A tale of heartache and history.

Riveting stuff. Can't wait for the Sid stuff. And FTS is the shit, I've seen him before I joined and he is funny as hell.
I don't know why but I just love memoirs. I'm really sorry to hear about the girlfriend FTS. Hope you'll be alright mate!
OK, so, thanks for all the well wishes on the girl, but honestly, I'm pretty well over it already. I'm like that.

Anyway, the mod times.

Now, I can't really give out a lot of specifics, but I can tell you guys some things.

When I was modded, I noticed my name was bold and wondered if the color balance was wrong on my computer. I checked the PM box, and lo and behold, a letter from IC. I accepted and went to the board room. I had to see what it was about. The free Gatorade was cool, but the way KB hovered over it was both creepy and arousing.

As mod of the Cigar Lounge, I instantly got to work on infracting people. Well, no one spams in that section, so my job was easy. I went and found something to infract in another section, and that was that. I never gave a lot of infractions. I was more of a drive discussion type of mod. I was also a good rah rah guy in the LD's.

I am a firm believer that LD's are a great way to get new members. There are 100 or so people watching along with the PPV, half of which are guests. You get a great opportunity to get them aboard by just telling them to sign up. It's that easy.

Now, for those of you who get infractions and think that the whole staff is conspiring against you, you are wrong. Infractions get discussed. They don't often get overturned, but that's because the fucking staff knows the rules and if you're bitching about an infraction, you are likely wrong. Sometimes, someone gets your back, it just doesn't always work. Stop harassing the mods about your infractions.

I say that, because of the few infractions I gave out, I seemed to get quite a bit of hatemail. It was always fun to write back to the whiners. For whatever reason, I got an immense kick out of telling people why they were stupid and why arguing with me was futile and why they didn't have to worry about genital warts because they would never get laid.

I also need to address this clique you think exists. There is no clique. There is a group of posters who have earned more respect that others, and most of them are senior members, but there are no secret meetings discussing how to keep Doc down. Certain vets tend to seek out posts and opinions from other veterans, but that comes from years of consistent intelligence. Basically, if you think there is clique that you aren't in, it's because you aren't very smart. That being said, being in the clique was awesome. :icon_wink:

Just kidding.

My favorite series of posts ever is the JYYMFGFDHFDHJ, you know, that's the abbreviation for Tenta's bad gimmick thread. That shit is awesome.

An argument over standardized testing with Sly, which I still think I won, things got heated over college football. It started as a real argument, it really did. We both realized how stupid we were being, so we carried it out for a week as a prank, even in the board room. Then it got old.

And then came Sid.

Sid was an ass. Instead of debating people who disagreed with them, he made personal attacks. He was a smart enough guy, but, in all reality, a terrible choice to be mod. His unwillingness to bend as a poster, should have provided foresight into how he would be as a mod. But, hindsight is 20/20, and at the time, we were ALL for his promotion. It was not surprising when he went crazy. He and I fought all the time. He didn't like people giving infractions in his section. I would give the infractions in there just to spite him. This is about the time I started losing interest. I liked it here, but I did not need frustrating personal drama on a website. Sid turned modding into a job, when before him all it was was helping to make something fun better. I admit, at times I have taken it too seriously, we all have, but Sid was the epitome of taking it too seriously. Combing that with his creepy fruitcake man-crush on NorCal and his complete meltdown, I can sincerely say, I hope I never encounter him again.

Soon after, I started getting promotions at work and having less and less time for WZ. I would log in, quickly scan for posts and BS in the bar room for a while. This of course, led to my promotion to WWE mod. (?)

I will not lie, I did nothing as WWE mod in comparison to what NorCal and D-Man were doing. I tired to keep up, but I just did not have the time or the interest. I accepted because I thought I would grow into it, but it just never stuck with me.

That was a nice synopsis of my time here. If there are specific events such as pranks or flamewars or any drama that you want my opinion on, I guess this is the thread to ask in.
My favorite series of posts ever is the JYYMFGFDHFDHJ, you know, that's the abbreviation for Tenta's bad gimmick thread. That shit is awesome.


You know, the more I think about it, I'm really shocked you don't post more in the Old School. I saw your review you did with Zeus, and you clearly know your stuff. Any way I can get you to post more in there, my man.

