I think I'm turning a corner

I didn't mean special to be a jag off. By saying that I meant someone who likes that style. And to be perfectly honest, there aren't that many people. I can't tell you how many jobs I had where they were hiring night people every month because they were quitting. Once I got accustomed to all the sleeping and eating habits I enjoyed the night shift.

Before I took that night shift I was still there for like 5 months, and we went through at least five night turn cashiers, plus a boatload of stockers.

your right though. Im the only person I have ever met who truly loves Night shift. most people absolutely fucking hate it. On the other hand, I will tell you in a second, I am incapable of having a normal day shift schedule.
damn fucking right. No supervision :shifty:

I used to take naps in my office and let the airmen handle the customers for a while.

And before I get called a lazy ass NCO or anything, I always sent my airmen home early, or would give them the following day off. There was very rarely a time when the warehouse was manned by more than just me for an entire shift.
My only problem with the night shift was my days off then going back to work Saturday night. My friends were seniors in HS when I was working the night shift. So I would have off Thursday and Friday, I would practically stay up all day, chill and do stuff with them, then sleep like a regular day. Then Friday I was forced to do that. So I would then get up Saturday at like 11 A.m and I'd have to stay up until 6.a.m Sunday Morning. So, basically, my hate for the night shift was because I didnt have my priorities straight and wanted to hang with the friends..
My only problem with the night shift was my days off then going back to work Saturday night. My friends were seniors in HS when I was working the night shift. So I would have off Thursday and Friday, I would practically stay up all day, chill and do stuff with them, then sleep like a regular day. Then Friday I was forced to do that. So I would then get up Saturday at like 11 A.m and I'd have to stay up until 6.a.m Sunday Morning. So, basically, my hate for the night shift was because I didnt have my priorities straight and wanted to hang with the friends..

well see, im reclusive and generally hate people, so sleeping all day on my days off is absolutely no issue at all :lmao:
I used to take naps in my office and let the airmen handle the customers for a while.

And before I get called a lazy ass NCO or anything, I always sent my airmen home early, or would give them the following day off. There was very rarely a time when the warehouse was manned by more than just me for an entire shift.

no sir, your a good NCO for that. makes you easier to realte to, from your subooridantes perspectives
yes. Ten years from now (if he listens me) he'll thank me. If he doesn't listen to me he'll know a shitload about wrestling and prolly be on welfare. What a dilema the boy faces.

I'm all for welfare when someone needs it. But where I live people get it for very stupid reasons. I know people who get it just for basically being dimwitted. No, not mentaly handicapped.....just not very bright. To make things worse most people get it around my area blow through it within a week of recieving the check.

night shift was awesome when I got a taste of it delivering news papers late at night for Sunday morning. The worst part was that police officers would follow you if they seen you in grocery store parking lots because their we bad vandalism problems back then.

I always join the fight late ??!! But better late than never, even though I'm confident Nate and NorCal could clean this 17-year-old punks clock.

Dude, for a kid who thinks he knows it all, you must have been absent your entire school life during english and spelling lectures.

Because I don't have to. But even though I don't have to I'll be working at KFC after I get back from vacation in a few weeks.

When you make your triumphant return to the fryer... could we all get an order of fries with your new grilled chicken bucket ??
no sir, your a good NCO for that. makes you easier to realte to, from your subooridantes perspectives

That's what I thought too until I got my pee-pee slapped by our Section Chief for sending people home. Then I got my orders for Korea, so I'm not sweating it anymore.

ztwhite said:
When you make your triumphant return to the fryer... could we all get an order of fries with your new grilled chicken bucket ??

I fucking love fries! :icon_biggrin:
I too am a fan of the night shift. Which is why I couldn't hold my last job. 7am my ass! But to be fair? If I knew I had a baby coming, I probably would have put forth more effort. ZTWhite: my new tag team partner.
Starting work at 7am isn't that bad actually. I don't do shit during the week anyways, but I get off at 4pm in the afternoon and especially during the summer I could go out and do shit like go to the lake, play ball at the school courts, go for a swim, etc, and still have plenty of time at night.
yea well. haveing to be at work at 545am IS THAT BAD. fuck that shiiiit fuck it.

I agree with you there, but I have always had the belief that the sooner I start something, the sooner it gets done. So even if I had to be at work at 5:45 AM (I used to work from 5 AM to 2PM), I still got off pretty damn early and could enjoy the rest of the day.

Far as night shift went, I didn't have a problem when I worked 4PM to 1 AM, mostly because everyone I worked with would go party immediately after work until 5 AM.
I used to work a three times a week 1pm to 3 am shift at a shoe store. I managed the retail sales during the day and then ran the warehouse at night. That takes a toll. I had to quit that job because my boss thought I was fucking his girlfriend.

And anyway, I'm sure Nate can find a job easily enough. Don't be an ass. Fucking unbelievable. How does that shit contribute at all?

I'm glad my thread inspired you.

FTS...inspiring NOOBS since 2009!

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