My masterpieces

Hey Razor, there is a bigger problem facing the environment. There is a chemical compound called dihydrogen monoxide that is found in runoff from factories and pesticides. The proliferation of this compound has been shown to prolierate itself into ground water. It also shows itself to have a high concentration in drinking water. Factories run the shit right out of their plumbing. This compound is making it's way into everyone's life. We come in contact with it almost every day now.

Would you join so many others in signing a petition to ban it?

Wrestling: Probably one in the Miz is now awesome thread. I enjoyed that one.

NWS: I'm going to say my Greatest Rivalry: NFL thread. Too bad not a hell of a lot of people saw or cared to comment.:glare:
Wrestling: No fucking clue. I don't post there alot, because I can't read most of the posts, what with the shitty grammar.

NWS: Probably my "Remembering the Grunge" thread, or my thread about line up issues in Music.
You should have let that go for a minute.

And yes, I did steal that from that particular episode of Penn and Teller.
I could have gotten one person on the side of banning it before tomorrow night. Then I would have mocked that person senselessly.
Hey Razor, there is a bigger problem facing the environment. There is a chemical compound called dihydrogen monoxide that is found in runoff from factories and pesticides. The proliferation of this compound has been shown to prolierate itself into ground water. It also shows itself to have a high concentration in drinking water. Factories run the shit right out of their plumbing. This compound is making it's way into everyone's life. We come in contact with it almost every day now.

Would you join so many others in signing a petition to ban it?

Don't be a jackass.

I can't even begin to describe how much fun this is going to be in 20 years or so when it becomes obvious what a crock of shit all this is. :D So freakin excited!

You say that like the douchebag you're being because you're hiding behind FTS, but you offer nothing of any merit to argue. At least FTS is arguing logic. You're just jumping and down saying "Look! Razor's science is wrong because I said so!"

But, we don't have any reliable data to say that it is melting faster now than it has before. And you say that it doesn't matter if it's man made or not. Then you say countries are trying to stop it. My question is, if it's not man made, how can countries stop it.

It doesn't matter if it's man-made. If it's not, should we stand by and just keep pumping billions of tons of waste into the oceans and streams and lands because we can? If it is, should we be standing back and saying "Oh well. Might as well let it happen."

The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world on 2012, Mayan Elders will tell you that today. A magnetic flip of the poles isn't predicted for AT LEAST another 1,000 years, and the fossil record indicates that the magnetic flip doesn't cause any increase in deaths to species. We aren't going to die because of an inevitable death on 2012, so shouldn't we fix the problems we start?

Don't you think it's a bit arrogant to claim that we've undone billions of years of weather patters in a hundred years?

Not when you look at the billions of tons of shit we've pumped into the atmosphere and general world over the years. DDT, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide to name a very basic few. Then you get into the tons of other chemical compounds that we create on a massive scale that completely ravages our environment, and you start to question how these chemicals wouldn't effect the world.
You say that like the douchebag you're being because you're hiding behind FTS, but you offer nothing of any merit to argue. At least FTS is arguing logic. You're just jumping and down saying "Look! Razor's science is wrong because I said so!"

It's just so much more fun to let you keep digging your hole though! :D I don't mean to be a douchebag if in fact I am, I'm just loving this thread right now. I live for this shit. No matter how much you and I call each other names, I want you to know, you're the most entertaining poster on the forums as far as I'm concerned.
Don't be a jackass.

I was just trying to be funny. :(

You say that like the douchebag you're being because you're hiding behind FTS, but you offer nothing of any merit to argue. At least FTS is arguing logic. You're just jumping and down saying "Look! Razor's science is wrong because I said so!"

Come on. Be nice to Dexter. This is a spam thread and he wanted to spam it up. We love Dexter, remember that. Dexter is awesome and a lounge regular. What makes the lounge so fun for you is having me and Dexter to debate with. There is actually a global warming thread you could resurrect somewhere in there. Dexter started it, it's call The Church of Green. I think that's the one, but it was a pretty good thread throughout.

It doesn't matter if it's man-made. If it's not, should we stand by and just keep pumping billions of tons of waste into the oceans and streams and lands because we can? If it is, should we be standing back and saying "Oh well. Might as well let it happen."

No, I never said that it isn't bad to pump those things in the air. I just don't think that it's caused climate change. I do think that there will be a rise in respiratory conditions over the next fifty years. Believe me, I don't think that it's good to pump chemicals into the air.

The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world on 2012, Mayan Elders will tell you that today. A magnetic flip of the poles isn't predicted for AT LEAST another 1,000 years, and the fossil record indicates that the magnetic flip doesn't cause any increase in deaths to species. We aren't going to die because of an inevitable death on 2012, so shouldn't we fix the problems we start?

