Welcome to the Prison Y2eh 2.0

He calls the site "The Wrestling Truth" yet the whole thing is just him whining about Slyfox.... and he's broken another rule by advertising outside of The Bar Room.
You sure protest a lot for something you claim isn't true.
I'm sure the irony escapes you...
And, by the way, who said anything about "hacking"? I said "go in and find out".
You did. There's no way for you to go in and find out, aside from hacking. IP addresses are not made available for regular members and you're not a member of the Staff.

I didn't say where, and I didn't say how, and you don't know who granted me what permission or information, do you?
Yes, I do, because we have server logs which tell us that kind of information.

I actually hope you're not a troll and are actually this dumb, because if you're just trying to troll, this is embarrassing for you.

But, judging by the level of desperation that seems to exist in your denial, you're essentially confirming it, aren't you? If this wasn't true, you would have sloughed it off and let it go.
Again, irony rears its head.

Keep reading the blog, Kid.
I intend to, everyone needs more humor in their life and reading the stupid things you put on there has made me laugh more than once.

I don't really see why you care if I read it though. You have a blogspot account, you're not making money from me, so I fail to see why you care if I read it.

But, again, I appreciate your admitting to federal crimes. I'll consider passing that along to Crave, I'm sure they look fondly on people hacking their websites. Of course, we both know you're talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about, but wouldn't it be fun for an FBI agent to knock on your mother's door requesting an interview? That sure would be a long walk up those basement stairs.
On a side note, when the Kid changed my screen name here, it was also changed for the main site. But, you don't think there is any connection
Nope. They allow forum login to post to the site. It doesn't change the fact the forum has no control over the main site.

.... Also, when he extended the "ban" to include this forum, it shut down my access to even view the comments on the main page.
Only with your WZ account, because you weren't allowed to login using your WZ forum credentials. You can still view them as a guest.

You obviously have no idea how technology and the Internet work, yet you want us to believe you can hack vBulletin software.

You truly are too stupid for words...
I was thinking the exact same about you...the difference, of course, being that you've proven you're stupid, whereas you're just upset at the fact I'm much smarter than you.

I'll go back to what I said before...do yourself a favor and quit talking stupidly. All it's doing is making you look bad, keeping you in the Prison longer and no one believes anything you say, as made obvious in this thread. Just stop. Even if you're just trying to be a good troll, you're not even doing that right. Take it from someone who is far better at it than you. A good troll never makes obviously false comments, like you have repeatedly done.

Just stop, it's in your best interest.
I'm sure the irony escapes you...
You did. There's no way for you to go in and find out, aside from hacking. IP addresses are not made available for regular members and you're not a member of the Staff.

Yes, I do, because we have server logs which tell us that kind of information.

I actually hope you're not a troll and are actually this dumb, because if you're just trying to troll, this is embarrassing for you.

Again, irony rears its head.

I intend to, everyone needs more humor in their life and reading the stupid things you put on there has made me laugh more than once.

I don't really see why you care if I read it though. You have a blogspot account, you're not making money from me, so I fail to see why you care if I read it.

But, again, I appreciate your admitting to federal crimes. I'll consider passing that along to Crave, I'm sure they look fondly on people hacking their websites. Of course, we both know you're talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about, but wouldn't it be fun for an FBI agent to knock on your mother's door requesting an interview? That sure would be a long walk up those basement stairs.
Nope. They allow forum login to post to the site. It doesn't change the fact the forum has no control over the main site.

Only with your WZ account, because you weren't allowed to login using your WZ forum credentials. You can still view them as a guest.

You obviously have no idea how technology and the Internet work, yet you want us to believe you can hack vBulletin software.

I was thinking the exact same about you...the difference, of course, being that you've proven you're stupid, whereas you're just upset at the fact I'm much smarter than you.

I'll go back to what I said before...do yourself a favor and quit talking stupidly. All it's doing is making you look bad, keeping you in the Prison longer and no one believes anything you say, as made obvious in this thread. Just stop. Even if you're just trying to be a good troll, you're not even doing that right. Take it from someone who is far better at it than you. A good troll never makes obviously false comments, like you have repeatedly done.

Just stop, it's in your best interest.

Show me where I said I "hacked in". Show where I used those exact words. I didn't. So you lied again. You assumed, based on the fact that you have no friends and have to talk to yourself on a message board, that other people don't have connections. Show me where I have "admitted to a federal crime", Kid. Also, I point out the obvious that you don't know who I know, who I am connected to, who may have access to the information I provided. Perhaps I went "into" my email and read the oinformation I have. You don't know, but are clearly grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to deflect from the reality of the situation.
He calls the site "The Wrestling Truth" yet the whole thing is just him whining about Slyfox.... and he's broken another rule by advertising outside of The Bar Room.

