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I see he's now claiming he's committed a felony by hacking the forum software.

THAT is something I'm sure Crave and the FBI would be very interested to know about...if he wasn't so obviously full of it.
I used to wonder how Rayne could go on and on with Todd for what seemed like a giant circle of stupidity filled with logical gaps. I mean, they would literally go nowhere because Todd always came back to "My theories (farfetched ones at that) are right until you prove them wrong. Even if you do, I'm right." God forbid someone explain the definition of a theory to him.

After not having it for awhile, this thread was fun.
I always get a kick out of watching people learn the "rights" lesson through example. There's always that mystery at the end when they disappear- did they get it, and slink away and try to forget it happened? Or did they finally just run out of their considerable stamina?

To this day I wonder that about Todd. For all we know, he dropped out of dog grooming school and is working on a bachelor's.
I used to wonder how Rayne could go on and on with Todd for what seemed like a giant circle of stupidity filled with logical gaps. I mean, they would literally go nowhere because Todd always came back to "My theories (farfetched ones at that) are right until you prove them wrong. Even if you do, I'm right." God forbid someone explain the definition of a theory to him.

After not having it for awhile, this thread was fun.
Winter's the slow season for my business. Instead of being outside, I'm trapped at a computer. Hence, this.

Todd was either the single greatest troll in the history of existence, or a completely unique mind which was entirely incapable of recognizing shades of grey. I use the past tense because I'm presuming he's killed himself by now.
Todd was either the single greatest troll in the history of existence, or a completely unique mind which was entirely incapable of recognizing shades of grey. I use the past tense because I'm presuming he's killed himself by now.

Probably arguing with the bullet. :rolleyes:
We all have the same IP address apparently. I wonder if it's forums.wrestlezone.com/

Who am I kidding, that's probably what he thinks.
I now retract my previous statement. This kid is not only ignorant, but seems to be quite confused.

So, to be clear.... We all do not exist. Fudd thinks we are just extensions of Sly's mind that have been secretly lying in wait with separate accounts- just to come to his own defense when Sly 'abuses' his power against those that seek the truth?

What the hell?! Is this kid trying to write some sort of X-Files fan fiction wrestling crossover? Someone call the local psych wards- they are missing a patient.
So, what, Sly is like Agent Smith in The Matrix and can take us over at any time?

Of course that would make Fudd the Neo of this idea. Oh the horror.
You sure protest a lot for something you claim isn't true. And, by the way, who said anything about "hacking"? I said "go in and find out". I didn't say where, and I didn't say how, and you don't know who granted me what permission or information, do you? But, judging by the level of desperation that seems to exist in your denial, you're essentially confirming it, aren't you? If this wasn't true, you would have sloughed it off and let it go.

Keep reading the blog, Kid.

Does your life suck that bad that you created a blog 'exposing the truth' about something that does not exist? Why? To gain support from faceless people on the internet who have no idea what you are rambling about in the first place? Who do you hope to reach that will or has the power to help your 'cause'?

I hope the attention you are getting by us all laughing at you somehow fills the void of your life. Now you can go back to cutting yourself & waiting by the door for daddy to come home.

We are one. We are Slyfox. Now bring us cake.
Does your life suck that bad that you created a blog 'exposing the truth' about something that does not exist? Why? To gain support from faceless people on the internet who have no idea what you are rambling about in the first place? Who do you hope to reach that will or has the power to help your 'cause'?

I hope the attention you are getting by us all laughing at you somehow fills the void of your life. Now you can go back to cutting yourself & waiting by the door for daddy to come home.

We are one. We are Slyfox. Now bring us cake.

Thanks for continuing to read the blog, Kid.

You're the ******ed jackass that can't get it through your thick skull that the forum and main page are completely separate entities under the same branch.

Nor do you understand what "ban" means.

On a side note, when the Kid changed my screen name here, it was also changed for the main site. But, you don't think there is any connection.... Also, when he extended the "ban" to include this forum, it shut down my access to even view the comments on the main page. But, you don't think there is any connection.... You truly are too stupid for words...
When calling people by the term "Kid", does it hurt less when Uncle Chester touches you at Christmas?
When calling people by the term "Kid", does it hurt less when Uncle Chester touches you at Christmas?
This is kind of my fault. I told him that calling everyone "Kid" sort of ruined the effect he was trying to have, which had the same effect as telling a woman that she's acting crazy in the middle of an argument.
This is kind of my fault. I told him that calling everyone "Kid" sort of ruined the effect he was trying to have, which had the same effect as telling a woman that she's acting crazy in the middle of an argument.

It's fairly obvious you've never spoken to a woman, much less, interacted long enough to have had an argument, so, clearly you're talking out your ass again.
In the course of four days I've been Mark Madden and SlyFox. We're all over the road here, man, get your shit together.

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