or Batista. Give credit where credit is due.

Flames Out
The fans do not want to see Haas... I mean do you listen to the crowd when he comes out? I think the majority of fans are indifferent towards him, which can't be said for Big Daddy V (as much as I dislike his attire), or Cody, or Batista. Give credit where credit is due.

Flames Out

I will give credit to Batista that he can draw (mainly to little kids) and Rhodes that he has potential, but not to Big V. Big V is so painful to watch (not just the attire), that I no longer care to watch ECW. He cannot be taken seriously after his long run as The Worlds Largest Love Machine turned into a dominant heel over a weekend.

What I meant is that Haas should be a step above these guys due to his talent. There have been plenty of guys who have gotten over with no mic skills. They shouldn't have brought him back on RAW, the show that has the least amount of wrestling of the three.
thisiscrazy619 said:
What I meant is that Haas should be a step above these guys due to his talent. There have been plenty of guys who have gotten over with no mic skills. They shouldn't have brought him back on RAW, the show that has the least amount of wrestling of the three.

It's not just the fact that Haas has no mic skills, I think he doesn't really have that ability to connect to the fans. No real character or personality to identify himself with. That's one of the many reason why I think Haas has gotten lost among the other WWE talent- there's nothing about him that really sticks out.

Haas isn't as bad as some other wrestlers that are being pushed at the moment... like Snitsky- but that's not really a compliment now is it?

Flames Out
It's not just the fact that Haas has no mic skills, I think he doesn't really have that ability to connect to the fans. No real character or personality to identify himself with. That's one of the many reason why I think Haas has gotten lost among the other WWE talent- there's nothing about him that really sticks out.

Haas isn't as bad as some other wrestlers that are being pushed at the moment... like Snitsky- but that's not really a compliment now is it?

Flames Out

True, this brings me back to my original post where I stated he would get released if they split.

The WWE hasn't given the fans a reason to respond to Haas. He is booked as the guy who comes out, with a straight face ready to wrestle, than loses in 4 minutes. He can't do much in 4 minutes to appeal to the fans.
Thisiscrazy619 said:
True, this brings me back to my original post where I stated he would get released if they split.

The WWE hasn't given the fans a reason to respond to Haas. He is booked as the guy who comes out, with a straight face ready to wrestle, than loses in 4 minutes. He can't do much in 4 minutes to appeal to the fans.

I think Haas has been given a chance, he just didn't capatlize on it. When he returned in 2006, he got a pretty decent push. Nothing really came from that. I think there are certain attributes that every wrestler needs to be sucessful in the WWE, and Haas just doesn't have all of them.

Flames Out
I think Haas has been given a chance, he just didn't capatlize on it. When he returned in 2006, he got a pretty decent push. Nothing really came from that. I think there are certain attributes that every wrestler needs to be sucessful in the WWE, and Haas just doesn't have all of them.

Flames Out

I remember him coming back, beating Shelton, then wrestling on Heat for a long time and also teaming with Viscera (Big V). I don't think teaming him with an established jobber counts as a chance.

If he was going to impress anyone it would have to have been with Angle on Smackdown. Team Angle was awesome, and even after they split, Haas and Benjamin teamed with Big Show and has Main Event matches against Angle. That to me was his chance. When he didn't capitalize and Shelton did, they put Shelton on RAW.

I will agree that Haas doesn't have what it takes to connect with most of todays fans that watch RAW, I think he could still do decent in ECW or Smackdown, again, because the wrestle more.

EDIT: I'd rep you again for the new sig, thats awesome.
I'm undecided about Haas. He's a good technical wrestler no doubt about it, one of the most talented jobbers around, but he's on in the class of wrestlers such as Benoit or Regal, simply because his mic skills aren't up to scratch (yes, Regal IS good on the mic before anyone disagrees) and after years of TWGTT I think a singles run would bore the fans.

Shelton on the other hand should be pushed. He's like Carlito imo, Upper Midcarder waiting to be a Main Eventer in a couple of years time. He should be around the Intercontinental Title scene, but imo he's never going to make it big (i.e WWE Title big) if he doesn't improve his mic skills.
Very great insights raised in this thread I've got to say. Beings as that we well know Shelton isn't going to skyrocket as he should anytime soon and Haas will in fact be released if WGTT were to split...then I'd say that they should definately be recieiving a push. They should stop jobbing matches to Cody Rhodes and start beating Cade and Murdoch to take the titles. A feud between WGTT and Londrick could be classic. The promo the WGTT cut on Raw last week in the face of Cody Rhodes was pretty fuckin alright. Nothing spectacular but they came off as a great classic heel tandem. Haas simply adjusting his wrist tape and laughing at what Benjamin had to say was excellent prescense.

Basically anything but jobbing these sons of bitches out would be a great idea. Do they have a finisher?

Every team needs a sick finisher. One of my favourites still goes to Al Snow and Steve Blackman (top rope leg drop/sit out).
Heck yeah WWE should push Shelton and Hass. they used to be so good in the past when they were a part of Team Angle. i would like to see them be the Tag Champs more than that Weak team of Cade and Trevor. that Redneck Tag Team got Stale fast. why can't wwe be smart on who they Push and who they DePush.
As an average fan, I really don't care about Haas, cause he has done nothing for himself to let the fans know him, but I do support a WGTT push, even if that is too late, well, for me, better late than never.
And Haas' run with Viscera was less than impressive(btw, someone in ECW should be off the air, or at least put the shirt back on)
The WGTT is done, they have been burried, resurrected, burried and resurected again. Individually, neither performer are worthy mid card jobber role. Neither one can work a mic, and Haas is about useless in ring. The WWE seemed to be moving back to a Nation of Domination type of angle with Shelton a couple of years ago, I liked that angle and I wish they would have persued it more. The need to do something other than the WGTT, I wish if they stayed together that it would be in a stable or faction type of setting. But, as a straight tar team, I think they are done. So, no, I don't they they should get a push.
Shelton needs to be pushed like there is no tomorrow, and Haas needs to be pushed back to OVW. I just see the tag team division dead as dead can be, and if either of them hope to make anything else out of their careers, they must break up.
You can't blame a tag-team these days for being bad. They are subjected to the quality of the other teams, and the time writers want to give to them.

