Welcome to the Prison Y2eh 2.0

You used the word "hacked". I did not.
Exactly. That's the first thing you've said which has been true. You just said you took actions which can only be described as hacking.

You are really bad at this.

You assumed and falsely accused me of a crime.
I did no such thing, I said you insinuated actions which are a crime. I also said we both know you're lying.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

I said it took 42 second to go in and find.
Yup...you can't go in and find anything.

Yes, my computer is slower and my email didn't load very quickly.

Then I went into my email and found the information sitting right there.

You made assumptions based, perhaps, on paranoia about being found out??
Yes, despite running this forum, I have an intense fear someone might think I have multiple accounts...

You really don't understand how to be a good troll, do you?

Also, you claim, again, that I have lied
You have, more times than I've bothered to count at this point.

Look, I know you don't like getting shown up in a place where you feel like you have power, but really, Kid, you're losing your grasp on reality now.
The irony, the never-ending irony of your posts....

As for me not "understanding relevant portions", that is a fallacy
No, it's not. I took direct and relevant portions of your comments and showed how they were contradictory or outright lies. You claimed because I didn't post the other irrelevant information, I took it out of context. Which comes back to you not understanding what the word relevant means when quoting.

You claimed that you quoted the entire texts
The PMs are still available in this thread to be read.

and I showed that you didn't.
Pretty impossible because the complete PMs are still in this thread and I have no control over your blogspot account.

And if you had access to my IP address
I do...all of them you've posted from, in fact.

the funny thing is that you would know that in your threats and false accusations are moot and that the FBI would have no jurisdiction over where I live.
I haven't bothered to look up your IP address yet. Though, I will admit, the link to your blog should have tipped me off to your location in Canada.

Also, the first thing that would be done is that they would look and see that no one but people with legal access would have looked at the IP addresses and you would look like a fool.
If that's the case, then you don't have any information, like I said. You have no source on the forums who can look at IP addresses in the Prison. The only people who can do that are the Admins and G-Mods and they would not give out the IP addresses of users to a random person who is just whining because he can't post on the main site.

Also, if you were to post any information about me, you know full and well that Crave/Evolve would be sued
No they wouldn't. IP addresses have no expectation of privacy. Like I said, you have no idea what you are talking about, you don't even seem to understand what an IP address is.

But, like I said, I'm not going to publish your IP address, because while there is no legal expectation to privacy, I still respect the privacy of our posters, even the silly ones like you. But, also like I said, I'll be happy to provide you a list of every single IP address you've posted from if you need proof.
To be clear, my implication was that by posting your IP information, you would publicly destroy SlyFox's credibility. To be clear, you are asking people to decide who is more credible between the two of you, and to be clear, several people before you have done the whole "I have secret evidence that proves my personal vendetta" thing, and to be clear, they're always full of shit.

So, to be clear, I'm asking you to advance past shit that everyone here has seen before and make this one interesting. If you live away from FBI jurisdiction, that implies you're living outside of the United States, and the worst threat you'd face for that action is the suspension of your recently created Blogspot account.
I've been posting in this thread simply to try and figure out if he was stupid or a troll. I think I've finally figured out it's both.

It's really a shame how bad some people are at trolling. One of these days I should offer lessons or something. After reading this person's posts, I think the title of my first lesson would be, "Don't make provably false statements to people who easily know better".
Well, the whole Kid thing sort of tipped off that he had given up trying to convince people of his point of view and had shifted to trying to be obnoxious.

I just.... I want to see one of these guys do something different, you know? At some point we're going to get the "haha, my master plan all along was to get people posting and responding to me, haha!" post, and I'd just like to skip past that part and the stuff that comes before it.
Well, the whole Kid thing sort of tipped off that he had given up trying to convince people of his point of view and had shifted to trying to be obnoxious.

I just.... I want to see one of these guys do something different, you know? At some point we're going to get the "haha, my master plan all along was to get people posting and responding to me, haha!" post, and I'd just like to skip past that part and the stuff that comes before it.
I always wonder what goes through the head of people who do this and think it's fun. I mean, I completely understand the fun in screwing with people and getting them riled up, but his posts are so obvious, it completely ruins his point.

What likely happened here is he was legitimately upset that he couldn't post on the main site and then upset when he got a Warning and then thrown in the Prison. From there, he wanted "the whole world to know" how he had been wronged and resorted to lying to convince people he was the victim. He was then called on those lies, and that's when his ego probably kicked in and just tried to deny the obvious. At some point, his tantrum probably turned from childish to "I'm going to laugh in order to save my ego" and that's where we find ourselves now.

It really would be an interesting psychological study.
Exactly. That's the first thing you've said which has been true. You just said you took actions which can only be described as hacking.