I know that. I don't think we're going to die in three years. I do think that it's funny to tie the myth into the end of Obama's Presidency. It does make for some pretty funny jokes. But, I'm not going to lie. The month of December 2012 will be pretty interesting. It might not be an actual prophecy, but the conditions are ripe for someone to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. All it takes is one nut with a nuke, and the number of bat shit crazy motherfuckers able to get nukes seems to be increasing. Can you not see Kim Jong Il just seeing if one of his nukes actually works. He always tests missiles on our holidays, even Columbus Day! I think that 122112 seems like a perfect day for that crazy ass to wake up and be curious.

Not when you look at the billions of tons of shit we've pumped into the atmosphere and general world over the years. DDT, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide to name a very basic few. Then you get into the tons of other chemical compounds that we create on a massive scale that completely ravages our environment, and you start to question how these chemicals wouldn't effect the world.

Yes, respiratory illness, even acid rain. These things are bad and harmful. But just because they do happen, doesn't mean the climate changes. There is a limit to the harms, and I draw that line before undoing billions of years of cyclical climate changes. For instance, the polar ice caps may be melting, but Greenland is absorbing quite a bit of that runoff. The ice there is packed as hard as it has been in centuries. I will find the article and cite it if you would like.
Touching on the comment FTS made about acid rain a bit, just a little background on that. Acid rain is formed when rain passes through concentrations of carbon dioxide, thus creating a very weak solution of carbolic acid. There are other ways, of course, such as rain passing through nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide emissions (creating nitric and sulfuric acids, respectively), but my point is, acid rain is completely normal and natural and has been happening for a lot longer than we've been around. In fact, there is an intricate system of caves and sinkholes here in southwest Virginia because of our high concentration of limestone in our geological make up. Those caves were formed because carbolic acid in the form of acid rain dissolved the limestone, which is slightly alkaline.

The observant reader might find similarities between what I'm saying here and the fact that the so-called "evidence" for global warming represent phenomena that have been taking place cyclically for billions of years.
It's just so much more fun to let you keep digging your hole though! :D I don't mean to be a douchebag if in fact I am, I'm just loving this thread right now. I live for this shit. No matter how much you and I call each other names, I want you to know, you're the most entertaining poster on the forums as far as I'm concerned.

How am I digging my hole? I'm actually debating with legit facts. You're hiding behind FTS. At least I'm standing up for myself, as opposed to hiding behind the big bad mod.

I was just trying to be funny. :(

I know. I just felt like being indignant. :(

Come on. Be nice to Dexter. This is a spam thread and he wanted to spam it up. We love Dexter, remember that.

That's right, we do, don't we? I'm just being a little confrontational with him. He can take it. Promise.

Dexter is awesome and a lounge regular. What makes the lounge so fun for you is having me and Dexter to debate with.

Eh. I 'spose so.

There is actually a global warming thread you could resurrect somewhere in there. Dexter started it, it's call The Church of Green. I think that's the one, but it was a pretty good thread throughout.

...I'd really rather not right now. If he's arguing in there how he argues in here, it'll be you and I arguing and he chiming in with "Oh, look! FTS wins again!" in between blowing your dick.

No, I never said that it isn't bad to pump those things in the air. I just don't think that it's caused climate change. I do think that there will be a rise in respiratory conditions over the next fifty years. Believe me, I don't think that it's good to pump chemicals into the air.

Isn't that what Cap and Trade is, though? A way of dealing with the shit companies pump into the air by the billions of tons?

I know that. I don't think we're going to die in three years. I do think that it's funny to tie the myth into the end of Obama's Presidency. It does make for some pretty funny jokes. But, I'm not going to lie. The month of December 2012 will be pretty interesting. It might not be an actual prophecy, but the conditions are ripe for someone to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. All it takes is one nut with a nuke, and the number of bat shit crazy motherfuckers able to get nukes seems to be increasing. Can you not see Kim Jong Il just seeing if one of his nukes actually works. He always tests missiles on our holidays, even Columbus Day! I think that 122112 seems like a perfect day for that crazy ass to wake up and be curious.

Yeah...and that's what scares me. The Mayan calendar has been twisted as humans have always twisted ideas through the years. Scientists know the last magnetic pole switch was 780,000 years ago, and the next one won't be for at least another 1,000 years. Nothing should happen in the realm of Mother Earth. However, something can happen in the realm of Man. Because we're fucked in the head like that.

Yes, respiratory illness, even acid rain. These things are bad and harmful. But just because they do happen, doesn't mean the climate changes. There is a limit to the harms, and I draw that line before undoing billions of years of cyclical climate changes. For instance, the polar ice caps may be melting, but Greenland is absorbing quite a bit of that runoff. The ice there is packed as hard as it has been in centuries. I will find the article and cite it if you would like.