I'd gladly post the blog address in the "Bar Room" but Slyfox, in an attempt to feel good about his pathetic existence, has banned me from posting there. You see, in acts of sheer cowardice, he attempts to keep people from having intellectual debates and resorts to changing my screen name, altering my blog address and changing my posts. He demonstrates what a gutless person he is with every one of these actions. It's truly a shame to, since the majority of "real" posters on these forums actually want to talk about wrestling, and Slyfox wants to talk about me.
Show me where I said I "hacked in". Show where I used those exact words. I didn't. So you lied again. You assumed, based on the fact that you have no friends and have to talk to yourself on a message board, that other people don't have connections. Show me where I have "admitted to a federal crime", Kid. Also, I point out the obvious that you don't know who I know, who I am connected to, who may have access to the information I provided. Perhaps I went "into" my email and read the oinformation I have. You don't know, but are clearly grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to deflect from the reality of the situation.
You'd pretty much shut SlyFox down entirely if you were to post the IP addresses visiting your blog, along with the IP address information you're repeatedly alluding to getting from somewhere on this site.

If names are an issue, you can just scrub them. There's so many mods on this board you'd start an epic witch hunt amongst them, and if only admins have access to that, we'd see a nuclear war between SlyFox and KB.

This way we can avoid all of this back and forth stuff about who has or doesn't have what. If you're worried about someone coming in and deleting it, you could always post the information at your blog, or hey, I'll even screen cap it for you.
Show me where I said I "hacked in". Show where I used those exact words. I didn't. So you lied again.
Show me where I claimed you said you used the exact word "hack". You can't, because I didn't. I said you claimed to have hacked, not that you used the word hack.

But the claim you made could have only been accomplished with a hack, so while you may not have used the exact words, you were either lying (which we both know you were) or you hacked and broke the law. Either way, it looks really bad for you.

You assumed, based on the fact that you have no friends and have to talk to yourself on a message board, that other people don't have connections.
No, I just know vBulletin software and I know how to read logs. You can have all the connections you want, but unless you did something illegal, you have no idea what the IP addresses are of anyone based on this forum.

Why do you constantly lie? Is your life really so sad you have nothing better to do than make up obviously fictitious statements?

Also, I point out the obvious that you don't know who I know, who I am connected to, who may have access to the information I provided.
I do know that YOU haven't accessed anything and that you were lying when you claimed multiple people were my alts, just like those same people told you they weren't. Furthermore, I actually DO have access to IP addresses, I can list every IP address you've ever posted from. I won't, to preserve your privacy, but if you'd like me to prove it, I'd be happy to do so.

Perhaps I went "into" my email and read the oinformation I have.
You said, and I quote (the entire thing, because you obviously don't understand quoting only relevant portions):

It took a grand total of 42 seconds for me to go in and figure out that at least 5 of the people posting in the WZ forum in support of this Slyfox kid all have the same IP address. And, low and behold, all have the same address as the Slyfox kid. This, of course means, 1 guy, multiple accounts trying to seem like he has support. Not sure if he figured out that I was on to this because right after I checked, he started changing my posts. The BEST part is that the same IP address checks this blog multiple times during the day. Thanks for your support, Kid.
If you had "gone in" and it only took you "a grand total of 42 seconds", then that wouldn't be e-mail. Furthermore, who would have given you the information? Nobody on the forum likes you and apparently nobody on the main page does either.

You don't know, but are clearly grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to deflect from the reality of the situation.
I do know, because you have told obvious lies over and over again. That's why I can't decide if you're stupid or just a really bad troll. A stupid person would believe the lies he's told and a good troll would never tell an obvious lie.
Show me where I claimed you said you used the exact word "hack". You can't, because I didn't. I said you claimed to have hacked, not that you used the word hack.

But the claim you made could have only been accomplished with a hack, so while you may not have used the exact words, you were either lying (which we both know you were) or you hacked and broke the law. Either way, it looks really bad for you.

No, I just know vBulletin software and I know how to read logs. You can have all the connections you want, but unless you did something illegal, you have no idea what the IP addresses are of anyone based on this forum.

Why do you constantly lie? Is your life really so sad you have nothing better to do than make up obviously fictitious statements?

I do know that YOU haven't accessed anything and that you were lying when you claimed multiple people were my alts, just like those same people told you they weren't. Furthermore, I actually DO have access to IP addresses, I can list every IP address you've ever posted from. I won't, to preserve your privacy, but if you'd like me to prove it, I'd be happy to do so.

