Near-Death Experiences

Well if guys all despise what I did, I have a really good video of me getting TAKEN OUT by my 300 pound friend. Idk how to post it tho cuz its from facebook. Is there a way for me to do it, cuz its pretty funny. its a part of another prank we did. my friends and i do alot of pranks and theyre all posted on the internet, but idk if i can 'advertise' that cuz idk if its against the rules or not, even tho i wudnt be advertising a company or anything, its just me and my stupid ass friends pulling pranks.
I fell and cut my knee open on a rock at camp and it got infected really bad (On a Tuesday) on the Friday night I was going to McDonalds with my sister and I started to turn blue all over and cold and I got home and my mum took me to the hospital and they turned me away but my mum knew something was wrong but they turned me away still, we went to another hospital, waited 3 hours to see the doctor and he said I was lucky I got there when I did because I had ceptisemia and Golden Staph infection, my mum's sister died from the same thing so I was just lucky that my mum knew that I was in serious danger and I had to go to hospital immediately.
Well if guys all despise what I did, I have a really good video of me getting TAKEN OUT by my 300 pound friend. Idk how to post it tho cuz its from facebook. Is there a way for me to do it, cuz its pretty funny. its a part of another prank we did. my friends and i do alot of pranks and theyre all posted on the internet, but idk if i can 'advertise' that cuz idk if its against the rules or not, even tho i wudnt be advertising a company or anything, its just me and my stupid ass friends pulling pranks.

Dont get me wrong mate, I would have pissed myself watching it, But I was just saying, If ya pulled it on me you would have payed. :p
I was sitting on a plane a year or so ago, in crappy weather. I was sitting right beside the wing and half way through the journey I see lightning striking the wing.
Shit myself, basically.

And apparently it was a miracle the wing didn't explode...

Does that count as a near-death experience?
Last December I was in a car with my Mom ans she hit black ice. We started sliding towards a high wall that would have sent us to a certain death, then we hit another car instead of flipping off the high wall.

Last April I was in a with my Grandpa. We was going over 50 when at a car on the other side of the road cut off and stopped right in the middle of the road right in front of us. Luckily my grandpa reacted quickly and run the truck off the road before we hit the dumbass in the other car.

Then when I was about 12, my friends and I was playing basketball and I tripped and fell down. Then I started sliding after I fell and slid underneath a car that was pulling out. Lucky for me that the guy seen me, because He was still moving towards me and I probably could have touched his back tire with my tounge......that one was very close. I would have hated to die by my skull being crushed by a car tire.
I forgot that when I was like 4 my car door came open while my Dad was driving and I was thrown out of the car.

Needless to say, I'm really afraid of being in cars.
Has anyone ever had one? The reason I'm bring this up is because I sort of had one just last weekend after a pretty crazy turn of events. So me and six of my friends (all around the age of 17) were driving around in my friend's car, pulling pranks and making people mad like we do every weekend, always getting it on film (its just what we do lol). Anyway, we were driving in a large shopping outlet parking lot and we pulled up to this guy who has parked in his car along the curb. My friend thought it would be a good idea to take a party popper that he had (ya know, those huge things that should out streamers and make noise that are mainly used for birthday party surprises) and shoot it at him thru his window. So we pulled up along side him, my friend rolled down his window, and shot the thing all over the guy's car, with alot of the crap getting into his car thru the window. Our car pulled away quickly and we all had a laugh-- until we saw the swerve out of his parking spot and start chasing us. The next 20 minutes were about the scariest 20 minutes of my entire life. The guy tried to cut us off from leaving the parking lot at multiple exits, literally almost hitting us with his car and trying to box us in. At one point he got out of his car and threw a water bottle at our's. We finally got got out of the parking lot and we thought all was well- until we saw the crazy s.o.b. pull out right after us. He continually tried boxing us in with other cars and running us off the road for while we sped at speeds ranging from 70-100 mph on 25-45 mph roads (Swear to God on a stack of holy bibles that is NO exaggeration) through 12AM traffic. He almost hit our car on a number of occassions, and we almost hit other cars quite a few times as well. We were all scared as hell, and to make matters worse one of my friends who happened to be smoking in the car dropped his cigarette onto the kid next to him, causing added tension to the whole situation. The worst part was when he pulled along side of us, forcing us into the wrong lane of traffic. It was terrible. I think we ran a total of 3 red lights during the whole ordeal, but the crazy guy ran them as well, keeping up with us. Our car, which was much more powerful than his, was finally able to outrun him, and we made a quick number of turns so we could lose him for good. We havent gone out together since.

So, have any of you guys had any near-death experiences?

Don't mean to rude but this is total Bulls***. Why would your friend randomly want to pop then popers on his car and suddenly it goes through his window. Furthermore how many exits does the damn carpark have? 15? You say at multiple exits. Furthermore during this whole 20 minutes you drove at 75MPH on 25MPH roads and even went on the wrong lane yet no policeman whatsoever caught you and neither did anyone dial the police. Complete BS IMO. (This goes perfectly with my heel turn :jason:)
...... You can believe what you want.

-My freind didnt randomly want to do it- it was somewhat planned.

-It was a huge parking lot.. so multiple exits? Not too hard to comprehend.

-Idk how there were no cops, but theres no exaggerations in my story.

-Vicki Guerrero is a better heel than you.
...... You can believe what you want.

-My freind didnt randomly want to do it- it was somewhat planned.

-It was a huge parking lot.. so multiple exits? Not too hard to comprehend.

-Idk how there were no cops, but theres no exaggerations in my story.

-Vicki Guerrero is a better heel than you.

You claim to have run though 3, yep thats right folks 3 friggin red lights yet you nor the guy didnt even touch a car. Just 'nearly' touched a car. Plus your friend is not the smartest guy. Detective Holmes is on the case.
:headscratch: :glare:
Yup. It was a crazy chase. HENCE the title of the thread. Near-death.

And, my friend that shot the thing wasnt the same guy who was driving. There were 7 ppl in the car, detective.
Yup. It was a crazy chase. HENCE the title of the thread. Near-death.

And, my friend that shot the thing wasnt the same guy who was driving. There were 7 ppl in the car, detective.

So far I've conclude that your friend that was driving was drunk and the person who shot the poping thing was on drugs. You were on magic mushrooms and dreamed up of all this while the guy that was the victim, all he did was give you and your friends a well deserved spanking.

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