Also, the Sid chapter was more than I expected, and I expected quite a bit. Good stuff. I'm not sure if you were hear for this one, but I know I wasn't. What happened with TM throwing his hissy fit? I've always wondered what the Hell happened there.
TM was using MSN to get people's real names, google searching, facebook stalking, etc. He got called out for being creepy and bailed. I imagine he feels self-righteous.

I was pretty absent for the last Sid blow up. I did notice he was in prison and chose to join in the flame war. I now regret that. I have a new, more positive outlook on like now. If I had written that two months ago, I would have done 1,000 words on him.

And yeah, I should have posted more Old School, but then again, I should have posted more non spam everywhere.

But, JTMFTG, it comes highly recommended from me. Always will.
I just said tl;dr doesnt mean it was a bad post,i dont have my reading glasses handy FTS is my fav redneck on here btw.
Another good post. I don't believe I got to experience half of the time you were a mod. But the time you were. The posts you used to make in the Cigar Lounge shows that you were indeed a good moderator FTS.
And yeah, I should have posted more Old School, but then again, I should have posted more non spam everywhere.

But, JTMFTG, it comes highly recommended from me. Always will.

I really want to try and rebuild up the old school as much as possible at this point. I don't mean to knock Tasty on this one, because he has no control over the thread topics. Burt I feel as though ever since Lariat's left, the Old School has taken a noticeable nosedive in content. We went from discussing important moments in history and the old promotions to Prince Iakaeu and if he received a fair push in WCW. I'm sure you can do thousands of good for the Old School, because frankly, it needs it at this point.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. The more I think about it, and just out of curiousity, how much wrestling have you been watching since ya been gone? God, I feel like Kelly Clarkson just typing that.
I am the least redneck person on here. I work in financials and property accounts and preparing to watch soccer, drinking a gin and tonic. I just returned from brunch, where I ate smoke salmon and bagels and drank mimosas while getting a mani pedi from a topless Swedish woman named Elin. Apparently, it was Elin's first day on the job.
I really want to try and rebuild up the old school as much as possible at this point. I don't mean to knock Tasty on this one, because he has no control over the thread topics. Burt I feel as though ever since Lariat's left, the Old School has taken a noticeable nosedive in content. We went from discussing important moments in history and the old promotions to Prince Iakaeu and if he received a fair push in WCW. I'm sure you can do thousands of good for the Old School, because frankly, it needs it at this point.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. The more I think about it, and just out of curiousity, how much wrestling have you been watching since ya been gone? God, I feel like Kelly Clarkson just typing that.

I am pretty well caught up on Raw, and I am loving this Nexus angle. How is it going over on here? I haven't read or looked at anyone's posts, but I personally, am loving every second of it. Did the forums crash when Danielson got future endeavored?
The forum exploded during The Nexus and Bryan Danielson's release. KB and Doc supposedly spend 2 hours cleaning up after The Nexus had their little debut showing.

Ah okay - cool. Well I hope you enjoy it. I know I certainly will. Unless Holland looses :p
OK, so has LeBron joining the Heat been compared to Hogan joining the Outsiders? If not, I call dibs on the theory! I ripped it from Bill Simmons first.
It has been compared on the front page by some people etc. But I don't believe I've heard in on this forum. I could go check.
I love FTS.

He made me feel truly accepted. I mean, the Ultimate Draft IV thing got me noticed I think but it was the IBTC which got me interested in the Bar Room. He made me welcome and I never really looked back. I felt like an adopted bar fly. The Bar Room kept me interested when I had left the fed, didn't post wrestling and came here just to look in out of habit.

Since then, he always gave me utmost motivation to post. He repped me once, and I will remember that comment because it mentioned modship which was something I never thought of too much, but now it's kind of a aim of mine. If I can do so with my lack of drive to post.

I always enjoyed his tales of ass-chasing and general fun. His Vegas trip was very funny. It was always entertaining to hear tales like that, which I wouldnt hear from my friends and certainly wouldn't do myself. Or my fiancee would kill me.

Funny thing though. We share the same first name and our birthdays are something stupid like a day apart.

I'm glad you are well mate. Keep up with the stories and be safe.

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