You said, and I quote (the entire thing, because you obviously don't understand quoting only relevant portions):

If you had "gone in" and it only took you "a grand total of 42 seconds", then that wouldn't be e-mail. Furthermore, who would have given you the information? Nobody on the forum likes you and apparently nobody on the main page does either.

I do know, because you have told obvious lies over and over again. That's why I can't decide if you're stupid or just a really bad troll. A stupid person would believe the lies he's told and a good troll would never tell an obvious lie.

You used the word "hacked". I did not. You assumed and falsely accused me of a crime. You, thus lied saying that I hacked in to anything. I said it took 42 second to go in and find. Yes, my computer is slower and my email didn't load very quickly. Then I went into my email and found the information sitting right there. Clearly, you understand what it's like to be slower. You made assumptions based, perhaps, on paranoia about being found out?? Not sure what your reason for feeling the need to jump to conclusions is, Kid, but I have again explained how you are wrong. Also, you claim, again, that I have lied and yet have not proven anything to anyone who is "real'. I took each of your accusations and explained clearly how it was wrong. Look, I know you don't like getting shown up in a place where you feel like you have power, but really, Kid, you're losing your grasp on reality now.

As for me not "understanding relevant portions", that is a fallacy since all I did was show you how you lied. You claimed that you quoted the entire texts and I showed that you didn't. I'm pretty sure that losing grasp on reality thing is the reason for that, or, maybe you're just dumb as dirt.

And if you had access to my IP address, the funny thing is that you would know that in your threats and false accusations are moot and that the FBI would have no jurisdiction over where I live. Also, the first thing that would be done is that they would look and see that no one but people with legal access would have looked at the IP addresses and you would look like a fool. Also, if you were to post any information about me, you know full and well that Crave/Evolve would be sued, and they would throw your volunteering ass under the bus faster than you could spell your name. Now, granted that would give you more time than any normal functioning person, but you should get the point, and if you don't, ask someone.
Do we really have to do the whole "I have devastating information I won't show anyone" thing again? Not you Elmer, I'm more referring to the dozen or so people in this section who have done this in the past.
But, again, I appreciate your admitting to federal crimes. I'll consider passing that along to Crave, I'm sure they look fondly on people hacking their websites.Of course, we both know you're talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about, but wouldn't it be fun for an FBI agent to knock on your mother's door requesting an interview? That sure would be a long walk up those basement stairs.

C-c-combo kill.


It's been a while since I've seen this kind of Slyfox, nice wee nostalgia trip.
C-c-combo kill.


It's been a while since I've seen this kind of Slyfox, nice wee nostalgia trip.

The problem though is that Slyfox is lying as he has taken his own false assumptions and attempted to pass them off as reality. I guess this is what they call the WZ way.
And by posting that IP information you have, you'd completely destroy SlyFox's credibility in a very visible way. As it stands now, it's he-said-she-said, and you're asking us to pick who's more credible.

Seriously, are we doing this?
he attempts to keep people from having intellectual debates

You have got to be shitting me.

1) You have made no attempt to debate or be intellectual. Just whining like a bitch because your shitty comments were deleted.

2) If there is one person on WZ who encourages intellectual debates- it is Sly. Considering its is public knowledge the man knows what he is talking about & has more than proven that against dumass kids like yourself.

the FBI would have no jurisdiction over where I live.

Further proving your stupidity...

Even if you lived outside the U.S., if you commit a crime against the country (breaking into a physical location, hacking a server based in said country, commit crime against a citizen of said country, etc) the FBI frowns upon that & if they cant arrest you themselves- they have a working relationship with many countries to bring assholes to justice for their crimes.

Now you really dont need to worry do you? Because we all know you are talking out of your ass with no real knowledge of shit. You done fucked up when you said all of us were the same person & you know the truth. Obviously you dont & have not really figured out how all this works. Likely because you are young, foolish & have no idea how things actually work.

Here is a tip. If you want to talk shit & sound like you are knowledgeable about a subject- at least take 42 seconds to do some research. That way it isnt so easy for smart people to blow your cover & prove your ignorance.

You have got to be shitting me.

1) You have made no attempt to debate or be intellectual. Just whining like a bitch because your shitty comments were deleted.

2) If there is one person on WZ who encourages intellectual debates- it is Sly. Considering its is public knowledge the man knows what he is talking about & has more than proven that against dumass kids like yourself.

Further proving your stupidity...

Even if you lived outside the U.S., if you commit a crime against the country (breaking into a physical location, hacking a server based in said country, commit crime against a citizen of said country, etc) the FBI frowns upon that & if they cant arrest you themselves- they have a working relationship with many countries to bring assholes to justice for their crimes.