That fresh water that does get to the ocean current dilutes it, therefore dampening its effects. That's why scientists are so afraid of the Atlantic Current completely turning off. If you talk to any global warming scientist, his number one concern are those ocean currents. They're what will kill us.

As far as we humans turning around billions of years of climate on this Earth...are you really surprised? At all? We can move mountains, we can instigate eruptions of volcanoes. We can fly in the air, we can change the very shape of the Earth. We can split the atom. Hell, the military has done experiments to control the very weather. Our technology has advanced more in the past 50 years than it has in any other period of human history. We can do much more than your Middle Age alchemist, and we can much more to our environment than you seem to believe.

It seems that we're butting heads over the idea that what we're doing to environment can actually cause what's going on in the world. You keep the effects of the toxins that we're dumping out local, while I and the global climate scientists of the world extrapolate out the effects to span the globe. This is an issue of logic, and an issue of understanding. I think decades of pollution that pushes out Carbon Dioxide on a scale thousands of times than anything seen before can certainly cause the atmosphere to stop the sun's rays as well as it used to, and to heat the Earth more than normal. You don't. I don't really think we can argue this point any further.
Really? Would have gone for the Kosher joke there, Dexter. :lmao:

Yeah, I missed the boat on that one I guess. I just went with what I'd eaten recently. I bought Halloween candy yesterday and I've already broken into it and pilfered some pixie stix and Nerds.

And see, FTS? This is just how Razor and I show we love each other.
FTS, a few miscellaneous points:

1) The former Prime Minister of Israel is coming to UofA for a speech the 27th. ..Well, maybe the 28th. Either way, it's going to be really cool. Have you heard what he's been saying when people heckle him on stage about the Gaza Strip conflict? It's hilarious.

2) Everyone should go see what I posted in the Team USA thread for the Wrestlezolympics. Was that Razor debating that Jeff Hardy and Cena should make the team? Why yes, yes it was.
Razor, I just want to say one thing. You talk about our ability to move mountains and ignite volcanoes, and even splitting the atom. These are all structural issues, and we have a much better understanding of physics than we do meteorology.

We are powerless in the face of tornadoes. One tsunami may have killed a million people. We have no idea where and when earthquakes happen. Our man made barriers crumble under the face of a hurricane. Meteorology is one topic that you and can both agree on. These guys are hoping for baseball numbers. If they nail it 30% of the time, they feel like a success. I just have so much trouble believing that there is no easier way to explain the changes in global temperature. Meteorologists are regularly wrong, and yet, these are the guys who led the charge to say this is what's happening. It has spawned an entire industry. How can they come to this conclusion so fast and not be able to tell me if I need shorts or a jacket on Thursday?
The thing that most convinces me that global warming is total crap is what a joke it is among professional geologists. My on-again off-again wife/ex is a geologist working for the state of Virginia, and she tells me that her and her colleagues sit around looking at the national news rags in the morning laughing about the global warming articles. They not only disagree with the notion, they find it side-splittingly hilarious. That, to me, speaks volumes.
Yeah, it has been. It will get better. The Euros will be waking up soon. Jake may say something funny. I want this to be somewhere the n00bZ can come and figure out how it goes around here.
Yeah, it has been. It will get better. The Euros will be waking up soon. Jake may say something funny. I want this to be somewhere the n00bZ can come and figure out how it goes around here.

Part of them figuring out how it goes around here is seeing how every thread, no matter the topic, gets derailed by the second page (default view) in the Bar Room. Mission Accomplished, I'd say. ;)
Part of them figuring out how it goes around here is seeing how every thread, no matter the topic, gets derailed by the second page (default view) in the Bar Room. Mission Accomplished, I'd say. ;)

This is the gospel right here.

Make a thread in the bar room and by the second or third page, we need a title change of said thread.
Why don't we take the actual, legit posts in this thread and move (or copy...whatever) them into a thread in the Site Administration forum? Somewhere near the "New Posters Post Here" thread.
That would be a great idea. Then they would have easier access to them.

I really do wish that I had examples to go by when I first joined WZ. It would have made my first 50 or so posts easier.
I don't want to get in the middle of your big manly debate with FTS, but...

Not when you look at the billions of tons of shit we've pumped into the atmosphere and general world over the years. DDT, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide to name a very basic few.

The banning of DDT has had to be one of the worst "green" mistake in the history of man and anyone who would dispute that is a fucking toolshed. We were close to eradicating Malaria in some less developed countries like India and Bangladesh and instead, after getting rid of it in the Good Ol' USA and OZ, claimed it weakened the shells of birds and let millions of people die because of it. Fuck Greens.

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