You are really bad at this.

I did no such thing, I said you insinuated actions which are a crime. I also said we both know you're lying.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Yup...you can't go in and find anything.



Yes, despite running this forum, I have an intense fear someone might think I have multiple accounts...

You really don't understand how to be a good troll, do you?

You have, more times than I've bothered to count at this point.

The irony, the never-ending irony of your posts....

No, it's not. I took direct and relevant portions of your comments and showed how they were contradictory or outright lies. You claimed because I didn't post the other irrelevant information, I took it out of context. Which comes back to you not understanding what the word relevant means when quoting.

The PMs are still available in this thread to be read.

Pretty impossible because the complete PMs are still in this thread and I have no control over your blogspot account.

I do...all of them you've posted from, in fact.

I haven't bothered to look up your IP address yet. Though, I will admit, the link to your blog should have tipped me off to your location in Canada.

If that's the case, then you don't have any information, like I said. You have no source on the forums who can look at IP addresses in the Prison. The only people who can do that are the Admins and G-Mods and they would not give out the IP addresses of users to a random person who is just whining because he can't post on the main site.

No they wouldn't. IP addresses have no expectation of privacy. Like I said, you have no idea what you are talking about, you don't even seem to understand what an IP address is.

But, like I said, I'm not going to publish your IP address, because while there is no legal expectation to privacy, I still respect the privacy of our posters, even the silly ones like you. But, also like I said, I'll be happy to provide you a list of every single IP address you've posted from if you need proof.

Clearly, you never get tired of being wrong. I'll just hit two things here and you can go and cry. If you want a response to the others, you feel free to let me know, because, well, the more I explain this, the more I might be able to claim my internet bill as charity work for giving up my time to teach a moron the reality of the world. One thing I will correct for you is that you stated that you took all texts in the entirety, not just the PMs were used. I proved that you were full of shit on that by posting what you wrote and showing that you lied and did not post all the text. You have just admitted that you lied previously by now claiming that you took what you deemed "relevant", when previously you said you took the entire text. Now, go have a good cry, log in to a different account and respond away, kid. The second is that the source of the information I have received obtained it by legal means and provided it to me via email. It's funny that you have no idea who gave it to me, but turn in circles claiming it couldn't possibly be true. It is kid. Deal with it. This is what I have said since right after you made your false accusation of a crime. I know you don't have any friends, kid, but I do, and they take care of things when I ask them to.
I always wonder what goes through the head of people who do this and think it's fun. I mean, I completely understand the fun in screwing with people and getting them riled up, but his posts are so obvious, it completely ruins his point.

What likely happened here is he was legitimately upset that he couldn't post on the main site and then upset when he got a Warning and then thrown in the Prison. From there, he wanted "the whole world to know" how he had been wronged and resorted to lying to convince people he was the victim. He was then called on those lies, and that's when his ego probably kicked in and just tried to deny the obvious. At some point, his tantrum probably turned from childish to "I'm going to laugh in order to save my ego" and that's where we find ourselves now.

It really would be an interesting psychological study.

Nope, not upset at all, actually. More mildly entertained by the fact that one tiny person, you, could feel so big for volunteering to ruin a message board by being a clown. You seem to be angered by this though, and feel the need to make yourself feel better by changing my screen name and posts.
Now that you've got SlyFox in fevered denial that one of his admins would possibly betray him, posting that IP information you have would be Fatality for this conversation.

*waits on hands*
I don't know that we've ever had a prisoner as dense as this one. He makes Todd, J Strike, Macios and Lying ******ed Crybaby Troll seem like the most upstanding, intelligent posters ever.
Clearly, you never get tired of being wrong.
If I'm ever wrong, I'll let you know if I'm tired of it. As far as the other things you posted here, I didn't even read it. I'm sure I know what it basically said though:

"I didn't lie, you're a liar, I have sources, Kid, etc.".

You're a broken record and even I'm growing bored of you.
Nope, not upset at all, actually.
If you weren't upset, how come you started multiple threads whining about not posting on the forum? How come you created your own blogspot blog?

Your actions and words do not match.

More mildly entertained by the fact that one tiny person, you, could feel so big for volunteering to ruin a message board by being a clown.
I don't feel big so much as I just feel like myself. :shrug:

You seem to be angered by this though
You flatter yourself immensely. I don't become angered at people who post obvious and blatant lies. I just calmly point them out, as I've done multiple times for you.

and feel the need to make yourself feel better by changing my screen name and posts.
Nah, that was just for my enjoyment. The fact you still keep talking about it is rather humorous to me. And let's face it, your screenname is PERFECT for you. The only other name which possibly could have fit would have been Dopey.
Now that you've got SlyFox in fevered denial that one of his admins would possibly betray him, posting that IP information you have would be Fatality for this conversation.

