What Have We Become?

Yes, let's make yet another thread to shit on all of the crappy posts in the WWE section. If you don't think there are any good posts there then go fucking make some. There's always going to be a ton of shit posts there, the only way to counter those are to make good ones. Stop the bitching and get to posting if you don't like it.

I think you missed my point. I was complaining about the amount of shit posters, not the amount of shit posts... compared to last years bunch.
I think you missed my point. I was complaining about the amount of shit posters, not the amount of shit posts... compared to last years bunch.

Same difference. There's always going to be shit posters every year. Some years may have more then others but making a thread about it to shit on them isn't going to change anything.
There are many threads that have said effect on change, it's just that different people have different takes on a particular topic. You, Mr. Sexy, feel as if this does nothing to contribute to e-society. I, however, feel that this warrants enough for me to openly discuss it.

Or something to that approach.
I've been reading through the wrestling sections recently and noticed that there are hardly anything noteworthy of reading or posting towards. If there is something that captures the attention of people, it's usually one of the regulars making a point. I mean shit, how many posters can you name that joined these forums in 2010 who has made an impact by excellent posting not named Via Armbar?

I'm not knocking the forum, I'm just asking what the fuck happened to the intelligent people?

I find it hard to sometimes post but im getting back in the spirit to post in the WWE section. As its been said some of the newer posters just bash on things and make silly rants which discourage us regulars from posting in the wrestling sections.

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