Now you really dont need to worry do you? Because we all know you are talking out of your ass with no real knowledge of shit. You done fucked up when you said all of us were the same person & you know the truth. Obviously you dont & have not really figured out how all this works. Likely because you are young, foolish & have no idea how things actually work.

Here is a tip. If you want to talk shit & sound like you are knowledgeable about a subject- at least take 42 seconds to do some research. That way it isnt so easy for smart people to blow your cover & prove your ignorance.


You are a moron. First, I didn't do what Slyfox said. Second, as stated, if he tried to "report" anything, it would found to be false. Finally, I seriously doubt, even if they could, that the FBI would worry about a wrestling message board which is part of a site that plagiarizes the majority of its information. The point is that for the false accusation being made, the FBI would not have jurisdiction and any other government wouldn't likely care.
And by posting that IP information you have, you'd completely destroy SlyFox's credibility in a very visible way. As it stands now, it's he-said-she-said, and you're asking us to pick who's more credible.

Seriously, are we doing this?

To be clear, it is Slyfox, not me, who said he wanted to post IP addresses. I did not say anything about posting them.
You have got to be shitting me.

1) You have made no attempt to debate or be intellectual. Just whining like a bitch because your shitty comments were deleted.

2) If there is one person on WZ who encourages intellectual debates- it is Sly. Considering its is public knowledge the man knows what he is talking about & has more than proven that against dumass kids like yourself.

Further proving your stupidity...

Even if you lived outside the U.S., if you commit a crime against the country (breaking into a physical location, hacking a server based in said country, commit crime against a citizen of said country, etc) the FBI frowns upon that & if they cant arrest you themselves- they have a working relationship with many countries to bring assholes to justice for their crimes.

Now you really dont need to worry do you? Because we all know you are talking out of your ass with no real knowledge of shit. You done fucked up when you said all of us were the same person & you know the truth. Obviously you dont & have not really figured out how all this works. Likely because you are young, foolish & have no idea how things actually work.

Here is a tip. If you want to talk shit & sound like you are knowledgeable about a subject- at least take 42 seconds to do some research. That way it isnt so easy for smart people to blow your cover & prove your ignorance.


I started out pointing out a very real situation from the main page. I have since been forced to explain and re-explain to morons how wrong they are. If the cognitively impaired folk would go back to their hole(s), then intellectual conversation could be had by all. While idiots like you continue not to understand life outside your parents' basement, it seems impossible here.
To be clear, it is Slyfox, not me, who said he wanted to post IP addresses. I did not say anything about posting them.
To be clear, my implication was that by posting your IP information, you would publicly destroy SlyFox's credibility. To be clear, you are asking people to decide who is more credible between the two of you, and to be clear, several people before you have done the whole "I have secret evidence that proves my personal vendetta" thing, and to be clear, they're always full of shit.

So, to be clear, I'm asking you to advance past shit that everyone here has seen before and make this one interesting. If you live away from FBI jurisdiction, that implies you're living outside of the United States, and the worst threat you'd face for that action is the suspension of your recently created Blogspot account.
To be clear, my implication was that by posting your IP information, you would publicly destroy SlyFox's credibility. To be clear, you are asking people to decide who is more credible between the two of you, and to be clear, several people before you have done the whole "I have secret evidence that proves my personal vendetta" thing, and to be clear, they're always full of shit.

So, to be clear, I'm asking you to advance past shit that everyone here has seen before and make this one interesting. If you live away from FBI jurisdiction, that implies you're living outside of the United States, and the worst threat you'd face for that action is the suspension of your recently created Blogspot account.

My implication, ah fuck it, it's a straight forward statement since morons don't understand anything subtle, is that I don't care what Slyfox and his various accounts write on here. I don't need to post anything to know what I have received as information. You can believe whatever you'd like. Clearly you believe you are a normal functioning person, and that isn't true either, so what you believe is not of my interest. You believe that the Slyfox account is posting truth even though I have proven that to be untrue, so clearly you can get blasted over the head with reality, but you won't believe it.
Now truthfully... Who is a moron? Us, or the guy arguing back & forth replying seperately to people he claims is all the same person?

The sad thing is, when we all get tired of laughing at you & leave- you somehow will consider that a 'win'. Just like all the other ignorant folks before you.

So instead of joining the ranks & continue proving you wrong like others have- I will now just respond with humorous & inspirational messages while Sly, Rayne & others attempt to educate your ignorance\stupidity.

We've seen the "I could, but no one would believe me so I won't" thing before too, several times. Please take this whole trope in a different direction.
My implication, ah fuck it, it's a straight forward statement since morons don't understand anything subtle, is that I don't care what Slyfox and his various accounts write on here.

Yes, creating a blogspot dedicated to what Slyfox writes on here shows how much you don't care about what he says.

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