Basically, the wwe doesn't put any importance into the tag belts. The tag divisions area second thought with most teams thrown together because they have nothing else to do.

When the tag belts were hot, teams had other quality teams to fued with. Hardies, E&C, Dudleys, Acolytes, NAO Hart Foundation, Demolition, Rougues, Bulldogs. It takes 3 and 4 to tango.

i also think the best tag teams are one that us fan can believe are true friends. We bought Hitman and Avil as tag-team because we knew they were family. I think the New Age Outlaws were successful eventually because they seems to be friends with similar personalites. The APA, who we saw play poker and go to the bar together, we knew they were friends, and so that made them a good tag team because we can assume they will have great teamwork in the ring.

Of course bring in teams as tag teams is the best way... like Benjamin and Haas. They could have been the worlds greatest if not broken up.

Let is see Cade and Murdoch doing stuff outside the ring, also Kendrick and London.
I think Hass will be released by the company as soon as creative have something for Shelton. I think the only reason they brought him back to the company was because they had nothing for him (shelton) so reforming TWGTT was a logical step, especially when the company lacked top tag teams.
I think Shelton will get his day, the company knows how popular he is with the fans, especially the marks, who appreciate his in work skill. I think as soon as they come up with something for Him, be it a manager or a gimmick he will make the switch to the singles rank and get a big push (similiar to Nitro/Morrison i would guess).
I think they should give him a singles push on ECW/Smackdown, id argue it is not only much easier to get over on the show but there are stronger technichal wrestlers to feud with (Finlay, Mysterio, Matt,Punk etc) who he could get some 5* matches out of. He could also replace the void left by Benoit, and to an extent, Flair as the top level technichal guy on the show.
They should be pushed, BUT, they should be pushed with a manager. Not a chick to stand there half naked but a real manager. Managers get guys over who can't do it themselves. WGTT are awesome if they never open their mouths. Have someone speak for them and they'd do better. There would also need to be more than like 3 tag teams in the WWE. Tag Teams are Tag Teams, not 2 dudes who just get put together for no reason, that's not a team.
They should be pushed, BUT, they should be pushed with a manager. Not a chick to stand there half naked but a real manager. Managers get guys over who can't do it themselves. WGTT are awesome if they never open their mouths. Have someone speak for them and they'd do better. There would also need to be more than like 3 tag teams in the WWE. Tag Teams are Tag Teams, not 2 dudes who just get put together for no reason, that's not a team.

Dude! I was thinking that for their entire job on this past Mondays Raw. I was trying to visualize Jimmy Hart at ringside for them in my head. Try that out for yourselves and try to appreciate how Legendary they would immediately seem. If these guys don't get pushed they should just crap wrestling all together and just do two hour promos and the pay per view can be promofest and they can actually verbalize a wrestling match.
I don't blame WWE. Again, as I've said in other posts, the new generation of fans don't appreciate technical skills. If 1/100th of the people that show up at an arena really understand good wrestling, that would be a lot.

That being said, WWE should get them a manager who is great on the mic to supplement the fact that both men have poor mic skills. I believe that wrestlers, to succeed, have to be able to talk or have someone talk for them. If these two men were only mediocre in the ring, I'd say don't push them because they cannot talk. But because both men are so good, I'll make an exception and say they should be pushed, AFTER they find someone to shoot on the mic. Ric Flair, Mick Foley, guys like that could help.
I think a manager is a great idea. It's slim pickings though who would be a credible/beneficial one for them. The WGTT have talent (although obviously we know who's the Marty Jannety of the two) all they need is opportunity. I thought it was bullshit when Shelton was originally depushed for "not giving 100%". Like I've said before, Shelton's "Half-assing it" was still better then 80% of the roster.
Who on earth really believes that if Benjamin and Haas go to ECW, that they will get the push that they needed? It is a forced brand that almost went belly up but because of lack of viewers, granted it is doing better now, but its because Smackdown is quietly merging. I am sick to death of watching Benjamin job every fricking week to the likes of Cody Rhodes, Super Crazy, and soon I bet they will make him job to Hornswoggle. Come on! The match just recently on raw with Super Crazy beating him, only lasted less than 3 minutes. What happened to him fueding with Flair or HHH? Even the Momma gimmick is better than what he is doing now. Notice how he isnt playing in the video game tournaments for WWE anymore? He wasnt in money in the bank, even though he he stolen the show on numerous accounts. He is nixed in the new WWE video game, and the man will be a infinite jobber if he doesnt get the heck out of there. Yeah, his mic skills need work....but they dont give him the time to actually work on it. I hope that when his contract expires he will go to TNA and make something more of himself. Think what you want of TNA but guys like Christian, Rhyno, and Raven have gone there and gotten over more so than when they were in WWE.
Anyways...sorry for the rant but I am sick to death of Benjamin getting shafted by WWE and being squandered. WWE needs brain surgery to repair all the stupid things they are doing with their talent.....

oh and Jamesjd66, you hit the nail on the head with the "not giving 100%" line. Because we all know that Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly, and half the roster have loads of skill and give it their all....ugh.

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