*waits on hands*
He can't do that, he'd get sued, don't you know? Because, according to him, posting IP addresses would get Crave sued, so that's why a Crave admin gave him the IP address of five different accounts. Or however many accounts he claims to be my alts.

See it's those type of obviously false and contradictory statements which just make this not nearly as much fun.
I don't know that we've ever had a prisoner as dense as this one. He makes Todd, J Strike, Macios and Lying ******ed Crababy Troll seem like the most upstanding, intelligent posters ever.

Come on....Slyfox isn't a prisoner, he's a big powerful (volunteer) admin who "flexes his admin muscle by changing people's screen names, changing their posts and lying using multiple accounts". Yes, he is dense, you are correct there.
Come on....Slyfox isn't a prisoner, he's a big powerful (volunteer) admin who "flexes his admin muscle by changing people's screen names, changing their posts and lying using multiple accounts". Yes, he is dense, you are correct there.

Nice try at humor and all, but you really suck at trolling.
If I'm ever wrong, I'll let you know if I'm tired of it. As far as the other things you posted here, I didn't even read it. I'm sure I know what it basically said though:

"I didn't lie, you're a liar, I have sources, Kid, etc.".

You're a broken record and even I'm growing bored of you.
If you weren't upset, how come you started multiple threads whining about not posting on the forum? How come you created your own blogspot blog?

Your actions and words do not match.

I don't feel big so much as I just feel like myself. :shrug:

You flatter yourself immensely. I don't become angered at people who post obvious and blatant lies. I just calmly point them out, as I've done multiple times for you.

Nah, that was just for my enjoyment. The fact you still keep talking about it is rather humorous to me. And let's face it, your screenname is PERFECT for you. The only other name which possibly could have fit would have been Dopey.
He can't do that, he'd get sued, don't you know? Because, according to him, posting IP addresses would get Crave sued, so that's why a Crave admin gave him the IP address of five different accounts. Or however many accounts he claims to be my alts.

See it's those type of obviously false and contradictory statements which just make this not nearly as much fun.

It's good you don't get angry at yourself for posting lies, Kid. Otherwise, people might worry about you, if they cared. I really don't expect some ignorant power starved kid, like you, to understand the intricate finer points of the law, but you, taking your "position" and posting personal information, such as an IP address, on a site like this would be abusing your volunteer position, and would come back on the owner of the site.
None of which stops you from posting this devastating IP address information which you claim to have, that would utterly humiliate SlyFox and end all discussion, and yet can't post because no one would believe you anyways.

So much for The Wrestling Truth. :(
I really don't expect some ignorant power starved kid, like you, to understand the intricate finer points of the law,

If you claim to have all of his alternate accounts IP addresses, why not post the accounts names?

Do you really expect anyone to believe you have a friend that willingly takes time out of his day to send you IP addresses so that you can win a petty online argument? Any real person would tell you to piss off.
If you claim to have all of his alternate accounts IP addresses, why not post the accounts names?

Do you really expect anyone to believe you have a friend that willingly takes time out of his day to send you IP addresses so that you can win a petty online argument? Any real person would tell you to piss off.

He's homies with Rickie Lukens from GTA V. He can hack anything.
I just splurged everywhere.

Yeah, we know. We are all just the same person remember? Now we should clean the screen off & log back in as Sly so we can respond to Elmer's totally true & believable post.

Oh, and we should get the door- the pizza guy is here. Which wallet are we keeping the money in these days?

We are one. We are Slyfox.
I really don't expect some ignorant power starved kid, like you, to understand the intricate finer points of the law
Would that be Canadian law or American law? Not that it matters, your next statement is ridiculous anyways.

but you, taking your "position" and posting personal information, such as an IP address, on a site like this would be abusing your volunteer position, and would come back on the owner of the site.
No it wouldn't. As I said, you have no expectation of privacy with your IP address. If you knew anything about technology, you'd understand why.
We are one. We are Slyfox.
I never thought he'd figure out all 20,000+ accounts on this forum are actually mine. Thought my secret was safe...
Wait a second- you timed to the second how long it took you to go into your e-mail?

Is this a regular habit?
Yeah, we know. We are all just the same person remember? Now we should clean the screen off & log back in as Sly so we can respond to Elmer's totally true & believable post.

Oh, and we should get the door- the pizza guy is here. Which wallet are we keeping the money in these days?

We are one. We are Slyfox.

How do we know we are not Elmer too, and this conflict is not a narrated expression of some form of subconscious guilt. A tiny portion of me is confused?

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